Avatar of Mateotis
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    1. Mateotis 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Life is great!
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Been here a while.

@MyCatGinger is my girl.

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Alright, I actually have a contingency in place for events like this.

Well now I'm really interested.
Fight Club
@Sputnik A true classic. It's simply a joy to listen to after completing the game, plus it expresses GLaDOS very well. 10/10.

Now for my other favourite franchise, and the single best track in the first game!


And I would've kept it too for a while, were it not for you meddling kids!

Oh, as for actual bad writing, I find this article a pretty hilarious showcase:

Low-hanging fruit, but dramatic readings will always hold a special place in my heart. The guy's other videos are also well-worth watching!
@pugbutter The first few seconds of that I was thinking it'd be heavy metal. The mood switch was a pleasant surprise and the rest of the song sounds fun to jam out to. 7.5/10.

The root process goes without a hitch, no bricking and no SU issues.

You drop your phone the very next day, shattering the screen. Since your warranty is effectively void now, good luck with paying for repair or a totally new phone where you have to go through the process all over again!

I wish I could freeze and continue time whenever I please, in a way that I am not affected.
Mass Effect 1 and Crusader Kings II.

Shit, if the worlds in ME were as eager to band together against threats as the nations are in the Defensive Pacts in CK2, the Reapers would have been defeated after they took their first planet. Though I guess they're more like the Aztec invaders. In which case we end up with near-canon events.

but then again, who even has Sunset Invasion?
@SleepingSilence 6/10, felt it was pretty generic. I liked the first 30 seconds the most, before the singing.

I was about to rant about the lack of Witcher in this thread, but then I found some on the first page. God bless you, @Dark Wind.

Though it's very difficult for me to pick out my favourites (yes, extreme fanboy here), I've settled on these two. One from the base game, one from Blood and Wine (which is as good as the base game on it's own, damn).

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