Avatar of medalliah


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Sorry to those waiting on me - exhausted today, need to sleep
7 yrs ago
@Otaku95 - Good luck with that
7 yrs ago
Sorry to all waiting on me - been a long day. Will try to get back to roleplays tomorrow
7 yrs ago
@The Elvenqueen - did you make it to the phone at least?
7 yrs ago
You mean I can't send my Lady and the Tramp/My Little Pony crossover idea? Boo


Most Recent Posts

@duskshine749@hivekiller@Duoya@Loki Odinson

I think we're waiting on you guys

There's one reply!
@Sodie Pop@Masterkeun@Blueflame

Snow White nodded, backing away behind red swinging her staff at one of them again. It took damage, and looked hurt! She saw what Frau S was doing, and that made her feel more confident.

She couldn't shake the strange feeling though. Why does this feel so real?

"Ok! Let's kill them!" she called out in what was the least battle-like voice, swinging at the slimes hoping they wouldn't split again. It was looking good for the heroes now!

The power to always be the centre of style and fashion! I want it so I can always be stylish
I've seen a few things stand up to attention with this thread.

I cannot unsee them.
Jailed for unlawful meditation
Poisonous Snake
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