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2 yrs ago
Current How do I relearn this craft? I'm so discouraged at myself.


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Don't worry about it hun.
You can come in a little late into the rp as long as you're not holding anyone back :) No worries

You're more than welcome to work at Nicky's or a diner of your making c:

Yes! Definitely.
I have a character sheet for her all ready to go, i'll send you a PM.
Please let it be known that:

A) You may play family members of any of the Human of Interests characters or the characters themself.
B) You may play an entire family within the town, but must have ties to other player's characters
C) You may play any sort of police members, or the police chief if you'd so prefer.
D) You may play the murderer but you must be VERY discreet! Please PM me if you are interested.

Players CAN die in this role play, but I will make it up to the players on who they would like to see murdered.

You may not run more than 3 characters at one time, if your characters die you may replace with another character.
| Residents of Dixie Inn |

▾ Bailey Renee Sinclaire - MissCapnCrunch
▾ Magdalena Lyric Weissburg & Reyna Summer Smith - Irisity
▾ Shawn Oliver Sinclaire - MechonRaptor
▾ Shauna Martina Jenkins - Mskennedy615
▾ Caleb Hunter Caverly & Matías Mateo Díaz - Apoalo
▾ Elizabeth Courtney Jones & Courtney Veronica Nightingale - SouffleGirl123
▾ Tatiana Díaz - Gowi
▾ Arthur Kenelm Collins & Mitchell Harris Hill - Alexfangtalon
▾ Leith Matteo Meyer & Jessica Grace McAdam - Spud
▾ Sawyer Henry Dupont - SheriffLlama

| Dearly Departed |

▾ Olivia Ramirez

| Welcome to Dixie Inn, Louisiana |

A small town with no more than 400 people within it's borders. Your family and your friend's families have been situated in their homes for years and years. Not much change happens in Dixie. Most of our time consists of fishing, farming, going to school, and just trying not to die of boredom. But since its summer break, the real fun can begin- or can it?

A group of younger kids were down by the bridge, digging out a canal from the bayou so they could make themselves their own little private "pool" to hang out in when all of a sudden one of the kids picked out what appeared to be some human remains. Shocking and terrifying the younger kids ran to their older siblings to take a look at what they found just to make sure that it wasn't just their active imaginations. Turns out, it was a young woman's remains after all. The picture of her mangled body still engraved in their thoughts and dreams.

Dixie Inn's police force was not the ideal team to have on the case but they took quick initiative to try to find the reasoning behind the young woman's murder. Would this be the first of many? Did the murder have a motive? These questions were not just on the mind of the police force but also in the minds of the kids who originally found the body.

I guess this summer will have some excitement after all.

| Rules |

▾ Don't be a dick.

▾ When in doubt, pinky out.

▾ Absolutely no one liners or speed posting.

▾ No over powerful players, or God modding allowed.

▾ This is a mature roleplay, but please follow the RPG guidelines.

▾ You may play 2-3 characters as long as you're able to handle that many.

▾ Dedicate yourself to the roleplay, to me, and to your fellow roleplayers. If you cannot continue, let us know!

| Character Sheet |

| Humans of Interest |

| Places of Interest |

c: Hey guys, posting OOC right now.
I'll link it here once it's created- please come in an un-orderly super chaotic manner, thankyou <3
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