Avatar of Mysaren
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 327 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Mysaren 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Life is stressful.
7 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
Love will tear us apart again.
8 yrs ago
like kevin costner.
8 yrs ago
just btw, if i happen to be in your rp, i apologize if i don't post super duper often, as i'm currently in high school and usually p busy with that. i'll definitely reply when i can, bur rl is first


the human equivalent of losing a sneeze

Most Recent Posts

@Buddha@Mysaren doesnt have to be in PM, just move it to the bitchfest thread, I've got warm popcorn ready.

i hate to be a disappointment but it's pretty civilized so far :(
this is about another website, but my lovely 1x1 partner. she's so great, and amazing, and is always there for me, and i really cannot be more thankful for her. she's always there when i need her. <3
dammit, I wanted to see a fuckin' fight

don't worry, as soon as it starts getting good i'll start posting the messages :P
@Buddha We can move this to PM if you want. I'd love to hear what you have to say :^)
@Buddha The MRA movement as a whole is a complete joke, and their entire purpose is to just be like "BUT THE MENZ ARE OPPRESSED 2 :((". Feminists do more for mens rights then actual MRAs do, because they focus on the actual problems.
<Snipped quote by Mysaren>

As much as I hate MRA's, I hate feminists more.

Here's why:

And here's my unpopular opinion:

First wave feminism was good. 2nd wave feminism was.. eh, but it's not bad.

Modern feminism is misandry in a social justice jacket pretending that they're not retarded.

you hate feminism more because of one incident of someone pulling a fire alarm, compared to an entire history of systemic oppression? and what do mras do again?

edit: also, modern feminism is doing a lot. anti-feminists seem to be pretty willfully ignorant to the things that feminists are doing/trying to do, but thats just me onion.
Will have a character up either today or tomorrow.

<Snipped quote by Mysaren>

I didn't realise Lawrence was a member of this site.

shh. i need a place to roleplay all of my hatsune miku fantasies.
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