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If you are still accepting, I will try to whip something up today and PM you with it. Skimmed through the info, but want to re-read the details and see what other characters' abilities are before I go writing it up.
Hello again, folks. I hope all of your collaborations are going well! I'll have another update up once everyone's made a post (or enough time has passed that we need to move on).

Sounds good! Ideally, I would love to see posts from our new people @HueMan @Warriorbulb, and maybe they can add their characters to the list. Actually, I am rather needy, I would love to see posts from everyone! Where has Heinz been? @Eirene

Just kidding. I am patient. Totally patient...yup.
Clearly, we all want to interact with Amos :P

I had some follow up to our convo in my last. If Amos feels inclined to bring anything else up, then feel free to message me.

Haha well if it were my choice, it probably wouldn't be Amos either. But I said who Rhys would gravitate towards. I would pick Cormac, and though he had noticed the mast, Rhys hasn't really seen him make decisions that seem to benefit the group yet. :)

I agree lets wait and see how things play out among them, and see if a more natural leader emerges.
Haha oops. Lol. We will figure it out... Somehow. :)
Thanks for not bothering to include Rhys in the running, @Carantathraiel :P

I vote Amos. The guy who knows how hard it is to stitch things up is a good person to decide when something is too risky. I might say Heinz, but I don't feel like I know him well-enough yet.

Finding out what might help with sea sickness was relatively easy. Though there weren’t any people on the crew who suffered from it (as working on a ship would be a pretty awful career choice for someone who grew sick from the motion), there were a few recommendations. One crew member suggested a stiff drink, though Rhys didn’t lend much credence to that suggestion. The two that he took more seriously were peppermint oil, and ginger, in the form of the root or the tea. A brief conversation with the chef revealed that men don’t drink tea, so he had to settle for the root.

He could have paid for the ginger root, but Rhys was more keen on offering himself to take a position around the ship to earn it. It didn’t waste his wages, and allowed him to stay busy. Since he had asked the cook, he ended up working in the kitchens, cleaning pots and helping ration their food for the journey. Rhys wasn’t a pro in the kitchen, but it was a good experience, and he was small enough to stay out of the way of the rather rotund cook the majority of the time.

Rhys delivered the ginger to Amos when he had finished, unsure if it was something that the man had already tried. “I don’t know much about ginger, but it was recommended by some of the crew. They said you can grind it into tea, or just cut off slivers and eat it.” He gave a small shrug, unsure how sound the advice was. There was about a tablespoon of ginger in the hunk that Rhys got, and after passing it off to Amos, he reminded the man to let him know if he needed any more, or anything else. If Amos questioned his kindness, Rhys’ response would be simple. “Keeping you alive and healthy now keeps us all alive and healthy later. You are arguably the most important person in the crew.”

The next few days on the ship passed rather calmly. Rhys stayed busy, moving around and learning the things he could. He liked how…different the ship was. Everything was new, even though some of the things were old, and the people…well they hardly looked twice at him. Rhys heard about the issue with the mast a little while after it transpired. He had been taking care of his own business at the time, and so wasn’t present when they lowered the mast and evaluated the tiny fractures along its length.

It was, however, a good excuse for them to make a quick stop in another city, and they would have a few days here. Rhys, for one, didn’t require getting a room off of the ship, and didn’t mind sleeping there while they maintained port. During the better days, he wandered to the shops, looking at the various trinkets. The armor didn’t catch his interest much, and would have surely slowed him down. Neither did the boots, but mostly because his feet were rather small, and the boots he had now fit fine. There were a few foods he considered spoiling himself with, and one or two trinkets he debated purchasing, though he saved those for the later days, to give himself time to consider his options. He had more gold provided to him for this trip than he had seen in his entire life, and though a part of him wanted to go out and have a grand time, he knew that would penalize him greatly later.
@WarriorbulbIt's all good, everyone is getting into the swing of things, it seems. RP talk amongst characters can be PM or in the thread. It is up to you. I went to PM because I felt like it would bog down the thread to have a bunch of back and forths in there, but you do what feels right to you.

When I inquired earlier, I don't remember anyone having a problem with PMs being used, so pick who you'd like to talk to and go for it!
I intend to post again to follow up regarding Amos, but I was hoping to hear something concrete from @deltav regarding possession of the crew NPCs.
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