Avatar of PrivateVentures
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 730 (0.27 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. PrivateVentures 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
still in and out of doctors and chiropractors. at least i get drugs for it lol
7 yrs ago
Locked into a new schedule. Only gonna be on here around 11:00 A.M. EST to 1:30 P.M. EST.
7 yrs ago
I don't understand why people like Supernatural so much.
7 yrs ago
Might have to move back in with my parents. This town is toxic and my leasing company is criminal. I'm tired of spending my free time with my attorney.
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I write a little bit of everything. If you really want to know what sort of things my mind goes to, here's a link:Pens and Swords

In the end, I like to think I'm an easygoing, friendly, and personable fellow. And I would certainly consider myself skilled in the art of non-aggressive communicatio- WHATCHU SAY ABOUT MY MOM

Most Recent Posts

@Infamous Empath@Ryougu@Gunther@LordofthePies

No worries, guys. Empath, you should hop onto the Discord chat. We've been discussing strategies and tactics on there in real time. Better for it than here.

Folks, feel free to post your "waking from cryosleep" intros whenever you're ready. Empath, when your character sheet is done, I'll PM you a description of the new gear in your character's foot locker.
"This is your captain speaking! Change of plan, guys. I know we're not where we're supposed to be. I see that. I know that we should be orbiting Titan right now, and I know that instead, we are now approaching Europa. Change of plan. I know you guys are about as frustrated as I am, moving 'secret' cargo back and forth and back and forth and BACK AND FORTH AND BACK AND- fuck, man. WE ARE UNDERPAID AND UNDERAPPRECIATED, and I AM SICK OF IT. I made sixty fucking credits on the last run. A RUN THAT COST US OVER TWENTY GRAND TO MAKE! What, they think Argon is cheap? FUCK EM! FUCK EM ALL! I can't even pay my own GODDAMN CREW. I'm tired of this shit. I'm tired of being told I can't ask what I'm transporting. I'm tired of being told I can't be paid more because 'it isn't in the budget'. I'm tired to paying you guys under MINIMUM FUCKING WAGE because some asshole thinks he can take advantage of me! I'm tired of fighting off pirates to deliver potentially hazardous shit to sketchy people who tell me it's not their responsibility to compensate us! I'm tired of NO BENEFITS! I'M TIRED OF NO RAISES! I'M TIRED OF GETTING FED SHIT AND BEING KEPT IN THE DARK LIKE A GODDAMN FUNGUS. It's time to show them they can't push us around.

See that ship out there? They're carrying something valuable. Something we transported. I put a tracker on it. Yeah, it's fucking illegal, what do I fucking care? I tracked this piece of crap all the way here, and apparently, it's worth something, just like EVERY OTHER THING they have us move. Let's take it back. Let's see how badly they really want it.
I'll tell you what, though. Check your lockers. I've got a little something special in there for everyone. Took me forever to build, but they are fucking fantastic. Sorry about yelling, Mei, when you tried to open up the observation deck, but I had them in there, and I wanted to keep them secret.

Smith, for you, I've got a custom combat suit, completely modular, with a magnetic band around the waist for all your tools and shit. Suit's powered to give you an edge in hand-to-hand, a little extra strength. Check your sword too. Notice the bigger handle? Bigger microbattery, more power. Fuck em up.

Mei, for you, a custom stealthsuit, with more stable active camo, modified for faster reflexes. They'll be lucky to even see you now. You may also notice that little blue box on your SMG. It's a UV laser. If my calculations are correct, it should give it greater range and accuracy, by giving the bolts a line to run down.
R-Three, you may notice that you're a tad heavier now. If you check your back, you'll see a brand new gridded-ion thruster. Now you're a heavy mech who can get the jump on even the fastest scout shuttle. Oh, yeah, and that extra barrel on your carbine is a big harpoon. Yeah, it's electrified. Try not to dry-fire it, I haven't tested it a lot.

Alright, guys, here's the plan: Smith, fuck something up. I don't care what- actually, try not to break anything vital. We need something worth repairing. I also need you to put together an EMP device. Something big. I'm talking argocide here. I'm talking something big enough to be a ship-killer.

Mei, I need you to sneak it onto their shuttle if you can. Once we've got them crippled, we'll hold them captive. Then we board.
R-Three, you'll be our vanguard on that. Get in there, be scary, see if you can convince their Mech that it would be in its best interest to join us. If it refuses, use that new harpoon.

Oh, and I've got a bottle of 2008 Chardonnay for anyone who brings me the head of Jakar Rhiner. You know Rhiner, that asshole who contracted us? THE ONE WHO SIGNS OUR FUCKING CHECKS? I'm gonna put that fucker's head on ice and look at it when I'm sad.
@Infamous Empath Go for it. I'm putting up the intro post now, I'll add you in when your character is ready. Let's just say you overslept.
@Infamous Empath Which one are you going with? Or are you planning on a character with different sets of equipment, to switch around to fit the mission? Or is it a trio?

Personally, I think the cowboy at the top is my favorite. Reminds me of Roland of Gilead, who the Deschain Variant is named after.
@Mega Birb
Then I think we have our answer.
@Rithy@Silver Fox

I think at this point, Phalanx should sleep with one optical sensor open.
@Infamous Empath Hey, that's the reason we're here, right? For the fantasy of it all?
Whew! First therapy session, out of the way
Ellis dreamed. He dreamed of great golden spires and flaming sunsets, broken by the cold violet light of dawn in cataclysmic bursts of divine illumination. He stood on a precipice of incalculable height, watching red flashes and blue lights below, the remnants of a war now over. A cloudburst of orange light stung his eyes. Above him rose a white ship, hard and angular, orange streaks painted over its hull. Ellis stared, jaw agape, while it rained lightning down to the ground. Screams met his ears. A burning cigarette fell impossibly slowly in front of his face, embers floating and fading and floating and fading...

Ellis awoke. He was alone, still sitting on a large toolbox. The dim lights of the storage compartment gave him just enough to see by. The workbench nearby, likely steel, was covered in bolts and screws and wires and broken tools. A Predator pistol grip. The barrel of a Mantis rifle. This had been someone's workroom, though the thin layer of dust on everything told him it hadn't been used in at least a week or two. "NERO, how long has it been? Since I fell asleep."

"One hour, thirty-six minutes, operative." A good nap.

Ellis stood, and stretched his back. He was still tired, but there was work to be done. First thing's first. Time to see the shrink.

She's gonna call security on you the minute you start talking.

Shut up. Technically, I am part of security.

Only thing secure about you is that suit.

You're one to talk.

We have our own issues, sure, but we don't talk to ourselves.

And what are you doing right now?

Talking to you.

Ellis ignored this last remark and opened the door, revealing a cargo bay that was almost empty.

You scared them all away.

This is an active ship. They're probably just working.

You're not.

He continued on his way to the elevator, requesting the CIC. As the elevator vibrated its way up, Ellis was overcome by a thought: What if she does think I'm a threat? Will they kick me out?


Not talking to you.

Who, then?

Just shut up.

You're a child.

Ellis ignored this, and made his way to the starboard observation deck, noticing that everyone around him gave him a wide berth. He wondered if they were afraid of him because it was him, or for his appearance. He couldn't decide.

The Observation Deck looked out into the wide void. T'Pavi sat in a comfortable armchair, watching the space outside, sipping on a cup of some hot beverage. She swiveled her chair around as Ellis entered, a small smile on her lips. "Hello, Mr. Taevon." Ellis winced involuntarily.

"Ellis, please." She nodded. For some reason, she made him extremely uneasy. He wondered if she knew what he was thinking.

"Ellis. Please, have a seat. Have you come for solitude?" He shook his head inside his suit, and sat down on a soft-looking sofa, sinking deep into the cushions.

They're gonna have to replace those every time you come in, you fat fucker.

If I'm fat, you're fat.
The voices had no retort.

"I have mandatory sessions. I thought it would be best to get this week's over with, to focus on other matters." Her smile drooped slightly, and her eyes widened in curiosity. She activated her omni-tool briefly, then deactivated it again.

"You speak very formally. Are you uncomfortable?"

"Not... Uncomfortable. I have no experience with this. A week ago, I saw Asari as self-righteous, manipulative, borderline demons." She shifted in her chair, and set her cup on an endtable.

"You were prejudiced."

"I was Cerberus." He said, with the faintest touch of old pride. Her smile was gone, but her face held no hostility.

"A human supremacist."

"A bigot." She leaned forward, somehow meeting his eyes through his one-way visor.

"You admit this. I assume you've seen combat? Fought against non-human species?"

"I've killed Krogan, Asari, Salarian, Batarian. I was not chosen for the invasion of Sur'kesh. If I had been, I would list Yahg among those, according to the reports."

"You seem almost proud of your... Accomplishments." Ellis squirmed inside his suit.

"Not proud of them, but they were difficult odds to overcome. I am proud that I still remain." She leaned back in her chair, and nodded slightly.

"Ellis, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? Your childhood. Why don't we start with that?" Ellis thought for a moment and took a deep breath, striving to make his summary as brief as possible.

"I was crippled as a child. My father's doing. He himself was a bigot, though he was never skilled enough in any way to be recruited by someone as powerful as the Illusive Man. My brother cared for me. I learned of my biotic capability when I was young. I used it to interact with a world that had forgotten me. I enlisted in Cerberus a few years ago, just before the Reaper War. They needed a lot of soldiers." She nodded, eyes still locked on his.


"Your brother. Tell me about him."

"Not much to tell. He's C-Sec. He's a good cop. Makes folks proud to have him."

"You're jealous?"

"No. He has no creativity. No spirit."

"Was Cerberus proud to have you?" He thought back. You're quite a monster, Taevon. We're lucky to have you.

"I thought they were. I thought they had human interests in mind. But they fed the Reapers. They let the Collectors take people, just to see what would happen. They betrayed me. I betrayed me."

"Ellis, they betrayed humanity. You didn't know, did you?"

"No." She held her hands, palm up, as if to say, Well, there it is. "Ellis, I think your problem is this: I think you blame yourself for the things you did while you were enlisted. You were disillusioned, Ellis. You didn't realize-"

Ellis slammed his white hand down on the old oak coffee table, hard enough to leave a dent.

"I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING!" The doctor jumped, startled. "I SAW THE INDOCTRINATION FIRSTHAND! I WATCHED FREE WILL STOLEN FROM COLLEAGUES AND SQUADMATES ALIKE! I saw it all. And I didn't fight it." He breathed heavily, in and out, in and out. "All I could do was damage my own implants. All I tried to do was save myself." He had to hand it to her, she regained composure quickly.

"You blame yourself for what happened to them?" He pressed his hands over his visor, to stop that penetrating stare.

"I could've died fighting. And that would've been a worthy cause." She paused, for what seemed like hours.

Finally, she spoke. "Do you lose your temper a lot?"

What a rude question-

"No. I used to use it. I used to be in combat every day. Killing alien after alien, it was good stress relief. I was fighting for something. Yesterday is the first time I've fought in a month. I was going crazy. But we fought Husks. When I try to remember the battle, I see faces of people I knew. On the Husks. I know it wasn't them. But I see them anyway."

"Ellis, I think you may have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-"

"No shit, lady." He added quickly, "Sorry."

She shook her head. "Not a problem, Ellis. This is a place where you can feel free to be yourself. Don't hold yourself back. Not here." She activated her omni-tool, and recorded something on a calendar of sorts. "Ellis, I'd like to see you more often than just once a week. I think we can work through most, if not all of your problems. And, mostly, I think you need someone to talk to."

"You won't mention this to anyone?"

"Doctor-patient privilege, Ellis. No one will ever know what you say in here. Besides, the door's been locked since you came in." She reactivated her omni-tool, unlocking the door. He stood, turned to leave, then hesitated.


"Yes, Ellis?"

"Thank you for listening."

"My pleasure."

He was tired again, and so made his way back down to his claimed storage closet, feeling just a few pounds lighter.

@Silver Fox@Rithy

this is getting so weird
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