Avatar of Pudding
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2281 (0.61 / day)
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    1. Pudding 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Im back again, for who knows how long. Its been a few years, Hello again.
7 yrs ago
Was stuck in a rut, so I had a break from the internet just for a bit. But I'm back now working my hardest.
7 yrs ago
Guess who made it into Uni? This basic bitch, that's who!


I'm 20, Tired and depressed, my family has been dying around me.

Most Recent Posts

Aside from Uni starting up next week, I'm properly settled with some sort of a real schedule I can work with now.
Tuesdays are my free days, also the weekend.
(So Fri, Sat and Mon for you.)

But that's not to say I can't hop on while I'm at Uni, after all, nobodies going to use *all* that free wifi.
@Polaris North@TalijaKey@CirusArvennicus@medalliah

Terra & Annabelle X Law & Seoung

Ai and Igor X Secret Npc

Secret Npc X Jessica & Secret Npc

This is what I've decided on for the lives. I'll be making a post sometime soon to initiate the the next stage of the concert woopwoop
I haven't read much of the posts yet, but it looks like something is happening.

I'll message you in PM about your character, this gives me a chance to also bring everyone up to speed on our story.


Some of the upcoming idols in the land of Sacalonia have been entered in a concert together, many of them didn't even know about it until the day of the concert, even the managers were left out of the loop. There were a few introductions with our characters, some childhood friends, others loud and interactive. Whilst the Idols waited in the main entrance of the concert dome, fans were surrounding the inner and outer area. Three Coaches; Coach V, Coach D and Coach I appeared, as a large monitor screen delivered a message from the number 1 Idol, Eriko Ammami. Using her powers as an Idol, she sung her song I Want'. Her singing somewhat brainwashed the fans, making them move out of the concert dome entrance.

From there, the coaches took over, organizing the teams, directing them to their backstage rooms where they could mingle and discuss partners for their duet lives. They were then all taken to the main concert hall to perform an introduction and then the anthem 'Please! Cinderella'. After that, they were all taken back to their team rooms where they waited to be called up for the first live. At that point Terra was incredibly late, but she was escorted to her proper place.

@Pudding I can play npc, or because we had tv backstage I could as well have my character watch the live and interact with anyone else who is backstage.
Or how it was mentioned up above. Backstage drama is a possibility as well. XP
Scan out the competition and etc.

Sounds good it's along the lines of what I was thinking.

I suck at NPCs, but I can surely try. But the above suggestion looks mighty fine to me too. Maybe throw in some commentators (the player characters) while watching from the TV.

Just give it your best, you don't *have* to use an NPC, it's only if you'd like to.
@Shoryu Magami
I can PM it to you if Tuske hasn't already
@medalliah@TalijaKey@Flamelord@CirusArvennicus@Polaris North

Hey, Everyone, I've just been thinking of ideas to make the RP interactive so that nobody has to sit down and wait for one live to be over so they can post again.

I was thinking maybe we could have the people who are not actually in the Live currently, going take control of some NPC characters. How do you guys feel?

The next part of the IC will be a match with say - Ai and Igor as the main characters, we'll have Circus, Medalliah, Flame and I control the Idols' they will face up against in the live.

Edit: In Addition, Kimmi has told me they're out of the RP privately, so I'll be taking over Law now as well.
I'm on my way making a post, I just have things to do, shouldn't be too long.
But I do enjoy a good reminder lel


With the large crowd that was present in the break room, Kara was honestly feeling less alone. Still frightened and a little weak willed, Kara became determined to not let herself wallow in the sadness of their situation.
'There must be an exit somewhere, there must be!' The phrase repeated over and over until she actually convinced herself it was true. All of a sudden, Davis bursts in the room. Kara knew very little about him, according to the rumour weeds sprouting within the group, he had become somewhat aggressive. If that were the case than right now he was acting extremely out of character. He most likely realised the danger of spreading distrust.
Davis greeted everyone individually with a little flair. He greeted Aleecia, who was next to herself, and then Kara, his greeting was so bewildering - Kara was in shock as he patted her head and swiftly moved on. So bewildered by what just happened - this was the second time that Kara had been mistaken for a small child. It didn't bother her a lot, but she an adult, being treated like some mere five years old will start to tick anyone off. Turning to Aleccia she commented on Davis and his interaction with the two. Wow, that's probably the most excited I've seen Davis, maybe he isn't as bad as what I've heard.

Hey Aleccia, just as a suggestion, you're probably the person at most risk, so I'd stick with large groups. I'm sure it'd be easier and safer for you. I don't mean to be rude, but I'm planning on doing some exploration.

While speaking with Aleccia it seemed as if Davis had just wandered off, he mentioned going to the Neurology room so it would seem that was where she should head if she intended to actually help and not weigh down every ones' hope of escape. She held Aleccias' hand, saying goodbye, then exiting the break room. From there she had to... Well, Kara didn't really know where to head, rather than wander these halls forever, Kara opted to check her E-Handbook. Ah yes the E-Handbook, what a nifty little tablet.
According to the map, Kara had to turn on her right and head up some stairs, it wasn't too far, before she knew it Kara would be right behind Davis. Heading up the stairs from the patient ward she saw someone duck into one of the few rooms in this Area, Kara hadn't actually been here before so she didn't know what was what. Trusting her insticts she folled the person.

Entering the room, Kara slowly opened the door as it made somewhat of a creeking noise. Thankfully she had caught up with Davis, but it seemed as if she was interupting something. He was having a conversation with a remarkably beautiful woman. Um! Uh... Hi Davis, I came to help out, I didn't want to be some sort of burden on anyone, so I'm trying to help out as much as my little heart can.... Um, I'm not interuptting something really really important right?
It seems obvious to me, it's @CherriesJubilee.
Let's just look our game really.

The first person to be killed was Luna, the first person to vote for them was Cherries.
The person who was murdered was Neko, a very good friend of mine.

Now in the second round is where it got interesting. The person Cherrie voted for didn't get eliminated because of the vote, who was me by the way. Try as hard as Cherrie might, I wasn't killed thanks to Baka, but Cherrie didn't like that. So she had Baka axed off.

But you may be thinking right now, why? Why did Cherrie not just murder me? Because it'd be too obvious that way. She's trying to play us for fools, she's using me as a scapegoat. All the while Cherrie acts innocent like she doesn't know what she's doing. But she's using my past suspicion to frame me.
It wouldn't make any logical sense for me to be the murderer. Why would I kill Neko or Baka, both of them have sided with me and were good allies. If I was the murderer, I would have kept them around 'till the end where I could have one help me out vote another person.

Kalleth, Show her we're not fools and vote this murderer out so we can win.

Friend I need a post from Kara in order to interact with Aleecia.

I'll post after Felix

Oh okay, I'll do a thing.

Edit: I did some speed reading, so I'm about up to speed with the story now.
*Kara lurks in the darkness observing*
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