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    1. Redthorn Anvil 9 yrs ago
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Current I wonder about status bar commenters sometimes
5 yrs ago
is it just a me problem where you own all the art/office supplies in your house so you basically become the pencil cartel
6 yrs ago
One of your issues with Fallout 4 is you're not playing Fallout: New Vegas


That's me. I also go by Anvil.

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In Exodus 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"I do not really care about such things, Azurael. My men are frightened by me because they are fools that need to be kept in line. If they took themselves and their work seriously, they would not fear me. I demand only obedience and efficiency, that is all."

He didn't need to look at Damien. "Did I ask for an apology? Sit and eat, if that's what you're going to do." He told the younger Demon. "Your rocks hatched, by the way."


Sephiroth sighed irately and set down his plate. "Didn't I tell you that there was no drama about this? You are the princess, therefore that is what I shall call you. You don't just give away your crown. Do you really think the Angels would let a Demon be their king? Let alone that, but do you really think I want even more power than I already have? I'm already leading the Demons, and I already have to wield Chaos...Princess, if I have to lead the Angels, what would happen if I was corrupted by my own power? I would destroy an entire world! You don't know what it's like, trying to fight the desire to use Chaos, to kill and obliterate. That is why you exist, Princess, that is why Order lives within you--to keep me from doing just that! The fact that you seem to have a difficulty making wise decisions at the moment does not help matters in the slightest! So do not offer me your rule. Ever."
Clearly, the prince was frustrated. There was yet another small strand of darkish hair on his head.

He sighed and sat back, trying to calm himself. Being irritated wasn't going to fix any problems here.

"You once asked me if I really had killed the people in that town because my breakfast wasn't on time. Well it wasn't over breakfast, that's for sure. But I really did kill all those people, Princess. I lost control of myself, and I razed the entire town. Where was Order when that happened, hm? Why didn't Order try to stop me? Because she was sitting around playing show-and-tell to a bunch of Angel children, and not paying attention to the world around her." He used the earlier events on the ship as an example.

"So instead of taking her duty seriously, she chose to selfishly ignore that which didn't interest her, and hundreds of people died because Chaos was allowed to be set free, unchallenged. And what do I have to show for it?" He unsheathed his one large wing.

"This was no accident, Princess. When a Demon does a terrible deed, one of his wings is shorn off, as a constant reminder of what he's done, and as a warning to all who see him. Even among my own people, Princess, I am feared and hated. Not unlike my General."
@shylarah There's so many things you're insisting I look up and read, I don't got time for all that, I'm too busy doing everything else I do! XD

Anyway, I kind of don't want to be the one person making all the decisions, I kinda need us all to agree on something so that we're all enthusiastic about this game!
And again, while the whole idea of being totally meta sounds hilarious, I feel like, it would be kind of hard to incorporate "real" people/characters into a story based on a website. Like...Theoretically the whole game could be you[the main character] shitting around on the Guild the entire time, but there's really not much substance if we do it that way. And the whole breaking of fourth walls can be funny if it's done right, but the idea of the whole game being like that...Yeesh man, I dunno. I can only take so much of that sort of thing. That kind of humor, I feel, is best taken in small doses, like a short comic strip. Not for game like I'm thinking. It would just be too much to handle.

Now the other ideas @shylarah just mentioned are all something I can work with. That stuff is well-trod ground for me. Does anybody else like any of the ideas she--I'm assuming, yes, because these days I just don't know so I might as well take an educated guess--came up with?

[random tangent; grammatically it's correct to say 'he' if you don't know a person's gender, so I refuse to say 'they/them'. Call me a traditionalist. If I get it wrong you can correct me. Okay random tangent over.]

ANYWAY. *cough*
So yeah.
@shylarah Ew no tumblr get out XDDD
@pugbutter I don't think a 'traditional' visual novel is plot-heavy enough for me XD
So I guess my biggest question right now, before we even get to plotting, is like, what kind of genres would everybody be interested in? If there's a common agreement on one or two, then I feel like we can start working on plots.
Well in any case, if no one feels like sharing their thoughts--I myself was kind of hoping for a more...um...RP feel to this game. While @pugbutter's idea is definitely creative and frankly, amusing, I'm not really sure how exactly to pull that off as an RPG--at least, not very well. If I knew how exactly to make it work, I'd be totally down with it if that's what everyone else wanted, but again, I kind of want more than one idea going so we can start discussing this whole thing.
@pugbutter --If any XD
@Rhythmloid Also feel free to shoot out any ideas you might have! They're always appreciated XD
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