Avatar of Rin


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12 mos ago
Knife of Evil is too great, prince of the robots meets his fate! Auchtertool no longer fight, killed by the wizard lord this night!
12 mos ago
Robot Prince of Aucthertool, over thy robot kingdom rule! Electronic lord of war, destined to reign forevermore!
1 yr ago
Happy Hogswatch!
1 yr ago
Still not sure why Guel Jeturk is getting isekai'd to the Paldea region though but I can roll with it I guess.
1 like
2 yrs ago
The closest thing I can think of like that was that a scoop of ice cream in a glass of coke was a treat when I was a kid.


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Man, sometimes I wish I could play my favourite villain ever in stuff, but not only do I not have the confidence to play him at all but depending on when he's taken from he's either literally unkillable or a giant snake. So not exactly a good choice for anything really. XD

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Lulilu... Li... Lalu... Loli... La..."

A valiant attempt to pronounce the fairy's name soon devolved into incoherent mumbling, as Mei awkwardly fiddled with her gloves whilst trying to avoid eye contact with her. How embarrassing! She almost considered activating her Cryo-Freeze just to get away from this awkward situation, but no, that would probably just make things worse.

...At least Snowball seemed to be enjoying itself, rotating slowly beneath Ruru whilst cheerfully bleeping to the rhythm of her ridiculously long tonguetwister of a name. And at least with there being more people here now, her faux pas might not have been noticed. Smiling at the newcomer, Mei raised a hand and waved a little too enthusiastically as she tried to draw attention to the newcomer instead of herself.

"Hi!" She chirped, bobbing her head in greetings at the armoured girl, not really giving a second thought to the odd outfit she was wearing. After all, when you've worked together with Omnics, cyborg ninjas, moon gorillas and Reinhardt it took a lot to faze you. "I'm Mei, but you probably picked that up from Yuki already. It's nice to meet you! But yes, Vivi here was going to lead us to a castle I think?"

Mei's grin betrayed her excitement at this prospect. After all, being taken to an actual fantasy castle by what she could only assume was an actual wizard? She just knew her next journal entry would be simply a-Mei-zing!

@Wraithblade6Eh, it happens. XD I mean I live in Scotland and we use it like fucking punctuation and all. Just felt a bit weird to see it attributed to Magnus, really.

Now Angron, on the other hand... That would be a different story altogether. XD
@Wraithblade6Just a little bit of criticism, but I think you could probably do with losing the "fucking" from that last line. ^^; It makes it come off a bit... Unsuiting for such a regal and scholarly figure as Magnus, really. XD
Eh, big RPs like this are always kind of fastmoving to begin with, but they usually level off to a less frantic pace soon enough. XD

Anyways, Mei post hopefully incoming soon-ish but we'll see.
...I have no idea where Mei, Vivi, Yuki and Ruru (and Snowball!) are, and I doubt they have much of a better idea. I will leave this to Vita or Roxas to figure out. XD

Mei couldn't help but giggle at Vivi's shyness; it probably wasn't the best thing to do but it was just so cute she couldn't hold it in. The little wizard boy seemed rather timid, really, to the point that she couldn't even see his face under his hat.

"Hey, there's nothing to be afraid of, Vivi," she smiled kindly, patting him on the shoulder, whilst keeping an eye on Snowball; the little robot letting out chirps of amusement as the fairy curiously inspected it. "Let's go to this castle together, okay? And, um, really Yuki, just call me M-Ohmygosh!"

Her glasses almost fell off her face as Mei practically lept out of her skin from the sound of a far-off explosion. However, she felt like it was better to let the local authorities investigate it for now, especially seeing how she wasn't really near wherever it happened. Still, the suddeness of it all took her off guard, and she had to take a moment to adjust her glasses and fix her hair.

"Um... Where was I, um... Oh right!" Turning to Yuki, she tried to stifle another giggle as she noticed the fairy was now sitting on top of Snowball, who was idly spinning about and beeping contently. "Please, please just call me Mei, okay?"

@LmpkioI think you probably should've asked first before throwing her into the scene in that fashion, really. ^^;
I never knew I wanted to see Luffy and Youmu interact so much until now.
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