Avatar of Rin


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12 mos ago
Knife of Evil is too great, prince of the robots meets his fate! Auchtertool no longer fight, killed by the wizard lord this night!
12 mos ago
Robot Prince of Aucthertool, over thy robot kingdom rule! Electronic lord of war, destined to reign forevermore!
1 yr ago
Happy Hogswatch!
1 yr ago
Still not sure why Guel Jeturk is getting isekai'd to the Paldea region though but I can roll with it I guess.
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2 yrs ago
The closest thing I can think of like that was that a scoop of ice cream in a glass of coke was a treat when I was a kid.


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This channeller category will be also based around creating and controlling things like architects, but these channellers are based more around solid objects. So things like swords, knives, guns, etc. They are limited by the type, number and complexity of the objects they can create, so they can't create an infinite number of an object, they cant create any type of object they want at any time (like a blade guy can only create swords and knives and stuff), and they have to understand how the object is constructed and functions in order to create it so complicated things like machines are limited to the really smart people who can understand them. They can also create a certain type of animal, though they can only create empty bodies that they control, they can't create actual life. These channellers can also control already existing things as well (so a sword guy can also control swords that he didn't create). This also works for animals as well, kind of like mind control for the animal

...Aaaand my first thoughts upon reading this were the words "I am the bone of my sword". XD
So I think I can just reuse this old one with minimal changes (most notably, I actually went and drew her myself this time) so... Here's hoping this works out better this time I guess!
Welp, think I just sketched up a hotheaded tsundere female character so... Might be going for that spot I guess? Hopefully I'll figure something out from that I guess. XD
I do admittedly have a certain fondness for shonen fightan' anime, so... Potential interest I guess, but we'll see how things turn out.
@IndraEh, I'm not too concerned about spoilers if that means anything. Going to try and watch more of the anime later though so I have a better grasp of mechanics at least, but yeah. XD
Seeing how I've only watched five episodes of Fairy Tail, I'm probably going to do someone who's either new to magic, initially inept at magic, or (as reluctant as I am to play the amnesia card) who has forgotten most of their magic and memories and thus comes off like one of the first two anyways.

...Or I'll just reuse the character I tried to use last time I joined a Fairy Tail RP and hope I don't choke this time. ^^; We'll see how things turn out.

Why me? D:

I mean I guess I could try and not screw up in something for once but we'll see how things go I guess. ^^;
@PaulHaynekI think so, yeah.
Tangentially related to trains (since engineering and all), I am considering maybe rolling artificer but we'll see how that turns out. I have warlock as a fallback if that doesn't work out, but I really like the look of the artificer but again, we'll see. XD
@Cu ChulainnIf I didn't screw something up whilst checking it, that makes you about ten hours ahead of me. So this might work but we'll see how things turn out.

Anyways, that sounds pretty cool so far so hopefully I can actually make this work out. I guess it's time to crack open the books and ponder characters ideas. :D
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