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yeah, the next skill Sam will get is Performance...
Sam and Friends

Sam slicked back his hair and pulled his goggles over his eyes. The lenses were made of a green glass that seemed to sparkle in the light. Giving a whistle, Greed immediately stopped stealing from the distracted and dying soldiers and rushed back to the Puppeteer's side. He actually had nicked a couple of knives that looked like swords in his diminutive paws.

"Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in this world, it's the Puppeteer's Pandemonium Pantomine, featuring my good friends Greed and Wrath. It's time to get things started..."

As if moving to an invisible beat, the puppet's and their master began to dance through the kobolds, causing chaos as they proceeded to kill them with various slapstick methods. There was an unfortunate lack of props, but Kobolds found themselves sliding, tripping, and even getting into fights with each other, as the Puppeteer and his companions continued their dance.

Golem 'Greed' has Acquired Dagger Mastery Level One

Golem 'Wrath' has acquired Blunt Weapons Mastery Level One

The Puppeteer paused for a moment to unpack that. So his friends were now Golems, whatever those were, and could gain skills by repetitive actions. Which would mean that the Golemancy skill-

ERROR- Insufficient levels and resources to create a third Golem

-okay, that skill brought the dynamite duo to life. Eh, no point thinking too hard right now, this is the middle of combat. And things had certainly shifted in the Kobolds favour, as an even uglier prick called the Kobold Lord had appeared. Sam turned to the others:

"Time for the audience participation part of our show... can I get any volunteers?"
@ERode Honestly, Ray of Frost is supposed to be the spell they make apprentices use to gain a foothold over cryomancy. Sam just has insane stats making the useless spell viable.
Edited Ray of Frost to deal INT/5 damage, considering it's a first level spell. So only 500 Damage from Sam for now... thank the goddess for cheat stats. :3
Sam and Friends

Sam looked around as he realized there were other people like him there. Well... like him was a stretch, but they weren't soldiers at least. There were three Aisans and three Europeans, at least he assumed so, but without them speaking he really didn't have a basis to know their nationality. One of the Aisan women moved forward and begun to talk in an old style... was she a real version of Pride? He wasn't sure he'd remake the melodramatic bird if he had a living twin. There was only so much Shakespeare he could stomach. From the reply from the commander, it seemed like they were just following their equivalent of police procedure. I mean, if someone suddenly appeared out of thin air the police back home would do the same thing.

His musings were interrupted by the explosion, and the swarm of the dog-lizard creatures, (Kobolds, the soldiers called them) attacked. Sam and Wrath retreated back, but Greed had other ideas.

In the moment that the dog creatures attacked, Greed launched into his own maneuver. Moving quickly into the throng of disorganised soldiers to steal money from them. Ducking and weaving, he was focused on his goal of obtaining money. Under his breath you could hear him muttering; "More money means more bombs, more money means more bombs..."

Wrath would normallly have been reprimanding his fellow puppet, but the cat and his creator were currently occupied with the onslaught of kobolds. He had gotten out his Idiot Stick amd was clubbing any Kobold who got past the soldiers. Imagine the puppet's surprise when the hits managed to actually cave in their skulls. Usually in their sketches it just gave Greed a headache.

"Huh..." he remarked, "Either these Kobolds are really weak or I was right when I said that Greed was thick skulled..."

Sam himself was trying to dodge the attacks which seemed insanely easy. It was like they were moving in slow motion or something. Though them not being able to hit him meant nothing if he couldn't fight back. Weirdly since he got here he felt this strange sensation, like he had ice in his veins. It was odd, like the feeling of a cool drink on a hot summers day. As he was focusing on it, he held his hand out as a phrase leaped into his mind.

"Ray of Frost!"

A beam of ice shot from his hand, hitting a kobold and causing it to seize up as it near instantly froze to death. Sam looked at his hand, frost still covered his fingers but it felt strangely warm to him.

"I have ice powers?" he said, lips curling into his Puppeteer grin, "I can definitely work with this..."
@Travesty Just so you're aware I'm planning on Greed having a rogue build and Wrath having a cleric build. Assuming constructs can use magic. Eh, we have an alchemist.
True, but there's little difference between warping dimensions and dying while hallucinating from mismixed chemicals.
Sam and Friends

Sam was working on Greed and Wrath, the two had been damaged while practicing a new skit. Absentmindedly, he noted to use less gunpowder in the pyrotechnics, unconsciously making Greed make an angry face.

"Don't give me that look!" he admonished the puppet, "I had to build you both a new pair of legs after that!"

"Worth it!" he made the puppet say, "Wait... why's everything going fuzzy?"

Sam quickly grabbed onto Wrath and Greed as he seemed to lurch out of reality. It looked like the time he forgot to open the window while gluing a puppet together. It was a kaleidoscope of stimuli, with visual tastes and audible smells, before he appeared in a random field. As he landed, he grabbed onto Wrath and Greed to make sure they weren't damaged.

Skill Golemancy level 1 acquired.

"Well that was definitely weird. How are you doing Wrath?" Greed spoke, surprising Sam, as he hadn't made the puppet talk. Even more surprising was when Wrath moved on his own and threw up sawdust.

"That was almost as bad as your last sketch..." the Cat puppet said, "Wait... how are we alive?"

"That's what I want to know!" Sam exclaimed. The three were too busy freaking out to notice anything else going on until they became surrounded by soldiers in medieval armour. Greed immediately raised his hands and yelled: "WE SUURENDER!!!" Causing Sam and Wrath to facepalm.
Question, can Ren buy pizza? Because if so he is now Sam's favourite person.

Greed: I thought I was your favourite!

Greed: You are my new best friend... *gets wacked with the Idiot Stick*


I really need to move the keyboard...
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