Avatar of Sam12435
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 714 (0.19 / day)
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    1. Sam12435 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current So I have a photo shoot planned for tomorrow. Im not going to sleep because I'm catching a train at 2AM to then sit and wait for a few hours for the sun to rise. Its all about the perfect shot though!
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8 yrs ago
Finishing uni for the year and looking at a break till late Febuary. What the hell am I meant to do for 5 months? The answer is a looooooot more RP
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8 yrs ago
I am somewhat bored, and also a little more bored. So yup, someone entertain me.
8 yrs ago
New RP has just started. Really excited :P
8 yrs ago
No idea whats going on, my brain is pretty frazzled right now. But if anyone remembered me from the old days message me, I like meeting old friends :P


Im 20, a university student who keeps switching his degree, a guy, I live next to my uni, I'm in Australia, I play a lot of video games, and I forget everything else about me :P

Oh yea, and I sleep a lot, like 12 hours a day.

Oh yeeea, and I do stupid things like take a train at 3 in the morning to take photos of the sunrise.

Most Recent Posts

@Sam12435@ONL@Delta44 HAPPY EASTER TO YOU 3 ^^

Happy Easter! :D (Also I will work on a post tonight :3)
The post is up :D Now I will get some sleeeeeeeeeeeeep

Location: Barracks
Interacting With: Sala & Vala, Guthrie, Capitan Nevan

Vamon found himself getting quite distracted as they made their way into the study of the barracks. It had been a long time since he last encountered a collection quite like this. From the location, a large amount of them could well be journals or records from the barracks, but there seemed to be more than a few books that interested him. But he hid his excitement as he listened to Nevan speak. After a moment, she gave them permission to browse the books. A proposition that Vamon immediately jumped at.

“Thank you for your hospitality” He said, reaching out for a book that had caught his eye. The back cover seemed old, so he couldn’t be sure what it was about from a distance. “Yes, if she were anyone else I might be a little suspicious of her kindness” Vamon said with a bit of a chuckle. He found a seat and opened the book, noting that the book contained some information on plants in the local area. He wasn’t much of an herbalist, but they could come in handy from time to time. Vamon glanced up though as the girls asked about light.

“I have some potions that allow sight in dark” Vamon said, closing the book for a moment and placed it next to him. “They only last for a few hours each though, so they won’t be of much help” He thought for a moment about a solution. It wasn’t a problem he had come across yet, as he had always been moving with a caravan. They usually stocked up on oil, but going from town to town was an easy journey to plan for. Their journey however could last for weeks, and stocking that much oil would be impossible. He reached into his bag for a moment and pulled out his book, flicking through it in search for a solution. He stumbled upon his notes about the sun shards and felt himself chuckle a little. If only they had something like that, their problems would be solved. Despite all the work he had put into the idea, synthesising the shards was still a far-off dream at this point. He kept flicking through until he stumbled upon a recipe from the books first owner. It involved using the blood of glowing worms to produce a potion that caused your skin to produce a faint glow.

“I have had this book for years, and I still find weird stuff like this” He said, a little discouraged. Despite the interesting nature of the potion, it wouldn’t serve their cause too well. He closed his journal with a sigh. “I could work at producing some light potions though, it’s not a recipe that I am familiar with but I will certainly try” He wasn’t sure if he would be able to get them to a point where they would be useful, but with some experimentation it could be possible.
Im still around! Just finished up a series of all-nighters to finish an assignment, so my post will arrive later tonight :3

Location: Alleyway
Interacting With: Sala & Vala, Guthrie, Capitan Nevan

“Thank you” Vamon added as the woman offered to go to the garrison. He found it interesting that he would be going back there so soon, it was an odd feeling to remember just how much had happened in a single day. He funds the mentions of vampires rather interesting though. He hadn’t met a vampire during his travels, but he had always been interested in the idea of them. He had heard all the stories but hoped one day to speak with one about their ‘affliction’ face to face. But the idea of them serving in the church was… odd. It seemed such an affront to the church that it was almost comical. It made him more mad than amused, but he could see the irony in the situation. He let out a sigh before he spoke.

“It seems things were in a far worse state then I imagined. I guess we got out at the right time then” He said in a jovial but tired tone. He couldn’t help but feel a little disparaged as all his suspicious as a young man were confirmed. His thoughts turned to his father for a moment. It pained him to think that his own father might be among those corrupted by power, but it could very well be the case. He thought for a moment whether it would be good to ask her, to ask if he was among her information, but decided to leave it be.

“Well it looks like you have a rather interesting beast in your sights, Guthrie” Vamon said, trying to not zone out in thought again. “Once we find out more I might be able to compare with my own notes. Perhaps I have read of it somewhere.” He felt it only natural to show interest in his companion’s goals. Not to mention a beast strong enough to simply evade an encounter from the head guard was nothing to scoff at. Something that strong would make an interesting specimen if they were to eventually find it. He glanced back to the Capitan and smiled, though it was hidden by his mask.

“Yes, I do plan to return eventually. Perhaps even to Belizarius one day, if things eventually change” He said with a hopeful tone. He really did miss the city, but he mostly missed his family. His mother, and even after all he had been through, he still missed his father. After all, he owed his life to his father in more ways than one. Their next meeting seemed so far off, but he couldn’t help looking forward to it with anticipation and anxiety.
Right! After a few assignments (and some Breath of the Wild ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) I will work on a post in like an hour. Sorry for the double fake out.

EDIT: POST IS UP! Sorry again for the delay :3
Sorry for the delay, I will write a post as soon as possible :D

Location: Alleyway
Interacting With: Sala & Vala, Guthrie, Group of Guards

Vamon was relieved to see the woman was rather reasonable about the situation. He was a somewhat suspicious looking person so it was good to hear that they weren’t going to have a hard time from the whole situation. But he found himself somewhat rattled as the woman mentioned being a part of the guard in Belizarius. But something that had been gnawing away at the back of his mind all day had finally made sense.

“The twins…” He found himself muttering quietly. He had heard stories about a mysterious pair of girls that spoke together during his childhood at the church. He even had a faint memory of seeing them as a young boy, but it had been so long ago that he couldn’t remember details. But his thoughts were shaken away as the Capitan turned to address him. If she was a guard from Belizarius then it was totally possible she knew who he was. After all, his name was somewhat infamous within the walls of the city. But since she didn’t seem aggressive, he let the thought slip from his mind so that me could focus on the details. He felt his stomach drop as she mentioned the priest.

“To think someone in the church would…” He started, a disgusted look crossing his face. He might have been a blasphemer himself but he still respected the teachings of the church. He didn’t agree with their methods and their lack of drive to learn, but people had faith in the church. For someone to take that faith and use it for something like this was nothing short of despicable. He glanced back to the woman as she mentioned the Order of The Black Sun. He could only assume that would be related to the woman they had spotted before, considering her attire and tattoos of the sun. Vamon found himself with a strong urge to do something as she mentioned war, but he had to take a moment to think. He wasn’t a fighter, their recent encounter made that quite clear and he feared his attempts to help would simply make him a liability. He let out a sigh before nodding in agreement with Guthrie.

“I am no fighter myself so I think I will avoid this war. The church and I have a rocky enough relationship as is, I feel any more provocation and they might start to take it personally” He said with a shrug. Guthrie’s comment caught him a little off guard though, but he found himself oddly flattered by it. People often spoke of him well, but he assumed it was to get some form of discount on a sale, so it was refreshing to hear a comment from someone like this. He glanced over to the girls for a moment as the man addressed them. He felt a little pang of shame as his mind thought back. Of course, there wasn’t anything he could have done to help them. He was a child, younger even than they were, but that didn’t make it feel any better. To think that men and women like his father would have treated children so young that badly was almost sickening, but he didn’t feel like saying anything right away. He would leave that for a less volatile time.
Awesome!! After a crazy few days I strap on my writing cap :D I will have a post up post haste! (I'm sorry for the pun but like I thought of it and I couldn't not use it)

Edit: Post is up! Sorry if I rambled a bit, my brain is all over the place recently :P

Location: Alleyway Aftermath
Interacting With: Sala & Vala, Guthrie, Group of Guards

Vamon couldn’t help but be a little taken back as the women spoke in unison. He glanced to Guthrie for a moment, curious as to whether he found their manner of speech as disarming as he did. But, he waited expectantly as the women began to speak. He felt his curiosity reach a peak, only for him to be suddenly spanned back to reality by the group of armed men that had encircled them. Vamon was startled, but as he grasped the situation he raised his hands to show they were empty. The guards might be a little jumpy considering the gore that had been left behind after their little incident, so he wanted to make sure they had no reason to think of him as a threat. He felt a little frustrated that he didn’t get to hear the Falere twins’ story, but considering they were going to be traveling together for a while he let it go for now. He could always ask them again later.

“You are quite right Capian Katlas” Vamon said, lowering his hands to his side. “We heard a commotion and came to see the attack in progress. We did our best to stop the beast, but it fled into the darkness. I’m only sad we couldn’t stop it sooner.” He glanced over to the body for a moment, offering a short prayer in his hear, before looking back to the guard captain. He was upset that he couldn’t save the man, but he thought it best to mention it out loud. It would be in their best interests if the guards thought highly of them, so he did his best to make a good impression. “The beast was odd though, it wasn’t a creature of nature. It feared fire and seemed to have a fear of the clergy as well. We think it might be some kind of spirit, a dark ally of a powerful mage.” He felt that it was best the city guard was aware of what they were dealing with. The more people that were aware of the danger, the more could be done to circumvent it.

“My name is Vamon, I am a traveling alchemist.” He offered a little bow before he decided to ask a few questions of his own. He felt he would let the others introduce themselves, he hadn’t known them long enough yet to speak on their behalf. “I would advise caution when searching though, it’s possible there could be even more of those creatures around the place.” He couldn’t shake the feeling that the danger hadn’t quite passed yet. That said, having capable new allies made it a little better. He made a mental note to buy as much lamp oil as he could when he next came across it.
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