Avatar of SouffleGirl123


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10 days ago
Current See, my problem is I can read I just can't type for the life of me. My ability to accidentally typo anything is a forever running joke among my friends. It's chronic :(
12 mos ago
Cheers to 3000 days on the guild. I love you all 3000
12 mos ago
Y'all ever write something and just be shook about what you wrote? Cus damn it turns out I can write sometimes
1 yr ago
I drink water now, like lots of water. The only reason it hasn't made me too powerful is because I always have to pee now and idk if that payoff is fair tbh
2 yrs ago
No one remembers when corn kid said 'not everyone has to love it for it to be the best' and that quote hits deep


Most Recent Posts

@Oliver Yay ^.^
@SouffleGirl123 <3 yeah I'm quite sad it didn't get to go much further. If we don't have enough people I can play a doubled set of doubles - that is, four characters.

Right now I've changed my ideas - I'm thinking maybe a pair of unrelated people, a boy and a girl, who both are really accomplished with an entirely different style of music on the same instrument? (I'm thinking one might be a proper classical violinist and one might work more with classical crossover like with electric violin / bridging the gap between classical and rock-ish music?)

And if I wind up doubling my doubles I might do a pair of siblings who have similar aesthetics but completely different takes on it - like one is a painter and one is a dancer? Idk. I'll sort out my ideas eventually.


Oh my Gosh, I didn't notice! Thank you!
Interested :)
@RomanAria YAS. Any of them. All of them! XD.
Kinda disappointed band beats didn't go any further 'cause it was set out to be good!
How are you beautiful?
If you two were still interested I'm trying to reboot it

Goooooooooood morning world! I’m your host Eric Blyton!
Over the past 6 months our panel of dedicated judges have been roaming each and every American state in search of one thing, talent. Over this time they’ve selected 24 of the country’s most talented teenagers, all showing great potential in one art or another. We’ll give them specialist training in their art as well equip them for their future in the spotlight. We will be assisting them in thriving and gaining status. But with their image and the prize of $100,000 on top of a guarantee to display their art in front of thousands on the line will they live up to fame? Burnout? Or crash under the pressure?

Got your interest? Here’s a brief aimed more toward participants
Over the past 6 months three high-statused celebrities have been holding auditions over the country to find the artistic prodigies of America. You’re one of them, you talented teen! Over the next few months you’ll be living together in fame manor here you’ll take regularly scheduled classes in your art. You’ll get publicity, opportunities to display your art and paparazzi. But because fame isn’t enough pressure after the first 2 weeks each competitor will have the chance to display their art weekly. From there each panel member will give you a score out of 10. The 4 lowest-scoring competitors will rely on the people of the country to keep them in the competition. The two with the most votes are safe and the other 2 unfortunates have to leave Fame Manor and their chance of winning $100,000 and a guaranteed opportunity to display their art in a professional setting to thousands!

Here’s how it works



I need two awesome co-GMs to assist in the smooth running of the RP, they're just as worthy a source as me as far as query answering goes :). On top of that they will also play judge each and assist in the elimination round stuff.
I promise I don't bite... usually.

What I'm Looking For In Participants


I know, boring, but we gotta have them

Who'd be into this?
@Princess of God Love this idea. I honestly doubt I could portray Jesus himself well enough to this though. I'm happy to bounce off other ideas of the likes to RP, if you wish
@Pundii How are ya?
@Pundii!!!!! Hey you!!!

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