Avatar of SoulEater
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  • Posts: 299 (0.10 / day)
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    1. SoulEater 8 yrs ago


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Current It's been three years....
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8 yrs ago
Got an awesome spiderman hat! :D
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8 yrs ago
House sitting for two weeks and I'm sick...yay
8 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
Re watching Fullmetal Alchemists Brotherhood!!!!


I am ginger. That is all.


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@KatherinWinter I fixed it!
@KatherinWinter so should I change my post then?
@KatherinWinter well what if when the beast caught you they would carve something into your skin to make you as a play thing. With the mark they can have vengeance if a human kills them and another beast could do that. I was just thinking and if you what me to change I'll just say it was clawing up her arm.


A loude screech is heard as the beast she was fighting started to limp with the impact of her axe. Amber jumped back with her axe at the ready and grinned widely. "Come on Kitty, is that all you got!" Amber crooned as the beast circles her again with it's limp worsening. With this she had enough time to steal a glance in Griffin's direction.

He was currently using a bulky sword that seemed awkward in his hands as he continues to dodge the birdwoman. It seemed that he could use a hand, so she would help as soon as she was done with her...wait wear was it? Her creator had slipedy behind her and whent to attack her with it's injured paw.

Before it reached her she swings her axe and lands it on the creatures human like head was with a crack or bone. Amber trys to bring back the axe but The creator is already over powering her. It jumps landing on her with all fours. The impact takes the wind from her making her have tears come to her eyes. Before she can try and get away the thing pins her to the ground with all four paws.

The thing smiles with hunger dancing in it's ink-black eyes as it takes one paw with claws that are black as coal and begins to drag it across her arm. It only annoys her first, but then she hears a tear of flesh and she lets out a scream. She flicks her eyes to her arm to see her blood polling out as the thing carves into her skin. She let out another scream louder this time but the creator doesn't stop. The thing was probably enjoying this, but she sure wasn't! She gritted her teeth and again tired to wiggle out of it's grasp but utterly failed.

For some reason Amber looks to the gate, and spots someon. "Help!.. ." Amber says the words softly but still loud enough for the stranger to hear and anyone else. It was strange to ask for help, but right now Amber didn't really care. "Pitiful human asking for help. I think pain suites you well." Misery says with a purr as he itches to do the hurting to Amber instead of the beast.
@SoulEater also were is everyone and what is happening?
Name: Newt Redfield

Age: 17

How your char looks:

History: Newt Redfield was born in a quiet town near a lake and lots of land. He lived with his father and little family that lived there. When Newt was born his mother died of a birth defect, so he never had a mother's love. Newt had never really known his mother but he header that she was very skilled at her magic. Her magic was also similar to his, but her shield was made out of a gold subsistence that only reached up her arms. His father on the other hand could manipulate water. When he was old enough to comprehend, his father showed him to do many things with liquifing his magic shield. His father had no idea how to help with Newt's shield so he inroled Newt to a school that could hopefully help him with this. This school would soon change him and his fate forever.

What your dream is: "To live up to my parents expectations and learn to hone my shield."

What kind of magic your char has: the ability to make an outer layer of metal substance on his body. When he does this his skin disappears and is replaced with a metal like coating that is very tough, but can be broken. When broken he ia very easy to kill because of his soft tissue showing underneath. He can also turn his metal coating into liquid which came from his fathers side.
@Vampy yeah!!! :D
@Overlord24 actually I was wondering if someone can possibly be Catherine's master. So do you think you can ask someone to make him or her?
@Rusalka hey are you role-playing the queen?
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