Avatar of Spinosaurus
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 280 (0.10 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Spinosaurus 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Honestly, I'm sorry for anybody's roleplay which I had to suddenly drop out of. I'll try to be on. I know I've been saying this for a while, but I won't just "drop out" anymore.
7 yrs ago
I'm sorry that I was unable to be on. It's a busy time of the year for me. I'm currently sick and lots of things have been happening.
7 yrs ago
I'm sorry for not being activate lately. I've been extremely busy. The holidays and stuff. Expect me to be around more.
8 yrs ago
get rekt
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When should an ooc be up? I'll post mine then. Probably.
Still time left?
Jason Lander

Jason woke up and got dressed. A new day. This was the.. 6th day of the post-apocalypse? That sounds about right. Brushing his teeth, he walked from his room to go and get some breakfast. Soon after sitting down, acid began pouring in, forcing him to run into Harley's "water-shield". "Woah, that was close." he said under his breath. What sort of phenomenon could've caused acid rain? He sat down and readied himself for a new day.

(Sorry about the short post. I just sort of butted in, so there's not anything for me to base anything off of, hahahaha. There will be more next time.)

@King Tai@Wick@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@December@spinosaurus@POOHEAD189
Sounds awesome, sign me up.
@Wick Today, hopefully. If not, tomorrow. I'll definitely shoot for tonight.
@VitoftheVoid Alright! I'll make a new character soon. Thanks!
wewwew i made it just in time
Hi, I've been off the site for quite a while, sorry.

While I'd like to join back in, I'm afraid that's impossible. Is it? Has it progressed too far?

Just wondering.

Full Name: His full name is unknown, but he calls himself "Jack."
Nicknames/Aliases: Spring-heeled Jack, or The Terror Of London.
Age: One hundred years or so, but he appears to be in his late 20s.
Gender: Male.
Species: Unknown.
SCION Team/Rank: Hunter's Moon.

Spring-heeled Jack is abnormally pale, although his skin is still warm to the touch and doesn't appear to lack any bloodflow or be undead. He has two small horns atop his head which he hides with both is hair and his hat. His fingernails are metallic and sharp, having the ability to cut any biological entity. Because of this, he doesn't usually carry a weapon. He has an old, posh, london accent.

A gentleman, as some call him. He's polite and gives a smile, but he's still a sociopath, considering that he's murdered a few before. The only person he truly cares for is himself.

Enhanced agility, including the ability to leap twenty to fifty feet in the air, claws, very slightly enhanced strength, and the power to spurt blue flames from his mouth.

Although it's easy for him to run, jump or escape from attackers, but once someone has him, it's also easy to kill him. He has no enhanced durability or strength. Really, the only reason he's survived this long is due to his elusiveness. During the day his powers are lessened. He can't spit fire nor jump as high. He also dislikes going outside unless he changes his cloak and hat, as to not give away his identity.

Brief History: Between 1838 to 1878, he was known as "The Terror of London. In the London-Great Britain area, he began a string of murders. Who he killed didn't appear to have any rhyme or reason, but he killed people who he thought deserved to be dead. People began theories about him. Was he a genetic freak? Demon? Sole survivor of an extinct species? Monster? Phantom? Nobody knew. In fact, it's not even known if Jack himself knows. His origins remain shrouded in mystery, myths about him arising from urban legends and media. Towards the end of his spree, he suffered a near-death experience after one of his victims attacked him and fought back. Because of that, he hid himself from the public for years, going as your average person and vowed never to use his powers again, in the event that he dies.

Until SCION found him.

Fairly recently, Jack was caught in the crossfire of SCION attempting to contain a rogue Werewolf. Watching the event unfold, he used his powers. A mistake. They saw him and chased him down, convincing him to join them. After he joined, they were sure who then contained. Spring-heeled Jack. A centuries old legend. He currently works for the Hunter's Moon division of the organization.

And if the origin is unknown?
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