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    1. squints 10 yrs ago


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Cyrano carefully set his treasures down and as out of the way as he could before following Fazra back down the hall he and eh-cho had come through. The scent definately came from the smaller tunnel that fazra had found, as did the sounds of struggle.
"Shall we to battle fellow Fazra?" Cyrano asked, even as someone stepped out from the tunnel wielding a torch and a shield, clearly hard pessed and holding his own.
Cyrano peered down the tunnel and saw the abomination pressing toward where they were gathered in the larger tunnel. Cyrano moved, intending to place what he thought was a reassuring claw on the new-comers shoulder, and let forth a mighty bellow of challenge belying his usually mellow, demeanor.
@Necrophage "no fear fellow. Let us feast on this foes bones" he said with a growl in his throat.
Watching the new netflix voltron, makes me want to charge into the fray and destroy everything.....
Shep grinned good-naturedly at Damiens antics, and laughed out right at his chiding of the terse member of the group.
When he zipped around and stopped in front of shep, he spoke up.
@GingerBoi123 "Nice to meet you-," Shep said and zoned briefly, focusing intensely on damien- "Damien howards. Ya, I got some little bit o' useful skills" he said easily with a knowing nod at his new teamate
"A scavenger hunt huh?" Shep muttered to himself, less than enthusiastically. He then shrugged. And turned to walk over to the gathering group of volunteers.
@Overlord24@GingerBoi123@ZygorTheGoose "hey y'all, shep, or williams if you really want to get my attention. nice to meet ya, let's kill some bad guys huh?" He stated in a business like tone as he approached the group.
@KatherinWinterI'm here still, sorry haven't replied. I half things to take a direction that they didn't, and then I had training all this last week where I if I had known I wouldn't have reception, I would have warned you guys.
Cyrano watched interested as the masked man gestured yet again in the air, this time in his direction, seemingly without any comprehension of the intent behind him. He was relieved when fazra was able to interpret the sign language for the both of them.
Cyrano grinned widely, tounge nearly lolling out, both at knowing better what was going on, as well as at fazra the large grey knights fine manner of speaking.
@rechonq@Gisk "Masked man eh-cho the mute, and fazra the grey knight errant. Well met as you say. I am cyrano." He repeated himself. As he introduced himself again, he briefly scowled as if trying to remember something, and then ruffled his mane-thing in a shrug as if it didn't matter anyway.

"Ah! Letters!" He said in delight as he saw eh-cho began to write lights into the dirt, as if having a medium other than air allowed for Cyrano to actually understand eh-chos intent and means of communication.
Cyrano began follow eh-chos writings, but then got distracted by a sound.
"Hold fellows." He said quietly, and scented the air. There was a growl now to his already low gravelly voice, that bespoke a willingness to impart violence. "Something comes this way that I do not think I like..."
Sorry guys, I was away on training, and would have warned you about it except that I thought I would have reception where I was. I am back now, and just in case you wondered, training was awesome.
Not gonna lie, a little sad that neither of the little creatures made into what I am now going to refer to as the best group :D
Cyrano cocked his head down at the man with the mask and twitched his ears thoughtfully, then looked back up at the large grey fellow with mild interest.
@Gisk "I have not heard him speak" Cyrano said in answer to her question. "But I think he is trying to speak by means of the light"
He could tell that there was some tension to the situation,and so put down his treasures and settles back on his haunches with his tail wrapped around his foreclaws in a docile manner.
"It seems that the little creatures may have been the better choice." He said aloud, assuming that his presence was part of the problem, and giving no regard to the fact that the others had no context to make sense of this voiced thought.
Cyrano paused for a time, thinking again.
"I am cyrano"
He said, hoping to alleviate things somewhat.
What an interesting turn of events, never been in an Rp where the plot twist was in ooc....
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