• Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: UltimatePuzle
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 387 (0.10 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. UltimatePuzle 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current I hate how awkward I can be sometimes. Or how I feel like people don't like me... :(
1 like
8 yrs ago
I have no friends on here, how sad is that...
8 yrs ago
RPG is like the bad boy ex boyfriend I keep coming back to.
9 yrs ago
Just like a moth drawn to a flame I've got my mind on your body and your body on my mind.
9 yrs ago
I''m back bishes


"Those who stand for nothing, will fall for anything"- Alexander Hamilton
If you've stumbled across this little bio it means you've found lil ole me.
Let me give you some facts about myself.
I'm 19 years old, adopted from the Republic of China at the age of 1, moved around the States due to my parents jobs and have finally settled down in Kentucky. I enjoy curling up in my fluffy chair on rainy nights with a good book, cooking with my brothers, going out with my friends on adventures.
How my friends describe me.
Loyal to a fault
Mother bear
Always getting into shit.

I haven't been roleplaying for a few months due to health issues I've been stuck in a rut and can't even create characters. Hopefully I'll get those creative juices flowing again soon.

Most Recent Posts

In Zodiacs 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@KatherinWinter lemme see if I can fix.
In Zodiacs 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Raeya Evangeline Devonshire
Raeya was always the steady one, the reliable one, the rock for people. She was also the stubborn child of the family. Being the oldest she has most of the responsibilities, taking care of her siblings, until one day it became too much. She tried to commit suicide out in the middle of the woods, but what she didn't realize is that she was gifted in such a way as that she could draw energy from the Earth, and so the Earth healed her. Now a few months later she is being whisked away to a new school while she tries to control her abilities and become what was meant to be.
In Zodiacs 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
In Zodiacs 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@KatherinWinter Can I join?
@UltimatePuzleA bio?

YEAH! That thing!
@ClocktowerEchos Haha I was about to ask if I knew you then I read your thingie, I don't know what to call it..
@tobiax I hope so! I always seem to come back when everything is full and I am fresh out of ideas for RP's right now.
Not quite "new" to the site, but it's the first time I've been back in a few months, I swear The Guild is like that bad ex-boyfriend I keep coming back to.
@ViolentViolet May I join?
I'm back. I'm in. I loved the movie so much.
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