Avatar of vancexentan
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: VanceXentan
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 9706 (2.56 / day)
  • VMs: 6
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    1. vancexentan 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Losing a game of dragon ball the breakers because my dipshit allies wouldn't give me their fucking dragon balls pisses me off. the raider was already nearly dead fml.
1 yr ago
devaronian is the race you're looking for. They're basically thugs for the hutts for the most part.
1 yr ago
Man I'd love to be proven wrong so i'll keep trying but still it sucks like the fourth time this has happened for entirely seperate reasons each as dumb as the last.
1 yr ago
Man I just can't stick with a DND Group. I'm aware I feel pushy at times but I never intend to push anyone into doing anything. I'm just feeling so dejected at this point.
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1 yr ago
In general I've given up play by post roleplaying. I only check on occasion due to how NO ONE commits to forum posting in my over ten years of experience.
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I'm one of the surviving members from the event known as Guild Fall. I am a big fan of Mobile Suit Gundam and am very specific on what I want in a roleplay. I have completed two roleplays (one is debateable) and have over six years of roleplaying experience dating back to when I was in Middle School.

Most Recent Posts

@Lunarlord34 How would you like the handle the whole upcoming thing without omni? It was supposed to be a big team up fight but without our other hero I feel like i'd need to give undue spotlight to Rin, or Lev. I could tune it down but after this i was going to put up the wave.
"Connor keep berserker on the offensive. Saber will be more than capable of dealing with the threats of those who are attacking at range." Caster said more advising than demanding of Connor. He seemed to be perfectly fine with how Berserker was dealing with the threats. As he did so his voice transferred over to Elise. "Caster, and yourself are doing well make sure to keep track of your mana. If you run low we can try boosting the help we're providing to you from Chaldea. Each servant here is receiving some level of support from the machines I built to keep your servants manifested. If you need a larger amount I will send more but it may boost your signal to others nearby. Watch out not to burn Berserker, and Saber." Archimedes commented as the skeletons melted away as they tried to move to flank Fran only to be caught by destroyed by the burning wave of liquid. The skeletons seemed no more stronger than one might expect of them. Saber made her way back to the group having kept on the looking out for more skeletons she found none. Instead Leon opted to request that she stay close now that he heard the shots up ahead. "Given conditions at hand we'll move up to reinforce their position. It doesn't look like there was much more than that brief wave. Besides we haven't run across anything that would give Team A trouble I'm getting the feeling we're not even being treated like real threats here. Let's advance." Leon comments to Elise as he watches Berserker thrash, and destroy the remaining skeletons.

Mordred, and Berserker moved to help clear away destroyed cars, and other miscellaneous debris on their way to rendezvous with Lancer, and his master. After having been told that the skeletons have been cleared out by work of their magecraft, and tactics Orson was the one who's voice came through the group's intercom. "Scans have been completed and have been double checked on what we have detected. There are a number of servants in the city. No read on their origins. No detection of masters though. One of them is by the docks up north. That one is keeping itself on the low its energy isn't peaking. It doesn't register as Chaldean. One of which is at the station front, it is openly allowing its energy to flow. However its dipping in, and out of our scans. Probably assassin class. It is being followed by another one. There's another down far south however even for a spirit its energy is low we believe it is a fading heroic spirit and may be chaldean but it doesn't match out records either. Furthermore don't expect anymore working street lights. Power is entirely out in the city. Its a miracle that you even found some working around here. Fuyuki, as stated, appears to have been completely abandoned. My theory is that it is a magecraft working on similar par to the Blood Fortress Andromeda listed on Medusa's list of noble phantasms." Orson told the group. Leon bit his tongue a bit as he looked at how tired Scarlett was luckily the rest of the group seemed good to go. "We move to the station front then unless we have an objection to my order. We can't let an assassin do as it pleases. Let alone with another servant in tow assuming its not a friendly. I'm starting to imagine Team A is gone if there are four servants with unknown readings coming around."
alright i'm only asking because of omni being away.
"Heads up." was the first words that John heard over the the phone as he picked it up after having left the money, and a small tip, at the place where he had been enjoying his afternoon. Though he himself wasn't sure if what he felt was enjoyment, more like just a simple respect for the quiet before the inevitable shit storm that seemingly permeated every aspect of this godless hellscape called 'The City of Dreams'. Clancy was the one on the phone as John had been told her had a job. He described that it would be worked out in afterlife, and that his employers would prefer he come sooner rather than latter. "Its a well paying job. One that will set you, and I up for awhile as the one picking the jobs for you Agent Brown. I do have some reservations about it though." Clancy warned his very steely calm voice ever ready to inform his clients of how he felt about the matter. A true professional Clancy Ryan oversaw the people in this city who preferred a bit more up front agency. Having grown accustomed to this he was a bit intrigued why he would be getting called for a job that the man had reservations about.

"The info on the job itself is scarce. The sort of job that is on the hush, and hush. You're being pulled to it for your willingness to get your hands dirty. Directly asked for by the person who called me. I have a feeling that you may be wrangled up in a mess both of us weren't expecting." Ryan informs him as if the fact changed anything. "Then why agree to patch me into this job Clancy? If the risk is dirty enough to worry men like us then why are we even having this conversation?" questions his handler as if this should even be a thing. It seemed ridiculous that they were even having this talk.

"Because as it stands I'd rather be at ground zero of whatever this may be than in the blast radius. Find out, and get it done. I trust you're more than capable of handling it. Ryan out." his handler hung up and Brown put away his phone. He didn't like being ordered like that but he supposed this all could be an overreaction by Ryan who was not getting the information he usually did. Meticulous to a fault his handler typically preferred to have all the cards out so that they could measure and execute the objective quickly, and cleanly. This just meant that either the persons, or person in charge of this was playing things close to the chest. Was probably against Medtech, or Arishoka. Didn't matter if the job was reasonable he'd hear it out. Not like he had much better to do other than shoot random thugs on the street for the police bounties on repeat offenders. May as well save a trip to the doctor.

After arriving via taxi at Afterlife Brown couldn't help but feel a deep sense of loathing for the night club. It didn't matter who was running it, it was typically a den of people who looked up to wretches like Johnny Silverhand, the drunk violent ex-military grunt who fucked his way to an early grave, or sought to poorly emulate other 'night city legends'. It didn't matter who that legend was they wanted to make a name for themselves. Typically it was done poorly. He heard of a number of attempts by would be netrunners to try and claim their spoilers from a corpo, or executive of some sort. Never ended well. A casualty of poor choice making, none were missed for their lunatic tendencies. After entering the bar he was stopped giving his name he was promptly told where to go, and without much else in the way of word adjusted his suit, tie, and sunglasses before making his was there.
@WhoamiWill you be joining us again anytime soon?
Alright best of luck to you.
alright then i'll be replying sometime in the next few days, and i'll try to edit the change to make the skeletons up north unaware keeping the others attacking the main party.
Alright I'm going to make this short so you want me to do what then? I already said I'm willing to erase the skeletons, or make them aware that still won't do anything to the skeletons. Have Archimedes show up the two of them directly even though he's been talking through comms with the exception of the last post? Fine I can also do that he can appear before any of the others if he needs to. I've been trying to stress that my intention wasn't for him to purely address Leon. But everyone over an open comms channel. If that wasn't clear I'm sorry. Team A wasn't all perfect masters who were all behind Orson but were obedient enough to go through with orders without question. The occasional question such as what they should be on the look out for, or how to best approach a situation. If given a mission Keiji would set out to do it, and if so die trying which is how he approached this one even after comms cut just wasn't enough because they specifically were looking take out team A specifically as to hamstring Chaldea.

On a more personal note this whole thing has torpedoed my interest significantly in keeping gm'ing this. I hate arguing. More so I hate arguing with no easy out. I'll ask for a simple yes, or no if everyone here is still interested in keeping this going because quite frankly this is all stressing me out considerably. I will try to keep moving with this roleplay if people actually care to keep this roleplay alive. I'd rather not have a fate roleplay at all than deal with having to dread coming back here to try to argue over something I didn't think would be a problem and that, while on me for allowing this situation to reach this point, doesn't exactly fill me with the desire to deal with it.

Again a simple yes, or no please.
@The Irish Tree No one has yet to ask Archimedes anything. Thus while it seems like he's talking to Leon he's actually talking to the whole group. It is a groups comms channel. He's not hiding anything from anyone. I can't exactly help if no one has asked him anything in the brief amount of time that has happened.

Scarlett has also shown a direct questioning of Orson of things he can't help. I'll spoil this ahead of time and put it in such if anyone does care

without spoilers he is in a situation where he's basically just in a spot where he lost his best team, wasn't able to find out how, needs to admittedly throw Team B into the fire and hope for the best, and Scarlett still insults him as if has any other real option on the matter. Clocktower mages are still arrogant to some degree even the more reliable ones such as Goredolf, and Waver. So even knowing of her condition he isn't in any mood to have his ability, or authority questioned when he himself is in a position where such a matter he was being openly mocked by someone even with a disability he wouldn't take it. As it stands Orson is a respectable mage, and person who is currently highly stressed, and could possibly be the person who loses humanity's foundation if he makes a mistake. He isn't the type of person who is going to simply backdown when questioned.

If the skeletons are an issue fine I put them up front there as well to give you two something to fight, and make sure no one gets bitched out in character for being not careful. I can quite easily just make them unaware or go poof.
@Rezod92As I stated you're allowed to summon additional servants, or bench servants at you desire.
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