Avatar of Verdaux


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6 yrs ago
Current Oh Christ it's Christmas.
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6 yrs ago
Finals! Finals? Finals... *drools*
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7 yrs ago
Dippling crepression? Posteo-orosis?
7 yrs ago
The definition of insanity? Finals.
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7 yrs ago
When your crush takes months to get over their own, but they only give you three days to go back to the friend zone. MLK Jr. help me.


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Well, that takes things into perspective. How about all the coastline states from Baja to Alaska, while cutting a strip through Canada to make the whole Alaska-Canada border issue not so awkward?

But then again Clocku has BILLIONS JESUS
...also claiming the American states of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. I am also claiming the Mexican states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas.

I'll be taking every other American state, plus Baja California, plus Canada...or is that too big?
...and the Czech Republic for my nation. Juuust in case.

There goes the hot Czech singles living near my area...
[@Clocktowerechoes] For the Leadership's sheet, what kind of picture would you have us use for appearance? Anime-like, or more realistic, or...?

What kind of picture wouldja like for the sheet?

Guess I'll have to claim metallurgy as the original industry, with firearms and quantum computing R&D as the children.
Shine City to...this? FCK YEAH!

Sounds fun.
I wonder if concise writing was ever a factor among those in the Casual section (or the equivalent, on other sites)? It's pretty hard to not meta-game or power-play when I know everyone's thoughts, words, and actions, just saying...
Better than most.
D'aramitz will go dakka, I guess.
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