Avatar of WildCobra
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
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    1. WildCobra 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Yeah! A (Temporary) Break From Life I'm Back :)
9 yrs ago
Life, It's demanding and a pain, but then again you wouldn't be you without it right?
9 yrs ago
The Cobra Has Returned!!
9 yrs ago
~Gone Finishing... For a week :D~
9 yrs ago
You know that feeling when you immediately wake up and your told your dog just had puppies.... No? Oh, ok.
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*Disclaimer, if you have a problem with the way I type, please do say so, I only type like this in general or in OOC, NEVER in IC I guarantee you that.

I'm Just A Fun, Loving, Passive Person. If We Have A Problem Or Any Kind Of Confrontation, Let's Handle It In A Civilized Manner Please :).

I'm A Gamer/Amateur-Pro Gamer, I've Competed In Local And A Few Online Tournaments For Games Like "Call Of Duty: Black Ops/Black Ops II","Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos/Frozen Throne", And "Super Smash Bros."

I Also Write Fan Fiction Stories As As Pass Time Hobby For Everyone To Read. If Want To Read Them As Well You Can Check Them Out Here: Which You Can Read Right Here. Helpful/Bad Criticism Would Be Much Appreciated.

My Personal Favorite Types Of Rp:
Alien(Alien Vs Predator!! XD)
Medieval Fantasy

My Types I Dislike:
Fandom. . . . Too Be Honest I Don't Hate It, I Just Hate The Fact That Some Don't Have An, End-Point, For It Which Is Why I Tend Not To Join Them, But I End Up Joining Them If They Peak My Interest.

My Current Rp(s):
"Broken Souls" - Zombie Survival

Rp(s) Currently In:
The Big Bang (Superhero RP)
Dragon Age: Vagabond Souls
Elementals: Void Reign (OPEN)
Before RvB there was: Project Freelancer

Hope Everyone Has A Very Thoughtful Day, Good Day To You All!!

Most Recent Posts

I'm still picking out the skills to keep balance.
The Dark Wanderer
Basic Information

Species - Human/Darkspawn
Age - 26
Gender - Male
Class - Rogue(Archer)
Appearance -

Curriculum Vitae

Specializations - Shadow, Archery, Specialist

Notable Traits:

Humanlike - Karras indeed does have the dark blood coursing within his being, but somehow has retained his human like form rather then a malformed grotesque hurlock with warped skin and exposed blackened teeth. He has also the capability of speaking instead of mere grunts, growls, roars, or screams... though because of the taint within he mainly grunts in approval or disapproval due to his voice now sounding somewhat bestial.

Lock-Jaw - Karras keeps his mouth shut mainly due to the fact of his black tinted teeth standing out to that akin of rivaling a dragonling. Though that doesn't mean he keeps it shut twenty-four seven, on several accounts he's used them against those that desired to get up close and personal or had actually managed to corner him... the taste does linger for a while though, which disturbingly isn't quite half bad to him.

Deadman Walking - Given his appearance when first laided eyes upon, you'd think you've spotted a ghost, walking!? His once smooth brown skin has now become a ghastly pale coloration of white mixed in with a dull expression of gray.

Hawk's Eye - Though his eye may look void of life with the whites of his eyes tinted to near gray themselves and his pupils nearly completely crystal white, he still has sharp eye that spot can spot movements nearly two miles out without the need of any enhancement of glass.

Brood Mother's Calling - Karras isn't fully cut off from the link between himself and the darkspawn taint that now runs deep within him. He's still able to hear their thoughts of the hived spawn especially of the voice from the darkspawn Broodmother that had turned him in the first place.

Enemy Neutrality - Even with him being away from the main cluster of his corruption Karras has crossed paths with Darkspawn without having to attack, but there have also been a few times when the calling has ailed his mind black, then back to were he's standing over those that were combating his tainted brethren.

Flesh Craving - Darkspawn don't relatively need to rely on the constant need of sustaining food, but when they do they take entire throngs of live prey, reported mostly the male counterparts, and devour the red warm flesh raw and screaming. Karras hasn't necessarily done such acts, on purpose, other than to save his own life. Gurgut meat does have a limit though, once or twice people who were bad tended to have gone missing

Skills - The main abilities your character tends to rely on the most. The list needn't be exhaustive as all characters with be presumed to be able to perform basic actions automatically.

Biography - Karras once had an actual life filled with lively hood, fellowship and living for the thrill of the hunt. Since nothing within Avvarian culture was truly permanet other than their lifetime of cultural tradiotions and oaths, his former clan, The Dragonmaw Clan, constanly moved throughout the lands of Fereldan. The Dragonmaw were the most known Avvar clan that were truly more open then other Avvarian clans.

Growing up in the life of staying for a few years then moving on to new lands seeking new trade and fruitful with plenty of wild game to hunt letting the previous area were they hunted repopulate itself for a time until it was thriving with enough game again.
Karras was an excellent huntsman within his clan. Karras's skill with a bow was highly praised and reconsided amonng his Avvar kinsmen, even the thane claimed that he was a force to be reckoned with from a distance, but that didn't mean he wasn't useless in close combat either. From bringing down Gurguts to managing to survive an encounter of Giants in heat... Truly it isn't a pretty sight that not even lowlanders show witness...

Though during the transtion of moving from the hinterlands, the thane decieded that taking a path through the moutains to Orzammar rather then take the long route around them... that was the day the avvar of the DragonMaw Clan died... the day Karras was no longer himself, but something... darker.

It was a a full moon and pitch black as tar as the DragonMaw clan took refuge inside a rather large old dwarven cavern that appeared with one way out as it seemed safe enough for them to stay for the night and continue onward when they aroze, but it was folly as they didn't suspect the the night-gangers, darkspawn, to burst through the cavern from beneath them. They came in with a reckoning force of sheer terror. Even as the bulk of the DragonMaw forces were slaughtered in their sleep or trying to defend themselves, the rest of the DragonMaw clan, Karras included with the remaining alive fought back with equal strength. As they fought within they sought to send the young and those that couldn't out of the cavern to saftey, but their own way out was cut off by darkspawn Ogres... they had walked right on into a trap unknowningly. None were safe. Elders, men, woman, and even children weren't spared.

After he quick and brutal onslaught, the Karras and what remained of the DragonMaw stood only twnety strong, the thane not included, to a throng of night-gangers. They were all brought down quickly, with minimal resitants. Those few that were hanging by a thread were either tainted themselves turning them into Darkspawn monsters or dragged deep under the mountains, into the Deeps Roads to be feasted upon. Karras was one of the few that were turned.

At first he was part of the hive minded killers. Obeying and slaughtering those that stood against them just like any other hurlock. His mind was blank, no emotion, no compassion, no remorse for those that he killed, but slowly years after being tainted, corrupted with dark blood, Karras had manged to retain part of his on will and sanity. Pieces of memories, names, places came back to him over time.

He questioned himself on the matter of who he truly was and seeing that he was able to be self aware of what he was and of this were truly as they seemed. He managed to find a way out of a part of the Deep Roads near Orzammar, not without having to fight his way out first which wasn't easy task. He sustained near death injuries escaping from them, but he pressed on and on moving through places he didn't recognize, having to fight others wanting to kill him just for the spite of it. Then one day seeing that he was backed against the wall by grey men with horns, injurded badly when another group came into the fray and saved him.
He found himself indebted to the group, the only group, of people that had saved him that very day and sought to repay them by joining them.

Personality and/or Motivation - Karras... he isn't much of a talker per say, mainly due to the fact that he wanted to avoid any suspicison, though he already stuck out like a sore thumb because of his appearance already. He also tends to stare... Alot, Karras sometimes doesn't even know why he does it, he just knows that he does.

Player’s long term goals - Karras wishes to regain the entirety of his memories to find out what happened to him in the past and be free of the taint the runs within him.

Relations - Other then going out on jobs with the main group, he still doesn't truly know everyone within the group, though he has recived a lot of supision from others as well.

Secrets - Karras can still hear the calling of the hived darkspawn and sometimes willing or not, his mind gives in and he turns into a mindless killer out for blood. Only a few people within the group have seen what happens when his mind does give in thus why he remains secluded from mainly everyone.
@Argetlam350@Dragonbud@Saarebas@Hexaflexagon@NyanCaxx@my Lalia@Bornlucky@ScarletRose

I an amazing Cobra for what I just wrote, the best I think I've written anywhere so far. XD
The crowd awed and gasped few even screamed in horror at what had just transpired in front of them. An assassination attempt on the new Grand Cleric was faltered with Colt's quick intervention, thanks to the aid of the using people as steps. Colt would've laughed with joy when he heard the dwarf shout out in shock and surprise, but the matters of the Grand Cleric in danger seemed to keep his focus of attention but he did make a mental note that if he were in need of a bit more height advantage, dwarves were the best liable solution at hand.

The sounds of metal clashing against another up ahead urged Colt to move quicker out of the fray of the crowd and towards the commotion around the Grand Cleric. When he finally manged to get through the crowd Colt placed his index finger and thumb on the tip of his tongue and whistled loudly. The whistle wasn't over the volume of the crowd within the courtyard, but it was loud enough for those hidden with the crowd to hear the signal. Soon after Colt pointed up into the air moving his wrist in three quick circle motions as he kept moving forward. The hired help within the crowd then began to reveal themselves and shouting orders. "Everyone will now need to vacate the area, in a calm and orderly fashion," shouted a man within the crowd itself in grey clad armor pointing towards the gates. The guards at the gate turned in unison facing each other creating more space for the large crowd to be moved and cleared out quickly from the courtyard.

Colt had arrived to a very odd and a bit of a surprising site. Huh... Didn't expect that. One of the other hired mercenaries he had a small chat with during the briefing that took place a few hours earlier before the ceremony, Felian? Freyan?, he thought of his name, but couldn't quite remember at the moment had sword and shield up at the ready in front of the assassin against the remaining Templars and guards who had their weapons pointed at him as well. Colt looked at the lone man with a questioning look and scratched his head at the confusing and hostile predicament. He placed his bow back behind him and started to walk up closer hoping to calm the situation without any needless blood shed.

Well without anymore being shed... he grimaced taking in the account of the few knights being tended too.

Though now he was about to speak up an elf woman had came up ahead of him and spoke out.

"Please messeres! Please show the elf mercy! Mercy messeres!" she spoke with eagerness trying to get them to appeal to her.

"This is an opportunity to show her the love of the Maker! To convert her to His love!"

Colt was a bit annoyed at how the others had managed to let a person get by them, but then again he was a bit baffled at how she was trying to defend the assassin. Though Colt was going to handle the situation with a more or less convincing compromise he deiced to actually wait instead. He crossed his arms and looked towards the battle ready group to see if their response was going to genuine or outright spiteful to which Colt voted for the latter seeing as how high tensions were already. On the plus side for him Colt was enjoying the back-end view he was getting from the pleading elf woman. I think the view is rather quite... nice he thought with a sly grin plastered on his face, forgetting for a fleeting moment of the dire situation at hand.
@green eyed jess@SpiritedDream I Welcome the both of you! It's rather easy to get the hang of things on here once you've gotten use to it :).

Also Check out Mah new dance moves!
This is just starting and I'm liking the way it's gone on, I'm seeing this all the way through :)

And I'm here again!

Don't fear, WildCobra is Here!!

I Apologize to everyone for being gone so long. I may or May not have this reset with a fresh start that way we can keep a steady pace going and actually have the right tags so others can we this wonderful RP! Still pondering on it, but I haven't forgotten this at all :)

Just keep dancing until then:
@Altered Tundra I say 7/10 pretty cool to think back on watching the series then actually listen to one of the tracks.

Hahaha!! I made it!

"WildCobra has mad an Appearance!!"

@SimplyJohn Yesh that was my intentions... With a dash of Something on the side :).

Also I apologize to everyone for the delay, was out-of-state for he week.
Name: Blake Smith

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Codename: Phaser

Adrenaline Enhanceed - Blake has the gained abilty to manually control his adrenal glads and the output of adrenaline pumped into throughout his entire body system. Having this ability has it's own unqiue perks and risks when using this ability, for example whenever he feels a rush waving over him, he starts to feel he can move faster, spot and react to things faster. When this is combined with his skill of using hand weapons he is faster then any swordsman ever named in history, making his skills unmatched with this combination, but at the same time he is unable to stop the rush of strength and speed if he doesn't keep his mind mentally stable which could send him to the over the edge to insanity and only having the thought of gaining any type of excitement whether it was in the heat moment of battle or just the possible thought of killing anything. . .

Plasma Energy - Blake has the ability of controlling the power of plasma, but he is only able to use it over his weapons giving of a green hue of burning energy over his weapons when used for enchantment, coating himself in it as well giving him an extra set protection and keeping others at bay or using it as a weapon it's self focusing the coverage of it on his hands and feet whenever needed to use it when he was out of a blades reach. Even with the use of the green plasma he could only use it on what he focused it on if he were to use it on all together it wouldn't be of any use as it would disperses with ease, but still causing a small amount of damage as well.

School clubs or achievements:
Blake's hobby in Fencing and Sword-Dueling has been his favorite pastime whenever he isn't swamped with loads of schoolwork or exceptionally huge research projects. He has also, in secrecy from his family's judgment, has took his fair share in participating in some live action role playing events that took place in different parts in the city giving him a bit more wider range on the types of meele weapons used during the old years of Renaissance. There wasn't a bladed weapon he thought he wasn't capable of using."

Brief bio:
Blake, he was a true to the heart geek, he might not look like it at all, but he was indeed a handsome looking one. from reading comics and learning the lore and backgrounds of his favorite heros and villains to having an entire collections on Greek mythology. It was his true passion, and that was something he was proud of being, but his parents they never understood why or when he was interested into the weird things, they called it, he found joyful. They were still proud parents nonetheless of his accomplishments and seeing him getting ready for the next stage in his life after he graduated, that's if he got past his junior year without any distractions, then he'd be on his way to College. Blake was excited about the thought of soon being out of school as well and wanted to celebrate it, by going out to the party, which he was not invited to, but he went anyway.
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