Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

That'd be great Merc, I have an idea but trying to write it down with this darn illness is quite tricky. I'll probably put it up at some point but I can PM you the basic's so you can have an idea of what's going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mercinus3
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Member Seen 3 days ago

As mentioned, that was fine by me. Character accepted.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BantlingBee


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm reserving this space, which I hope to use for my CSs later tonight

Edit: Here's Verdis's CS. I still need to tweek Adriella's a bit more before posting.

Username: BantlingBee
Character Name: Verdis Theray
Age: 25
Race: Human
Magic: Mana Magic
Appearance: The first thing most people notice about Verdis is his impressive height. He stands at a rather remarkable 6 5”, although his long limbs make him seem taller. His overall build is slender, though he has developed a veneer of muscle in the past few years, making him look less like an awkward adolescent. His hair is medium-brown, and it falls across his angular face in thick waves. There is an attractive quality to his facial features, though the largeness of his hazel eyes and his crooked grin often suggest more of a boy than a man.

Verdis has a fondness for bold colors, and often wears tunics of emerald green or deep burgundy over a long-sleeved shirt. His trousers are expertly tailored, though generally unremarkable in terms of color or material. He generally wears them tucked into well-made leather boots. He usually wears little armor, instead preferring to adorn himself in a heavy cloak. The cloak itself is a rather extraordinary looking garment. It is made of soft yet heavy wool, dyed a rich gold color. It is fur lined and features embroidered designs around the shoulders and hemlines. Verdis carries a sheathed rapier and parrying dagger at his side and a bandore strapped to his back.

Personality: Outgoing and charismatic, Verdis truly exemplifies the qualities of an extrovert. He’s extremely friendly with almost everyone he meets, and can be exceedingly charming. Despite his affluent upbringing, he lacks any real snobbery, instead being fascinated by different lifestyles. However, this fascination can come across as naiveté (which it often is) or condescension (which it never is) and can occasionally alienate those around him.

He has an artist’s fondness for beauty, and can often be enthralled by the simplest of details. He appreciates technical work such as craftsmanship, but also academic and military prowess. His studies as a boy tended to be highly varied and somewhat unfocused, meaning that he is knowledgeable about many things and an expert at nothing.

It has been said that Verdis wears his emotions on his sleeve, and this is true up to a point. He is quick to express his fondness for things, and typically has an overly optimistic attitude. That being said, this optimism is somewhat of a façade. While it is true that Verdis feels happiness often, he will also not express any sort of negative emotion, instead preferring to internalize or brush-off the problem. He is thus extremely bad at confrontations, and may react in a passive-aggressive way.

However, he’s good enough at hiding his passive-aggressive tendencies behind what appears to be laziness. In reality, Verdis is somewhat lazy. He enjoys sleeping, and tends to be rather sluggish when inactive.

Traits (Fill in the two sections below)
• Charismatic
• Knowledgeable about many different subjects
• Musical ability
• Agile
• Skilled in basic magic

• Naïve about lifestyles other than his own
• Not particularly physically strong
• Lazy
• Extremely bad with confrontation/a bit of a pushover
• Often easily distracted/lacking focus
• Women

Equipment: Verdis has a rapier sheathed at his side. It is a somewhat unremarkable blade, though anyone could see that it is well-crafted and perhaps more elaborate than strictly necessary. A matching parrying dagger is sheathed on the opposite side. Verdis also carried a bandore over one shoulder. It is a beautiful instrument, made of mahogany and carved with intricate scrollwork. His satchel is usually found on his other shoulder. It is a black leather bag containing several rations, a sleeping roll, a climbing kit, and various medicines. He also has a sketchbook with some pencils.

Bio: Verdis was the third son born to a wealthy noble family in Galecteo. As such, he was educated in the tradition and privilege that his birth afforded him. Verdis knew from a young age that he was unlikely to inherit his father’s title or land. As such, he was not encouraged to develop the prudence or self-discipline of his two older brothers. Instead, he was free to learn what he chose. Since he had natural talent for music and the arts, as well as diplomacy, he was inspired to develop these areas by his rather doting mother. He was always considered to be the most agreeable of his siblings, and often acted as a mediator between his two older brothers.

He became interested in magic as a fairly young teenager, and he seemed to have an above average affinity for it, though he was not always the most dedicated student. Shortly after he had become skilled in magic, his father suddenly fell gravely ill and died. His eldest brother Kael took control of the estate and title, as was the custom. Although Verdis and Kael had always gotten along, his eldest brother became quickly consumed by his new obligations He became withdrawn and paranoid, eventually ceasing contact with Verdis and his sister Adriella altogether. A few more tense weeks past, and Kael’s paranoia grew, especially with magic users. Eventually Verdis was informed by his second eldest brother—Teoden that Kael was plotting with assassins to kill Verdis and Adriella. The two siblings fled in the night, traveling towards Gelbterron and a more temperate climate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Psst... hey Bee... you gunna do up a Silvæan?

Was thinknig of doing one, but if you do, I think I'll change mine out. So lurvs the charries so far, but that winged Narandail dun have no weaknesses?! O.o? But yeah, okay, I see this is a powerful bunny type of RP... Hmmmms... interesting. I will post something anyways and see if you like it, M3! ~BOING!!!!!~


Murps. Dun bunny...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BantlingBee


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It's all good, Bunnita. I was doing two humans actually.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Okay urshums~~!

I just edited in my charrie too! -phew- lucky you weren't gunna do a sylvaen^^

What kind of humans are you doing, Bee? You think they want some Silver magic... it's the good stuff too... Bree can teach them... shhh...



Wulp... if she is accepted that is...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BantlingBee


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

And here's Adriella's CS:

Username: BantlingBee
Character Name: Adriella Theray
Age: 23
Race: Human
Magic: Elemental; specifically Ice

Unlike her older brother, Adriella is not particularly tall, standing instead at below average height for a woman. She has a graceful figure, slender yet well proportioned. Her hair is a few shades darker than her brother’s--more of an umber than Verdis’s chestnut locks. She often ties it back and away from her face by a leather cord. Her eyes are large and very from smoky-grey to hunter green depending on the light source. They are framed by dark eyelashes and give her face an almost dreamy expression when she is deep in thought. Though not as mercurial as Verdis, she does share her brother’s crooked grin when feeling mischievous or in a particularly good mood. Her features are symmetrical and pretty, and her face has a healthy blush in the cheeks.

She usually wears study clothing to protect herself from the frigid air of Galecteo. More specifically, this includes a long tunic-like dress that comes just past her knees. It is usually long-sleeved and made of a thick, high-quality material. Adriella also wears a sort of heavy leather legging. Similar to jodhpurs, they reach to the ankle and feature sturdy reinforced fabric. Her boots are made of dark, semi flexible leather and reach below her knees. Like Verdis, she also has a fur-lined cloak. However, hers is a deep heather gray depicting intricate floral designs in an almost iridescent thread.

Personality: Although Adriella is actually younger than Verdis, few would assume so upon first meeting the Theray siblings. Adriella is surprisingly self-assured and confident, though this rarely comes across as arrogance. There is warmth to her disposition, and though more reserved than her older brother, her personality is less polarizing or controversial. Most people feel at ease around her.

She has a certain maternal air towards her brothers and those she cares about, which is rather unexpected in someone so young. Given Verdis’ penchant for getting into scrapes, she’s had to develop a more externally pragmatic and logical worldview. She’s actually an artist at her core, and this is reflected in her magic. However, most people don’t see that aspect of her personality unless they really get to know her.

Adriella is bright and extremely dedicated to subjects she deems important. While both the Theray siblings are polymaths, Adriella’s approach to her studies is far more academic than Verdis. This dedication has made her skilled at the longbow and with wielding Ice Magic’s various powers. When not studying or practicing, Adriella must find something to occupy her mind. If she is unable to do so, she becomes restless and annoyed.

Growing up with three older brothers taught Adriella the importance of standing one’s ground. As a result, she’s courageous and determined. However, these characteristics have decided disadvantages, as they also make her stubborn and somewhat quick-tempered. She has been known to boss Verdis around frequently—something that her brother endures without protest. However, this can make her appear overbearing. This is actually because she believes that no one will take charge if she does not, rather than because she has a particular fondness for being in control.

Traits (Fill in the two sections below)
• Extremely skilled in Ice Magic
• Good with a longbow
• Intelligent
• Courageous
• Generally makes people feel at ease

• Poor sense of spatial awareness (gets lost easily)
• Stubbornness
• Not particularly good at melee combat such as sword fighting
• Becomes restless easily when inactive
• Can be overbearing
• Often quick tempered

Equipment: Adriella usually has her longbow and a quiver of arrows slung over her shoulder. The bow is expertly made, fitting Adriella’s proportions perfectly. The arrows show the same remarkable craftsmanship and their quiver is simple but also well made. She carries a leather pack over her hip. The pack contains a few essentials—a bedroll, some rations, and a few personal items. She also has a small dagger sheathed at her side, though it’s not much more than a glorified pocketknife.

Bio: Adriella grew up with three older brothers in a wealthy household. She resisted her mother’s urgings for her to be “a proper young lady” and instead spent most of her time reading, learning her magic, or shooting her bow. She was often found tagging along with her brothers, especially Verdis. Shortly after he took up magic, Adriella decided that she wanted to as well. However, she didn’t want to copy her older brother entirely. The harsh terrain of her homeland, and the versatility of Ice magic were what drew her initially to the discipline.

After her father died, she too noticed that Kael had begun to isolate himself from the rest of the family. Neither Kael nor Teoden were magic users, but this had never caused a rift between the siblings during her father’s lifetime. Regardless, Kael had begun to ignore her almost entirely except to suggest possible suitors. Not only did Adriella get the sense that her brother was trying to use her as a commodity, but she also felt that he was trying to get rid of her for some nefarious purpose. She originally confided this to Verdis, but he shook it off as being Adriella’s reluctance to marry. However, all that changed with Teoden confronted Verdis about their eldest brother’s plan.

It was Adriella’s idea to head south, particularly since that seemed the least likely place for an Ice magister to flee to. However, Verdis has been navigating since he has a far better sense of direction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mercinus3
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Member Seen 3 days ago

@BantlingBee: I can see no problem with either of your characters, so they are accepted into the RP.
@Bunnita: Just to let you know that Silvæan magic is something that could not be used by anyone outside of the race or any half-blood characters. As for teaching magic to other people, that is fine, but just a reminder that not every person in Gelbaron, despite the 1st Precendata Arcana saying that anyone has the potential to use magic, not everyone can use it.

Another thing I had noticed when glancing at your character is that your Silvæan character is immortal. As it is something that very rarely occurs and the Rite is not something that is done on a whim, as those who take it usually are on the verge of death via wounds, alongside the fact that an immortal Silvæan is something that would be too OP for characters, I was looking into having the Silvæan characters to being mortal.

Another thing which is noticed is that your character's magicis noted as Silvæan Immortal. This doesn't exist in Gelbaron. There's just Silvæan magic.

It does happen that some Silvæans do get exiled from Silvæa for doing a crime against the people, but the only reason that the exiled don't return is because of guilt, not because they are blocked by a magical force (a mantle of that size would drain a lot of spirit from the user(s)/mana crystals, so there's no point in having it up constantly) or have their mind's manipulated by those carrying out the sentence (as this breaks the 6th Precendata)

While I am fine with the 'Shambler', there is also another creature that could serve this purpose (albeit not listed in the Creatures section due to the post being huge already) are creatures called Carrefær. I can PM you the necessary information on these creatures if you want.

Finally, it's fine to reveal a lot more things that relates to the background of your character during the RP.

Once the above corrections are made, I'll have a look at the revised version of Bree.
I think there are enough characters in the RP (once Bunnita's character is changed and accepted) to initially start off the RP. I will post the first IC post shortly.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Merc hope it's okay I posted?

@All I've added it to her CS but whenever she mentions 'snakes' or 'tentacles' or similar these are what I mean. I've titled them Leviathan for easy reference and I imagine, as long as Merc's okay with it, she's fashioned them along the liens of something that lives in the Void. Cheap imitations though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


This bunny dun FAILED!!!! -dies-

M'kay. Saw what you needed to have changed M3! and will get straight on it, sir! Sorry. just I gots a wee bit carried away with the charrie.

And urmuhgurds... those in-charrie posts are so exciting! ~BOING!!!!~ action packed, bloody and eww, peeps dun getting ripped in half XDDDDD Wow. So fantastical, and you have stabbed this bunny's sweet spot! Urshums<3 So needs to gets in there. Okay. Gunna eats foods then get on that charrie sheet post-haste! Lurvs!~~!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Hey, M3! I just put ^up a new character, hopefully this one is more acceptable~~!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mercinus3
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Bunnita said
Right.Hey, M3! I just put ^up a new character, hopefully this one is more acceptable~~!

Certainly a much better character than before. The Earth Elemental Mount I'll let you decide. Character accepted.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~BOING!!!~ urshums!!! Thanks M3! Had an idea that this she was more along the lines of what you were looking for... ;]

Okay, but can you give out details of the Carrefaer so this bunny has an idea about earthy type creatures. Dun worry, sir, soooooo nots gunna make a giant bunny for Wyn to ride... but then again... XDDDD

Okay. Eats foods then brain-attack about a mount. Urms... oh! And if anyone wants to do backstories with 'Wyn then HEY! Let's do it, bunny^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mercinus3
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Member Seen 3 days ago

cthulu said
@Merc hope it's okay I posted?

@All I've added it to her CS but whenever she mentions 'snakes' or 'tentacles' or similar these are what I mean. I've titled them Leviathan for easy reference and I imagine, as long as Merc's okay with it, she's fashioned them along the liens of something that lives in the Void. Cheap imitations though.

Everything looks good in the post, cthulu.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Was I accepted? You didnt put me on the character roster. I was the last post on the first page so you might have missed me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mercinus3
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Member Seen 3 days ago

RabidAnubis said
Was I accepted? You didnt put me on the character roster. I was the last post on the first page so you might have missed me.

Yeah I did miss you. Didn't even realize. The airship is fine, though I have many methods in mind for it to be damaged in the case one does appear (done this once before).

Everything with your character is fine from what I can see. Character has been accepted and will be added shortly.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

One more question. Since my guy probably wouldn't be the sort to fight away, I have to ask about what I should do. Do you just want for me to wait until the initial fight is over?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mercinus3
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Member Seen 3 days ago

I don't have any problems with that.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hey, approved people. I know Break is terrifyingly awesome but she's on YOUR side.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BantlingBee


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'll probs get something up tonight. I've got some Master's Thesis work that needs to get done first though.
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