Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This is a one-on-one RP between Wernher and PopeAlessandros, so if you are not us, don't post! Also, M/M, so if you don't like, don't read.

Plot: Lovers of death and all things associated with the darker arts, the necromancer loathes the sunlight and the being that bask in it's warmth. One day he captures an elf sent to spy on him from a nearby kingdom. For some reason, instead of turning him into just another in his legions of the undead, he imprisons the elf in a room far from the sun's life giving rays. He does not know why, but something about the creature grabs his interest as nothing else has in well over a century, and he id determined to find out just what that is.


Player: Wernher

Name: Gilbert de Beauregard (French & not fantasy like, sorry)

Race: Human

Age: 97

Height: 5ft11

Weight: Ehhh

Powers/Skills(If Applicable):
General purpose necromancy, elite level, as well as basic swordsmanship. Basic control over other types of magic, but nothing above novice really.

General Personality:
Cocky, sarcastic and cynical are the adjectives he was and still is the most used to be described with. He is also a very sore loser and a poor winner, not hesitating to rub his victories on his opponent's face, gloating. His ego is great and will often make him predictable and while he has great intellect, he tends to walk right into traps just to prove nothing can get to him with his so called 'immorality'. Morally wise, one could call him 'Chaotic Neutral' in the fact that while puts very little value on the life of others and won't hesitate to discard them if it serves his purpose, he will not go out of his way to kill people. That is of course, unless that someone he really hates.

There are two ways of talking about Gilbert, the legend and the truth.
The legend would say that he was always a dark child and an ambitious one, that as he came of age he found hate in his older brother that would become king and decided to kill him as to be the next one in line for the throne, but while managed to achieve the kill, he was discovered through his use of dark magics. As his parents, outraged, decided that the only punishment fit for such a crime would be his death, Gilbert slaughtered all of the palace by rising the graveyards of the local town in an undead army, feeding of his defeated enemies to replenish his numbers, he then crushed the entirity of the remaining population to raise them into more minions.

The truth however is not so bad, while being quite tragic. Gilbert had always been somewhat of a loner and above all, not someone with talent in what made a 'Great noble', combat wasn't his forte and he was constantly bullied by all of his siblings, his parents deciding not to interveen as this would 'make him tougher'. The court wizard who understood him has he once had been in the same situation, or so he says, began to teach him from time to time. There was a basis in everything, even the dark arts. While this was always controversial to know such a thing, the mage argued that 'You can't defend against what you don't know'. One day, his father fell ill. This of course stressed him because of all his bullies his older brother would succeed him. This was of course made worst by the fact that his younger brother told him that not only that, but his older brother had a no mage policy and he would ban both his mentor and him out of the kingdom once he took power.

Thanks the gods however, his younger brother had a solution, they just needed to make the oldest disapear and since Gilbert didn't want the power, abdicate so the youngest could take power. And it worked. His younger brother however didn't keep his part of the bargain and used Gilbert as a convenient scape goat. His brother's untimely demise, the sickness of his father, it was all Gilbert he said. Gilbert then indeed used necromancy to raise the undead and indeed, his brother was not prepared for this, thinking he'd only have minor and useless knowledge of magic.

After that things went downhill without Gilbert even lifting a finger. Stories spread about how the evil brother had taken over and killed everyone in the castle, soon, he'd some for them! Some took arms and tried to storm the castle but were only brought down, the rest decided to flee... through the swamps... in the middle of the winter. And so Gilbert was left alone. He studied, experimented, trying to keep the boredom from making him insane. Eventually even groups of wannabe necromancers came to the great Gilbert the Impaler, he who litered every yard in front of his palace with the impaled cadaver of his family member, something he laughed at this in secret, even if he accepted to have them in the castle.


Player: PopeAlessandros

Name: Aslon Talonheart(Dorky, I know)

Race: Elf

Age: 86

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: Around 140lbs

Hair: Deep red and slightly wavy. Kept in a loose pony when working, but down most of the time, brushes top of buttocks. (Love that word)

Eyes: Bright green, almost seems luminescent int he dark.

Skin: Pale but not sickly

Build: Slender, gymnast build with strong but only barely visible muscles.

Clothes: A loos white tunic with a soft brown leather vest over it. Old fashioned thick gray tights, and soft leather boots.

Accessories: A silver pendant on a chain that is his family's crest. A hawk's talon wrapped around a heart.

Powers/Skills(If Applicable): He is the top marksman of his clan, and can climb almost like a squirrel. He has mastered the basic healing magics, and has won the last three horse racing competitions.

General Personality: Since a young age, he's always excelled at everything he's tried to do, so he has developed a bit of a superior attitude. This makes him at time arrogant and insensitive, but his grandmother's firm hand over the years has kept him from becoming a total ass. He feels bad when he realizes he's hurt someone, but isn't good at recognizing when he's done so. He's a bit rough and curt a lot of the times, but is fiercely protective of his friends and family. He has a short temper and has started many fights the need not have happened.

Background: Both of Aslon's parent's worked for the king as warriors and were working the front lines on patrol of the elven territories when they were killed by a rouge band of undead. He grew up and angry child, swearing vengeance on the necromancer. It wasn't until recently that he found out that the current ruler of the deadlands is not the one responsible fr his parents' deaths, but that has done little to quell his burning hatred. His grandmother did her best to try and channel his anger into other thing, and that is how he became a healer. She had hoped the teachings would bring him some peace, but despite his skill in the art, he never really embraces the teachings.

His instructor is one of the oldest elves in the village, and has also tried to keep him away from the deadwood. However, to bot the instructor's and the grandmother's sadness, Aslon took up the job of spy for the king. He's gone mostly to a few human lands, but as of late the king has grown ever more suspicious of the necromancer whose lands boarder his. It is finally his chance, and Aslon will not let it pass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I have a minor request for your posts. I have a hard time following who's talking when, so if you could do something about it like label each person's speech with a "He said" or "He shouts" or something. I learned that in books authors keep it all strait but making sure only one person speaks per paragraph, so maybe you can try that? It's what I had to do when working on the site I write my books on. I use to write in big blocks like what you do, and I love them, but without at least label on each "" section, I'm getting a little lost as to who's speaking half the time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hnn, there's a little bit of God Moding there :P You moved my guy from the horse's side, and now I have to figure out HOW my guy is evading the dog's noses. *Shrug* N big deal. It's kinds fun to try and figure out how to fit into the events you leave me with.

Side note: My guy, should he be around, has the insane urge to shoot your guy in the mouth as he yells at the Deadwood :P But, I'm not gonna let him to that, despite the funny slapstick image in my head :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I worked on the idea that dogs couldn't smell the elf, but the horse yes, sorry. And why not, really, my guy has practical immortality at the moment since his soul is linked to something in the castle (You'll find out what eventually.) so I pretty much expect this to happen.

Do you want me to edit?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I will do my best to work with what you've given me, but in the future, just be careful about moving me. If you feel you would like to to add some drama, just check with me first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm writing my response up now. I'm wondering, how long do you wanna be on the hunt, because in order for you to catch me I think we have to agree upon the manner in which I am captured :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I work like crazy these days, I'll be back on this with you later (6 straight days of job 9h per day) I should be done on the 4th or 5th.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

No problem, I am patient with my partners in hopes that they will be just as patient when I can't respond for a while :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alright, will post tomorrow. Until then, indeed how?

I'm open to suggestions, had about two main ideas in mind.

1: Aslon sees Gilbert move the body of the previous scout for disection and decides to confirm his death & prevent the body to be victim to the necromancers. That, of course, quickly goes down the drain.

2: Gilbert gets bored and returns to the castle while most of his minions are still on the hunt. Aslon sees this as his chance while he is isolated, however powerful necromancers aren't just killed by a few arrows in the back.

Other ideas?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I kinda like that first one. Being caught because he couldn't control himself upon seeing his dead comrade would bring his great shame and make the capture more devastating to the elf.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Delays and more delays. Got called to replace a sick person tonight and since its going to be a 24h I'm going to be up this means I'll have to sleep so ETA to my next post is 18h. Sorry again, I know how frustrating it is to wait for a post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Wow, I'm a dumbass to have delayed this long. Still, here it is if the wait hasn't killed the RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

RP's not dead, I'm working on a response right now. Since we decided upon Aslon catching Gilbert bringing the body to the necromancers, I'm having myself getting caught with Gilbert bringing the body to the necro's in an underground lab :P Hope you don't mind :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I was under the idea maybe he'd go to the operation room and attack there, but I'll manage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sorry for the short lengh, but I say, I do think this is the beginning of a dialogue phase.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

No problem. I was in an odd mood first time I tried to read it, so I didn't finish reading it :P I'll try again this now, and get a reply up after my sleep :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ah HAH! I figured out my mental block with this. The second figure is your character, not a second mini necro. Remember, I'm suppose to catch up with yer guy as he delivers the body to the mini necros? It's why he called him "My lord" And we aren't in a big room, we're in a small underground hall. It's an awesome scene though :P But I think we both got a little mixed up :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ah! Well, I hadn't seen it that way. Want me to edit? I don't mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PopeAlessandros
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

That would help me a lot. My head space is warping trying to sort a way to make it work as written, and it's just, not :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Then pull back, relax, have a martini while I fix this.
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