Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 7 mos ago

War. War never changes.
When atomic fire consumed the earth, those who survived did so in great, underground vaults. When they opened, their inhabitants set out across ruins of the old world to build new societies, establish new villages, form new tribes.

As decades passed, what had been the American southwest united beneath the flag of the New California Republic, dedicated to old-world values of democracy and the rule of law. As the Republic grew, so did its needs. Scouts spread east, seeking territory and wealth, in the dry and merciless expanse of the Mojave Desert. They returned with tales of a city untouched by the warheads that had scorched the rest of the world, and a great wall spanning the Colorado River.

The NCR mobilized its army and set it east to occupy the Hoover Dam, and restore it to working condition. But across the Colorado, another society had arisen under a different flag. A vast army of slaves, forged in the conquest of 86 tribes: Caesar's Legion.

Four years have passed since the Republic held the Dam - just barely - against the Legion's onslaught. The Legion did not retreat. Across the river, they gathered strength. Campfires burned, training drums beat.

Through it all, the New Vegas Strip has stayed open for business under the control of its mysterious overseer, Mr. House, and his army of rehabilitated Tribals and police robots.

This is an RP revolving around the plot of Fallout: New Vegas. You can play as cannon characters, or create your own. Together, our characters will shape the fate of the Mojave Wasteland, together.

To Join:


Factions/Reputation: (You can have multiple. For example: Victor is 'Accepted' by Goodsprings, and 'Liked' by the Strip.)

Hometown: (Where your character currently lives)

Appearance: (A picture will suffice)

SPECIAL: (You have 38 points to distribute, and may have no higher than 10. If you replace one or more of your Perks with "Intense Training", you get one more point to distribute)

Tag Skills: (List 3)

Starting Perks: (choose 3. If it's a 'trait' style perk with a downside, you can have it without it counting towards your 3)

Starting Weapons: (Try not to start with more than 3)

Starting Armor/Clothing:


Personality: (Optional)

RP Sample: (Optional. I may ask one from you though if you're looking to be playing a canon)

Perk Examples:
This is a non-complete list of Perks and what they might do in our RP.

Lady Killer/Black Widow: Your character has a way with the opposite sex. So, you should be flirty with the other gender, if possible.

Cannibal: Exactly what it sounds like. Cannibals can gobble people up. Yuck!

Cowboy: Your character loves westerns, and loves being a post-nuclear cowboy. As such, you get to preform extra-awesomely when you use cowboyish weapons. Try to act like a cowboy when you can.

Grunt: Your character hopped right out of a Tom Clancy novel. Your fixation with military hardware gives you a bonus when you use military-like weapons. You are required to say "Hoorah" every once in a while.

Sniper: Your character loves to aim for the head. As such, you get an increased chance to hit the head. Or at least the earlobe.

Pyromaniac: Your character has a possibly unhealthy fixation with the magic of fire. As such, you gain a damage boost when you use a firey weapon. Oh Burn!

Fight the Power!: Your character is basically a \non-conformist who dislikes authority figures, such as the NCR, Legion, BoS, or House. As such, they are deadlier when fighting somebody they know to be an authority figure. An evil character might be a radical anarchist terrorist bent on spreading chaos and anarchy. A good character might come across as a robin-hood like figure who wants to stand up to unjust authority. This is not mutually exclusive from the "Sneering Imperialist" perk. You can also be in an authoritarian faction and still have this perk. For example: an NCR Ranger might consider himself a liberator from the oppression of the Legion.

Sneering Imperialist: Your character looks down on tribal organizations, such as the Dead Horses, the White Legs, and the Fiends. They don't necessarily need to hate all of them, but should at least consider their way of life inferior to yours. A particularly evil character with this perk might consider them animals to be exterminated. A good character with this perk has a genuine dedication to spreading the torch of civilization.

Animal Friend: Your character just loves animals! So much in tune is your character with nature, that predatory animals will generally ignore them. Yay! And if you take the perk twice, animals will actually rush to your aid. Your character should act the part, though.

Hunter: Your character loves hunting animals. They love animal rugs and head trophies. As such, they get a bonus when fighting an animal.

Laser Commander: Similar to Pyromaniac, your character has a primal fixation with Lasers. As such, you get a bonus when using any kind of laser weapon.

Ghoul: Your character is a non-feral ghoul. You look like a walking corpse. -3 charisma, but you heal in radiation.

Robot: Your character is a robot of some sort. Which makes you officially awesome.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Adam Campbell

Faction: Goodsprings

Hometown: Goodsprings

Appearance: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/576771829577467118/6FCA4AEB5E702D576054BA11C265B68B5A992E9C/1024x768.resizedimage

Strength: 5
Perception: 6
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 5
Luck: 6

Tag Skills: Guns, Sneak, Speech

-Lady Killer: Girls dig Couriers.
-Educated: Adam has been formally educated, and is well-read.
-Sneering Imperialist: While working as a Courier, his greatest enemies were fiends and raiders. As such, he's specialized in fighting tribals and junkies.

Weapons: Varmint Rifle, Boxing Tape, Switchblade

Armor/Clothing: Pre-war Buisness Suit, Prewar Hat

Personality: Adam generally falls into the archetype of Lawful Good. He's relatively humble about any heroic actions he takes, if he takes any, considering himself to be a punch-clock hero more than anything. He's relatively open-minded, at least wanting to hear everybody out before deciding a course of action or an attack. However, he's developed a certain distrust of tribals, thanks to Fiends constantly trying to attack him when he was a courier, and more recently, the Khans assisting in stealing the Platinum Chip. He also likes to flirt with every other woman he meets, which occasionally gets him into trouble. He's also a religious man, but not to the extent of Joshua Graham by a long shot.

History: Adam was just a little courier living in the Mojave. He was asked to deliver an odd, platinum chip. It sounded innocent enough, so he took the job. He was waltzing through Goodsprings when he was suddenly ambushed by a few thugs. One of them, by the name of "Benny", shot him in the head with a 9mm. He scarcely remembers the event now, it's all kind of a blur. However, a robot by the name of Victor had managed to dig him out of his grave, and delivered him to Doc Mitchel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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VATROU The Barron

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'll be watching. *Eyes glare at page* No but seriously I'm already in a Vegas RP. A Nation type in another forum, otherwise I'd join. Best of luck to you guys.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 7 mos ago

I'll be watching. *Eyes glare at page* No but seriously I'm already in a Vegas RP. A Nation type in another forum, otherwise I'd join. Best of luck to you guys.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Sgt. Jerry Riggs, just call him Riggs

Factions/Reputation: Liked by the NCR, shunned by the Legion

Hometown: Novak, but a recent job has him going to Goodsprings.

Appearance: Being a ghoul, Jerry isn't what you would call handsome or attractive or basically anything that doesn't have to do with zombie. However, Jerry never really cared about his looks before the great war either. Still, there are somethings that set him apart from other ghouls. Number one, most of his extra skin is gone, couple hundred years of fighting will do that to ya. Secondly, his head is encased in metal. Due to an incident with laser to the face, a science guy made sure he survived. Now he has a robot voice and needs to eat and drink out of a straw, but he's alive. Lastly, the dudes ripped. Like big ass muscles. Hundreds of years carrying a 25 pound gun really does a number on ya. Also hes like 6'7.

S: 10
P: 4
E: 8
C: 2
I: 5
A: 5
L: 4

Tag Skills: Guns, Unarmed, Repair

Starting Perks:

Grunt: Before the world went to hell, Riggs was a soldier. With that skill set he has lived and prospered.
Ghoul: While the rest of his family died of the radiation, Riggs gained power from it, if not a little uglieness.
Piercing Strike: After hundreds of years of carrying Mulch around, Riggs has gained some seriouse strength in his arms. So much in fact, that he can kill a man with his hands alone.

Starting Weapons: Mulch, a minigun Riggs has had since his days in the army in the great war. Boxing tape and a 44. Magnum.

Starting Armor/Clothing: Mk 1 "Brain Case" cyber support helmet. Combat armor.

History: Jerry has been around for a long time, like a REALLY long time. Before the great war he was just a sergeant in the military and fighting the good fight, that is until the bombs fell. During that time Jerry tried desperately to get his family into a vault but he just didn't get their in time. So as the bombs fell, he stayed with his family until they all started to die and he didn't. At the time he thought it was a cruel joke, that god just hadn't finished with Jerry just yet. Yet, as the years wen't by he got over it and in the wake of it, he became a defender again...At a price. He became a mercenary, but not one of those that kill anybody and arguably, Jerry rarely accepts full payment for his job. Hes just too nice of a guy. In his hundreds of years Jerry has been all across the U.S. and only now does he stop to relax in a little town called Novak, were he and a couple of snipers make sure people don't cause trouble. But his old itchy feet are comin back and a new arrival just might make him go exploring yet again.

Personality: Very outgoing when not on the job, Riggs likes a nice beer every once and awhile and is still lookin for a nice girl to take home. On the job however, he is quit, professional, and intimidating. With a robotic voice and glowing eyes, people tend to think twice about attacking things hes guarding.

RP Sample: Its been real hot out lately, I hate the heat. It chafes whats left of my skin off. With that, a crack goes across the the canyon and the guys head he is standing next turns into chunky confetti.

"Its going to be one of those days." Riggs says with a sigh as he revs up Mulch and lets forth a hail of metal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Zed Luminite...or just 'Ghost'. He doesn't use his actual name when interacting with others. A spoken name could be a dangerous weapon, after all...

Factions/Reputation: He is relatively unknown throughout the region. A ghost, if anything.

Hometown: He lives on the road. However, he IS visiting Goodsprings to sell his current abundance of Gecko pelts and meat.


Strength: 4
Perception: 7
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 7
Luck: 6

Tag Skills: Guns, Sneak, Repair

Starting Perks:
Trigger Discipline - Trait/Perk
Living Anatomy

Starting Weapons:
Hunting Rifle - Scoped w/ Silencer
Combat Knife
10mm Pistol - w/ Silencer

Starting Armor/Clothing:
Leather Armor
Pre-war hoodie - Ripped, tattered, and unzipped. Hood is constantly up.
Gasmask - Helps with keeping out unwanted stenches. Also hides his identity.



RP Sample: A muffled curse passed through the rubber-like gasmask that covered Ghost's face. The hooded man passed silently behind different rock formations, slipping in and around the ridges with a sense of panther-like grace. After finding the rendezvous point, Ghost swiftly gripped his hunting rifle, staring through the scope, waiting silently for The Trade to happen...

It only took an hour, at most. Down in the canyon, he could see multiple pre-war motorcycles revving and gassing up the place with oily fumes, making him thankful that he had found his gasmask earlier on in his travels. Multiple men, in dirty pre-war suits and sunglasses, walked away from their parked vehicles, two of them carrying sleek suitcases, while the others gripped their tommy guns. Body-guards, perhaps? There were around four in total, and they propped their cases up on a rotten, wooden table that stood in the middle of the canyon. From above, Ghost smiled grimly.

"Aye yo Giovanni, do you have the Speed?"

"Yeah Mike, show me the money."

And the trade commenced.

Ghost watched through keen eyes as they traded the drugs and money, the two body guards standing behind their respective clients. He only had a few seconds left until he had to act, or his whole 'sniper nest', which was nothing more than a few rocks that over looked the massive canyon they dealed in, would be for naught.

He noticed the body guard behind 'Mike' reaching for his gun.

It was time.

Work In Progress
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Deus

Ceasar's Legion
Accepted. Served well in Ceasar's Legion and could have been a Praetorian if he didn't get wounded in a battle.

Followers of the Apocalypse:
Accepted. After being saved by them, Deus decided to help them out however he could, from guarding their workers to providing his knowledge on the Mohave fauna.

Shunned. He was their enemy, simple enough. He was fortunately disguised during his fight against them, however he still lingers a certain amount of hatred towards the NCR due to Legion propaganda. He's at least learned to keep his mouth shut.

Good Springs
Accepted. He just moved in and provides a valuable asset by mapping out the migration routes of various Mohave wildlife, allowing the settlement to know when it's best to go out hunting wild brahmin, and when they should stay in town when Deathclaws roll by.

Hometown: He's a traveler, but is looking to make a home for himself in Goodsprings


Strength: 7
Perception: 5
Endurance: 9
Charisma: 1
Intelligence: 6
Agility: 7
Luck: 1

Tag Skills: Melee, Repair, Survival

Starting Perks:
Logan's Loophole - Deus has some strange bodily function where he seems to be able to utilize various chems and nutrients very efficiently, regardless of their negative effects. However, it's speculated that his time is very short unless he can find someway to remove this strange affliction.
Wild Wasteland - Deus was just never quite the same after being rescued by the Followers. While still rather intelligent and sane, sometimes he sees things no one else does, gets things that no one else should find.

Animal Friend - Wild creatures are very friendly with Deus. He often can take things like coyotes and wolves as pets just after a few hours and caring for them. He's even been seen taming some of the Mohave's more feral creatures, like Radscorpions and Cazadors.
Unstoppable Force - Be it leather or metal, raider armor or power armor, thick Super Mutant hides or Sentry Bot metallic carapace, if Deus has a weapon, it will go through you.
Jury Rigger - Deus is quite crafty, and knows how to improvised tools and parts to fix or even make weapons.

Starting Weapons:
Crowbar - A fairly unique weapon, all things considered. A blood-red crowbar which Deus has used to bypass locked doors and bandits.
Hunting Shotgun+ - It's name speaks for itself, though Deus will use it to hunt wild animals or those who are in need of a buckshot sandwich. He also has slugs, for when he needs to do a bit of long distance shooting.
.45 Auto Pistol+ - A fully modified .45 pistol from New Canaan itself. A gift from the followers, it has heavy duty slide and a silencer, but Deus also reenforced the bottom of the handle and the frame itself, to not only increase it's durability but also so he can use it as a melee weapon in a pinch.

Starting Armor/Clothing:
Deus wears a mishmash of leather and metal plates he made himself from outfits he found while in Freeside. All together, it can deflect small caliber bullets such as 9mm and 10mm, made knives and blades bounce off his plates, and has even been know to tank higher grade ammo as well. Deus also wears a composite metal helmet that can withstand quite the abuse and filters out toxic air and radiation for him. It can also allow him to breath underwater, but only for up to ten minutes before he needs to refill his air tanks.

Deus was born in a tribe in Arizona known as the Machine Heralds. Unlike some tribes, the Machine Heralds made a copious amount of use from the old world to create something new from it. While not all their inventions were a success, they were, unlike other tribes, creating new things rather than scavenging that of the old. The Machine Heralds were also one of the few tribes who did not resist Ceasar's conquest of Arizona, knowing fully well that they would not be able to withstand his legion. Like many other tribes, the men of the Machine Heralds were either pressed into becoming soldiers or made into slaves, as were their women. Their sons were brought up as Legionaries like others before them, but thanks to willingly joining the Legion instead of resisting, the Machine Heralds were able to subtly maintain their original culture. Many who belonged to the Machine Herald tribe were often employed as weapon makers, who created and maintain the Legion's weapons.

Deus was one of the children who had the fortune to be raised as a Weapon Maker. He was taught by his own father the mechanic of guns and the art of metallurgy, and for most of his young life he was quite talented with it. But when Deus was fourteen, seven years after he had already begun his training, Legionaries came and took him away. This was some time after the first battle of Hoover Damn; more warriors were needed, and any boy who was not yet an adult was forced to start their training as a Legionnaire. Deus' father was powerless to stop them.

Deus than began his training, excelling in weapons. He was to become a scout for the Legion, so they also made him learn how to live off the land, track it's movements, and use it against their enemies. His training would take him five years before he was sent on his first, and his last mission for the Legion. He was to scout across the river and deep into NCR territory, in a place called "Freeside". He and a few others would observe the NCR involvement in that area and report back to their superiors for further instruction. But the mission quickly came apart, as the scouts sent were all new; still fresh from the training camps, they had a hard time "Blending in". Indeed, some of them never even changed out of uniform. Deus at least had the right idea of discarding his former armor for some rags, so that he looked like he was just another part of Freeside. What happened next was that his scouting party were hunted down by NCR Rangers. They fought back as valiantly as they could, killing few rangers, but ultimately were all killed. Deus only survived as he was shot in the stomach, but since he did not wear his Legion outfight, was merely dismissed as am outside casualty.

Feeling as though he was near death, Deus did not even realize that later, people came to loot their bodies. But some of those people were kind; those people were the Followers of the Apocalypse. They took in anyone injured, both Legion and NCR, and nursed them back to health. Deus was one of them they saved. He kept his alliance quiet and when asked where he came from, he told them of Nipton (That was his cover he made up for this mission). It wasn't until three days later long after the NCR soldiers left that he told them the truth, that he was part of Caesar's Legion. But he also told them that he wanted to leave it all behind him. He initially thought the Followers would kill him, or at least turn him into the NCR. But they were merciful, and took him in.

With the Followers Deus worked for them, even taught them what he knew of gun and weapon smithing. They wouldn't compare with the Gun Runners in terms of skill, but now they could provide meager repair jobs for their guards equipment. When not teaching, Deus would use his skills from the Legion to protect their doctors, taking from from Mormon's Fort to various outposts within. After a few years of working with them, and after he had managed to make his armor and obtain some weapons, the Followers of the Apocalypse allowed him to find his own life. They gave him a .45 Auto Pistol they got from a trade from New Canaanites, and prayed that he would find a place that would accept him.

Since than Deus had been wondering around. He did some work for various strangers here and there, but mostly he just kept track of animal movements in the Mohave, hoping that the knowledge would help him survive and find a place to live. Sure enough, he arrived in Goodspring before long. There he spoke to the likes of Sunny Smiles and told her of the migration patterns of some of the wild life. It would assist them in getting some new food source as well as protect them from danger. This made him fairly accepted amongst the people of Goodspring, and he hopes that soon he could be allowed to take up residence in one of the empty houses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cpt Toellner
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Cpt Toellner The Hero We Deserve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name:(Centurion) Alectus

-Brotherhood of Steel: Shunned, while not on a personal level, anyone who could trace back to the Warden Clan will have a bad reputation with the Brotherhood.
-Caesar's Legion: Liked, Alectus has a long and successful career with the Legion, and is well known in some circles.
-NCR: Hated, Alectus is an Identified Legionary and is known by appearance to the leadership of the NCR and some common soldiers.

Hometown: Born in the Rocky Mountains, currently living somewhere South-East of New Vegas.

Luck- 8

Tag Skills:

Starting Perks:
--Despite the typical Legion training favoring melee weapons, Alectus has a natural talent with his carbine.
-Ferocious Loyalty
--Alectus has a way with his men, he knows how the strength of his unit will reflect upon his own strength. His men are very loyal, almost zealous.
-Terrifying Presence.
--Because of his decorated armor, his confidence in speaking, and his normal entourage of Legionaries, Allectus has the ability to either cull violence before it happens or send enemies fleeing. Most also think twice about betraying him.

Starting Weapons:
-Machete Gladius
-Marksman Carbine

Starting Armor/Clothing:
-Alectus's Centurion Armor.
--Because of his upbringing, Alectus has been able to add a few pieces of power armor to his own defense, mostly the pauldrons and a neck-guard. But because of his smaller frame, Alectus's armor is more composed of leather and flashier materials. He will actually go out of his way to find the most uniquely dressed person in a battle just so he can claim their outfit. The armor features a stylized Bull emblem on the chest and pauldrons. Any armored or hard surface is painted white with red cloth underneath. A large white and red silken scarf wrapped around his neck and around his waist, ending over his shoulder.
-Centurion Helmet
--A particularly ornamental helmet with adorned with Hawk feathers and a white cloth covering the face.

Operating out of the Southern Rockies, the Wardens clan gained a formidable reputation. Rather than raid the settlements dotting the area, the Wardens offered protection in return for tributes of food and the occasional wife. The clan was strong in a fight, but it was their capacity to outsmart their enemies that earned them a reputation, they were even known to regularly hit Brotherhood of Steel convoys and kept them from gaining influence in the region. The belief held by the Wardens was that humanity lost it's unity, leading to the Great War, by forming together, humanity would become closer to ascension. Naturally, when rumors abounded of the Legion to the South, the Wardens moved to meet them, hoping to test them. Posed in an ambush, when scouts returned to the Wardens telling tale of the Legion, the Wardens instead submitted to Caesar.

This is where Alectus's story begins:

Alectus was only a child when the tribe was absorbed, but he was still old enough to fight and retains more of the Warden training than most of the children recruited that day, just young enough to meet the limits for the Legionary training. He understood the system of rank within the Legion and started his career as an officer rather quickly thanks to his way with words. He would travel quite a bit, from one post to another, meeting important people and taking one or two loyal people with him every time he changed postings. He eventually reached Centurion and was given a large command outside of Salt Lake City which was expertly lead. Now, with quite the reputation, Alectus still seeks more. He got himself command of a raiding band to be used in the war against the NCR, and using some owed favors, composed it almost entirely of Legionaries he had met over his career, giving him a group that is possibly more loyal to him than Caesar himself.


Alectus loves the ideals of the Legion, he believes order is preferable to freedom, its the reason he was able to integrate so well, However, Alectus harbors a disgust for most tribal traditions, and looks down upon those who attempt to maintain their old culture in or out of the Legion. He believes that structure is the key to survival, and he might be more willing to bring people to his cause rather than simply attack them. As far as his career in the Legion, Alectus continues to impress his superiors with his leadership and efficient management of postings. To Alectus, nothing is more important that his reputation, he wants power, he wants everything he can get, what he wants to do with this power, even Alectus is unsure.

He is a man with a silver tongue who judges people as soon as he meets them, if he can't overpower you with strength, he will use words. But don't be fooled, if Alectus no longer has a use for you, he will discard you, he will go back on his word.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Deus and Alectus are approved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixWhite
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PhoenixWhite Debonair Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ah... The ever familiar scent of radiation, dust, sun-baked corpses, and drug riddled fiends. The wastes may be pure but they'll never be innocent, eh project purity?

But hmm... My interest is piqued. I'll get around to developing a character in due time!- if you'll have me, that is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Protagonist


Member Seen 7 mos ago

I will have you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GlitzyTomb


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: (Ranger) Gibson

-Brotherhood of Steel: Accepted, word of pleasant enough interactions between Gibson and the few Brotherhood scouts in the area have given him a positive reputation.
-Caesar's Legion: Hated, as a member of the NCR and a Ranger at that he has few interactions with the Legion that do not consist of being shot at or shooting at someone.
-NCR: Liked, within the NCR Gibson has built up a good reputation by simply doing what is asked of him without quibble or complaint.

Hometown: Born in Redding, New California, but is currently stationed at Camp Golf

Luck- 5

Tag Skills:

Starting Perks:
Trigger Discipline
-Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Extensive training and experience have made proper shooting practices second nature.
-A focus on rifles rather than handguns has has honed his skills with the latter.
-Three in the head, you know they're dead.
Jury Rigging
-This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine.

Starting Weapons:
Marksman Carbine
Combat Knife
10mm Pistol

Starting Armor/Clothing:
Ranger Patrol Armor
Ranger Grey Hat

History: Gibson came from a simple farming family. Growing up in Redding there were few options available to him. Farming or Military service were the only two options really available to him. There was no money to transport him into the city, and even if there were he was a country boy. The Danton Family controlled most of the farming in Redding and weren't particularly fond of his family. He could have fought long and hard to establish a farm for himself, but having grown up around it he was ready for something new. Service in the NCR Military at the time meant being involved in the grand expansion demanded by the recently popularized theory of Manifest Destiny.

Gibson joined the NCR Military and excelled rather quickly. Growing up exploring and then hunting he was well suited to much of the basics of service. Learning to shoot properly proved more difficult than Gibson had expected, but once he got over the threshold he found things rather simple. Shooting had once been complicated and required the consideration of a number of factors, in time, however, he learned to take in his surroundings and adjust for them. The complicated became simple, second nature even. His prowess led him to become a Ranger, from there there was no looking back.

These last few years as a Ranger had been rather eventful. Ranger Gibson did his part in holding the Hoover Dam, though only just barely, against the Legion, and in that battle made his reputation. His performance throughout the battle was admirable, and for once was noticed by his superiors. Sharp, consistent shooting and his ability to lead the troopers he worked alongside saw Ranger Gibson his way out of simple guard duty when the battle was won. Rather than simply being posted out somewhere to look to the East and wait for the war to begin again; he was sent into the desert to win hearts and minds and perhaps shoot some people in the face.

Ranger Gibson is rather friendly but also rather simple. He is not particularly tactful, tending instead toward honesty and more often than not bluntness. He expects a lot from himself, from his fellow Rangers, from the troopers he works alongside, and from his superiors. He is often disappointed when others, and on occasion he himself, fail to meet his rather high standards. It should be no surprise that the these tendencies add up to a rather reclusive nature.
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