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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(Not going to be able to reply today - I've got a friend's bday party/sleepover. Just thought I should tell you ;) I'll reply tomorrow though)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deduction


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Alright!!! I hope you have fun!! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Okay," Sherlock tilted his head, still looking slightly confused and curious as he watched John. As smart as he was Sherlock didn't know anything to do with social interaction, really, nevermind relationships or liking people. As a result he was pretty oblivious and luckily for John could not actually deduce his preferences in that area. It would mean that John would have to tell him. "I don't really understand... Liking people." He made a slight face. It was a general thing for him. He tolerated the relationship between Mycroft and Greg, even if he was disturbed by it. Not because they were both boys, just the whole thought of romance and them... kissing. Ugh. He didn't like seeing that kind of thing. "And yes, it certainly would be. And of course they won't catch us! If they do there is no chance of us managing to sneak out into the corridors at night." He grinned with a slight nod. Although he was sure that they would be able to choose who to go in a boat with.

(It's fine :) Do whatever you feel is best ;) Sherlock is going to be in complete denial whenever he begins to get feelings for John xD John's actually going to have to work out there's something there and convince Sherlock it could be entertaining xD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deduction


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(omg, you know what could happen????They pull a prank that Sherlock was really really clever with, and they've both been having feelings for each other for a bit, and John is laughing really hard, and he just accidentally slips 'oh my god, this is why i love you' or something and things get a bit awkward for a bit. xD But than Sherlock really accepts his feelings and they get together and... stuff. what year should they get together, btw? I don't really care. :3)

John laughed. "You don't understand liking people?" He asked, looking at him curiously. "I don't think I quite understand that one, Sherlock. Do you mean liking people as in being friends with people, or loving people?" He could agree with 'loving' people. Well, kind of. He loved his family, and all of that, but he'd never had any 'serious' relationships - he was only eleven. He'd had a girlfriend once, which was kind of how he found out he liked guys a bit more - although sometimes he was kind of half and half, and it depended on the person. He'd kissed a guy once, and it had been alright... but he didn't exactly like it. And he hadn't liked the one kiss with his 'girlfriend' either. He'd kind of just decided to give up for now, and when his letter had arrived, he figured he'd meet a cool itch or wizard he'd want to spend a lot of time with. He didn't mind waiting a long time, if that's what it took. Hell, he already had a best friend, and.. well, Greg was his friend. He wasn't so sure about Mycroft...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(Sorry I'm feeling quite ill at the moment so I'll probably properly reply tomorrow, sorry!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deduction


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(Oh no!! I really hope you get better soon!!!!!)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(Thanks, still feel pretty awful but I should be well enough to reply tomorrow. I'm really sorry about this!
Also camping Friday to Sunday so I'll be on Thursday/tomorrow, hopefully, and then not back till Sunday... Sorry really terrible of me)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deduction


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Omg, don't you worry at all! Have fun camping!! I don't feel to great either, and I have boring driver's ed classes, ugggghhhhh I'm not replying to anything too quickly either, so everything's all good. :3 Just get better soon! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(I feel worse today -.- yay, but I'm going to reply anyway as otherwise there won't be one till Sunday. And thanks! Ugh, hope you feel better soon as well ;))

(YESSS! I can totally imagine this happening... I can imagine Sherlock completely accepting that John loves him but it taking him a while to realise that what he feels for John is just that or something xD And, em, 4th year? They'll be 14 then so more mature and stuff)

"Both, I guess," Sherlock shrugged. "I don't like people at all. You're the first person who... I wanted to be friends with. I tolerate my parents, Mycroft and Greg. Although I definitely do not understand 'loving' people at all. It's all a bit stupid. And anyway, why would anyone want to... kiss." He grimaced. "Its absolutely disgusting." It was quite obvious that he was, at the moment, repulsed at the thought of kissing. He just found it icky and didn't know why anyone would want to do it. It was bad enough seeing people kiss... Just, no. He didn't even really want to think about it. He looked out the window, tilting his head slightly. "I think we're almost there!" He pointed to a silhouette of a castle in the distance. "I think that's it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deduction


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(Yeah, alright! 4th year sounds great! :D
and I knoowww. xD it's going to be adorrabblleee
And I still hope you get better soon!!!!)

John blinked in a bit of surprise. "Yeah, I guess I can... relate a bit. But there's lots of reasons to kiss someone." He chuckled a little, realizing a bit hoe childish Sherlock was acting. "I can't wait for you to have a girlfriend, or whatever. I'll remind you of this, Sherlock, I swear on it." He said, still chuckling and grinning.
He launched himself at the window, gluing himself to it and staring out. He caught the silhouette in the sunset, and grinned. "This is going to be an adventure all on its own!" He looked back to Sherlock. "Isn't this going to be great?" He flopped back down into his seat, smiling contentedly. "I already have a best friend, I'm going to a magic school, I have an owl. My life is never going to be the same, is it? But that's so great!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(Awesome! :D
It'll be the cutest :)
Thanks! I'm feeling a bit better now, but still pretty crap)

"I don't see any of them," Sherlock pursed his lips, looking slightly confused then shrugged. "You will never get that pleasure, I am afraid, I doubt I will ever have a girlfriend." He smiled though. John was going to remember their conversation! He would never need to bring it up again, but still. It made Sherlock feel special.
Sherlock laughed as John pretty much glued himself to the window to look out at the silhouette. "It is going to be great," he grinned. "Much better than I thought it would be... I thought it would be boring classes and boring people but now I've got you!" He blushed slightly when John called him his best friend, a bit flustered. He was still getting used to the fact that they were friends. Something that he was so happy about. "Of course your life is never going to be the same. I'm in it. That will change it an awful lot. Of course." All the same, he looked about as excited as John.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deduction


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(I am soooooooo sorry!!! I've been really busy, because my nieces are in town and being little menaces, and I've been forced to watch Frozen over and over and over again. And I've had riding lessons, and... ugh. But I hope we can continue this rp. I am seriously really sorry.)

John laughed, his eyes bright. "Right, of course. You change everything for the better." He said teasingly, no hint of meanness in his voice. He gave the castle one last glance, before going back to his seat, practically shivering with excitement. "These are going to be the best years of my life. I cannot wait.' He looked so terribly excited, but there was just a hint of fear in his eyes. Because as he was ecstatic for all of this to be happening, he was a bit... worried about it. This was a huge change in his life - he was looking forward to it, of course, but it was all a bit frightening, wasn't it? This is a whole world he'd never heard of before, never suspected being there. What else was there in the world to explore that he'd never noticed, or realized?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(Don't worry about it! I wasn't sure of you we're going to come back but yeah I understand the being busy and stuff. But we can def continue :)
However I'm currently in Portugal for two more weeks. I'll try to reply sometime but can't right now, and it will be on my iPod :))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deduction


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(Ah, that's alright!! Just whenever you can reply! Monday I'm going to a horseback riding ranch for a week, and I probably won't have much wifi. so it might take me awhile to respond, anyway. :3)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(I'm back now! Yay :D Gonna reply soon :))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deduction


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Alright!! :D I'm back too. :3 I actually had no signal for a week. -_-'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(Whoo! And that really sucks -.- I always had internet, just couldn't roleplay)

"Of course I do," Sherlock tried to sound off hand about it, but he was grinning when John said that he made everything better, eyes glowing. It made him feel so... wanted. He had never really felt wanted. Now he had John. Hogwarts was going to be the best! He was really looking forward to it and everything. "They're going to be the best years of my life to," Sherlock replied with incredibly certainty. How could they not be? He had a friend. He had John. That would help him get past the boring monotony that would be being taught what he already knew. He tilted his head, watching John. "And there's nothing to be worried about it." He smiled in a reassuring manner, at least he hoped it was. He wasn't sure. It was only a few minutes before the train came to a halt at the station, student beginning to swarm out of the carriages. "I guess we should go then."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deduction


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(oh god. I still have to deal with my nieces. -_-'. But at least on July 22 a new season of a one of my favorite shows is coming back. :D
omg. these two are just so cute and sweet. I am seriously debating if we should put them in the same house just because I don't think we should separate them. x3
but than, they'll still be best friends! and it will be even cuter, if they're in different houses :3)

John nodded slowly, a look of concern and even fear flashing across his face. It was so nerve racking for him. It was most likely because this was a brand new world, one that had lots of exploring he could do. Hopefully with Sherlock. Which was a strange thought, because they had just become friends, but he was pretty sure they could easily become the best of friends. John had had good friends before, ones he got along with and trusted, but they were all rough and tumble sort of guys. John was pretty physically fit, of course, and could easily keep up with them. That hadn't been the problem - it had been more because they were not fun to hold a conversation with.
He got out of their compartment, looking over to Sherlock for a bit of reassurance, before starting down the carriage, climbing off. He already felt that familiarity with Sherlock, where he was able to find comfort.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

(Ugh have fun with that ;) Ooo that's good though!
It would be difficult to decide a house that suited them both xD I mean John def isn't a Slytherin. I think the whole house rivalry thing is interesting, cause they'll be best friends even though that and stuff
It'll be cute no matter what though :3)

Sherlock had stood up and stretched in quite a cat like manner, giving a slight young. He was a bit tired and actually quite glad to be there, looking forward to just going to bed. He hadn't slept in nights so that would be fun. And he was going with John. He hoped they were in the same house. It wasn't likely, but it would really be cool. Then he would get to spend loads of time with John. He was really looking forward to that. Sherlock was quick to follow John out of the compartment, giving him a warm smile as a kind of reassurance. He wasn't exactly sure what to say. After all Sherlock had grown up around magic, he already knew how to cast the basic spells and everything. He didn't know what it was like for John who had been brought up a muggle.
He was right behind John as the left the actual train, practically invading his personal space. Not that that was something Sherlock knew existed. "I think we need to go over there," he pointed to were all the younger pupils were being gathered by a teacher. He assumed they were first years as they all looked like they didn't know what they were doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deduction


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(um, I kind of have another idea of how they can officially get together?? if you want to hear it. :3
and it's up to you about which house. :3 I think the rivalry will be awesome too. I just hope they get to spend enough time together. >.< which is weird... but still. x3)

John wasn't too thrown by his close presence - I mean sure, he did find it just a little intimidating, but at the same time he found it reassuring. So he just nodded, and picked his way through the crowd, over to where the group of first years were gathering. He listened - well, tried to, he was a bit busy looking around - but he caught most of what the teacher was saying. Something about the boats moving on their own, to bring them over to the castle, and about the house-sorting and the big feast they were going to have. Each word got John more and more excited, to the point where he was shifting a lot because of all the energy that was building up in his body. He looked up at the castle, and could feel his nerves returning - how the hell was he going to find his way through there, to all of his classes? It looked massive - and there was no doubt there was probably a bunch of hidden passages and all that. He shivered out of nervousness again, looking just a bit perplexed at everything going on around him.
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