Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Coral Pearl

It was chaos, absolute chaos.

Nolan was just about to fire another round when he was tackled to the ground by an angry Kai. It took him a few moments to understand that he was being scolded, it was hard to concentrate on his shipmate's words when their were guns going off at every second. He could hear loud explosions, curses, and the sound of steel on steel. The life of a pirate was so different from his life back home. For a few moments he simply stared at Kai with wide eyes, it was only when the man began to walk off that he managed to say anything at all.

"Yessir!" Nolan leaped to his feet and was just about to scramble after his gun but before he could do so, Ray ran up the gangplank and suggested they fire a cannon ball at the docks. That was a good idea, it would give them enough time to escape and they wouldn't have to hurt anyone.

There was a gunshot, followed by the captain's pained his. Nolan's eyes grew as wide as saucers and he stared slack-jawed, frozen in time. GODS, was she alive? She rose to her feet and suggested that they leave. "That sounds like a very good idea!" The cogs and gears inside his head were spinning overtime and he dashed towards the storage room. Nolan ran out with a cannonball under each arm then passed them to Ray as swiftly as he could. "We should leave before things get worse, this'll buy us some time."

Luro began talking about how he was going to kill the sniper. Nolan really wanted them to just leave and set sail. He loaded up the canon then picked up his fallen rifle. The cook scrambled towards the captain's side and stood in front of her with a defensive stance. "Just lay low Runa...guys, the faster we leave, the faster I can patch up her shoulder, we don't want it to get infected."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zathrax


Member Offline since relaunch

Kai was still locked in combat with his assailants, he'd seen Ray pass through and had hoped the thief would help him finish off these pirates. His eyes narrowed when he ran back to the safety of the ship leaving Kai to deal with the pirates. His opponents were starting to make mistakes, he could almost get a shot in but their swordplay was definitely above par. That didn't matter though, he was just going to have to-


He heard the gunshot and time seemed to slow to a crawl. He gazed up at the ship where his captain had stood. She'd been shot... His captain had... Been... A flashback flowed through his mind of his father and how he'd been killed in just the same manner. Shot in the heat of battle, Kai'd been powerless to save his father, but he would NOT let the same fate befall Runali. His eyes seemed to darken as his hat shadowed them, a dark grin spread across his face. He who equals a hundred pirates, The Leviathan had awoken in him again.

Kai's blades seemed to double in speed as he quickly went on the offensive against his opponents. Even in this enraged state, he could hear his captain call out not to kill anyone else. True to form Kai obeyed although he did believe they deserved far worse. The six around him were quick to fall as he slashed open their wrists and hands causing their swords to fall from their grasp. He began to sprint back to the ship, hacking and slashing at the legs of the pirates as he went, all the while dodging blade after blade. What had he been saying earlier, these lot weren't worthy of the title of swordsman. Far from it actually, he was able to disarm and wound almost everyone in his path as he ran back to the ship, upon reaching the end of the dock, he leapt with all of his strength and landed squarely in front of his captain, facing the pirates still on the dock. His swords dripped with blood as he looked at the pirates and then spoke. His voice had turned rough and cold as ice in his anger. "My name is Kai Keelson, I am equal to 100 pirates in a fight, I'm also former captain of the terror of the seas, The Leviathan..." He said, his amber eyes, burning with fire, narrowing with hatred at these pirates "You've shot my captain, but she still lives and has decided to spare you all. But know this, if you lay a FINGER on my crew mates or this ship again... I shall have no choice but to harvest each and every one of your souls in retribution for their suffering." He said as he raised his swords to a fighting position again. Signifying that the former captain was indeed ready to keep his promise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

At the end of Kai's speech, a loud boom tore across the air as the wooden dock between Kai and the majority of the horde of irate pirates was torn asunder by the force of a twenty-four pound ball of steel. Silence reigned for a moment as the thunderclap of gunpowder ignition subsided from people's eardrums. A muffled curse could be heard in the silence followed by Ray shouting from the gun deck; his voice was pitched to carry through the air as he was taught in his voice lessons, so he sounded a bit pompous, which simply added to his air of authority.

"That was a warning shot, you ingrates! The next will turn you all to chum if you don't CLEAR OFF!" The mob began to flee back across the docks. In a much less pitched voice, Ray called, "Lets get this tub underway before these rats learn how to swim." As they cleared the bay, Ray came up deck. He eyed Kai and gave him nod. That is one man I am glad is not my enemy. That moment when we crossed blades, even though it was a ploy, I could tell he was an artist with the sword. If we were to ever truly fight, well... I would not look forward to it.

Ray turned to Nolan and the captain. "How is she?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The captain looked up to see Luro standing near her, aiming his rifle downward. "Get down?" She echoed in confusion and then listened as he asked Nolan to protect her, which he hurriedly complied to. 'Protect the captain. Ah. This is what they meant.' She realized what they were doing and nodded. "Sure, why not? Although, I can assure you I'm not in terrible condition." As she spoke, she had a rather odd feeling that they wouldn't believe her and would still force her to lay low- well, she figured Nolan probably would force her to stay seated, being the caring person he was. Runali hadn't moved at first, still listening to Luro speak. She raised an eyebrow at how fast he managed to find the sniper. It was a show of true perceptive-ness and even devotion.

"I'm afraid I intend on killing this one captain, unless you want an eye for an eye...and I hit her shoulder. Also I just realized I could have used something else other than eye, please excuse that. Well actually me saying something about it probably didn't help, how about an arm for an arm....nah that sounds silly I'm keeping the original one."

The one eyed girl cracked a small smirk and followed his eyes to the wagon he spoke of. "Well, she did pose a threat. And could've killed me. You can do as you see fit." She finally decided to move out the way as she was told. "Oh also," She paused to look at Luro. "An arm for an arm does sound silly." With that, she moved to sit on the deck. One moment, she was calmly sitting down, starting to persuade Nolan that he didn't need to stand and attempt to take bullets for her and the next moment Kai had leapt onto the ship in front of her and growled out a few threats. The icy tone if his voice even made Runa raise an eyebrow in slight surprise. That was some scary impression he did- compared to his normal intimidating looks that he gave people.

The pirates making their way on the deck realized that they'd lose their lives fighting these no named pirates. Stone of them were fairly lethal. It was. . . Impossible. How could so few take out so many!? Soon enough, pirates were retreating back to the town, or just out of sight. Runali smirked towards the victory and went to the wheel of the ship. But as she did, she noticed one of the doors were opened, when it wasn't before. "Hm.." Without a word, she slipped off inside the ship to check it out. (This was before Ray asked about the captain's condition, so she wasn't in sight.) "Now, why would this be open..." She heard the rummaging and frowned a little. "Nolan will not be happy about this~" She cleared her throat and the pirate whirled around. He hadn't grabbed many things yet, and because of this, he grabbed the nearest kitchen knife and lunged forward.

"I don't think Nolan likes people fighting in his kitchen. Or people with their dirty paws in them as well." She dodged the few slices and stabs he attempted. When she tried to jab at him, she had forgotten about her injured arm and winced. 'That..ow.' She missed her attack, only to have to stumble backwards to avoid getting cuts in the face. She heard a slice, only to feel her eyepatch go slack. "Hey! That was a gift!" In a few moves, she ended up knocking him out with her one free hand. "Man, he was a nuisance..."

She grabbed the heavy pirate by his collar and dragged him out using her good arm. "Eh, can someone throw him over board?" Now the bullet in her shoulder was a bit worse than before after being strained so much. She had heard the cannon go off, and whistled. "Time to set sail." She walked off towards the wheel as the anchor was pulled up and the the sails were out. And soon enough. . . .

The real adventure was about to begin.

"Sheesh, that was a lot for just a grocery trip don't you think?" Her hair fell over her blind eye as she looked at the sliced eyepatch in her hand. Hopefully, she had another one. She could have sworn she did, but at the moment she didn't know. "I think we should have some nice parting music don't you think Ray? Nice fighting everyone and good job."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Luro couldn't look at the captain as she spoke his attention focused on the sniper but he did nod to show he was listening to her his grip tightening on his gun a little his eyes locked on the woman. When she mentioned her well being Luro couldn't help but smile a little at her words, he gave another nod his finger continuing to rest on the trigger, the captain was tough he was fine with that, but he did agree with Nolan they should at least get to it before it got infected, no real rush right now though.
A toothy grin found it's way onto his face when he was permitted to do as he pleased, he licked his lips a little offering a nod.
"Aye Captain," he said before chuckling hearing she thought it was silly as well.
His eyes caught Kai ripping through the pirates below his smile formed into a smirk as he eventually reached the ship landing in front of the captain.
"Hahaha at this rate Kai and the Captain are going to end up on the same wanted poster, well with that expression that'd be alright. He may be the one pirate the navy wouldn't go looking for."

When the pirates started retreating Luro's grin widened as the sniper stood up, he promptly pulled the trigger. In the next moment the women's whole body flinched and she put a hand to her chest before pulling it away to see blood on her hand. Her eyes moved up to the ship and she met eyes with Luro who stood up fully resting his gun on his shoulder, he offered a wink to her before watching her fall back her eyes wide in shock before her body went limp.
"Now that's just satisfying, glad I didn't aim for the head," had said putting his gun back on his back.
When Ray asked about the captain he looked around noticing she wasn't around, he rubbed the back of his head wondering where she was before seeing her drag a pirate out. A small chuckle escaped from him before he pulled out a smaller dagger and tossed it to Nolan walking over to the unconscious man .
"Use that if you need to get the bullet out Nolan," Luro said glancing back at him. "Only if it's lodged in there of course, if it went through then just give it back later."
He grabbed the man by his hair and slapped him a few times to wake him up, once he was awake Luro smiled and slammed his head against the side of his ship making his nosebleed.
"Sorry about that," he said rubbing the spot on the ship where his head hit. "Didn't mean to hurt you Coral."
Ignoring the man's expression he slammed his knee into the man's stomach before lifting him up placing him on his shoulder.
"Alright over you go," he said before throwing the man overboard putting a hand to his ear as he heard the scream waiting until her heard a splash. He leaned over the side and waved to the man grinning at him as he kept himself afloat. "Don't worry about drowning! The sharks will get to you soon with that bleeding nose! Take care now make sure to think of your loved ones and have regrets, you've earned that in your final moments!"

Luro turned around a satisfied look on his face, he stretched letting out a small yawn all things considered today was turning out to be a good day overall, the captain being shot aside. Speaking of the captain it seemed she was saying something which caused him to look up at her. He smiled placing his hands on his hips as she complimented their fighting his eye moving to the eye-patch for a moment before his gaze went back to her face.
"Thanks Captain and congrats on your potential new scar. That's a trophy you know, a story to tell and all that, a moment when you defied death be proud of it. Still I'll admit I'm a little impressed Captain, I've seen many people take a bullet and had the pleasure of having a few hit me, you're taking it pretty well I've seen grown men pass out from it tears in their eyes. If you weren't the Captain and a little older I'd take a shot at you, no pun intended of course and not counting when I've already done it. The literal shot not the other kind of shot."
Luro turned around saying his peace and sitting on a barrel took his rifle off his back before he started cleaning it, he didn't fire that many shots but it'd had become habit by now. He truly loved this rifle and there was still blood on it from earlier, he had to make sure to keep her clean.
"It was nice to be on land but I missed the sea, and you too of course you know I love you more than anyone, well aside from the Captain but she had you first."
Luro rubbed the mast of the Coral Pearl a small smile on his face before going back to his rifle hoping Ray would sing he wouldn't mind a shanty now.
"By the way when's the food I'm starving?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
Avatar of Fox of Spades

Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Coral Pearl

"Captain you shouldn't exert yourself!" Nolan stared with wide eyes as Runa stomped into the kitchen. If she was hungry he'd happily go and make them a meal, why was she so eager to charge in? There was crash followed by a yell but before he could race towards the loud banging and groans, the captain emerged, dragging an unconscious pirate behind her. The cook stared at it all, dumbfounded. He didn't really know how to react.

There was the sound of wood splintering followed by the ship setting out to sea.

Nolan stared at broken port then at the unconscious pirate by his feet. A few moments later, Luro appeared and tossed a small dagger at him. He stared at the knife then made a sour face. "We have a medical kit below deck and a pair of tweezers. I'll go boil some water and sterilize it. Captain, I'll be back in a flash." He gave her a reassuring smile then winced when Luro began to roughen up their captured foe. The cook made his way below deck but not before he heard a scream and a loud splash. He felt a little sorry for the poor fellow, but at least he was simply thrown out instead of shot or killed.

Nolan returned not long after with the tweezers in a glass of hot water and medical kit. He made Runa sit down then listened as Luro blabbered on cheerfully. It was hard to believe he was travelling with a group of pirates now. Not to mention, they were all nice folks despite their experience in fighting and other questionable acts.

"Captain, this might hurt a little, okay?" He dabbed at her wound with a wet piece of cloth then began to examine it. Thankfully, the bullet wasn't stuck inside. Nolan let out a relieved sigh. "The bullet went through, so we won't have to use the tweezers." He gave her the piece of cloth. "Here, hold down on this, it'll steady the flow of blood. You should be better in time for dinner, Captain." The cook gave her a releaved smile then ruffled her hair the same way one would a younger sister.

Nolan was the oldest in sibling in a family of seven and was used to looking after his kid siblings, so a part of that shone through and he ended up treating the captain as if she were one of his younger sisters.

The captain was alright and she requested a song as Luro began to clean his rifle.

"Coming right up, it was a long day and I'm sure you're all hungry!" Nolan disappeared below deck only to appear awhile later with plates of stuffed chicken and mashed potatoes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Once Ray was satisfied the Captain was going to be okay, he sat down and sighed contentedly. They had quite the adventure at the port of Hara, and no one was seriously hurt. He normally would be rather sore at the severe lack of tact in the crew's dealings at the port to result in the kind of mess they had just gotten out of, but the buzz of the alcohol gave everything an entertaining atmosphere. He chuckled to himself, Is this the life of a Pirate? If so, I really could grow to enjoy it. This is so much more stimulating than Lendrian high society. He looked around and took in the scene, Nolan tending to Captain Runali, the girl who saved his life that fateful evening, asking for a song to sail off to, and the rest of the crew looking at him expectantly. Ray couldn't help but feel the song welling up and out his throat.

"Farewell and adieu to you, Haran Ladies,
Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Hara;
For we've received orders for to sail for old Lendr'a
And we may never see you fair ladies again.

We will rant and we'll roar like true Lendr'an sailors,
We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt seas
Until we strike soundings in the Shadow of the Old Lance;
From Ventra to Vrelance is thirty-five leagues."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zathrax


Member Offline since relaunch

Kai was still on edge, his amber colored eyes not leaving the shoreline until it vanished over the horizon. He heard the man who'd stowed away in their kitchen be thrown overboard but didn't feel the need to intervene as Luro had been closer. He heard Noland fuss over the captain's wounds and then come out with dinner. Kai wasn't very hungry, gradually his eyes began to soften again. Finally he sat down cross-legged at the back of the ship away from the others.

He thought of The Leviathan, his old beloved ship as he sat there, running his hands over the wood of this new ship. He laid his swords across his lap, pulled the bandana from around his head, and began to polish the blades once more, cleaning the blood off, and very steadily restoring them to their usual shine. He sheathed his blades as he heard Ray start to sing for them, the rest of the crew sat around, eating and listening to the song. Kai had no problem with this, they were all still new to the life of pirates, but there was work to be done. Kai spent a few moments untying poorly tied knots in the rigging and redoing them properly. "They've still a long way to go" Kai thought as he finished with the last knot.

After that, Kai went below deck and began to clean out the cannon they'd used to scare off the enemy pirates. This task didn't take long however, as they'd only fired the cannon one time, and he'd attended to it right away so it was still fresh. After doing this, he walked up to the top deck again and started to clean the upper deck, although still making a point to avoid the others. They'd been through a lot today, some of them had their first encounter with actual pirate combat today. So he figured for now he'd just let them be. Since the captain didn't have a problem with them relaxing for now, it wasn't his place to tell them otherwise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Thanks Captain and congrats on your potential new scar. That's a trophy you know, a story to tell and all that, a moment when you defied death be proud of it. Still I'll admit I'm a little impressed Captain, I've seen many people take a bullet and had the pleasure of having a few hit me, you're taking it pretty well I've seen grown men pass out from it tears in their eyes. If you weren't the Captain and a little older I'd take a shot at you, no pun intended of course and not counting when I've already done it. The literal shot not the other kind of shot."

Runali looked over at her shoulder and gave a small smirk. "Hm, thanks. I think." She lifted her head proudly at his compliment. "Well, I'm a captain. What would I look like if I couldn't take a single bullet- to the shoulder at that? A bad captain, that's what I'd be. Besides, you all are older than me. I have to be able to hold my own." Then Luro started rambling about. . . something that made her tilt her head a little in confusion. "Um. . . Sure?" She shrugged, and complied to Nolan's wishes as he patched her up. A few times, she did flinch in pain, but for the most part, she stayed fairly silent through the procedure. She let him baby her, even with the ruffling of her hair. "I already said I was fine. But I do appreciate it Nolan. Thank you. And almost instantly, he was off to do what he loved to. At the mention of food, her stomach did growl a little. They had just beaten down a bunch of rioting pirates, it wouldn't be shocking if her crew wanted a break. There was not much they had to do at the moment accept set sail to the next island. And with the nice day, and the gentle breeze, it should have been smooth sailing.

It wasn't long after that when Nolan returned with food for everyone. "Awesome. Thanks." Runali got comfortable on the main deck, near the wheel, there she could see everyone lounging and enjoying themselves. She looked out at the vast sea and then sighed. Before they left, and before they had Runa had gotten them into trouble, she and Carmen had a 'small talk'.

"I need to talk to you captain."

"Yeah? What is it?" Runa could tell by the solem look that it wouldn't be good news.

"Look, I've been thinking. I don't think I'm cut out to be a pirate. At least not with you guys. I don't belong here."

"Well. It's only been a week or so. You really want to just go?" Carmen nodded and then with a soft sigh, Runali saluted. "I hope your travels are safe. And good luck to you."

They exchanged a handshake, and like that Carmen decided to find a ship to go back home.

Runali had told her crew, but it was also around the time they started to get attacked. So, they were aware, but it wasn't the first thing on their mind at the time. It was fair enough that no one had much of a strong bond with each other anyway, so the tough guys in her new crew probably shrugged it off. Hearing the music, Runali turned to the main deck and smiled, setting her now empty plate to the side. Well, she still had this faithful crew by her side so, she decided that things would be fine. She watched as they enjoyed themselves and then looked into her pocket and pulled out the sliced eyepatch. "Oh right."

While they were relaxing, Runa jumped down and walked to the Captain's Quarters to see what she could do with it. However, in her short walk, she noticed Kai busying himself. "Kai, you do know you're allowed to relax and eat? Heh, Nolan's food is great." She smiled slightly. "You've accomplished a win- grant it, it was probably an easy win for you, but it was still a victory for the StarDusk pirates." She leaned against the door she was about to go through. "We're a new batch of pirates, there's not much we could do as of yet- not counting the little riot." She didn't think she had gotten too far in persuading him, so she set of to do her original task. "And if you'll excuse me."
When she slipped off to her room, she scavenged through to find another eyepatch. Instead, she was left with sewing it back up. It wasn't a problem though, she ended up just creating a 'X' design across it. It didn't take too long, and when she got back everyone was still relaxing. Great. No one had the urge to kill each other. Runali looked at the sky as the day grew dim and he sun began to set. It was a nice little sight, but she had taken a seat on the ledge away from the wheel of the ship, in order to look down at the crew. No she didn't do it because she was short. . . "Tch, I don't know how I teamed up with a bunch of guys like you. Whatever you guys expected, I hope I don't disappoint." She laughed lightly and lazily laid on her back across the ledge, much like a cat would balance on a beam when they were asleep.

Not much could go on while they were sailing the seas as the night grew. . . Which was ultimately a lie considering the dangers of other pirates, the navy, and sea monsters. And speaking of the dangers of the sea, she remembered the story- and the other reason she had set sail. With an whistle to cease their chatter, Runa sat up looked down at the crew and spoke. "You've all heard of the Black Compass right? It's the compass that can lead you to the treasure fit for the gods. It's rumored that the Compass is frozen in the icebergs of the Falklands. That's where we are headed. To the north and to the treasure that will lead to more treasure. Any complaints? Any other things you've heard about this treasure?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Luro couldn't help but smile as he devoured the food in front of him, he wiped his eyes with his sleeves as his hunger was satiated in ways he couldn't imagine. He had finished cleaning his rifle and had set it back on his back. He cleaned his hands with a bit of water not wanting gunpowder and blood mixed in with this delicious meal. Looking around at everyone eventually settling on Ray who singing one of his shanty's Luro smiled and slammed his hand on the barrel doing his best to follow along a wide grin on his face. Moments like these made him smile especially since he knew it wouldn't be here forever, but that was just more reason to enjoy it.
Luro finished the food grinning to himself and leaned back a little on the barrel placing his hands back to steady himself before his eyes went to sky.
"Man Nolan it's a shame you're not a lass, I'd seriously consider the old ball and chain with you. Anyone that cooks like that is a catch, well I wouldn't in the end and I like mine with a bit of bite to em but I would consider it for a moment. Actually it would be awkward if you were now that I think about it...anyway it was good, I'm not much of a connoisseur or anything but I wouldn't mind being stranded again if I had your food. I think I used that word correctly if not you understand what I mean."
Luro grinned and hopped off the barrel before stretching, his eyes went over to the captain as she went over to the main deck, a small smile found it's way onto his face as he watched her. They hadn't been together for that long but Runali looked right up at the main deck, she was the captain of course but he was getting accustomed to seeing it now. He was positive he heard her say something but he didn't quite catch it, normally he'd just ask but she seemed to be relaxing and even he understood being disturbed like that, it was rarely fun.
"I'm glad we have some music, complete silence can be deafening at times."

Luro eventually wandered off in search of rum which was what most of his loot went towards aside from wood for the ship and repairing his gun. After a bit of searching and going below deck he found one of his deposits and grabbed some before heading back up to the main deck, he brought two bottles with him though he wished he had enough for a jug and with a hum set one on a barrel. The Captain had spoken to Kai so he wasn't going to press the matter any further but even he could see the guy was off working and there was one thing Luro enjoyed after a hard days work and it was currently in his hands. Luro walked over to Kai and set the Rum down in front of him before placing his hands on his hips and grinning at him.
"Enjoy yourself a little Kai," Luro said. "It won't be nice like this forever after all so enjoy yourself a bit."
With that he turned and walked away grabbed his own bottle, he sat down on the edge of the ship letting his leg hang over the side befre bringing it to his lips and leaning his head back took a giant swig.
"Drinking under the night sky is there anything better," Luro said with a firm nod. "If anyone wants some just say so, the best bonding is done between drinks after all. At least in my opinion. I think I put some in that barrel over there...I think I did put them away when I was out of it."
He took another drink only to stop as he heard the Captain's whistle, he lowered the bottle and arched a brow as she spoke of the Black Compass, bringing a hand to his chin he thought for a moment trying to recall anything he could about it.
"Hmmm well I've heard about it from fellow pirates," Luro said with a small shrug. "Granted most of them were drunk and we fought afterwards but I've heard plenty of legends about it, not sure how much of it is fact though. I've heard that finding that treasure will not only make you a legend but that it will make you a god in turn. It's said that one pirate found the treasure but his crew starting turning against him on who should have it hearing of what it could bestow upon them and believing it could only be given to one person. The Captain made a tough decision and in the dead of the night went to get rid of the treasure, if only to stall an eventual mutiny. However he was lulled by the treasure and kept it all to himself taking a small dingy and putting as much in as he could throwing the rest into davy jones locker so no one could have it, others say he only took one piece with him but that seems absurd to me. Anyway he gained immortality but his heart wrenched at his betrayal against his crew who were like family to him. Unable to live with himself he made the Black Compass so that his crew could find the treasure he hid away and threw himself to the bottom of the ocean in repentance. Some say it's a cursed treasure and the Black Compass never made it to his crew, it's said that any captain who is in possession will see the original captain."
Luro raised his hand and pointed out to the sea lit up only by the light of the moon before continuing.
"Right out there standing on the waves watching the captain with a sorrowful expression, he just stares every night in silence but occasionally he'll point in a direction, which is where his old crew his supposedly at. He does so in fear of another betrayal for those who possess it wishing it returned to his crew."
Luro brought the bottle to his lips taking another big swig before letting out a relieved sigh grinning at the others.
"That's what I've heard but you'd be surprised what kind of tales come from drunken pirates, still there's always another side to stuff like this and there's always just a little fact in these tales...sometimes anyway."
Luro chuckled to himself before resting his arm on his knee bringing a hand to his chin as he didn't answer the first question.
"In terms of complaints I don't really have any Captain. Give me the sea, rum and someone to share it with and I'm alright. Some occasional excitement is nice too so I'm more than willing to find this thing. If you see the old captain make sure to let me know I want to know if there's some truth to the tale."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Banba


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Exactly one week ago, midnight.
Danny quietly opened the door of her friend’s house, Ben. Her and her father lived out of the hospital set up in one of the newer houses, but she rarely spent more than a few minutes at a time there, preferring to wander the island or spend time learning from others. Looking down the street lit only by the moon and a single window lit by a candle, she stepped out, closing the door silently behind her before taking off towards the docks, her bare feet making no more than a dull slapping noise against the dirt. It wasn’t unusual for her to sneak out of houses and roam on her own, but tonight she had to make absolute sure she wouldn’t get caught. The island’s inhabitants weren’t ones for leaving, and even if she wasn’t native to the land she was considered as such. Upon reaching the rotted wood of the docks, she looked around at the few boats there. Most of them were small to medium sized, used mainly for fishing or transporting goods, but one was large and impressive, painted with the navy colours. She began to run again, slowing to a slow creep as she looked onto the deck. There was no one to be seen, but loud voices could be heard under the deck. Grinning with glee, she crept on, silently approaching the closest barrel she could see, taking the lid off to see it nearly empty, around a dozen red, roundish things in the bottom. She climbed in, moving in such a way as to half cover herself with the smooth things. Had the island grown the fruit, she would have known them to be apples. Curious, she picked one up and sniffed at it, picking at the skin with her fingernail. Tasting the small bit she pulled out with it, Danny continued to cautiously take a bite, finding it juicy and sweet. She hadn’t tasted anything like it, having nothing but meat and potatoes back on the island, with a few peas and other vegetables thrown in. Danny was amazed, taking big bites out of the fruit, picking up other ones as she sat in the barrel, filled with excitement to be getting off the island. When she would be discovered in the morning, she’d be doubled over with a stomach ache, having eaten the entire stash of the fruit.

Present day
Danny sat on a crate on the docks, having been left on the island by the navy boat a few hours prior. Already had she gathered a few of her own maps, as well as a little half a dozen apples? Now she just had to find another suitable boat to sneak onto. She pulled out the smallest map she had gotten, one of the surrounding islands of the one she was on now. It had notes on each one about the general climate, culture and food natively grown there. Danny’s attention was pulled from the maps by a great commotion further down the docks, where there seemed to be a battle going on. A bunch of pirates, from what the tiny girl could tell. Her heart leapt at this, a grin curling her lips.
‘Pirates! That’d be better than any old navy ship!’ she thought, rolling the map back up before placing it back into her bag. She stood up, casually padding her way down the docks towards the ship, making sure nobody noticed as she climbed up a rope to the deck, crouching down as she landed on the wood. The fight was still going on, and it seemed as someone had just been shot- the captain, if Danny could hear right. She swallowed, pausing behind a crate as she wondered if she should help, having a very small amount of medical experience from her father, but decided against it. moving to quietly and quickly behind some crates beside what looked like the kitchen, Danny crouched down and squeezed into an impossible small corner. the only way someone were to see her if they had wanted to get something from one of the crates, but otherwise she was totally out of sight. content, she pulled out an apple from her backpack, quietly eating it as the captain came near, only to leave again, a body in tow, a cannon going off shortly before. Danny raised a brow, swallowing incredulously. On the island, women worked in the house and the small gardens, while the men did the heavy lifting. other than herself, she'd never seen a woman do anything that involved an excessive amount of muscles. She settled back again, continuing to work at her apple as it became clear the fight was over and the ship was sailing away from the island.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Coral Pearl

Nolan grinned from ear to ear at the sight of everyone enjoying his food. He balanced a plate in each hand then made his way beside a singing Ray. Listening to his song and the sound of waves crashing against the ship felt nice and relaxing. Nolan passed him a plate with a smile then plopped down onto a barrel before digging into his own food. It had been a long day and just resting up with everyone else felt wonderful. He wondered about how Annie was doing, it had been a week already and he wondered if she was still fretting over his departure, he hoped she would trust him a little bit more. Speaking of Annie, when they got to their next destination, he would write her a letter and tell her all about this crazy day.

He could imagine her yelling. "Nolan! What if you get your head cut off, goshdarn it!"

Just thinking about it made him laugh a little, but he was snapped out of his thoughts when Luro began to speak.

Nolan just grinned at the man, Luro was a fun guy. "Haha, I'll take what compliments I can get though that is a little strange. Sorry to break it to you," the cook's expression turned playful, "but I have a lass waiting for me back home already." He waved a hand dismissively. "I'm glad you guys like it."

Not long after, the captain returned and he quieted down when she began to speak.

"Don't worry about it, captain. If anything," Nolan puffed out his chest and laughed. "I hope I don't disappoint any of you," his eyes flitted to Kai and while he looked nervous, the cook's smile was genuine. "I mean, you could throw me overboard in a heartbeat."

Then things took a turn for the serious and the captain began to discuss their long term goal. The black compass, huh? He'd heard a bit about it from the sailors who'd end up in their tavern. Whoever had it would find riches beyond belief. It didn't sound so bad, until Luro began telling tales of a captain who threw himself to the bottom of a sea. But curses weren't real, right? It was probably just superstition.

"No complaints from me, as long as I get to travel I'll be alright." North to the Falklands. He was so excited. "Now if you guys will excuse me, I'll go and get the dishes done." Nolan made his way to the table then began piling plates and utensils on top of each other. "I'll see you all later." The man disappeared into the kitchen as he began humming a cheery tune. The cook placed the plates onto the sink then walked towards a corner. He had left one of the rags on a crate, so he bent over to pick it up, but what he saw next sent him reeling backwards.

There was someone behind the crate and the sudden shock sent the cook tripping over his feet.

He fell to the floor with a thud as plates crashed noisily to the wooden floor. Had a pirate snuck in? Gods, was he going to get killed here? Nolan scrambled to his feet. "I believe we have an uninvited guest!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zathrax


Member Offline since relaunch

(Short post, sorry)

Kai took the bottle that Luro had left for him, spiriting it away beneath his coat as he continued to swab the deck, he appreciated the effort everyone seemed to be going to to make sure that he was alright. However, there was nothing wrong with Kai, he was just busy doing the work that he didn't think the others needed to bother themselves with. Although that wouldn't stop him from uncorking the bottle of ale that Luro had generously given him and taking several nice long swigs from it after he was done.

"I believe we have an uninvited guest!"

Blades unsheathed once more, at these words Kai sprinted to his comrades side, it had been Noland who'd yelled. As he wasn't the best fighter Kai needed to make sure that he arrived on the scene as soon as possible. This turned out to be rather speedy as he was at the cook's side in a matter of seconds offering a scar covered hand to his comrade on the floor as he held both of his swords in one hand, his eyes alerted for anything out of place. "Where Noland?" he asked simply as his eyes continued to swiftly scan over the room filled with crates. He remained on his toes though, knowing that the culprit could jump out at them at any time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ray finished his song and took a plate of food. He enjoyed the aroma for a bit as he took his food back to his seat on the deck. This stuff smells absolutely heavenly, and was made from common and inexpensive ingredients. Had I smelled this but a month ago, House Skalter would have a new chef. The food tasted even better than it smelled. Ray sat and savored his meal, the sea breeze and the break from singing.

He listened to the captain's plans. The Falkland Ice Floes were a treacherous and frigid place. Ray hoped the crew could get some better clothing for the cold lands of the north before going there. He also hoped that whenever they stopped to purchase said supplies that their stop was quieter than the last. Nolan took his dishes when he was finished; Ray thanked him as he took them away to the galley. He leaned back against the wall as he sat on the crate he had been using as a seat, humming a tune to himself, and letting the dying day lull him towards sleep. It was not to last.

"I believe we have an uninvited guest!" Nolan cried. Ray was up in a heartbeat, his rapier flashing in the light of the sunset. He rushed into the galley and got to Nolan. "Where is he?" Nolan pointed behind the crate. Ray called out. "Alright, whoever's out there had better come out without a fight, or I go in there stabbing. Come out!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AkiBlue
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Runa listened to the tale Luro told with interest. She had never heard the story told that way before. Of course, there were probably many different versions to the story especially when it came to drunken pirates. "Don't worry, if I see him, you all will be right behind me. Like I told you all before, you'll get part of all the treasure we get. Therefore, when we find it, we'll all be seeing this so called captain who started it all."  She nodded, as if making that final before they continued on with their conversation.

When Nolan yelled out from the kitchen, Runali jumped down, landing on the main deck without a sound. "Intruders, eh? It looks like we have a stowaway." Kai was already at Nolan's side, looking around and Runali searched as well. Being shorter than the two, she noticed the girl in the crate before them, and pointed to where she was so Kai could grab her. Runa blocked off the exit till Kai grabbed her. She expected some huge grunt, planning to kill them all for the ship and the new treasure they got. Instead, they found a girl, shorter than she was. "Ha, no wonder she managed to hide so well. Bring her to the main deck."

She was dumped onto the deck and Runa motioned for Luro or Ray to tie her up. "She may not look like a threat, but that doesn't mean she isn't one. Don't take any chances." Her arms were crossed after she adjusted the hat on her head. "So... Mind telling me who you are and why you're stowing away on my ship? Or do I have to throw you overboard?" It wasn't safe to just randomly trust anyone- especially not if you were a pirate. Runa gave the girl a chance though. She wasn't heartless, and by first glance, it didn't look like she destroyed the kitchen.

× × × ×

"Captain! Pirate ship dead ahead! Plan?" The male looked out to the sea with a smug grin. His sunglass reflected the sea in them, and a cigarette rested between his lips. There was a small pause as the captain eyed the flag of the ship.

 "Tch, kidnap them. We could use more slaves. They could do just the job. Kill the captain, and take the crew and treasure. The crew will be useful to add to our little collection." He grinned maniacally and turned away from the deck, going to sit in his quarters.

"Hopefully they have a better cook than our own. . ."

"Aye Captain!" The crew member saluted and went to order the others to catch the ship.

- - ! ! - -

Before they managed to get a good interrogation out of her, Runali's good eye caught the sight of a ship coming toward them with haste. "Hm? That flag. . . Hey Luro, give me a boost." When he did, she narrowed her eyes once again, catching sight of the flag.

"Those aren't pirates, nor the government. That's a slave ship, they're cruel thieves and I don't think they are going to bypass -" Just as she was about to tell them it was probably time to get a move on, cannons were fired. They missed and hit the water, but the ship was approaching fast on their right side. "It hasn't even been a full day, and this is the second time we've gotten attacked. The life of a pirate. Arm the cannons!" Runa jumped off of Luro and she looked at their new prisoner, wondering what to do with her for the time being. Well, she didn't mean any harm by the looks of it, and Runa wasn't cruel enough to just kill her for no reason. So, the captain waited to see if she would come up with a good enough excuse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Banba


Member Seen 9 mos ago

As everything quieted down even more, Danny could hear the sounds of a song from the deck, faint chatter along with it. She smirked, settling in further as she finished the last of the apple, leaving nothing but the stem and seeds. As she repositioned herself, she heard the music stop, someone speaking. Looking out, she crept from her hiding spot, listening in to the conversation. At once her mind started to whirr as she heard the tales of the black compass. She moved back to the crates before someone caught her, leaving as one pirate spoke of a tale about the instrument of navigation. Danny didn’t make it over to the door in time to hear where it was last seen, but she could see herself leading a crew straight to it, using maps made by the best mapmakers she knew of. She giggled, running her tongue over her teeth and bouncing where she was, full of energy and excitement.

“I could get that compass and return to Doctor W. and the others!” she said under her breath. “I’d be in their stories for generations to come! Ahh! That’d be so cool!”

She giggled again, but stopped and stayed completely still as someone came into the kitchen. She watched past the crates as a man moved around the area, before heading towards her hiding spot. Her brain kicked into overdrive, panic setting in, pushing all the excitement Danny had felt only moments before out of the way. She couldn’t move, even if she wanted to, she was caught, and given by the fate of the last person they had found; things didn’t look very good for her. So soon in her adventure, too, she hardly made it anywhere. Her panicked thoughts were interrupted when the man had actually found her, falling backwards with a crash of plates. She stayed stock still, eyes wide as she stared out past the crates, barely breathing.

“I believe we have an uninvited guest!” Danny seemed to cower impossibly small as the words were shouted, another man sprinting to the first one’s side, offering to help him up, two swords in his other hand.
“Where, Noland?”
“Where is he? Alright, whoever's out there had better come out without a fight, or I go in there stabbing. Come out!" Danny was spotted again by the captian, and before she knew it, she was being lifted. Her mind blanked, and she didn’t come to her senses until she found herself tied on deck. The crew stared at her, and she shakily stared back, her lip quivering. Before she could reply, the captain noticed another ship headed their way.
"It hasn't even been a full day, and this is the second time we've gotten attacked. The life of a pirate. Arm the cannons!" the captain turned back to the girl, after jumping off the giant of a man, and stared expectantly at her. She realized the taller girl was waiting for an explanation.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t stealing I just want to go traveling and I can read maps and make them and I have a few apples and a couple maps and a compass and other things like that and I was on a navy ship the past week so I guess I have navy secrets and routines or something but please don’t kill me or throw me overboard or leave me to the slavers or eat me or something. I overheard about the black compass and while I don’t know anything about it I can certainly find maps to help find it and I’m real small so I can spy on people and fit into small places, I won’t take up much room nor will I eat a whole lot because I’m so small, I’m just really small and harmless but not defenseless and sick of staying in one place and I don’t want any treasure and I’ve just started, please don’t kill me.” Danny shouted, all in one breath, her eyes wide as she tried to calm herself down, to stop shaking. She didn’t know what else to do except stand where she was and prepare herself to be condemned in one way or another.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Luro grinned at the idea of sharing the treasure, well if it was cursed then at the very least they were going to share the experience but that just made it all the more fun and he wasn't about to say no to treasure. Without loot he couldn't afford the necessities in life, drink, lasses, his rifle, the Coral Pearl and drink again not necessarily in that order.
When he heard Nolan yell he glanced towards the kitchen starting to get up but Kai reached the kitchen at a speed no human being should move at, he was pretty sure he felt a gust of wind after he passed by. He blinked a few times sitting fully back in his position, he'd keep an eye out here in the extremely rare situation that he got past Kai but he didn't see that happening so it'd be safe to wait. However when Ray and Runali went below deck too he arched a brow starting to wonder if there was more than one, however when a young girl was tossed onto the deck he blinked a few times in confusion.
"I'll tie her up I know a few good knots from....other times I've tied up stowaways," Luro said walking over grabbing some rope. "Hold still lass I've been a stowaway too so I understand your feelings a bit, your life is in our hands so don't get too violent. Might just leave alive if you don't push it."
When the captain asked for a lift he nodded and knelt down providing one, once she noticed the ship and got down he stood only to see the cannons hit the water.
"They shot at the Coral Pearl, I can't let that one slide sadly," Luro said removing his rifle and smiling. "I'm counting it's alright to kill these guys and steal anything of value right captain?"

Luro turned back towards the stowaway as she spoke very panicked and all in one breath to them, arching a brow at her he knelt down in front of her before tilting his head, he leaned from side to side inspecting her for a moment, bringing his hand to his chin he tapped it a few times before looking back at the slave ship. Leaving her like this wouldn't be good, she might get killed in the crossfire unless she was thrown below deck but she'd probably just escape with all the knives and stuff they had down there, that's what he'd do anyway, get away while everyone's distracted, besides to his knowledge they didn't really have a navigator and they already lost one lass earlier so it was a win-win situation.
"Tempting as it would be to eat you lass, especially with you all tied up we kinda got a thing to deal with here so how about this-" Luro reached forward with a gentle smile and untied the ropes. "You help us with this and I at least can overlook you being a stowaway, not that I can blame you, adventure just calls to you and you gotta follow it. Like a lass with the rear of a goddess if that makes sense." Luro looked back at Runali offering her a grin before pointing at Danny. "Captain I hope you don't mind but I untied her, wanna see if she useful in a fight. Besides if she runs I'll just kill her if someone else doesn't beat me to it. Besides she was pretty honest in mentioning she was a bit of a threat, I say why not to someone so willing to admit something that could get them excecuted."
Luro stood up and grabbed a cutlass before tossing it at her feet wiping his hand on his pants afterwards.
"Afraid I can't give you a firearm a bit harder to attack you if you have one of those so you'll have to make do with that," he said pointing at the cutlass smiling at her. "My name is Luro and you can prove those words mean something by attack our enemies. By the way if that sword turns towards any of them."
Luro motioned to everyone in the crew before landing on the captain making sure to point her out specifically before he looked back at her offering a small smile to her.
"I will mutilate you and dump what remains into the ocean," he said before letting out a small laugh. "If you attack the captain especially which is that lass right there you have to deal with Kai and well you don't want to deal with Kai. Take a good long look at his face and seriously consider if it's worth it." Luro checked his rifle and placed it on his shoulder before looking back at Danny "I believe you'll help us though then we can do introductions share a pint, and be friends. Ah of course it's still up the captain what happens but I'm fine with you. Also you did kinda scare Nolan which is the blonde with the blue eyes, I mean it's easy to tell it's him, you know since you can get lost in those eyes, they'll like aquamarines shimmering in the daylight could stare at em all day...."
Luro trailed off for a moment seeming to get lost in his own world for a moment though they were getting attacked.
"Anyway that aside apologize to him."
Luro stood up and readied his gun before putting it on his back and moving to a cannon getting it ready, he knew Ray was already on it being the gunner so he could help with this at least. Once they got a bit closer the only thing left was to hop aboard their ship or defend the Coral, either way things were getting interesting
"Nothing like a friendly maiming after a drink to get the mood going, this is gonna be fun! I can't contain my excitement."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Coral Pearl

Soon enough Ray and Kai came bursting through the doors, weapons drawn.

Both men began to yell threats as Nolan scrambled to his feet. The stowaway looked more like a child than a pirate though he wasn't that naive, and he understood that looks could be quite deceiving. "Behind the barrels," he had mumbled, only for the girl to be caught moments later. He didn't know whether she was a bloodthirsty pirate or a hungry person who had snuck in for a meal, so a part of him felt guilty for her capture, it was kind of silly.

He shot her an apologetic look and watched as she was tied up and dragged onto the deck. He felt his heart hammer inside his chest in worry, but thankfully Runa decided to question the girl. Hopefully, it was just a misunderstanding.

The cook twiddled his thumbs, one hand on his rifle. Yes, he wasn't exactly fond of violence, but he did have a good aim.

He let out a sigh and waited for the interrogation to happen, but it never did. For no reason at all, the ship in the distance began firing at them, the waves rocking their ship. For crying out loud! It had only been a few hours since their last battle, what did those guys even want? The captain mentioned something about a slave ship and Nolan ended up wondering if he'd ever live to see another day. Wait, wait! He had to, for his parents, siblings and Annie!

"We can't just leave her tied up, not while they're firing." Before he could say more Luro untied Danny and Nolan gave the man a thumbs up. The girl didn't seem like a threat and he sympathized with her. He had become a pirate because of adventure's call too. When the ocean calls, it's hard to refuse.

"Captain, do we fire with the canons?" Nolan was already running across the deck towards the cannonballs. He grabbed two, and scrambled to load the canons nearest to the rest of the crew. Slavers weren't the nicest people, and if they put these guys out of commission then maybe they'd actually be able to help some kidnapped people. Luro tossed a cutlass at the now freed stowaway and Nolan began to fill up the canons.

The ship lurched to the side as another cannonball sent waves their way. Nolan gritted his teeth then grabbed hold of a now full canon. "Do I have permission to fire, captain?"

The captain nodded her head and he aimed. It was rather hard since the waves were tossing the boat around but he managed. The first cannonball merely hit the water but the second one managed to graze the enemy ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ray was slightly surprised to see that their stowaway was a girl, and a young one at that. I wonder what she's doing out here of all places. He smirked to himself, I wonder what I'm doing out here of all places. Ray kept his rapier aimed at her as Luro hoisted her towards the deck and tied her to the mast. No sooner had they dome so, a ship appeared on the horizon, barrels blazing. Fortunately for the StarDusk Pirates, their aim was off, and they had surrendered their advantage of surprise. Luro released her and Ray commanded her, "Help me load the cannons. No one's turning you over to these slavers."

Ray had nothing against slavery, though it was Lendrian slavery he was accustomed to. On Lendria, slaves had laws protecting them, even a bill of rights, though it was much shorter than the citizen's version, and not always followed. Some elements of politics had taken to calling it indentured servitude, even though few slaves truly were bound by debt. It was customary for loyal slaves to be freed after several decades of service. It was also well known that slavery was much worse elsewhere. Ray had no qualms with the slaver's profession, he instead took issue with their next prospective acquisition.

"Luro, get to the swivel gun until you're in rifle range. Aim for their officers and do what you can to disrupt them." Ray saw Nolan firing off the cannon with some difficulty. "Nolan, load the cannon with chainshot and aim high. It'll screw up their rigging and sails and hopefully slow them down enough to escape." He remembered his lessons from his uncle, a merchant captain. When he was 16, Ray took a trip with his uncle on his ship and learned the basics of cannon handling and strategy.

Use the roundshot to punch holes in the hull. You'll want to aim low, but not low enough to hit a passing wave. Chainshot is aimed at their sails and rigging. Use it to slow their ship. Don't use the grapeshot until you're within throwing distance of the ship; treat it like a giant blunderbuss shot and aim it at the deck.

Ray and the stowaway loaded and fired another few rounds of chainshot, but their efforts at slowing the enemy ship were in vain. Someone on the slaver ship had loaded a harpoon into a cannon and launched it at the Coral Pearl, lodging it into the side and slowly pulling the ships closer. Ray spied the crew onboard the enemy ship preparing grappling hooks. "Captain, we'd better prepare for boarders." He turned to his impromptu cannon crew. "Load up the guns with grapeshot. We'll give these bastards a nasty surprise they'll never forget."
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