Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Tony narrowed his eyes not really seeming all that convinced "Are you sure Pep?" He asked calmly. He was sure that something was bothering her. He didnt want her to be worrying too much about him if that was the problem. He yawned a bit. He knew she would ask about his projects sooner or later. He was always rather busy on them as well.

" oh just stuff , new inventions and that." Tony wasn't going into detail. He was also currently more interested as well. He was thinking .
He smiled sadly when she said she was worried "You don't need to worry about me Pepper , I'll be fine," he knew saying he was fine but not getting much sleep wouldn't convince her.
" I am just busy sometimes," he knew she wasn't happy he was drunk alot
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EveIris
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Pepper couldn’t help but laugh at his words. “Sometimes is an understatement Tony. Locking yourself in your lab for 20 hours a day is certainly not being busy sometimes. JARVIS says you’ve been working overtime, I know whatever it is is probably important, but you need to take care of yourself.” She reminded softly, it was her usual way of expressing her concern for him since she really did worry for him. He was drinking and not getting his rest, probably it was that that was contributing to his nasty grumpy attitude in the morning.

“I’ll be flying back to LA next week, once the papers and everything have been finalized. I’m nervous about leaving you here alone again,” she spoke, her tone a lot softer now. Honestly she hated having to be so far away, but she was required back there to do her job. Tony was mostly in and out of New York as well with all the Avenger work he was being given, not that she mentioned anything openly considering how she was not supposed to know anything about it, Tony always filled her in on what he was up to, but for the past few weeks she felt that he was quite distant with her. Closed off and a lot more well not Tony.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The genius was looking at her. "Oh?" He was grinning a bit. Tony was relaxing a bit more now. "I have just been busy lately. And I need to keep busy or I have panic attacks after what happened in new york."
He didn't want to go into detail. "I just am having a hard time I guess."
Tony was listening to her. He knew that he needed to look after himself. He just didn't do a good job of it or didn't bother to much.

"I'll be fine... I always am, if your that worried I can call and stuff." Tony was looking at her. He knew that she always worried about him. He knew she really didn't want to leave him "The Avengers will keep me busy and out of trouble."
He was looking at her "Any of them would come and stay if you are that worried."
Tony wondered if any of what he was saying would reassure her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EveIris
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Pepper frowned at the mention of his panic attacks. She wasn't aware of them until last year and frankly it scared her. She requested he seek help, that he see someone to help him instead of turning to the bottle and work. He assured her that they had stopped and she dropped the subject but now it seemed like that wasn't the case now. "Tony.. Do you want to talk about them? You know I'm here for you," she whispered.

"And no, that seems suspicous. Remember the last time you invited Bruce? Yeah you two didn't leave the work room for a week. Maybe Steve would like to? He's a nice man," she spoke fondly of Captain America partly because she knew he disliked him. Tony wasn't fond of Steve like he was with Bruce, that much was obvious to anyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Tony knew Pepper was concerned about his panic attacks and wanted a better way to deal with them . Tony though wanted nobody else to know if possible. He wasn't sure what the Avengers and SHIELD would think of him if they did.
"Pepper I don't want to see anybody about them.." He warned. He though continued "But I suppose we could... last one was so bad I ended up in bathroom throwing up." he shuddered. He knew she hadn't been there then, He didn't want to mention what happened in new york, encase he caused another panic attack. He knew he had nearly died that day.

"Steve? Why Mr goody good in the spangely suit, Thats only because you hope he'll keep me out of trouble." He went on "Bruce is the fun one,.. well maybe not so much when hes a gaint green rage monster,"
He was thinking a bit. He shrugged. He was sure he would have to cope if it came to that.
Tony just grinned at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EveIris
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Pepper was surprised he was telling her about them, thought it was just a bit. He had thrown up last night? JARVIS hadn't mentioned that to her. It was likely Tony told him not to. She decided that she would be spending the night there, she had paperwork to handle plus it would be best to keep an eye on him. She pushed her thoughts aside as she heard him talk about Steve.

"Steve is nice, and yes he'll keep an eye out for you. Unlike Bruce, since you two get so engrossed with work. Think of it like a playdate or something," she joked. The car came to a stop and Pepper got out, she was handed their food as he wished for them to have a nice day. Entering the building they were greeted by JARVIS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Tony was looking at her. He was glad she didn't question him too much more about the subject. He knew that sometimes his panic attacks were sometimes that bad. He was thinking for awhile.
He just hoped Pepper wouldn't say anything that would set him off.
The genius was silent for a bit.

"Ah well he is still a goodie good." Tony muttered. "And me and Bruce like science not our fault." He was grinning a bit. He walked in and sits down somewhere to eat his food. He suddenly growled at JARVIS.
"I don't want to talk about the meeting!!" he snapped when JARVIS asked him how it went. He just ate his food. The rage had returned to his eyes. He seemed to have just snapped randomly again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EveIris
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was pulled from her laptop as she heard him snap at JARVIS, again something that was unusual. JARVIS had apologized to Tony, though Pepper wasn't too forgiving about this. "What's gotten into you? This isn't like you," she spoke as she moved over to stand in front of him. "You've been snapping at everyone today Tony, talk to me," she spoke sternly.

"Sir your heart is beating usually high, are you in need for a check up?" JARVIS asked only for Pepper to blink. "Are you sick?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"I'm not sick and shut up JARVIS," Tony growled " Nothing is wrong with me, I don't know what you are talking about." He was furious and picked up his glass and threw it smashing it to peices. He panted a bit.
He looked angrily at Pepper. "I"M Fine."
The genius's voice was cracking a bit.

JARVIS tried to speak again. "Is this about new york and what happened?" he knew he was probably going to far. Tony's eyes just widdened and ran out of the room in panic, Till he collasped and fainted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EveIris
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Pepper had taken a step back when he grabbed the glass and threw it against the wall. She gasped at the sound of glass shattering, her eyes were fixed on the wall wondering why he was so upset. He was fine just a moment ago and now he was freaking out. Returning her gaze back to him she crouched down to where they were eye level. "Tony talk to me, what's going on?" she asked, her voice unbelievably soft and filled with concern. Her eyes widened when she heard JARVIS mention New York.

"Tony? Hey Tony!?" she called out when she felt herself get pushed back. He ran out of the room without a word and immediately she stood up and ran after him. Soon enough she caught up to him only to find him passed out on the floor, running over to him she rolled him onto his back placing her hand on his forehead. "Tony," she called only to get no response. "JARVIS is he alright? Do we need to call for help?" she asked knowing he was hesitant about seeing anyone. Still it seemed like he needed to see a doctor, there was something very wrong with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The AI seemed to scan Tony to see if anything was wrong. He found that Tony's vital signs were far from normal. "His vital signs are far from normal miss potts, I think calling Doctor Bruce Banner might help."
JARVIS wasn't sure who else was safe to let know about this and who Tony would trust to know.

Tony seemed to have a hot forehead by now . What ever was messing with him was attacking him pyshically as well as mentally. But it seemed the mental effects had been far more noticable before.
He breathed deeply and opened his eyes.
The genius was looking scared and he backed up. Still clearly a bit paniced. He looked at her almost like he didn't know her for a second "Stay away from me!!" He shouted. He then sighed and mumbled.
He had calmed down from his anger. "Pepper." His head fell on her chest. He seemed dizzy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EveIris
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Pepper was alarmed that he had a fever, she hadn’t noticed anything wrong with him physically. He was his usual self except for those outbursts. She wanted to call for an ambulance but she knew that even the hospital and doctors had their limits. Tony wasn’t exactly normal when he had something in his chest, oh god was it failing him? Was that why he was sick? Thought after thought hit her hard as she struggled to swallow down the lump in her throat. “Bruce? Call him JARVIS, explain the situation to him,” she spoke before gently placing his head in her lap.

She needed to get him in a bed but before she could attempt to lift him he woke up panicked and frightened like a child. He wasn’t even trying to conceal it now as she flinched at his loud voice. “Tony.. it’s just me,” she explained softly as she gently wrapped her arms around him holding him. “Listen, I need to get you to bed. You need to take something for your fever,” she murmured softly. “JARVIS has Bruce picked up? Do I need to talk to him?” she asked softly knowing it was best she explained the situation if JARVIS hadn’t already.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Tony was pale as he lay there. He didn't seem aware he had lost his temper. Nor did he know what was wrong with him. He knew he felt very dizzy and didn't want t get up. He had been sure he was feeling fine aside from his hangover in the morning. But maybe he had just been too hungover to noticed, or had somebody posioned him? Or was something he was working on toxic.
He groaned like he was in lots of pain and he looked at Pepper. "S......So only call Bruce when medical emergancy." He whispered.

JARVIS put a call through to Bruce Banner and waited for him to answer the phone. Bruce did infact pick up even if he was in the middle of something. "Hello." Once JARVIS knew it was Bruce he explained the sitution.
"Alright I will be right over, just get Pepper to make sure Tony stays in bed,"
Once the call ended JARVIS replied. "He'll be right over, Just get Tony in bed and keep him there."
Tony groaned and held onto Pepper. He felt like his chest was burning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EveIris
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Pepper frowned, this was obviously serious and he needed help. Still she didn't say anything to Tony knowing he would disagree with the idea and tell her to leave it. She was worried about him, but thankfully she had heard that Bruce was in New York for a bit, she was thankful he hadn't left yet otherwise Tont would have to wait longer or see someone else. Gently she began helping him up doing her best to lift him though it was difficult. He was heavy and she wasn't strong enough, grunting with annoyance she began making her way to the elevator.

"Tony just lean on me, I'm going to get you to bed," she mumbled as she felt sweat rolled down her face. It was like dragging a dead body, still with a bit of time she managed to handle the task. He was now in bed with the covers messily placed over his body. Quickly she turned around to look for medicine that he could take for his fever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Tony knew she was struggling to help him to his room. He was feeling dizzy and weak and tried to help her by trying to walk. He leaned on her a bit. He didn't know what was wrong with himself.
He was closing his eyes a bit. He shivered a bit.

Once laying down Tony groaned and closed his eyes. His head was hurting him. "What is happening... Pepper? I'm so confused." He whispered. He had a feeling she wouldn't leave him alone now.
Bruce was on his way to Stark Towers.
Tony wanted to be feeling himself again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EveIris
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Grunting softly she dug through the cabinets until she found what she needed. Quickly returning to his side she helped him sit up pinching his cheeks so that he would open his mouth. Popping the pills inside she placed the rim of the glass against his lip so he could drink some water. “Bruce is on his way, just hang in there. Are you in pain?” she asked. Her voice was filled with worry as she sat on the bed gazing down at him. She was hurt that he hadn’t mentioned anything about feeling unwell, then again it had been partly her fault for not paying attention. She had assumed he was hung over like he usually was in the morning, but instead he was seriously ill. A fever like that was enough to prove to her that she hadn’t been paying her usual attention to him.

She placed her hand over his hand gazing down at him with worried eyes. “I’m sorry Tony,” she muttered softly. “JARVIS, please inform me when Bruce arrives,” she spoke knowing she would have to go down to the lobby to greet him. JARVIS complied with her demand and repeated that he would inform her the moment he was downstairs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"MY head....," Tony whimpered. He then suddenly yelled in pain . He looked at her "Ok my whole body." He was really miserable. He closed his eyes. He knew Pepper was worried about him. His head was spinning,
He takes his medicine and stays where he is.

Tony was looking pale "Sorry for what ? " He looked confused. He curled up more. He was starting to pass out again. He didn't seem to be able to stay awake. His fever was very high. He knew Bruce would be here soon.
When Bruce arrived he knocked and waited to be let in.
"Miss Potts, Bruce Banner has arrived." JARVIS informed her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EveIris
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Pepper was ever so thankful to hear that Bruce was here. He had gotten here a lot faster than she expected him to. She squeezed Tony's hand Whispering that she would be right back. Letting go she quickly rushed to the elevator pressing the lobby button a little harder than she normally did.

Once the doors opened she walked out trying her best not to show how worried or panicked she really was. "Dr. Banner, thank you for coming so quickly," she greeted. She had only met him a couple of times and that was when Tony and him were together in the lab. Other than offering coffee or saying hello they hadn't said much. "I'll take you to Tony, he has a temperature... I gave him some medicine for that but I don't know. He's been acting odd and he says... He still has panic attacks..." she explained as she motioned for him to step into the elevator first. It didn't take long for the elevator to reach Tony's floor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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Bruce came inside and looked at Pepper. He wondered how long Tony had been ill for . He knew Tony often didn't talk about things and would try hide them. He could see that Pepper was worried about Tony.

"Ah I tried my best to make sure I was as quick as I could be, " He looked at her "From what JARVIS said it seemed serious." He walked by her. "How long has he been acting odd.?" He followed her up to Tony's room.
He goes over and feels Tony's forehead. He seemed worried seeing how high it is. "Hes good at hiding things as well."
Tony moaned and rolled over, His eyes opened. " Go away Banner." He growled. The rage had returned to him, He sat up and held his head. He didn't know what he was doing and he punched Bruce right in the face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EveIris
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Pepper sighed, "I don't know how long he's been ill. He still drinks to the point of getting bad hangovers in the morning... He's been getting five hours of rest a night and he's been snappy. He hasn't been himself really," she explained softly as she followed behind him. She knew he was good at hiding things it was why Pepper hadn't noticed anything until now.

"Tony, he's here to help... You're not feeling good," She explained only to gasp when she saw his fist connect with Bruce's face. "Tony?!" she shouted as she rushed over to Bruce. "Are you okay Mr. Banner? What's gotten into you Tony?" she asked sounding furious with him.
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