Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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In the city there was always gang wars and gangs selling drugs causing nothing but problems. Families can't even walk the streets without caution. Many woman could not take their children outside to play and men carried guns or some kind of weapon to protect them. But as time went on the gang activity started to die down by a lot and the people had no clue way until the mark of crimson color butterfly started to appear all over the city and how drug activity and violence died down. But it still made the people worry for if the Crimsons were able to take down the most violent gangs then they are after full control of the city. Rumors started to go around about how to identify the crew was by the tattoos of the gangs and how the leader had a cascade of crimson butterflies down her left arm the went from her shoulder to her elbow. They even say she is the first youngest and female gang leader in history and probably the most powerful.
Rose was walking around the streets trying to find a bar that was not crowded for she could really use a drink now. and was out looking for a bar or maybe a returner that had a bar to it so she could get something to drink. She wore a simple sexy black dress that had one long sleeve, high heels and some jewelry. But what the people did not know what that a simple good looking girl like her was actually a leader and her dress sleeve covered her tattoo. Hiding her true identity just so she can enjoy the city. Once in the bar she lit a cigarette and ordered her drink as she sat down and just enjoy the time to herself for now before the Gang hour hit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Griffin ask inside of one of his father's bars. He was enjoying a few rare minutes of freedom before the evenings activities started. He hated working for his father. He hated the things he was forced to do for his father. He was tired of it. He wanted to take over. He wanted to do things differently. He didn't have the power or the respect he needed to take over yet. Until the day he did he would have to do what his father ordered. With a frustrated sigh, Griffin ordered a scotch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Rose looked over to her side when she heard someone order a scotch as her drink arrive. 'Well he looks frustrated." She said to the bartender. "Ah this is one of his old mans bar so he is a regular but he is always frustrated especially with his father." The man said as he made the scotch. "Yo bartender put his drink on my bill he deserves a freebee tonight." She said as she took a drag from her cig and blew out a puff of smoke before taking a drink from her Mai Tai. The bartender nodded as he finished the scotch and walked over to the boy. "Here you go one scotch no charge the young lady there took care of it for you." He said as he pointed at Rose before going back checking on his inventory so he could stay stocked for he has been busy lately and it was nice for a change for him. Rose enjoyed her drink as she put her cig out for it was almost gone and debating if she should light another one before she headed out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Griffin studied the woman who bought him a beer. She was prettier the the women he ususally saw in his fathers bar. At 6'4 he towered over most of the crowd when he stood. Most of the patrons recognized him so the moved out of his way as he slowly walked towards her. Tonight he was wearing his classic black leather jacket with a black tshirt underneath. His black leather pants hugged like a second skin. "Are you looking for trouble lady?" He asked her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Rose was enjoying her drink as she lit one more cig before she decided to leave to get ready for her the gang hour. She finished her drink and pulled out her card to give to the bartender to pay for the drinks. AS he went off to take care of that Rose looked up at the guy as she took a drag of her cig before blowing the smoke in his face. "I am not can a girl just go to a bar for a drink after returning from Milan before I decide to go home." She said to him as the bartender came back. "Ok Miss Frost you are ready to go." He said as he gave her card back along with a receipt. Rose took it and put it in her wallet before looking at the guy before standing for in her heels it make her at least 6 foot tall. "I am Rose Prisma Frost Interior decorate the best in the city and well known around the world and I am out of here I know when I am not wanted." She said taking one last drag before putting her cig out and started walking her way to the exit after giving him her card.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"That was weird." Griffin said to the bartender, The bartender just shrugged, Griffin ran his fingers through his thick black hair. He didn't know what a famous decorator was doing in one of his father's bars but he supposed it didn't matter. It was almost time to meet Michael. He hated working with Michael. Of all his father's men Michael was the cruelest. Tonight they were assigned to keep watch on the working girls. Which meant he was going to spend the night keeping Michael off the girls. Michael met him at the door. "Let's go boy." Griffin winced as the older man grabbed his arm and yanked him down the street making Griffin feel like a naughty child rather then a grown man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Rose walked down the street as he heels made the normal tapping sound as she walked. The streets were quiet for many locals were indoors not wanting to run into anyone from gangs. Rose soon turned down an alley way that lead to an old building and she entered it and it was fulled with people that had one crimson coloered tattoo and she walked through the crowd of people as they were talking and going over maps along with fighting strategies. She walked to an elevator and used it to take her to the very top floor that opened to a high end bedroom. She walked in and changed out of her dress she was wear along with kicking her heels off. SHe then pulled on a pair of tight black leather skinnys pants, a blood red halter top that stopped about her stomach, showing her tattoo of crimsons butterflies that went from her shoulder to her elbow. The last thing she did was pick up a black mask with a crimson color detailed butterfly on it and placed it on her face before looking out the window as she grabbed her electric rod. "The gang hour has begun." She said as she went down and gave orders to her other members to start patrolling before she headed out herself patrolling the streets for anyone other gang that was on her terf. "This city belongs to me and I will make sure to take down any other gang that gets in my way." She said as she ran out into the night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Griffin stood in the shadows watching the girls work. He hated this assignment most of all. He hated watching the girls sale themselves for his father. He was just glad that Michael had left him to care of guarding the girls on his own. He didn't know where the older man went nor did he care. At least for tonight the girls only had to worry about the clients. Griffin had no problem dealing with that kind of scum. Most of the time a growl got them to follow the rules. When that didn't work he used his fathers methods.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Rose was with a couple of other members of her gang for they got some information about some girls being sold by a pimps and she had heard some girls that were in it were being forced to do it so she wanted to check it out and see if they can save some of them. "Man I hate pimps more than anything forcing girls to sell themselves for money bad enough that girls do it on their own to get drugs." She said as the two boys nodded in agreement with her on that. The soon made it to the area and Rose was the first in the area spying on the whole thing and she noticed the boy from the bar. "What is he doing here very interesting indeed." She said as she decided to observe as the other two went to look around for they had information there was suppose to be two men tonight and they wanted to find the second one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Hey Griffin." One of the girls called pulling him from his thoughts. "I need you to help me with this client."

Griffin growled when he was the girl in question was sporting a black eye. He grabbed the client by his shirt he shook the man hard. "You know the rules. Michael might let you get away with this but I won't. These girl are people and you will treat them as such." Griffin shook the man until he stuttered an apology. Then he threw the client away from the girls. He dug into his pocket and handed the girl a wad of money. "Take the night off Star." The girl nodded and hurried down the street.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Rose saw the whole thing and was a little interested before coming down from her hiding spot. "My I never heard of a pimp caring about his girls." She said as she approached him with her mask still over her face and her retractable electric staff in her hand. "Than again you are a different person from the one I have been hearing about lately where he allows some of the girls to vanish and most have been found in dumpsters lately and leading back to to this place care to explain that to me." She said as her tattoo was showing off to him as the heels to her boots clacked as she walked around in a circle around him on her guard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Griffin looked at her questionly. No one had ever questioned his presence her. But then most of the people that came to the girls knew who he was. He bristled insulted when she called him a pimp. "First I'm not a pimp. I consider myself more of a bodyguard for the girls. They need someone looking after them through the night. Although I have no proof the man you describe is probably Michael. He is the girls keeper."

"It is true miss." One of the girls called from the carnet. "Griffin does his best to make sure that we are treated as kindly and respectfully as possible. He isn't like other pimps."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Rose looked at them as she listened to them and pulled out pictures out from her back pocket and handed it to Griffon. "Do any of those girls look familiar to you for they are the ones we found in dumpsters lately and I hate finding dead girls all over the city." She said to Griffon for he seemed like a gentleman unlike Michel for she got bad vibes off him. "Also all the girls had something in common they were all pregnant and DNA proves that every unborn child that they are half siblings meaning different moms but same daddy donor which that has to be to much of a coincidence if you ask me." She said to them as he crew members appeared. "Boss just found another one in the dumpster near by police is on their way to investigate it but she is killed the same way as the other ones were killed and this kill was very recent." They said and Rose looked at him as she adjusted her mask on her face to make she it stays on. "Care to explain that to for if I remember correctly Michael is not here any idea where he might be." She said to Griffon as she pushed a button on her staff and it extended.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"I Don't know where Michael is. He's suppose to be here with me. But when we got here he put me in charge and took off." Griffin explained nervously. He knew who she was or Atleast suspected who she was. She was all his father talked about lately. The leader of the Crimsons. He admired he and what she was doing for the city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Rose got a bad feeling. "Boys call on the other crimsons I want you to find this Michael if he is the guy we are looking for this might be only the first of many tonight." Rose said and both of the guys nodded their heads and ran off as they called for other members. "And as for you sir I suggest you close down and get the girls out of here and if you have any missing find them fast because if its not Michael it might be someone that hates girls that sell their bodies." Rose said to him as she scanned around the area. She had this demeanor showing that she was confident and that to not mess with her or she will put you in the hospital. "Does Michael always disappear when you come to help out with this whatever it is I am not saying the word."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"I don't have the funds to send them all home. I can't let them go back to my father empty handed." griffin told her running his fingers through his hair. "My fathers girls have never gone missing. If it is Michael he would dare touch them. He usually disappears for a couple of hours. I figured he had a girlfriend or something. I don't care what he does."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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"Man your father is an idiot honestly." Rose said as she pulled out a cellphone and was talking to the perseon on the other end in Itialian for a bit then hanged up. "My job just gets harder and harder everyday because of this." She said as she waited for something to be delievered to her before her phone went off and she answered it. "What you spotted him...and he is running of course he is running they always run just catch him and bring him back here no excuses." She siad in a powerful tone and hung up. "Michael has been spotted and is on the run perfect." She siad in a sarcastic tone as a red ferrari pulled up and a guy in a similar mask design as hers rolled the window down and handed her a big duffel bag. "Here you go boss its all there." He siad and She nodded as he zoomed off as she tossed the beg to him. "That should be enough to give that greedy father of yours so you cen get the girls out of here." She siad as she waited for her crew members catch the fool.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Griffin studie the woman in front of him carefully. "If my father founds out about this my life isn't going to be worth crap." riffin told her as he took the bag. He set it on the ground and unzipped it. He gave each girl what he figured they made in a night plus a tip. He instructed them not to turn in the money until the usual time. Each girl thanked him and kissed his cheek before heading out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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"Oh if Michael is apart of this its his own damn fault for trying to make it look like you did it but what I don;t get is a smart guy like you is working for a man like your father who does nothing what he wants for personal gain." Rose said to him as looked at him and retracted her staff and placed it on a strapped that was on her leg. "What still amazes me that girls are willing to do this it must be degrading and not pleasant sometimes cus think about how long do you think these clients will go until they get board and do things to spice it up and then problems just happen." She said to him and looked at him. "Hey you know I am the crimson leader how come you have not taken me down or anything most gangs hate me because I get them all sent to jail and off the streets."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"I don't have a lot of choices. I have no real education. Everything I have belongs to my father. If I want to eat I have to do what he wants. I don't like it but I don't have a lot of choices." Griffin explained. "Most of these girls have little or no choice. When you have no skills you do what you have to do. I try to make it as easy on them as I can. I only try to keep them save but I knew I can't always protect them." Griffin nodded at her question. "I know who you are. Truthfully lady I admire you and what your doing. It makes my life hell but I think it's worth it."
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