Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rancealot


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Defendia glanced at the armor clad person walking towards of her. I bet this guy wants my food. Defendia guarded her pile. When she noticed the person was instead staring at her face, she let go of her food pile and donned a triumphant pose. "My my, has my beauty acquired me yet another admirer? Don't be shy, it happens to everyone." She said as she played with one of her drills.

She went off and started to loudly go into her own world.
"Oh, what should I ever do? Royalty like me can't just go around stealing the men from all the women! I must also think about my house, I can't go marrying a commoner after all! If only there were more of me to go around, Truly I was also cursed with this beauty as well! OHOHOHOHO!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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"Cotopa is the patron guardian of this city who long ago fought for the tribe of Veldez as they searched for a place to settle. Fighting off hostile tribes they also encountered a hostile force known as the Yerlo led by the Magus King Swazil. Cotopa leading the finest warriors defeated the Yerlo and founded what would be Nele. It is said that she mysteriously disappeared and for her great deed she became a goddess. Every year of this time we hold a festival in her honor." said a wondering man who just seemed to conveniently answer his question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago

So the girl was rich. That may explain how she could have obtained such unique items. Her interest almost made her deaf to the girl's words. Two accessories that are so unique that their flow was smooth and quick, tailing the girl as she moved. Such strange accessories. Freya wanted to inspect them a bit more. Of course, she did not want to be rude, so Freya would make her first attempt to ask the girl's permission. Of course, her voice has had little use over the years, for she found few moments to speak. In which case she spoke in an almost silent whisper, with a light, petit voice.

"Would...you allow me to look at that item?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hiraku finished his two rice-cakes, as he adjusted his glasses with his free-hand. He peered to the left and to the right, observing the festivities, before he adjusted the collar of his suit. He got off the bench, as he began striding to the Business Center. Today will be a fine meeting. After I finish I shall head off to the Karaoke Bar. Hiraku walked past several merchants who were haggling wares, as the aroma of street food found its way into his nose.

As merchants walked towards him, he strode away, as he gave them brief eye-contact and held out his free hand, and began politely declining them.
"No I have already eaten."
"-I do not need any of your services, so sorry."
"...No I am busy, though I wish you a happy Festival of Cotopa."
"I SAID I WAS BUSY! HAVEN'T YOU HEARD ME EARLIER!? YOU ARE MORE DISTRACTING THAN A KAIJU WHO IS BREATHING HIS ATOMIC BREATH UPON A NEIGHBORHOOD! AND I HAVE DEALT WITH THAT WITH MY BRIEFCASE!" He held up his brief-case menacingly as he breathed out and adjusted a strain of hair which fell out of place. "Apologizes merchant. Have a happy festival."
Hiraku used his free-hand as he began rubbing his temple. These vendors do not seem to realize that some people are not here for luxury but for business! He continued heading to the business district, as he noticed he was behind an old lady who was taking up the isle behind him. Hiraku gritted his teeth as tried to maneuver past the elder woman, however due to the density of the crowd due to the festival celebrations, he did not have an opening. He weaved his head back and forth, as he finally spotted an opening, as he quickly dashed through the crowd, weaving through it making sure not to hit anyone passing by. As he got through, he peered forward to confirm that he was on the right track. Gah! That lady could have costed me a few seconds! he thought to himself, as he entered the Business District proper.

He took a quick scan of the larger buildings, as he peered like a dedicated hawk, ready to spot the name of the company he was sent to perform the deal with. Once he found it, he strolled to the building, ready to conduct the business he was sent to this city for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rancealot


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"...And to think i'm talking about marriage while I'm only-" Defendia's stream of words halted at the armor clad person's request.

Item? I guess they mean my cape, Simple commoners and brutish warriors probably don't see such majestic clothing much after all Defendia gave a small chuckle and pondered for a short while, slightly angered that her feminine charm didn't catch him, but decided to agree on the account of getting back to her food as fast as she could. She stood up and showed her back to the person. "Be glad that I am in a happy mood, I will allow your hands to have the satisfaction of touching it. But make sure your hands are clean, I don't want it to get dirty."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago

When the girl turned and spoke her approval, Freya removed her greave and glove, revealing a slender, pale hand. Freta's hands were always clean, so the girl's request was easily obeyed, but Freya began to physically inspect the girl's hair, which she had thought were accessories. Freya felt the strands, and immediately took care not to ruin it.

Such strange accesories. Loose strands of delicate and soft material to allow a good flow of movement. This feels a lot like...

Freya paused for a moment as the realization washed over her. It wasn't some strange accessory she was touching, it was the girl's hair. An awkward moment passed before Freya pulled her hand away and apologized repeatedly.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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Satisfied with the explanation, Jack moved on and let the man get back to work. It really looked like it was gonna be a great festival, full of colorful tradition and a crowd of fascinated foreigners and Jack almost regretted his decision to ransack as much as he could without missing the main event of the night. Almost, but not quite. Some people were going to be rather unhappy when they got back from their partying and he'd likely be far, far away. He might, however, put a hold to his thievery until the festival itself got started. Maybe. It was so hard to fight the urge sometimes. Like right now. How was anyone supposed to resist an unattended pile of foodstuffs "guarded" by rambling noblewoman and a wierdo ruffling her hair?

Okay so maybe most people didn't have his wierd totally justified compulsion with stealing, but he had just realized he actually was awfully hungry. And yes, he could buy himself some, but surely the woman would not miss a single piece of...whatever the hell that was, so there was no harm in grabbing one for himself. Jack didn't slow down, he didn't go into a swaggy sneaky stance in the shadows, he just kept walking naturally like he had somewhere to be and the way just happened to take him near the bench and the pile of food, just like all those other people heading that way. He was just part of the moving, faceless crowd. And, as soon as he was close enough, while the woman was otherwise preoccupied, he tried his hand at snatching himself a single piece of food without being noticed.

(2d6 base, plus 2 for agile, 3 for art of invisibility, 2 for thievery hobby and another 3 for quick, got 5x3=15)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rancealot


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When Defendia felt the armor clad person's hands slightly tug on her hair, she flushed red. "YOU DARE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MY GENEROSITY AND LAY YOUR HANDS ON MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR YOU INSOLEN-" Upon hearing the person's voice however, Defendia quickly turned around and grabbed the person's hands. "This texture... It's of a woman... YOU'RE A SHE?" Defendia jumped back a bit. "I'm sorry, but such a immoral relationship could never work out. A commoner AND a woman, that's like DOUBLE taboo!"

She turned back to her pile of food, something was wrong. She didn't know who, but someone, someTHING, some UNCOUTH BARBARIAN NOT EVEN WORTHY OF SERVING AS HER FOOT REST stole a piece of her food pile. Defendia fell to her knees. "My food..." She whimpered at her pile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Descartes
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Descartes Give her the D

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wrasslin jumped out of the way of M23's grasp. "I wouldn't have it any other way" Wrasslin wiped his mouth and assumed his fighting stance. He smirked and kept his focus on M23. "You know, for a guy in a huge suit of armor, you sure move well" Wrasslin remarked. Wrasslin pounced at M23, his arm held out with the intent of snaring M23's lack of neck and slamming the fighting machine against the canvas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Parser


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Refoot (5)

"Geez, M- El Metalico!", Tanya shouted from the sidelines, "You're looking pretty rusty there!"
M23 suddenly found itself interrupted by a flying tackle (3) from his opponent, rolling backwards as it fell in an attempt to turn Wrasslin's tackle into a piledriver (6).

[[6(roll)*1(Base)+4(strong)]-10(armor)=20 damage]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Descartes
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Descartes Give her the D

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wrasslin rolls away from M23. He got up and made a fantastic pose. "You fight well, robot." Wrasslin remarked. "Now. I must show you the true teachings of my master! I think you've earned it, seeing how worthy of a fighter you are!" Wrasslin boasted. He crouched down into his original wressling position, then shot forward, leading with his right leg. His right leg kneeled down as he brought forth his left leg. He put his hands in front of him, pressing against El Metalico and pushed up with his legs in attempt to lift M23.

"Now..." he started.

"Glowing Sun Triumphing over Darkness!"

Endurance: 85
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Parser


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tanya jumped into the ring as her mechanical companion fell, beating on its chestplate.
"M23! M23, say something!"
The robot attempted to push itself up before collapsing again.
Tanya sighed with relief.
"Geez, don't scare me like that! I almost thought I'd lost you, ya big lug!"
"C'mere-", Tanya said as she helped the robot up, "-we'll have ya fixed up in no time!"
M-23 turned its head to face Wrasslin.
"What is- huh? Oh, right."
She tossed some bills at the man.
"Here's your winnings, jerkface."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Descartes
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Descartes Give her the D

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wrasslin squatted down to pick up his money, taking back his 10 sponduli and putting it into his thong, holding the rest of the money still in his hand. Proudly, Wrasslin stood before M23 and Tanya. With his free hand, Wrasslin pointed to himself with his thumb, flexing the pointing arm. "Wrasslin. Don't wear it out." he declared. Wrasslin swaggered over to Tanya and presented her the money. "Here. I don't really need this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Parser


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

There were a few seconds of silence.
"Yeah, whatever, me and M23 don't need your pity.", Tanya looked up at M-23, tugging its hand, "Now c'mon tin man, let's get you repaired."
"-Figure of speech, big guy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Parser


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

MY bad
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Now that Freya no longer focused on any one thing, she heard the girl's words in full.

Was she talking about having a relationship all this time? This is awkward.

Freya blushed a little. She had never been in a relationship before. She was never interested, and no one seemed interested in her. Of course, she capmed down adter the girl spoke that it was taboo, but then something interesting happened. As soon as the girl looked back at a large pile of food, she suddenly became depressed, falling to her knees in the process. Curious, Freya knelt down to her and asked.

"Is there something wrong? I apologize if my identity was a disappointment to you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rancealot


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"No, its rather fine that you were a girl rather than some ugly warrior. You see, the problem is my food..." A tear began to form in her eyes. "My precious food has been stolen!"
Defendia pointed at a section of her food pile. "There, right there, there was a piece of food. But now it is gone. Snatched away by a thief, never to be held by me again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Freya found the matter a bit trivial, but she hated it when someone stole from her as well.

"I could get you another one, if you want." Said Freya. "I need to repay you for allowing me to inspect something I found interesting. Even if it wasn't an item, as I thought it was."

Now that it came to mind, her armor would most likely cause people to flee or ignore her. Regardless, Freya had no intention of removing her helmet. A thief had just snagged someone's food. They moght take the helmet if Freya took it off and left it alone. This also brought up a reminder that she had left the bag near that tree. Freya looked to see if it was still there. Much to her relief, it was. Another thought entered Freya's mind. What if she got her armor puppet to cheer up the girl.

"I have an idea. What if I entertained you with a story of sorts?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rancealot


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"W-well... if you get me more food, I guess I can lend you my ear for a while." Defendia sniffed. She sat back at the bench and started to slowly eat her food again. She paused for a moment, and handed the girl a piece of bread. "Here, since you're going through the trouble of getting me more food, I guess I should repay in kind." She said, oblivious to the fact that she is giving someone food for food.

This girl isn't so bad, I wonder if she can cook. She would make a fine maid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lindow Amamiya

Lindow Amamiya

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"Good stuff... Can't beat the festival food." Thyr pats his now-full stomach, taking a couple moments to bask in the after-food glow. The righteous had ate well today. Now, hmm... What to do next, what to do next. Oh! This place likely had a temple or church of some kind. Thyr normally went out of his way to pay his respects when he entered a new town, and he hadn't yet had the opportunity to (the lack of dinner had been rather distracting.) Well, that's next on the itinerary, then. He stands up and stretches, before setting out into the town, taking a look around to see if he could locate the church.
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