Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I unwillingly observe the destruction and havoc my siblings have wrought upon our creation, our most cherished and beloved creation that we toiled endlessly for. Unable to restrain my feelings any longer, I kneel, bow my head down and weep. Tears of pain. That is how this... this chaos will be remembered. But I have not wept long until I realize that this will not bring back my brothers. I decide to find solace in my creation.

I take my humanoid form, a winged hooded young man and hide myself within the cracks and chasms of a steep cliff. I brood for many hours, until I see a Valkryie rider fly past me. I peek past my crack to see the source of the rider and see an entire camp of Valkryie students bring taught by an elderly-looking rider. I observe in silent admiration as the rider taught his pupils how to communicate with my noble beasts. They were growing, learning, loving. This would surely revive my brethren's spirits. I send a simple message to all of my brethren. "Come. I will show you that all is not lost."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxx


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I crouched calmly on top of the village's gate post, my long cloak melded with bark, grass, leaves, and twigs masking my scent with the sweet, wild aroma of berries and pine cones. The humans hadn't learned of my appearance yet, and through my mental link, I felt that all of my children were dead. My creations...were dead. It brought back that familiar icy feeling, which i turned into emptiness, settling it into the back of my soul. I wanted to start anew. My elves were forever gone until I recreated them once more...but...no. I didn't want to manipulate off of humans. They would be my own creation...made from the ground up.

"Come. I will show you that all is not lost."

That was my brother. So...he was still alive. Standing, I leaped into the air, my humanoid form still retaining the ability to levitate at a respectable distance above the ground. As soon as I reached the grassy plains, I landed on the ground, my barefeet a blur as I seemingly flitted across the ground, oceans, and trees at a speed above that of light, almost instantly appearing beside the one whom called me. The claws on my lightly tanned hand seamlessly pierced the mountain rock, and I hung there, beside the crack my brother rested in, gazing into the camp of...Valkyries, he named them.

"...They're still alive...?" I noted calmly, although my voice held a tinge of jealousy and bitterness. His children were alive and happy...while mine were extinct. Gone. Burned to ash, crushed, and mangled. Regardless, the scene lifted my spirits, and despite my now wild appearance - with my long brown hair, deer-like antlers, wolf-like ears, and claws, I allowed a fanged smile to overcome my face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Manus...Our siblings have become hate filled. Justyce justifies her actions with false justice. Okami is bitter, jealous. We're dead."

I sighed, tapping my horns, before sipping tea in this strange plane for dead gods.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rupdeus


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I create a new race. The Snaga, slaves, have a physical body, unlike the Shadows. Snaga have no own will. They will be used for mining. The Shadows watch over them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I look over to Sol, it seems that hope has left him. Or at the least he is still quite bitter. Taking another sip of this dreadful tea, I say, "I see, but it doesn't have to end like this. I saw were I lied, I felt the ocean around me. The cold. The dark. The everything. I know that we can return, its just going to take a little bit of effort."

In truth I didn't know if that was true, when I focused I lost myself a bit. I didn't know who I was until I decided to stop. This is all new to me, being dead and all. But I can't just stay here, while my siblings fight. I did what I did to stop that, I had to return. Not only did my siblings need us but what of our creations? How well could my children live without their father? And what of the sun? Wouldn't it diminish its glow once it realized that its father isn't their to see it shine?

No it couldn't end here. "Sol, we need to go back. Not just because of this dreadful tea, but because our brothers and sisters need us. There is still too much to create and we are wasting our time here when we can be out there!" With a deep intake of breath, I extended my hand to my brother, "Sol, I know we had our differences. But please... Take my hand and lets return home." With a pleading sound to my voice, I hoped my brother would make the right choice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I stared at my sibling for many minutes, silent. My siblings were bitter. Corrupt. Foolish. Angry. Why would I want to go back to them? They needed me? Yeah right...All they 'need' is themselves. All Justyce needs is false justice and her precious moon. All Okami needed was his nature. All Lucifer needed was her chaos.

Then, it hit me. Without me, my sun would die out without her father to see her shine.
Honour and chivalry would die out in Manus's humans. They would become corrupt once again. My eyes widened. We all needed eachother.
Without Manus, stars would die out, with my sun along with it, the earth, the moon. Without me, creatures would die out, and everlasting darkness would sweep the Earth.

Slowly, reluctantly, I took my siblings hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Sol grabbed my hand my face split into a magnificent smile and happily, I said, "I knew you would make the right choice." My tone growing more serious, I added "I don't know what may happen once we go back, and its scary jumping the gap. But if we stay focused, I know we can make it."

Taking a deep breath we focused our energies together, stars and sunlight resonating together in harmony as we ascended.
I awoke to darkness and cold, yet it was somehow comforting. I moved my consciousness around and found lights in the darkness, familiar but also completely new. I tried to move but found my body gone, or did I never have a body? What was a body? These questions swam amongst my mind until my conscienceless connected with a soft, pink, and fleshy creature. It was intriguing, it seemed to be in great pain however. It was draped over some type of soft animal skin, surrounded by others and with a large bulge near its middle. Intrigued I look closer and found that one in particular was giving the creature comfort, it was taller, more angular than the curves of the smaller creature. With a final agonizing screech fallowed by a sigh of relief an ugly little ball of screams and slim came out of the curved creature. As I continued to look I saw that the curved one began to leak from its face, however that didn't register as much as the emotions that radiated from the pair.

It was hard to pinpoint, a word that had no meaning to me but also had the greatest came to my mind... love. I didn't know what it meant but I felt a tugging at my being that I was close, to what I didn't know. I most likely would have stared forever if a large creature hadn't came over. It was large, easily towering over the others by a large margin, and its color was a dull gray, instead of a white that I felt it should have been. What stuck me as the most odd was that it was missing an arm, the stump jagged like a broken rock. Vines and leaves cascaded down its arm and water filled gourds that grew along them, the new creature even scared the group of animals that seemed intent on taking the lives of the freshly born life. This picture filled me with joy, but I didn't understand why until they all looked up. Seeing their attention go elsewhere I too looked upwards and my breath was taken away. Up in the sky was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Everything above them was covered in sparkles of color, both big and small. At that moment everything became clear, I am Manus... and I was home again.

With a bass note that rumbled the grounds and shook the heavens, I pulled my form together and rose from my watery tomb. As I breached the water I let out a yawn that too shook the earth. For how long I was asleep I wouldn't know, but it was already to long. Seeing the awe of my children upon me it was time I gave them one, final gift. Focusing this new burst of energy I made a compact ball of pure starlight, it wasn't big or as impressive as my other stars. Yet this one was special, lifting it higher to the sky, I let it float for several seconds before detonating it, creating the base for my gift. The clouds of star dust collected together and formed the ground of what I would call heaven. It has been far too long since me and my siblings worked together on something, now was as good a time as ever.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I awoke to warmth. Redness. All I could see was redness and darkness. I moved and with my movement, my horns touched a part of the red dark and blood gushed from within. I gasped air in, as blood poured out of an entrance. Light. Closing my eyes, I started to move outwards, to the light. First, my head came out. I saw humans around me, all gasping in shock. Staring at my horns.

As I opened my eyes, the humans saw them. Glowing a strange yellow, like the sun. As I pulled myself out, I realized: I was being reborn in a human body. My spirit in a human babe. I was held close to my 'mother,' beloved. Not for worship. Not for being god-like. But...True, motherly love. Reaching out, I blessed this woman to go to what my sibling called 'Heaven', as its inhabitants were to be of honourable, good, heroic souls.

And finally, I commanded a small piece of my sun to go within heaven, giving sunlight. With that, I slept.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There was a loud noise and something new apeard above us, and I felt some ones presence in the back of my head....but he was dead? I froze Justyce once more. "You need a bit of time to think." I told him, as I ran in the direction of the presence. Then i saw him. Manus was alive again...perhaps sol aswell. Over filled with joy, I gave the world a nother gift. Small, crystallized ice flakes fell from the new heaven...snow. It covered the world slowly and turned it a beautiful white.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HollywoodMole


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Literally, I can just do the exact thing I did before..." I conjured all of my inner strength and, again turned into mist, floating back up to my place of solitude, the Moon, Before crafting an inside to it and residing there. This is better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 6 mos ago

while observing the Valkyrie camp, I sense... a peculiar feeling. A happy feeling. I cast my godly sight through the human lands, finally resting on a small village. I move my sight closer, and I see a woman. She is tired and rather bloody between her legs, but her face bears a loving, tender smile. With further investigation, I notice the child being caressed in her arms.

The child had horns.

That meant only one thing,

My brother Sol was back.

I cry, cry tears of joy. Finally, he has been redempted from the plane of the dead gods. He has learnt his lesson. But the humans apparently do not show any signs of worship, besides the horns. I decide to send the newborn a gift, and the humans a message. That a god now walks amongst them.

Without further ado, I change into spirit form and take two of my griffin-steeds. I take them to the Sun, my brother's most cherished creation. I plunge my griffin-steeds into the heart of the ball of fire. I pull them out. They have become... fiery. I inspect these fire-griffins for a while, then laugh. They are perfect. Sol will love them. I decide to name these new creatures. "Phoenix."

I cast my creations into the sky above the birthplace of Sol's human form. They thunder through the air, leaving a fiery trail of fire behind them. To the untrained eye, they looked like great balls of fire and awe. I command my Phoenixes to circle round the human settlement, while the inhabitants below gawk at the sweet beauty of these fire-birds. An obviously enlightened human pushes his way to the center of the gathering crowd and proclaims "A god is with us!"

Yes, indeed, children of Manus. A god is with you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeilixAxel42


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My travels across the land were numerous ac cross the vast domain of the Earth and the hamlets of the mortal races, searching for a people worthy of my attention. On my travels, many explorers had come to me for directions to the other towns with families, most of the time alone with belongings quite numerous, for I almost forgot how frail these beings are requiring nourishment and rest. I figured that for such a time, I shall assist them on their way showing them the direction using the stars and the landscape, for it will make their travels easier. But alas, the trek across the land was treacherous, as even bandits attacked me but were quickly subdued and cast aside, and annoying as the arrows were, I could feel pain when one of them crossed my mortal body, leaving scars and spilling what seemed to be the blackness of my blood. They healed as my being was unharmed, but my mortal forum, was another matter.

I came across a settlement among one of the ruins that perched itself upon the coast of a ocean bay, with harbors housing 'ships' of war and trade, These 'ports' were used to connect the coastal cities dotted the beaches of the land, holding navies and held great wealth, even if it was unfairly shared by large margin. I mingled very little with mortals and began to make myself hidden among the rabble, discerning rumors and rumors of rumors as I watched them. One of the whispers caught my attention. They gave news of this ancient being that was wreaking ships and eating sailors. This 'Kraken' is what they called it. I wondered if I could hire someone who could do my bidding, but for now, I waited for the right time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Manus, Sol! Your alive!" I said running to where they stood. My son was leading souls to either heaven or hell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I walk up to manus, and kneel before him. It was good to see our leader (?) again. In honor of his rebirth I changed the lake that hi stood in into a lake of moving, frozen ice crystals, big enuf that the humans should be able to walk across it. I hope they find it beautiful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Derpestein
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Derpestein The Neckbeard Stroker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Word spread like wildfire among the humans. The sight of fire-griffins at the time of birth of a horned baby with glowing yellow eyes. A sign from the heavens. It took only a few days before they remembered descriptions of a boy burning down a human village in their legends. Horns and yellow, glowing eyes. Fire.

The sun god had returned. Sol was back.

I saw...Lucifer? She was here. So was Ivi, leading the fire griffins called 'Phoenixes' that came from the sun. I looked up at the Phoenixes, and I laughed. Manus was back. I was alive. My siblings were here. Of course, I was still a baby and I would stay that way for years. But I have been alive for centuries, so it wouldn't be long. In the mean time, I think get to know my new, human parents better...

I decided to live amongst the humans like I was one of their own, even if I wasn't. An apology for sending meteors and burning down villages.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HollywoodMole


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I was sculpting a small palace inside my Moon, placing too many chairs and tables everywhere. I poked my head out to see back on earth a ceremony going on. Well, I knew that wasn't going to last long... I picked up my sword, sheathed it and turned into a mist, slowly floating to earth. While floating down I saw my brother had been reborn as a human... I turned back into my humanoid form behind a building, overlooking the celebrations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeilixAxel42


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As time passed, I began hearing rumors of a child's birth, similar to that of my sibling's description of Sol's. I began to wonder if he decided to be born of flesh and blood as he would live among the humans as his self-punishment for his actions against the mortal races. I grew skeptical of this, but as more of the rumors came around, I decided to investigate myself to see if he did make himself human. Boarding a ship for my next voyage, I traveled by ship as a passenger with the crowds that began their pilgrimages or wanted to see for themselves the truth of the matter.

From the vessel that carried me and the mortal others, the wealthier passengers had been fed the fine stock of the food and slept in the comforts of the top deck of the ship. They talked trite and boorishly of the business of coin and jewel, as they wore the most lavish of clothing and the finest jewels as they impressed one another, most of them Lords and Princes. The smallest of the group had the most influence of the land from what I had heard, even having personal audiences with the captain of the ship as I though they not only paid for his salary, but the ship as well.

I called these members of the 'Upper Castes'.

In the Second domain of castes were members of artisans, philosophers, craftsmen, shopkeepers, and other members of the common folk as I passed myself off as a sorcerer. Numerous as they seemed, they did not get as much food as the wealthy, but they would get the bulk of it, as it sated them and kept them fed and docile. I hid myself among these common folk as they were gathered and housed within most of the ship. They consisted the bulk of society and the very glue that held it together, forming the body of it. They mostly kept to themselves and only major dissenters and failures were sunned and cast out and scorned, while the most successful moved up within the upper castes.

I called these, the 'Lower Castes'.

And finally, the very bottom of the ship were crammed with the lowest of low. The untouchables, the cursed, captured enemies of war, criminals, and even the kidnapped. They would be even lucky to be fed with scraps and sour drink, as they were starved, chained, beaten, sold, and used as objects of wrath, lust, and greed. Ironically enough, as if the Lower and Upper Castes were as both body and mind of a mortal, the lowest ones were the very blood that made it function. They had no rights and no will without their master's permission, for resistance or rebellion would mean death, or severe punishment against their bodies. Some had taken to punish their minds, molding wills and desires to accommodate their master's desires. Even if I found it cruel, I preferred not to mettle in their affairs of morality, for I had given them the gift of Choice unless they would directly force my hand.

These were the 'Slave Caste', and it was a cruel fate to be born or forced into it.

Still, it was the responsibility of the mortals to correct such things. Not mine... and I denied that power to my siblings.

I came to the city where supposedly my Sibling had been born of flesh an set out to search for him. If I can find him, then we will discuss whatever he wishes... If he knows that I do not like to reveal my true presence to these beings.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 6 mos ago

As time passes, I decide to leave my Phoenixes there as a sign of power and authority of my brethren. I again cast my godly eye out to the ships filled with pilgrims coming to and fro this settlement to visit the child. I focused my eye very deeply on one particular ship. I sensed something--no, it couldn't be--yes it was. My brethren Ygg was on that boat. Though difficult to locate him in the crowd of the passengers, I decided to send one Phoenix to guard this boat on its journey. I saw one, then several, then many gawking faces on the deck at the great fire-griffin. Truly, this voyage was blessed--or had a blessed being as one of its passengers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

as i knelt down before manus, i saw fire in the back ground. was that sol? no they are flying beasts, and one just went of to a different location. still it piped my intrest. i got up, looked at manus, and said "i hope you don't mind my rudeness, but something odd is happening and i must go investigate it." i then ran of. i hope manus follows.
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