Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sebastian chuckled, "I'll try to do better..." When she noted that it had been good for her he smiled, happy with himself. "We should sleep... if we don't catch some z's before Kenzie gets up in the morning we'll regret it." He held her close and slowly slipped into sleep.


Anna smiled and waved, "Goodnight Marks..."


Morning came early and Seb was up before Anya... He took a shower in the bathroom that was attatched to his room and then slipped into clean clothes before coming back out and kissing her cheek. "Wake up Beautiful... Kenzie will be looking for us soon and I've gotta give her her present and make sure you get some breakfast."


Anna slipped back out of the room in the morning with her hair a mess and one of her baggy sweaters on over a pair of pj pants. She was kinda lost... she needed the bathroom to shower but couldn't remember where they'd shown her it was. She headed to Gunner's room, figuring he'd remember, and knocked. "Hey Marks, get up..." She rubbed her eyes sleepily, "I know you're already awake in there..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Anya woke slowly to the feeling of Sebastian's lips against her cheek and him whispering to her. Yes, this was something she could get use to. She looked up at him and smiled, "Alright," Her smile faded a moment later as her cheeks turned red, "My... things... They are in the room I was... supposed to be in last night...."

She couldn't just put on the dress she'd worn last night without looking incredibly suspicious and well, she didn't want to chance sneaking to her room. She bit her lip and looked at Sebastian, "Could... you go get my bag?"

She leaned forward and kissed him, "Pretty please."
Gunner walked over to his door and leaned against the door frame as he opened it to look at Anna. His hair was wet but he didn't look as awake as he usually did at this time. Not getting to go for a run, really messed with his morning. They had better have apples or he might not be able to operate. He ran his hand through his hair and smiled at Anna, "What can I do for you, Banana?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He chuckled, "I suppose I could do that, since you asked so nicely." He kissed her back and then smiled again, he was in such a good mood it would be hard to ruin it. "I'll be back in a minute..." He took off out the door and to Anya's room, passing Anna and Gunner on the way. "Morning you two..." He grabbed Anya's bag from her room and then headed back towards his... again passing Anna and Gunner. "Pretty out isn't it?" Then, he slipped back in his room... knowing that he'd just tormented Anna and Gunner's fragile minds... and kinda enjoying that fact.

He placed Anya's bag on the bed beside her, "There you go... Also, Anna and Gunner were up and saw me. I think they'll be too embarrassed to ask though," he grinned.


Anna pouted, "You have a bathroom attached to your room don't you? I can't find the one they showed me... can I use yours?" She sighed, "Otherwise, I'm going to be super cranky... I can't function without a shower and a glass of orange juice in the morning."

As Sebastian passed them twice Anna blinked and looked at Gunner. She made a face, "Soooo not going there... Come on Marks let me iiiin!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Anya smiled, "Thank you," as he left the room, she flopped back into the bed, enjoying lying there, remembering the previous night. Sebastian came back and put her bag beside her. She smiled and opened it, starting to look through it as he explained what had happened. She looked at him, "Couldn't have been more covert in your bag retrieval?"

She shook her head and grabbed and simple blue dress out of her bag, along with undergarments. She climbed out and kissed him, "I'm less grateful now but still very grateful," She walked into her bathroom and took a shower of her own before changing into the dress and doing her make up. She styled her hair into an elegant braided bun before finally leaving the small room. She walked over to Sebastian, "Alright, breakfast."
Gunner smirked, "What can I say, they like me better than you," he teased.

He looked up when Sebastian passed them and then again with the bag that he had carried to the car yesterday.... Oh dear. He stepped aside, letting Anna in, "Who would have thought that Angelina Ross would be begging me to get into my room."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna punched Gunner in the shoulder with a glower before she slipped into the bathroom. She'd already had her bag of toiletries with her...a towel, change of clothes, hairbrush, toothbrush, etc. So, it didn't take her long to get a shower and get dressed. When she came back out she had on a normal set of jeans and a t-shirt, nothing fancy for Anna. She tossed her towel playfully at Gunner. "So... I wonder if they have breakfast ready yet... I'm starving."


Sebastian laughed and watched her walk off to get dressed. When she came back he whistled softly, "Beautiful... Now, I remember why I was so shy about asking you out."

He kissed her cheek and took her hand, "We should find Anna and Gunner before they starve to death, you know how they eat... it must be a Dhampir thing."

He led her down the hall and back towards Gunner's room, he could hear Anna talking to Gunner through the door so he knocked. Anna was the one to open it and Sebastian wiggled his eyebrows. Anna blinked and then went red, "Oh nono.... Gunner and I sooooo did not. That's you projecting Seb."

Sebastian laughed, "I know, I just wanted to tease you... are you two hungry yet?"

Anna groaned, "Soooo hungry."

Seb grinned, "Then follow me..." He took them downstairs and surprisingly the table was already set. There were pancakes, waffles, muffins, sausage, bacon, orange juice, grapes, strawberries, several kinds of melon, apples, bananas, and pretty much any other kind of breakfast food you could think of laying out on the table. Seb whistled, "Mother went to extremes this morning I see... they must still be trying to impress you," he told Anya.

Anna grinned and began piling her plate with fruit and crapes.... She grabbed a glass of orange juice and took a seat. "Well, I'm impressed but I don't think I matter.... who cares though when there is so much food to choose from."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Anya smiled at Sebastian when he whistled softly, "You aren't half bad yourself."

She smiled and wrapped her fingers around Sebastian's and walked him to find Anna and Gunner, "Well, I think it probably had to do with... They have to eat," She teased as they reached Gunner's room. She didn't know why they were here but sure enough both Anna and Gunner were there. She saw Anna go red and smacked Sebastian's arm, "Play nice."

Gunner appeared behind Anna when Sebastian asked if they were hungry, "Yes."

They happily followed him back to the to the dining room. Gunner's eyes went straight to the apples and grinned, "Wonderful," He grabbed one before taking a seat next to Anna and started to pile his plate up. Anya looked over the food and put some fruit on her plate, not wanting to insult Sebastian's mother at all for not eating but she could really do for a feeder right then... She bit into her strawberry, "I wish they wouldn't... It makes me feel weird..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sebastian smiled, "Get used to it... once my mother is set on something she doesn't change her mind. As for my father, well..." He grimaced, "Anya... my dad... stay away from him if you're alone alright? I don't trust him... He's had numerous affairs over the years, he considers it another way to 'collect' beautiful things." His eyes darkened, "Anna... you too please.."

Anna blinked, she'd like to say she'd kick Seb's dad's ass to kingdom come if he so much as looked at her the wrong way but the problem was that Seb's dad was a wealthy and prestigious Moroi Royal. Her best bet was to do as Seb said and make sure Anya did the same. "I'll keep her safe Seb... and don't worry about me. I know how to handle creepers nonviolently, I do it all the time back home."

Seb frowned, "I didn't want to say anything but the way he was looking at you yesterday when he mentioned his art... just... both of you be careful alright. Its only another day... and I know he wouldn't actually be stupid enough to do or say anything to Anya... but I don't even want him thinking it."

They were interrupted when Kenzie burst in, "Sebastian! Do you have my present?!"

Seb laughed, "I do... this is from Anya and I." He pulled a medium package out of the large inner pocket of his duster and handed it to her. She quickly unwrapped it and squealed, "She's so pretty!" It was a dark haired china doll with pale skin and a crimson dress... "I'm going to go put her with the others!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Anya pouted when he told her to get used to it, "I don't wanna."

She became serious though when Sebastian's demeanor changed with mention of his father. Anya nodded and took Sebastian's hand, "I'll just have to stay with you for the rest of our time here then," She said with a smile and kissed his hand, "And Anna and Gunner can stick together if we get dragged away to do Moroi things... I think Gunner and Anna are scary enough that your dad isn't going to try anything there either."

Gunner didn't want to think about what the two would do when it was time for sleep if they were going to stick together. However, it was quite clear that Anya didn't just innocently sleep in Sebastian's room last night. Gunner bit into his apple to avoid saying anything when Kenzie ran into the room. Anya watched as Sebastian pulled McKenzie's gift out of his pocket and smiled at him, "Do you think she likes it?" She joked, seeing the young girls clear joy from seeing the glass doll.

She picked up a grape and plopped it into her mouth and rested her head on Sebastian's shoulder. She waited a moment before she decided that she couldn't wait much longer, "Um... What do you do.... for blood here?" She asked quietly. She was always a little uncomfortable mentioning it around Gunner and Anna, she didn't know why but she could already feel herself growing weak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seb rubbed the back of his neck as he glanced at Anna and Gunner nervously, "My parents don't hire human feeders... they think they're beneath them... They use... the Dhampir servants."

Anna grimaced, so not only did the Dhampirs here get treated like crap they were also expected to blood whore. She tried not to think about it, the Dhampirs who were here were here by choice. They had the same chance to become a Guardian as Anna, they had chosen to do this instead... Besides, most Moroi royals paid very good money to their Dhampir servants and feeders. She should look at it that way instead of the way she WANTED to see it. "I'm sure he pays them well..." Anna said trying to make Seb feel less uncomfortable.

Seb nodded, "Actually... he does. He pays them very well..." Seb glanced at Anya, "I'll show you where..." He took her hand and led her along till they got to a door and he pushed it open. The room was a study but on the far wall was a couple of bell pulls. He pulled one and within moments a Dhampir was there. He sighed, "You'd think my parents were trying to mimic the courts..." The Dhampir took a seat on the Chaise and pulled her hair to the side, Seb went first to make Anya feel less uncomfortable. Seb shook his head and went for her wrist instead. The neck always seemed too... intimate. When he was done he stepped back and grabbed a tissue from the desk, wiping his mouth. "You want me to wait outside?" Some Moroi considered feeding personal so he didn't want to invade her space.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Anya felt her stomach drop when Sebastian informed her that it would be a Dhampir and not a human. She stole a glance at Anya and Gunner. Gunner remained stoic but she could see the displeased look on Anna's face. She sat there silently until Sebastian led her away from the other two. She followed but she was seriously starting to contemplating going without. She was sure that the Dhampirs here and chosen this line of work, they weren't forced into it but she didn't like the idea of Moroi feeding off of Dhampirs. She looked at the bell when Sebastian made comment to his parents trying to make it like the court, "You'd be surprised on how many do try...."

She looked at the Dhampir as she entered the room and took a seat. Sebastian walked over and took her wrist drinking from that instead of her neck. When he asked her if she wanted him to wait outside, she hesitated a moment then nodded. Once he left, she took a seat beside the girl and took her wrist into her hands. She could see all the scars from feeding, similar to the humans back at the academy. She sat there for sometime, looking at the girl lost in La La Land from Sebastian's endorphins and decided that she just couldn't. It wasn't right. It made her feel.... cannibalistic... She stood and grabbed a tissue from the desk and wiped the blood off of the girl's wrist and balled it in her hand. It was only another day, she'd be fine. However, she decided not to tell Sebastian. She opened the door as she tossed the bloodied tissue into the garbage and smiled at Sebastian, "Thank you..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna frowned as Anya walked away, "I don't think she's going to go through with it... you saw her face." She sighed, "But she needs to eat... she had those dark circles under her eyes and I bet she'll be getting dizy and light headed later."

She glanced at Gunner, "She's your Ward Gun... but I worry about her. Do you think we should try and find her someone?"

Kenzie, who was still there, tilted her head. "Mommy and Daddy say Dhampirs taste better... why wouldn't Anya want to eat?"

Anna grimaced and smothered the flash of irritation, it wasn't at Kenzie... it was at her parents. "Well, because Anya doesn't think we're meant to be eaten."

Kenzie nodded sagely and frowned, "I don't think so either... I like you and Gunnie... I wouldn't want to eat you."

Anna couldn't help but laugh.


Seb smiled at her but he registered the dark circles still under her eyes, he wanted to excuse it as she'd just missed feeding too long and it was taking her a bit to recoop... she'd had a bloody tissue after all. So, unless she'd had a bloody nose...? He pushed it aside, "Feel any better?"

He wrapped an arm around her waist and led her back towards Anna and Gunner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Gunner looked at Anna and nodded, "Well... we can't force her to eat and I don't really know how to go about getting human feeders and... I'm not to sure how Seb's parents would react... and Anya would probably be flustered when explaining... why she wasn't okay with what they had..."

He glanced at Kenzie when she mentioned her parents views on Dhampir Blood. He grimaced, not particularly enthused by their opinion on anything. He was glad though when Anna laughed, not wanting her to accidentally take her anger out on the little girl. He patted Anna's shoulder, "She'll be fine. Don't worry to much, okay?"
Anya smiled at Sebastian when he wrapped his arm around her. She gladly leaned into him and nodded, "A little."

Maybe not energy-wise but she was feeling better about the whole feeding on Dhampir thing... Now that she wasn't stuck with the dazed Dhampir and was now with Sebastian. She kissed his cheek and rested her head on his shoulder again, "Can we go play the piano again?" She asked, smiling, enjoying the thought of leaning against him and listening to him play.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sebastian smiled, "Sure thing... Whatever you want beautiful..." He walked with her down the hall and stopped back in the art room, unfortunately his father was there looking at the paintings. Seb normally flat out refused to play in front of his father but Anya had asked him so sweetly and... he couldn't refuse her. His father glanced over his shoulder, sipping out of his wine glass.

"Ah, come to admire my paintings I see?"

Seb shrugged, "Actually she wanted to hear me play piano again."

His fathers eyebrows shot up, "Again? Meaning you've played for her before... Twice in one weekend, that's truly an honor when it comes to Sebastian. He refuses to play for his mother's parties anymore, or for my pleasure..."

Seb smiled grimly, "Yes well, Anya's important to me." The barb had slipped before he'd been able to stop himself and what would usually cause an argument was instead given a look of amusement.

"Well, don't let me stop you... Anya." He gave her a pleasant bow and left the room. Sebastian grimaced, "Sorry about that... I'm trying to play nice, really."

He tugged her to the piano chair and sat down, "How about Moonlight Sonata?"


Anna frowned, "Good point... I guess we'll just have to leave her to Seb for now... Come on Kenz, let's go play outside huh? We'll beat up Gunner together."

Kenzie grinned, "Yay!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Anya smiled when he agreed to and allow him to take to his father's art room again. She was, however, a little surprised to see his father was actually there and drinking wine. It was evening for humans but for vampires, it was early morning. She nodded when he told her that she was lucky as Sebastian didn't really play for anyone anymore. She placed her hand on Sebastian's chest as he told his father that it was because she was important to him. She was a little worried about how he was going to react, from what she had heard from Sebastian, he wasn't the most understanding man. She bit her lip but it seemed as though she had nothing to worry about as Mr. Lazar merely smiled and left the room.

Sebastian looked at her and apologized. She shrugged, "I guess I can't be too mad when you say that I'm important to you."

She let him pulled her over to the piano and sat down next to him. She returned her head to his shoulder and leaned against him as she looked at the keys. She nodded when he suggested Moonlight Sonata, "I like that one..."

She smiled at him, she wasn't as good at the piano as he was. However, it did seem to be a thing among Moroi parents that their children learn the piano, so she did no some. She had never gotten many lessons though. She always assumed that it had something to do with her stepmother not wanting to waste that money on her. She placed her right hand on the keys and slowly started to play the right hand of the piano. Playing with both hands had always kind of been her downfall.
Gunner chuckled and stood when Anna suggested that they all go outside and that she and Kenzie were going to beat him up. He smirked at Anna, "And since when have you been able to do that, Ross?"

He grabbed her and pulled Anna over his shoulder before walking toward the front door and outside. He glanced over his shoulder at Anna, "Did she call me... Gunnie?..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
Avatar of Nephriel

Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anna smacked his shoulder and then laughed at him, "I'm pretty sure she did... looks like someone has a new nickname... right Gunnie?" She poked him in the sides teasingly and when they got outside Kenzie attacked, giving Gunner's knee a sound kick. Anna winced, that probably hurt, but she couldn't help laughing even if Gunner fell with her in tow.


Sebastian smiled as Anya started playing and he picked up the left hand, slipping his right around her as he played. He lost time as they sat there and when they finished he made a point to set and joke with her. As it moved more towards lunch, though, he figured it'd be a good idea to take her to see the gardens. "Hey... I've got something else I want to show you... if you haven't gotten tired of me pulling you around my house of course..."

He ran a hand through his hair, he was feeling kind of nervous because he was seriously considering spilling the beans on those three little words but he wanted to do it right... sweep her off her feet with it or something mushy like that. Girls liked that right? It didn't matter about other girls anymore but Anya mattered and he wanted to make at least one thing in her life a bright memory she could hold on to. The garden felt like a good place to do that... Especially right now since the last rays of sunlight were vanishing and the moon would be full right now...

He took her hand and led her out to the gardens and ran a hand through his hair, "They're prettier in the daylight but the flowers I want to show you are further in..." He guided her along and then stopped near the pond at the center, along the far edge were pale white flowers just beginning to bloom. "Ever heard of moon flowers?"" He felt corny, "Am I trying to hard? I am aren't I?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 days ago

Gunner laughed at Anna, "You are not in the position to be calling me that, Banana."

However, a moment later, Kenzie ran over and gave him a good kick in the knee. Gunner grunted, amusing by her knowledge in more painful spots of the body. He also decided to count his lucky stars that she couldn't have kicked him any higher. All the same, he decided to make a show of it and started to collapse to the ground. As he did, he maneuvered himself and Anna to make sure she ended up landing on him with little problem. Under her, he pressed his hand to his chest, "I've been wounded," He said loudly.
Anya smiled as Sebastian's arm wrapped around her waist as his left hand took up what her own could not. The song ended and they started up another, every once in a while Anya would join playing the right hand or she would just sit there listening to Sebastian play. They joked and teased each other. Sebastian made a note to mock her inability to play with both hands and she made a note to smack him lightly.

Finally though, their time in the art room came to an end and Sebastian decided to take her to one last place. She smiled at him, "How could I be bored?"

She took his hand and allowed him to walk her to the gardens. She rested her free and on his shoulder as they walked through the flowers and smiled looking at them all. She spotted the moon flowers as the got to the pond and smiled. She nodded, "We have some in our garden as well..."

She laughed when he asked if he was trying too hard. She turned and looked him, resting one hand on his chest, "I find it kind of endearing... That you want to try hard for me," She leaned in and kissed him, "It is cute."
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