Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Well that took forever.


I hope you all appreciate that, that is seriously like two hours of writing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette && 𝚊 πš• πš™ πš‘ 𝚊

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well I enjoyed it, and finally caught up in the posts.
So, I guess I'll work on something then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Steel fist
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Steel fist Minotaur been, Minotaur seen, Minotaur crashed...

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hamster, great post!
About the mamluks, we are just kidding! The idea of making the culture unique and not just "knights in shiny armor" is awesome and so are the mamluks.
(I have kind of sick sense of humor, sorry :) )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

SyrianHamster said
Well that took forever.


I hope you all appreciate that, that is seriously like two hours of writing.

I enjoyed it, sorry I wasn't on to provide my character's dialogue.

And I like Shorus' dialogue in that post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette && 𝚊 πš• πš™ πš‘ 𝚊

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I hate bolding text like that, it hurts my eyes.
x n x

But I think I caught up well enough, if I missed anything, lemme know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I love your posts, Rockette. Kylmi is a very vivid character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm going to wait for most people to post before I get 9 to awaken.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nephriel
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Nephriel The Frequently Missing.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sorry I haven't posted. I will be back tomorrow though. If you havent already, just assume that if you have freed her from under the heavy armoured body she was under... that she followed everyone else....

Can't post with this darn phone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Oh. I wanted a recap. Did I post asking for one? Maybe I didn't. where are you all now?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Wraithblade6 said
Oh. I wanted a recap. Did I post asking for one? Maybe I didn't. where are you all now?

We did things so that stuff would happen and it led us to places where plans are unfolding for more things to take place which should have impacts on our characters' ability to do certain things as opposed to other things which could affect the way these things interact with things that have yet to be seen. Does that clear it up?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Naunix
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Naunix HyperRyan

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hello there! I'm working on a CS right now, but I just wanted to check and see if a vampire hunter would fit in well with this RP?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Guilty Spark said
We did things so that stuff would happen and it led us to places where plans are unfolding for more things to take place which should have impacts on our characters' ability to do certain things as opposed to other things which could affect the way these things interact with things that have yet to be seen. Does that clear it up?

If I didn't already know what was happening, I would actually be surprised that I understood this without any confusion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette && 𝚊 πš• πš™ πš‘ 𝚊

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Guilty Spark said
I love your posts, Rockette. Kylmi is a very vivid character.

Thank you much!

Guilty Spark said
We did things so that stuff would happen and it led us to places where plans are unfolding for more things to take place which should have impacts on our characters' ability to do certain things as opposed to other things which could affect the way these things interact with things that have yet to be seen. Does that clear it up?

Heh, this made me laugh a little too much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Character Name: Jeffrey
Species: Crystal Golem
Species description: Ancient and extinct, very little is known about the crystal golem. Hundreds of myths of the war refer to strange beings, formed from crystal, stone, or some form of metal. How many of these refer to the Crystal Golems, and how many refer to some other horror of war twisted by ignorance and time, will never be known. Even Jeffrey himself knows very little about his race. He remembers living in a mountain, and he remembers that a powerful mage had attacked their home. He and his kin had spilt out into the world to take revenge, and found themselves assaulted from all sides by the confused and often malicious forces of the many involved factions. Simple by nature, the golems simply fought back, becoming a part of the endless, bloody conflict.

The Golems, as their name would suggest, are created from crystal. It's unknown if the type and properties of this crystal differ from individual to individual, but at least Jeffrey's properties are known, and they shall have to serve as a standard for the race. He's around the size of a human being, slightly taller than the average male. He has no definable gender, but is usually referred to as 'he' due to his bulky appearance. He's kept alive by a core of magic bound to the crystals, something about the substance of this particular mineral holding it in place. He has a 'heart' in his chest, but that's his only discernable organ.
Gender: N/A
Noteworthy Abilities:
- Due to his lack of inner organs or any form of blood, wounds often don't have as much impact on Jeffrey as they would have on organic beings. While having his arm blown off will certainly stun him, he does not feel pain, as such, and cannot bleed to death. A blow to his 'heart' will permanently kill him, though.
- Jeffrey has a slight control over his body, and he's able to transform his arms into blades. This grants him powerful natural weapons, the equivelant of swords. They're incredibly sharp, but also more brittle than most swords. A strong blow to the side of the blade can break it.
- The crystal Jeffrey is made out of is quite sturdy. It would take quite some force to actually break it, and it doesn't burn. Sharp objects won't do much to it, but it's weak to blunt trauma, which can shatter it. A weapon like an axe, or a war pick, would be ideal.
- If provided with a substantial source of magic, such as a willing providing mage, Jeffrey can heal at extended rates. However, he has no way of extracting magic from magic users without killing them first, at which point their final breath can heal him substantially.
- Aside from being a strange sight, Jeffrey smells strongly of blood. Predatory monsters are naturally drawn to him, and he's constantly attacked by groups of scavenging beasts, from zombies to dire wolves to demons.
- Jeffrey is instinctively violent. Once an 'enemy' is provided for him, he'll charge into battle with no heed for his own life or that of others. He's known to enter an almost berserker rage that only ends when something calms him. For some reason, flowers work quite nicely.
- Jeffrey has to feed on magic at least once a week. If he's declined a magic source for 3 days or longer he becomes severely weakened, after five days he drops into a coma. After seven days, he dies, as his body returns to natural crystal. For this reason, he constantly seeks out those gifted with magical abilities, or locations filled with magical energy, in order to recharge his 'battery'.
- Because of his past, Jeffrey has large holes in his knowledge. Some things, which others would consider to be completely obvious, are foreign to him. From the rotation of the seasons, to telling his left from his right, many pieces of important knowledge are lacking from Jeffrey.
Background: Once, Jeffrey might have been a kind person. He remembered stepping from his mountain home, where he had fed on the background energies of some mystic convergence point, and being exposed to the harsh light of day. Not from the sun, mind you, for that had been blotted out by great waves of smoke and ash. It was the light of a thousand flames, burning across the horizon. Great dragons fought, and demons strode amongs thousands of men, armed and armored with works of steel and magic. He had seen the mage, and he had chaged. All he, and his people, had ever wanted was to kill the mage who had attacked the mountain, and return to their slumber. Looking back, Jeffrey can't even recall why he had cared so much about the mage. Perhaps that had been his original purpose, to protect the mountain from outsiders. After all, he was an artificial being.
However, it wasn't possible. Jeffrey stepped into the warzone, and he was engulfed in battle. People attacked him from all sides, and he struck back. The mage most likely fell to an arrow, or one of the many explosions. Perhaps it had been Jeffrey that killed him. After slaughtering so many, his memories had become blurred. He would fight, and fight, and fight to get home, never getting any further. After months of fighting, he had lost all purpose but the fight itself. Armies arrived and retreated, but the battle was neverending, a conflict between every major force in the land. For years and years, the undying golem fought. Elves, dwarves, orcs, humans, dragons. He fought, and he was fed by the magic that was rampant on the battlefield. For thousands of years, he fought, never stopping, never halting. He needed not to eat, nor to sleep, nor to sit back and heal his wounds. And in that time, Jeffrey was reborn as a killing machine.

Then, one day, Jeffrey fought a dragon. It was a long fight, and Jeffrey fell many times. At a certain point during the battle, he could clearly remember, his wounds stopped healing, and the dragon had figured out that fire was ineffective. Jeffrey had dodged claws, sliced scales. Even facing such a powerful opponent, Jeffrey did not flinch, and felt neither pain nor fear. That's what gave him the victory. Through sheer persistence, he managed to get onto the dragon's head. One hand had hooked into the dragon's flesh, the other stabbed into it's eye, as he kept on stabbing. Deeper and deeper he went, ripping apart the hard, stiff flesh. At a certain point, he reached the brain, and the dragon died. Climbing from the hole he had made, Jeffrey had healed his wounds from the dragon's last breath, and looked around for his next foe. And then, as he scoured the battlefield, he found himself alone in an endless field of corpses.

For days, Jeffrey had simply roamed, searching for something to fight. He had found nothing but scavenging beasts, wolves and monsters too busy with the free buffet on the ground to pay him any notice. A thousand years of fighting, and Jeffrey was finally alone. He could not see his home, and in a way, he did not care. That goal, which had once been a part of his very being, had been wiped out in the war. His mind was a hollow shell of what it had once been. And thus, the killing machine simply stopped. With nobody to fight, and no goal to achieve, what was there to do? He found a nice looking place, where flowers where growing from the corpse of some magic user. Probably a druid, or perhaps a forest spirit. And, looking at the flowers, he had stopped moving.

A week later, a strange man arrived. Jeffrey had subsisted off of the remaining magical energy of demons and half-gods, which was rapidly draining. However, he had made peace with the idea of dying. And yet, when this man arrived, he had not fought. He did not kill, nor did he feed. Instead, he would examine the bodies, he would smile, and write things down. Not spells of destruction, or runes of summoning, but simple notes. He had been a scholar, one of the last few remaining in this world. And when he found Jeffrey, they had had an interesting conversation.

"Who might you be, dear sir?" The stranger had asked. Jeffrey did not know this yet, but it was strange for one to address him without fear. The scholar, of course, was standing in one of the most magical places to have ever existed. That must have been why he was not more surprised to see a living, moving man made of crystals. How someone could be this cheerful in a place of such slaughter, however, was something Jeffrey had never understood.

"I don't know. I have forgotten my name." The answer was honest. Fighting in that endless battle, which had finally come to an end, Jeffrey had had no need for a name. He had become nothing but a bundle of fighting instincts, muscle memory, and bloodlust. The blood from the battle had seeped into his body, and stained hima bright red. His very mind and soul had been invaded by the lives he'd taken and the blood he'd spilt.

"Then would you mind me naming you? It's quite sad for someone to have to live in this world without a name of his own." Without waiting for any sign of consent from the golem, the strange man had continued, still abundantly cheerful. "I'll call you Jeffrey. That's my brother's name, but you can have it. it might not be the best name for one of your kind, but I think it'll have to do for the time being."

The newly-named Jeffrey had had no reasonable objections. While everything about this situation clashed with his experience of social interaction, which was limited to battle and death, he could think of no good reason why not to accept the name. It was, indeed, quite inconvenient not to have one, and the man seemed nice enough. And, similarly, when the man had asked whether Jeffrey would be his traveling companion until he discovered what he wanted to do with his life, he had also had no good reason to object. And thus, unknowingly, the strange man saved Jeffrey in more ways than one.

After splitting up with the strange man, who had gone by the name of Bob, Jeffrey travelled the land on his own. He looked for magic users and magical places to survive, of course, but beyond that, he looked for things to do. He had found that, outside of the field of battle, there were many pleasures to be had. He took a joy to talking to the few people who didn't hate or fear him for his appearance or the smell of blood that always surrounded him. he helped where he could, sometimes fighting off robbers or wandering beasts, sometimes helping a farmer plant crops. It was the simple things, hard work, and talking to people that helped Jeffrey to get his mind off of bloodshed. And thus, he began to heal the scars that had been left on his mind.
Reason for Detainment: Cattle mutilation. This was actually quite an accurate conviction, as, at the time, Jeffrey had been convinced that the cattle where some form of scavenging beast. They were a rare beast, and he had never seen them domesticated before, although only a fool would have slaughtered them. Having ruined the farmer's livelihood, he was sentenced to life in prison.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

We're past the part where detainment would be needed, buddy pal!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette && 𝚊 πš• πš™ πš‘ 𝚊

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I didn't realize we were still accepting?

... Iunno.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yeah, it needs hamster's approval
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette && 𝚊 πš• πš™ πš‘ 𝚊

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Your signature amuses me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Naunix
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Naunix HyperRyan

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Venator Elyota

Species: Human of ancient blood (Hemokinetic Human)

Species Description: In the earliest days of men, when magic flowed abundantly throughout the world like a neverending resource, there were a group of humans whose blood contained enormous amounts of magical energy. These people had complete control over the blood within their veins as if it were simply another appendage at their disposal. Additionally, the members of this clan were capable of outliving the average human by thousands of years.

Age: 286 (looks to be in his early 20’s)

Gender: Male

Noteworthy Abilities / Limitations:

Hemokinesis- the ability to manipulate blood by sheer force of will. Venator can only manipulate his own blood, not the blood of another. While it is certainly possible, to reach such a level of hemokinetic mastery is so rare that of all the clan members to have lived and died, only around thirty of them ever managed to achieve such a feat.

Additional Clan Traits- Capable of living for thousands of years. Minor-moderate flesh wounds can be healed very quickly (ex. exit wounds for his blood, shallow cuts, etc...)

Protective Pendant- A necklace his father used to own. The necklace is a simple silver chain with a red pendant in the shape of a blood drop. On the back of the pendant there is a latin inscription that reads β€œMay this single drop protect you from those who would steer you from your path”. The amulet prevents Venator from being easily seduced by sirens or succubae.

Ancient Blood- While the magically saturated blood coursing through his veins is the source of his power, it is also the reason why his people were so easy to hunt down. A vampire can easily detect the scent of this blood from up to 200 yards away. If more than a few vampires catch a whiff at once, it could mean his death.

Personality: In the grand scope of things Venator is quite a kind and caring individual; however, he refuses to create lasting relationships with other humans because he understands that he will certainly outlive anyone he grows to care deeply for. Venator tends to keep to himself and will usually not speak unless spoken to. Despite having many years of wisdom under his belt, Venator still has many years ahead of him and understands that simply enjoying life is incredibly rewarding. This insight has resulted in him keeping the same lively and cheerful attitude that he had as kid. Venator has always had a soft spot for young children and, back when he still lived within the town, would often ignore his daily plans just for the sake of running around carefree with the kids in the neighborhood. It has been a long time since those days, but his centuries of seclusion and study have taken nothing away from his youthful spirit. Alas Venator’s life is not all smiles and peace, for the driving force behind his goal is pure hatred and revenge.

Bio: Almost three centuries ago Venator was born to Aldus and Elisabeth Elyota in a very small town outside the Citadel of Eblistan. Venator was the last born child of a dying breed. His father, having left his old life behind to settle down peacefully with the human he fell in love with, was the only surviving member of his ancient clan. The bloodline of his people is deeply intertwined with the powerful magics of the old world, blessing all members and their descendants with Hemokinesis and unnaturally long life. The early generations of his people were often referred to as β€œblood mages” and the majority existed peacefully among normal men. However, as time passed corrupt beings caught wind of their existence.

These men turned monsters were known as vampires and sought out the fresh blood of men wherever they went. To a vampire the ancient and magical blood of a hemokinetic human was like a rare wine of insurmountable value. His people were soon hunted like animals and with most of his kin never having need for their powers; they were too weak and unprepared to defend against such evil. It was not long until just a handful remained. It was then that Aldus fled his homeland in search of a place far away from the predators. He eventually found his way to the land of Eblistan and started anew by sealing away all remnants of his old life behind lock and key.

Venator’s mother died from complications of his birth, but his father never blamed him for that. Instead Aldus did his best to be a cheerful and caring father despite the millennia of sad events that haunted his memories…but it was only a matter of time.

An evil with nothing to stand against it will only continue to grow and it was not long before the bloodsucking creatures found their way into every part of the world. When Aldus discovered that vampires had begun to feed within the town he acted quickly to save his son. Knowing that it was only a matter of time before they weeded him out, he decided to run. Aldus took Venator to the home of their family friends late one night and handed them a letter and key instructing them to give both to Venator on his 18th birthday as he would not be coming back.

Venator missed his father greatly, but was not unhappy living with the neighbors. They were a gentle old couple with children of their own who had long since left the nest. Venator became the helping hands of the household, constantly doing chores to make their lives easier. In return they raised him as one of their own. When Venator’s 18th birthday rolled around they did as they were instructed and gave Venator the letter and key.

Seconds after reading the note Venator ran off to his old home among the outskirts of the little town. Once he got there he headed straight for his fathers room. After pushing an old oak dresser from the wall he revealed a keyhole sitting dead center in the wood. Turning the key took quite a bit of effort, but the mechanism performed as intended and the wall dropped down a few inches before it slowly slid to the right. Behind was a large room that had clearly not been touched in ages.

The study was covered from wall to wall in bookshelves that were completely filled. Venator did not know at the time, but this personal library contained every piece of his kin’s history in many different languages. There were letters, journals, diaries, and every possible type of historical text packed into the shelves. In the center of the room there was a small round table with a necklace and a tiny piece of parchment on top. Venator walked over to the table and looked down at the paper, which had one line of text written on it:

Read them, all of them. Do not worry, you will have the time. ---Your Father, Aldus

It was on that day that Venator began preparing for the goal his father had set before him. He would strive to become stronger than any before him and turn the hunted into the hunter.

Present day: Venator has decided to begin hunting the very beasts that wiped his people from existence. He made one last entry in his journal before placing it on one of the bookshelves with whatever else remained of his clans written history. Venator left the room and sealed the door back the way it had been the day he first discovered the library. He walked outside and shut the door behind him, never intending to return.

β€œThey thrive for my blood, so I shall give it to them”- The last line in the journal of Venator Elyota

Other: His father named him Venator because it is the latin word for Hunter
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Naunix
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Naunix HyperRyan

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

That signature just causes me to have flashbacks of all the deaths I've had via fiddle ult over the past 4 years of LoL-ing........stupid crows >_<
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