Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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WestwoodOmega "Financial Transfers"

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Portal: Uprising
Chapter One: The Vault

"Good Morning!" A Cheerful Robotic Voice said as Carter slowly opened his eyes. "You have been asleep for 999999999..." The automated voice was obviously malfunctioning. He sat up in his bed and yawned. The room looked horrible, the lights were out, walls were severely damaged probably from them moving the vault around the facility. Carter got up and walked over to the door. He opened it and took a step forward...
Daniel's vault violently shook him awake. "Main Power Core Reactor Failing. Melt Down Imminent." The Automated voice said. "Great," Daniel mumbled," A reactor melt down..." He stood up and ran to the door, opened it and looked down. "That is quite the drop..." The vaults were secured high up in the facility, to the point where he couldn't even see the ground. "Hello?" He yelled, "Anyone Out There?!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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The vault that housed Ashton, barely awake, had collapsed and barely hung from the safety precautions that had decayed. The room was slanted, all of the furniture leaning against a wall that did not look stable at all. It did not suit the up-beat automated message at all, which soon trailed off as it glitched. Ashton had already crawled out of the bed, careful not to make too much motion. He made his way to the door carefully, opening it to see what should have been a hallway was now a deadly drop. Ashton stopped himself from crying out in despair, afraid that wretched GLaDOS might still be listening. He couldn't shake that horrible anxiety of her memory. A yell rang out through the silence, it did not seem too far away. Ashton climbed to his feet, "Hello!" He yelled back, holding onto the door as he peeked his head out of the vault to search for the source of the voice.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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WestwoodOmega "Financial Transfers"

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Daniel was shocked someone else was actually out there. "YES! HELLO!" He yelled, "Where are yo-" Before he could finish his question, Daniel was interrupted by a loud scream. Carter had fallen out of his relaxation vault and landed with a loud metallic thud on another Vault. "What was That?! Are You Okay?!" Daniel was getting worried now, his only way out may have just been killed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Ashton flinched, he could hear a loud thunk and a panicked yell. He leaned out a bit further, craning his neck to catch sight of the other survivor. "Where are you?!" He yelled, concerned more so because now it was silent once more. His relaxation vault had started creaking, it was no longer fit to carry the weight of the things inside of it. "Please, I think I'm going to need help!" He yelled, growing anxious as his vault tilted further.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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WestwoodOmega "Financial Transfers"

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Well You are in quite the predicament there... hmm lets see..." a small British voice said. A blue personality core came out attached to a rail near Ashton. "Um why don't you climb on me up to this rail and you can get over to one of the other vaults, or... OH! Or I could move one of these relaxation vaults so you could not die. Not dying would probably be good for you. Or! OH! Or-" The Core kept babbling on and on. "Is someone over there with you dude?!" Daniel asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Its Raining Stars

Its Raining Stars

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katrina was awoken slightly later than the rest of the test subjects. Her head pounded as she sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily. Looking around, she saw that her vault had been trashed completely. There were small cracks in the vault's walls and the lights had been smashed out, making the lighting almost non existent. 'How long has it been?' She asked herself internally. Standing, Trina maneuvered her way between the pieces of her broken room to the look through wall and hit on it lightly with her palm.
"Hey, what's happening here?" She called out to anyone near her, though no on was in sight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ashton nearly fell from the startle of seeing the blue core. "The rail, of course!" He mumbled under his breath, "Don't bother with the vault, it's going to fall apart any moment." He said, reaching up for the rail. "Stop blabbering." He snapped at the core, struggling to pull himself onto the rail. Ashton was able to find a sitting position on top of it, rolling the orange jumpsuit to his elbows. "Yes! A..." His voice trailed off as he searched for a reply, he wasn't sure what it was. "What is your name?" He asked the blue core.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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WestwoodOmega "Financial Transfers"

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Why do the bloody humans always go for the rail option... I've only gotten to do the Vault one, Once..." The core Snapped out of it, "Oh um, Yes! Wheatley! I'm Wheatley!" He moved the rail slowly over to the top of Katrina's vault, which is also where Carter had fallen. "There, this one hopefully will be more stable." He joked, "Hopefully." Carter stood up then fell back to the ground. "What... the hell... is going on...:" He coughed since he was still hurting from the fall.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Its Raining Stars

Its Raining Stars

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katrina looked up at the core. She nodded to herself, agreeing to the fact that she had to climb up to it. She started by stepping up onto the bed and gripping tightly onto the walls edge. There was an opening in the ceiling which she easily crawled through and got up onto the vault. Just now noticing Carter, her eyes widened and she inches over to him. "You alright?"
(Please correct me if I'm wrong with anything. I'm definitely trying my best~)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by United
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United You know who's got to cast that spell

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(I know im going to be accepted and don't want to be left behind soooo.)
Jack fell out of bed, hitting the floor hard. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" He scratched his head looking around. He opened the door of the vault and looked down, eyes widening. That was one death defying drop. He heard some commotion and was trying to spot whoever was yelling. "Ok whoever built this facility failed to relise human beings cant fly." he yelled out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ashton held on tight to the rail, "I didn't you did this sort of thing often, Wheatley." He grunted in response with a roll of his eyes. The rail had arrived at another vault which seemed much more stable. Ashton hesitated to climb down, he wasn't sure if he actually should go down just yet. Two people were inside, and one was already climbing towards Ashton and Wheatley. Another voice grabbed his attention, Although he was still worried about the first person he heard, he decided to deal with it soon. "Hey, we're over here!" He yelled towards the source of the newest addition to the voices.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by United
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United You know who's got to cast that spell

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Jack started to climb down, his legs like jello. He slipped and fell back peddling his arms, which never works. He fell and screamed. His scream was stopped by his back slamming on the floor of the bridge like structure. The wind got knocked out of him, and he scrambled to get up. He caught his breath and looked around, having a better view than before. "We have been asleep forever" He whispered softly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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WestwoodOmega "Financial Transfers"

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Well don't go killing yourselves right away, I mean if we are going to escape before this facility explodes then I'm going to need all of you!" Wheatley exclaimed. "Is everyone pretty much alive?"

Carter slowly stood up and glared at wheatley. "Yeah, no thanks to you." he muttered in response to Wheatley, then looked at Katrina. "Yes, I'll live." Daniel climbed on top of his vault and look over at the other one. "Hey, You there!" He yelled, "We need to get out of this Chamber, anyone got any Ideas?" Wheatley turned around, "OH! OH OH!! PICK ME! PICK ME!!" Carter looked at the others and pointed at Wheatley as if he was saying "Really?". "We could all get in here and I could take you to the room where they stored all of the portal guns! Then we could work on our escape!" Wheatley suggested.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Ashton watched the others curiously, a little nervous to be around them. He remained on Wheatley's rail, looking down at Carter."Portal guns?" He said in surprise, excited to get his hands one again. It fascinated him, and it was something he actually enjoyed doing in this place. "We definitely need to go there." He murmured, glancing over at Daniel. "Wheatley, maybe you should the other people who have woken up?" He suggested, climbing off the top rail so he hung from it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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WestwoodOmega "Financial Transfers"

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Daniel glared at Wheatley. "I Don't trust that little orb, but at this point I don't have any other options..." He said to himself. Then he yelled to the others, "I Think we should do what the orb says for now." Wheatley nodded in approval, "Yes! Yes! Do what the little orb sa- HEY! Who are you Calling a Little Orb?!" Carter looked up at Ashton. "Why don't you come down here? From what Wheatley is saying he's going to move this entire Relaxation Vault," He told him, "I trust him." Wheatley then looked at Ashton, "You humans sure are closely related to apes. Not quite as hairy as them. Oh, Sorry, mate! I don't usually have a second to observe who I'm traveling with." He got a little closer, "So hey, what does it feel like to know you're probably going to die? Because I've been curious of a few things like-" He kept babbling on again, "Also, would ear wax make better candles than the regular kind of wax-". Daniel was getting frustrated now, "Hey! Orby! We don't have time for this!!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by United
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United You know who's got to cast that spell

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Jack laughed "let's go!" He declared. "Show the way ball guy"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ashton watch the core talk relentlessly with a grimace. "Please just shut up." He growled as he dropped down. Ashton rubbed his palms, taking in who all was there. "Do we have everybody?" He asked as he took a glance about the vault.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WestwoodOmega
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WestwoodOmega "Financial Transfers"

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"You're forgetting me." Daniel said as he jumped down from the vault over head. "I'm so glad these things are so close together," he said, "Alright Wheatey, where are we going?" Wheatley looked angrily at Daniel, "Wheatey? It's WHEAT-LEY. With an "L". And for your information, The 'portal vault' as I call it, creative name I know, " He bragged," is going to be over that way somewhere. I believe it's labeled or looks different than one of these vaults you... Hu-mans rested in..." Carter started looking around. "Well lets see if we can find it then, It's not like we want to stay here until we blow up." Wheatley nodded and moved closer to Carter, "Yes! Yes! Listen to your fellow human friend. He knows what he's talking about!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by catmint
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Ashton crossed his arms over his chest, listening to Wheatley chatter on. "Don't you have any specific details that can help us find the portal guns?" He asked, he did actually expect an answer. Despite being asleep for so long, Ashton felt jittery and anxious, causing him to be louder then his usual self. Ashton walked to the edge, looking over down at the drop. Ashton wanted to get going already, he started towards the direction Wheatley pointed out. He was not usually one to lead a group, nor did he intend that but he did not to wait around any longer for them to gather their bearings.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by United
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United You know who's got to cast that spell

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(I will post a lot more don't worry. Been exteremly busy sorry)
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