Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

For Gork and Mork

This is the story of the savage alein race of Orks and of a disaster-stricken world that lies in the abandoned depths of space it is a world of desert sands and splintered rock, where crude barbaric warrior have raised implacable idol to their angry gods. those gods are Gork and Mork the gods of Cunning Brutality and Brutally Cunning (respectivly or is it...) these gods are the embodiment of the Orks' insatiable lust for violence and conquest. Gork and Mork are heartless and bloodthirst gods, whose metallic effigy rises over the shanty that sprawls before their feet.
Upon the arid windswept world the orks live and fight for gork and for mork, across the wastes aboard ramshackle fighting machines enslaving the other races of their planet and binding them to the service of their gods. Humans, Mutants, and lesser Orkoids must survive the best they can. Some serve the Orks and seek their favour. Other defy them and struggle to survive in the face of their wrath.[/t]

History of Angelis
[i]"'ow we got ere is a mysterie but legend haz it one day der was a big rain of fire and deff roks and metal scraps fell from da sky coverin' da land in flame but after a'while out of the wreckage us orkz appeared and since then we'z been work 'ard on building dis ere statue for Gork and Mork so we can once again resume da great WAAAGH."
- Ol'Grubnutz, Mektown Runt herder

The full history angelis is a mystery to offical imperial sources but early imperial scans showed no life signs on the planet. Reading strange energy levels on the planet's surface evidence of a possible necron presence. Planning to purge the possible necron incursion and take the planet for the Imperium of man a colonial ship the "Firmament Reproached" and a escort Imperial guard transport the "eternal Vigilance" landed on the planet's surface but soon after they began the routines of establishing the colony a great warp storm appeared sending a Ork infested space hulk crashing into the planets surface. the bulk of the colonists and Imperial guard were massacred in the warp storm but those few who survived had to live a desolate life on Angelis' arid sandy surface. of the survivors there where the Digganobs colonists who where descendants of a archelogical team sent to investigate the underground energy signals trapped under the surface for centuries when the digga nobs finall dug their way back to the surface they were awe inspired at the first sight of the Orks seeing them as almost god like beings and have tried to emulate them in every way while still battling them constantly over the few bits of resources left on the surface. Along with the Diggannobs some of the Imperial Guards survived locked away in their deep underground bunkers entering the surface to find that their orbital relay was destroyed leaving them stranded on the surface now embroiled in a endless war with the orks over the wreckage of their ship as they collect scrap and attempt to rebuild their relay once again allowing them to contact the rest of humanity. The final and most grisly of the survivors where the Muties the irradiated survivors of those who where unlucky enough to be on the surface when the space hulk crashed. These last resemblance of humanity on this dreaded planet they fight between each other and the Orks each trying to fulfill their own agendas"

The Mobs
out of these surviving factions many sub groups or mobs have risen each hoping to gain glory or riches in for their gang.

Mob Stats
Your mob will be measured in a number of stats these will be determined by the GM (aka me) these stats will be effected by the info filled out in the Mob sheet. these stats are:
Boyz: (number of people in your mob)
Dakka:(How well your mob is armed with gunz and other firearms)
Choppa: (how well your army is equiped with melee weapons)
'ardness: (how willing your men are to fight and possibly die for your boss)
Teef: (this is your wealth you start out with 100 teef to purchase starting items and gangers)
Glory: ( a basic measure of how famous or infamous your mob is)
As said with the Teef stat you mob starts with 100 teef from which to build your mob. you can use these teef for different upgrades such as gunz and trukkz
Below are the factions and what items each faction can purchase and their prices:
Your basic gangers they roam the wastes around mektown looking for scrap to gain enough fame and fortune to earn Tags to go once more on the Great WAAGH. Below are the prices for boyz and equipment.
Nob- 12 teef
this is the Leader of your gang he is most likely the biggest and strongest of the mob and naturally orks look towards him for leadership
Spanner Boy- 6 teef
Spanners got what the orkz term know-wotz they know what wrong when things dont work very well. Without the mechainical skills of a spanner boy most mobs and their vehicles wouldn't last very long in the deserts of angelis
Runt 'erder- 6 teef
Herders capture and train gretchin and teach them the orky ways and they also tend to be given the command of any prisoners the mob has acquired
Your basic boy these orks are the backbone of any mob.
Grotz- 2
Grotz are sneaky and cunning and are often used by nobs to act as scout and scavangers

Trukk-20 teef
Your mobs basic transport carrying your boyz through the desert as they hunt for scrap. (requires a driver, and a gunner if armed)
A fast but unsturdy vehicle often mounted with a heavy shoota or a Rokkit Shoota (requires a driver and a gunner)
These fast and wreckless motorcycles are driven by the most daring and speed hungry of the orkz able to shoot through the wastes of angelis at amazing speeds. (requires a driver)
Slugga- 2
your Boyz basic short range firearm while inaccurate and short range these are rekown for their reliability and ease to manufacture.
Six Shoota-2
A Revolver version of the slugga often carrying a larger caliber but with the trade off of less bullets.
'Uge Choppa- 2
A large axe often favoured by nobs as it can easily smash and cut through bone and armor alike.
Choppa- 1
A crude axe or sword like weapon created by orks often painted with the blood of their enemies.
A stick with a large chain hinge with a spiked ball on the end these weapons are perfered by bikerz for their ability to devastate enemies just by driving by and swinging the weapon.
A large caliber machine gun much like their smaller brotehrs the slugga the Shoota is renown for its ease of manufacture and its reliablity.
A crude muzzle loading shotgun made from the remains of a broken shoota or slugga these are usually given to grots for defence during scouting operations
A Large shotgun made to send a rain of lead, glass, nails, teef or pretty much anything they can load into a shell ripping through whatever (or whoever) it is pointing at
'Eavy Shoota-15
Often mounted on a trukk or a buggy this can spew out lead at a astounding rate.
Rokkit Launcha- 13
A crude mounted gun that fires thick metalic cannisters made to explode with awe inspiring power sending shrapnel and flame consuming anyone unlucky enough to be standing near it when detonated
A primitve flame thrower capable of engulfing any in its path in a fiery storm of napalm.
'Ard Bitz

Studded armour -1
simple cheap leather colthing with metal studs commonly worn by bikerz

Shield - 1
A simple piece of metal used to block melee attacks from opponents

Flak armor- 2
armour made out of special balistic crematic plates looted from Imperial gaurd caches.

"Eavy armor-7
A large suit of metal plates and pieces made from scrap metal often decorated with emblems of the mob and some of the orks own trophies

Gretchin Revolutionary Commitee
After the Mekz of mek town instituted the tag system to limit those who could go on the great WAAGH upon the completion of GorkaMorka it was announced that lesser Orkoids would be barred from getting tags there for getting admittance on the WAAGH. this caused a great rising of the grots as they marched to upon the meks demanding the right to get tags. It is unclear on how the shooting started but soon a terrible fight ensued between the orks and the gretchin. in the end the streets of mektown flowed red with the blood of the slain. although the orks had won the battle the surviving revolutionary gretchins retreated across the Skid. the travel was hard and many gretchin died enroute but when they arrived at the ruins of skidrow the gretchin soon got to work organizing preparing for the chance to strike against mektown.
Head Honcho-6
The most bitter and vengeful of a rebel grot cell and has been chosen by the comittee to lead his group to victory for the Revolution

Banna Waver-4
Due to grotz natural cowardness the revolution often employs the srtongest of grots to carry the large red banner of the Revolution inspiring the gretchin to move forward for the cause.

Grotz- 2
Grotz that live in the skid have had enough fighting and slaving for the orks and for no payment or reward. they follow the komittee and gladly die for the cause.
Grot rebels need enough vehicles to carry the whole of their mob.
Big Lugga-15
Without the resources or know-wots of the meks the grots have been forced to use the power of themselves and the wind that sweeps the wastes to convey them on the raids. the big lugga is the largest of the two ships while much slower than its brother it can hold many times more and can take more punishment
Cutta- 5
A small clipper like ship used to quickly convey grots across the battle field



Six Shoota- 2



Flail- 1

a long sharpened stick usually with a sharp metal point on the end made to stabe and puncher enemy armor

splattapult- 8
A large (for grotz atleast) catapult mounted on the fronts of Big Luggaz

'Ard Bitz

Studded armor-1

shield -1

Flak armor- 2

The dreaded Ork Pirates who roam the Galaxy looking for fame and fortune. it is because of this search they often come to mektown to spend their loot and some stay perferring to roam the wastes for scrap and teef.

Kaptin- 12
The kaptin is the most cunning member of the Krew much like a nob the freebooterz look to him for guidance and expect him to lead them to the best loot.
Furst Mate- 8
The Kaptin's right hand man and is incharge of the daily running of the krew and other tasks which the kaptin finds to menial.
Bad Mek-10
These are renegades and run away meks who perferred to leave their workshops and see the galaxy. they are mostly incharge of keeping the krew's vehicles and weapons in good order.
The backbone of the krew these are orks who have run away or been exiled and have decided to seek fame and fortune among the many freebooter krews.
(See regular ork vehicles the only difference is there must be enough vehicles to carry all of the krew)
(see ork weaponz list as they are the same same thing with the hard bitz too)
There are several more factions which i will list her and post their info at the request of the players as i dont think we will use all of them i see it pointless in posting every single stat
Dust Rats: Survivors from the Imperial guard ship "Eternal Vigilance. armed with the scarce imperial supplies they battle with the orks over scrap in hopes of rebuilding their orbital relay once again allowing them to contact the rest of the Imperium
Digga Nobz: descendants of the Imperial archeological team sent to angelis to investigate and evaluate the possible necron prescence on the planet. After years of being stuck deep in the underground catacombs of angelis they were awe inspired at the sight of orks and have been trying to emulate them in any way possible trying to earn their trust so they too might join the Great WAAAGH
Mutiez: the survivors of the colonists who where unlucky enough to be on the surface when the spacehulk crashed those still living have been twisted and grotesque resemblance of what they once were.

The game will work very much like world in revolution each round (month in game time) you shall send in 3 action orders and 1 merchant orders. the actions orders you explain to me what you want your mob to do (wither it be raid a digganob settlement attempt to find a new scrap vein or even fight other mobs) the merchant order will be where you say what you wish to purchase and or sell during the turn. using this information i shall draw up the effects of these actions and the outcomes of combat using your mobs stats to help make the outcome more realistic. along with these orders i expect you to post and keep the story moving interacting with each other. the orders main use is to keep the story moving and add interesting plot points as well with keeping true to the original game.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BakerClanEmpress


Member Offline since relaunch

Mob Name: Grimjaw's Gutter Gutters

Mob's Faction: Freebootaz - Gorkerz

Mob's Boss:

Carries a gretchin dressed as a parrot on his right shoulder, the gretchin's feet have been nailed to a metal plate on his shoulder so it doesn't fall off.

Mob's: History: Grimjaw was among the first of the Freebotaz to make planet fall on Angelis, the first if you ask him. Preferring the life and aims of the boyz in Mektown, the would-be Waaaagh! leader had his ship scrapped and used to make weapons and armor for his boyz, in addition to the Trukk they ride into battle, which has been stylized to look like a large pirate ship. Grimjaw doesn't much care for the particulars of the Gorkamorka, simply aiming to be the leader of every boy in Mektown when the device is finished so he can lead them through the stars and beyond.

Number of gangers in the mob: 7

Kap'n Grimjaw: six shoota, huge choppa, flakk armor. 18 teef.
Bad Mek Wazag: scorcha, choppa, studded armor. 20 teef
Trukk 'The Red Storm': One Kannon mounted on either side for a total of 2. 22 teef
Da Boyz: 4 free bootaz each with a slugga, choppa and studded armor. 40 teef

Total: 100 teef

other: (Working on this) (info about the mob's traditions and tatics please add atleast a bit as this along with history will effect your mobs advantages and disadvantages)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Clanjos how do you have so much? I thought each boyz was 5 teef and we only had 100 teef?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BakerClanEmpress


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Omega said
Clanjos how do you have so much? I thought each boyz was 5 teef and we only had 100 teef?

Same question O.o I've got 7 people total, with the trukk counted as a member, and you've got a warband
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mob Name: Da 'Ardest Boyz

Mob's Faction: Gorkas

Mob's Boss:
Warboss Nazdakka

Mob's: History:
Oy, I was once a git like yaz fighting for som udder Boss, gud timez does. We waz not da biggest or da baddest but we 'ad some gud timez stompin gitz. Eeventualy do tings gotta change and oy felt dat perhaps oy should be da new wahboss. Da old boss, he dun disagreed wit me and gave me a good krumpin afore sendin me on me way. So der uh was, no boyz wit me and no boss. Ah was free, but all ah had was ma choppa and shoota, not much ta go wit but I made due. Krumped a few gitz in Mektown and got dem to follow me, one o' dem turned out ta be a spanner boy, good find that. So weez headed out, me and my new couple o' boyz thinkin I had a plan. Seez here, I knew bout deez umies who kept drivin round in dees trukks shootin up anyone who came near dem with dat laz dakka and word waz dey ad some ard bits.

So, naturally i took my boyz and decided to get dees umies settin up one a doez tree tings. Da umies came by jus' like ah said and den we openned up wit every tink we gat. Course we kinda forgut about coming out der for a truck but dat was what we gotz a spanner boy for eh! He sets about fixin one o' da truckz and afore ya know it we was moving. We raided doez 'umies a few more times takin what dey gotz and sellin it in Mektown afor I gotz the boyz, da dakka, and da ard bitz to go in and stomp does 'umies good. Dat was a fun timez i tellz ya. So now we done sold off whatz we gotz and now we lookin for da next group to krump.

Number of gangers in the mob: 6

Nob - 12 teef (23)
- Eavy armor 7
- Shoota 2
- Uge Choppa 2

Spanner Boy - 6 (13)
- flak armor 2
- Kannon 3
- Choppa 1
- Choppa 1

Boyz - x4 - 20 (32)
studded armor x4 - 4
Choppa x2 - 2
Shoota x2 - 4
Uge Choppa x2 - 4

vehicles in the mob:

Trukk - 15 (30)
- 'Eavy Shoota 15

Other: Da key to Da Ardest Boyz victoriez is dat Nazdakka is da biggest and greenest git around. Plus he clever, like some o' doez 'umies. He has his boyz fire DEN yellz out da Waaagh. Dem odders neva seez it coming. He also figured out wit his smatches dat if youze sitz back behind something and dakka da enemiez az he gets closer youz can kill a lot o' dem afore they get to youze, den you chargeze dem. He a clever git like dat, ya kill as many as you can, den charge'em and krump'em good with a choppa. He sayz dat if youz hit first and hit 'ard enough nobody can hitz back you don't need as many 'ard bitz. Datz why eaze'z da boss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

clanjos said
Mob Name: DEFFWOTCHMob's Faction: Blood Axes (Morkers)Mob's Boss: Gronk SmoovgitMob's History: An offshoot of the Blood Axes, DEFFWOTCH takes the emulation of human forces a step further: They impersonate Space Marines in order to steal fights and loot worlds. In order to further aid this impersonation, they have come to Angelis for one reason. Every one of the Beakie Gangs has a homeworld. This one has plenty of fightin', plenty of winnin', and plenty of boyz to recruit.Number of gangers in the mob: 50- 25 'Ardboys, 15 mekboys, 10 mixed.Mob's Equipment: Shootas, 'uge Choppas, 'eavy armor.vehicles in the mob: A Looted Razorback, Warbikes, and a semifunctional repulsive cruiser called DA LOOTED KROOZA.other:

Yah as much as I love the deffwotch you have to stay within the beginning teef limits it helps keeping things fair but I am all out for your idea of the deffwotch and characters from it being in the game but you have to at least keep it fair
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oh and I would like to thank you all for joining and I am getting to work making your mob stats
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Okay yeah, messed that up. So, the DEFFWOTCH KILL TEEM is:

Gronk Smoovgit: Nob (12)
Grimgog Grizzlewot: Spanner Boy (6)

Shoota x2 (4)
Uge Choppa x3 (6)
Slugga x3 (6)
'eavy armor x5 (35 points)

Trakk (15)

99 teef spent, if my math's right.

Mob's Faction: Blood Axes (Morkers)
Mob's Boss: Gronk Smoovgit
Mob's History: An offshoot of the Blood Axes, DEFFWOTCH takes the emulation of human forces a step further: They impersonate Space Marines in order to steal fights and loot worlds. In order to further aid this impersonation, they have come to Angelis for one reason. Every one of the Beakie Gangs has a homeworld. This one has plenty of fightin', plenty of winnin', and plenty of boyz to recruit.
Number of gangers in the mob: The KILL TEEM has five members, listed above.
Mob's Equipment: Shootas, 'uge Choppas, 'eavy armor.
vehicles in the mob: A Looted Razorback and a semifunctional repulsive cruiser called DA LOOTED KROOZA.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Oh right, still here, just need to find some time to figure out my commie goblins. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

clanjos said
Okay yeah, messed that up. So, the DEFFWOTCH KILL TEEM is:Gronk Smoovgit: Nob (12)Grimgog Grizzlewot: Spanner Boy (6)SPESS MREEN: Boy (5)KALDORK DRAIGO: Boy (5)SPESS MREEN: Boy (5)Equipment:Shoota x2 (4)Uge Choppa x3 (6)Slugga x3 (6)'eavy armor x5 (35 points)Vehicles:Trakk (15)99 teef spent, if my math's right.Mob Name: DEFFWOTCH KILL TEEMMob's Faction: Blood Axes (Morkers)Mob's Boss: Gronk SmoovgitMob's History: An offshoot of the Blood Axes, DEFFWOTCH takes the emulation of human forces a step further: They impersonate Space Marines in order to steal fights and loot worlds. In order to further aid this impersonation, they have come to Angelis for one reason. Every one of the Beakie Gangs has a homeworld. This one has plenty of fightin', plenty of winnin', and plenty of boyz to recruit.Number of gangers in the mob: The KILL TEEM has five members, listed above.Mob's Equipment: Shootas, 'uge Choppas, 'eavy armor.vehicles in the mob: A Looted Razorback and a semifunctional repulsive cruiser called DA LOOTED KROOZA.other:

Much better thanks for evening it out mate cant wait to see what those boyz get themselves into.
Edit: Oh I forgot to say this to everyone but 'uge Choppaz are two-handed weapons unless welded by a Nob/Kaptin/Furst Mate same thing with shootas and kannons
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rin said
Oh right, still here, just need to find some time to figure out my commie goblins. ^^;

take your time and remember SPAMMY...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 2 mos ago

In light of clarification about the handedness of 'uge Choppas, the DEFFWOTCH KILL TEEM is:

Gronk Smoovgit: Nob (12)
Grimgog Grizzlewot: Spanner Boy (6)

Shoota x2 (4)
Uge Choppa x1 (4)
Choppa x3 (3)
Slugga x3 (6)
'eavy armor x5 (35 points)

Trakk (15)

Exactly 100 teef spent, if my math's right.

Mob's Faction: Blood Axes (Morkers)
Mob's Boss: Gronk Smoovgit
Mob's History: An offshoot of the Blood Axes, DEFFWOTCH takes the emulation of human forces a step further: They impersonate Space Marines in order to steal fights and loot worlds. In order to further aid this impersonation, they have come to Angelis for one reason. Every one of the Beakie Gangs has a homeworld. This one has plenty of fightin', plenty of winnin', plenty of bitz, and plenty of boyz to recruit.
Number of gangers in the mob: The KILL TEEM has five members, listed above.
Mob's Equipment: Shootas, Sluggas, Choppas ('Uge and Otherwise), 'eavy armor.
vehicles in the mob: A Looted Razorback and a semifunctional repulsive cruiser called DA LOOTED KROOZA.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I have your stat sheet done and I am waiting for everyone else to edit their in the occurance of my forgetting to say the whole two-handed problem to start doing theirs (well i need that info to finish it atleast) scratch that i realized most peopel have fixed the problem derp i gotta get those up them give me a bit to finalize them and they will be up
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Editted my sheet to finish it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BakerClanEmpress


Member Offline since relaunch

Everybody ready? I'd love to get started :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alrighty on the phone right now so can't post the stats but when I get home I will anyhow we still haven't got rin but if we just start out I don't think anything bad will happen
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

alrighty here is the stats if any oif you have questions or issues please tell me I want to make sure this is as balanced as possible
Boyz: 5
Choppa: 7
'ardness: 35
Glory: 0
Humie Luverz:After many years of trying to emulate the humiez the orkz of the deff wotch have learned many lessons in the arts of military organization and tatics. they have become more skilled in the mobilization of forces and the rationing of food (a minor decrease in upkeep costs)
Just Plain Unorky: The Orks of mektown find the Deff wotch’s attempts to emulate humans somewhat dismaying. mad dokz and mekz often charge them slightly more inorder to compensate the possible loss of reputation that comes with dealing with such types (increase prices when visting mad dokz and mekz.

Ardest Boyz
‘ardness: 23\
‘Umie Hunterz: after many battles and skirmishes with the imperial guard patrols the mob has become especially good at finding guardsmen patrols and dealing with them effectively (higher higher chance of success when raiding imperial guard patrols and a initiative bonus when fighting imperial guard mobs)
Fancy Gitz:
Due to their flashy tendencies the boyz of this mob like to spend their teef on the highest quality of goods and supplies (upkeep increased)

Grimjaw’s Gutter Gutters
Boyz: 6
Choppa: 7
Duty to da Booty: When profits are good freebooters often are much more willing to follow their kaptin into battle and possibly to their death but aslong as the teef are good the boyz tend to forget the dangers of their occupation(bonus to ‘ardness when making profits formula is profits-number of boyz- 2 fer kaptin cut = ‘ardness bonus)
Mutiny: Ork boyz also tend to loose their loyalty and will to fight when the money coming in is low or non-Existant boyz. (negative to ‘ardness when little profit is being made formula profits-number of boyz= number of ‘ardness points lost for the negative)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Sorry it took so long. ^^;

  • Mob Name: Da Killa Grot Boyz


  • Mob's Boss: Komrade Mikky Gorkachev

  • Mob's history: Like most Rebel Grotz, da KGB are just a group of grotz who got fed up of being treated like slaves by the orks. Komrade Gorkachez is an especially fervant follower of da kause, determined to tear down the boojwazee and secure equal rides for grots.

  • • Number of gangers in the mob:

  • Mob's Equipment: Kannon, Slugga, Blunderbuss x12, Splattapult, Flak Armour x2, Studded Armour x12

  • • Vehicles in the mob:

  • Other: From henceforth, everyone will refer to the gang solely by its initials. Also, the regular grots all dress like this.
  • Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    I'll get your stats right up I've been away golfing for the past couple of days
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