Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ARMofORION


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A brief sprint around the dojo hadn't tired out the excited Selene, who had halted her sprint at one of the dojo rooms. She climbs the tree, being careful not to disturb it too much, and hangs upside down from one of the branches, lost in thought. Several bumped into her while she hung there, but most went around, with Selene acknowledging none of them as life in the dojo went on.

She thought of the future, what would happen to the clan, especially after their announcement of rejecting the Lotus. This had been the only time for a break she had gotten for a while, for she has been on a long string of missions during the uprising of the clan, working to disrupt the Corpus shipping lanes and preventing the movement of Orokin materials, including the infamous Void Keys. A few ships had gotten away, but most were being sifted through, their remains dead in space.

She didn't understand why they fought against the Lotus. Hadn't it been bad luck that Stalker had shown up and killed their teacher right when he was chatting with the Lotus? Conflicts between clanmates were common, especially those which ended with blood drawn. It was the risk of dueling with one another, wasn't it? Selene didn't know what to believe; the Tenno Under the Lotus had saved her and broke her free from Alad V's torture, and encouraged her to make her own path. She was loyal to a fault with her clan, but she was also in the Lotus's debt.

She sighs, falling off the tree and laying against it, a pedal falling on her head. She knew that her clan would come in conflict with the Lotus. She knew that, with less individuals working to fight the Grinder and Corpus, they would grow in power until they killed everything, including each other, in the system. And she knew most of all, that they would all be tested by the conflict.

And boy, she hated tests.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

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Saturiku had gone off to the bar, where he sat on his own, pondering on his thoughts and listening to the whispers of the dead that plagued him whenever he tuned out the rest of the world. He payed little attention to those around him at the time as he waited upon his own drink, one of the rare moments his mask did come off. His skin was pale and had hair that stretched past down his neck. His eyes glowed a bright neon orange color with two red lines that went down from beneath his eyes and down his cheeks.


Fex skipped down the halls once more, done with her target practicing without incident. She wore her warframe with a specially made harlequin mask rather then the usual Mirage mask. She made her way down to the gardens to do her best at trying to do some meditation though it was a weak area for her.
"Oh how I love to shred the enemies into ribbons, I get to make pretty bows out of their flesh," she said to herself happily falling down in the grass and moving her arms and legs, as if attempting to make a snow angel. A few frames gave her an odd look but when she looked at them they swiftly looked away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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After what seemed like forever, Tetsu was finally shit faced. It took some more effort than his smaller companion but he got there and he was enjoying it. A heavy flush shown brightly on his pale skin as he laughed at some stupid joke he would have just ignored if he was sober. Being drunk brought the happier side of Tetsu and if it wasn't so detrimental to his health he would drink a lot more. After drowning another shot, the burn a far away sensation, Tetsu began to tell a slurred story. Giggling, Tetsu slurred "So here I was, my cover was blown. This bastard grineer had spotted me and was trying to tell his buddies that I was here, but before he could say much I charged the guy. I swear, I have never seen someone fly so far, like... he flew at least 40 feet before smashing into that wall. Whoever did the clean up was going to have a bad day and I still got swarmed." Standing up shakily for a second, Tetsu pointed to his chest and drew a long line down his chest diagonally. "One of those guys with the saws got me right here, punched him so hard that his head exploded."

After a prolonged laughing fit at the memory, Tetsu heard "One day...One day, I'm gunna to get you out of that armor." Giving a lecherous smile, Tetsu said "It'll take a lot more alchohol to achieve that my friend!" before laughing again.

Just then, several Excaliburs from Kuro's retinue entered the bar and gave scoffs at the pair having a good time. Giving them a look, Tetsu said "Feel free to join us unless your Skana's are so far up your arse that you have lost the ability to have fun!" laughing at his own joke. However the group didn't like his humor as much as he did and advanced upon the pair, a scowl plastered on each of their faces.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylvaky
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Sylvaky Unforgiving Zealot

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Aeris laughed along with Tetsu as he recounted his encounter with the saw blade. She believed him when he said the grineer's head had exploded, raw strength was Rhino's trademark. She decided then not to share her own stories as silent killing did not make for a grand tale and instead propped her elbow on the counter and leaned her head into her hand. The tenno's reply to Aeris' comment about his armor brought a sly grin to her face and she motioned to the rest of the room.

"Plenty of it here." She said, "Enough, I'd wager, to get you seeing double four times over!"

Before she could motion for another drink that she thought would probably send her over the edge, a group of Kuro's goons walked in. She was almost surprised by their appearance in the establishment, being 'better than all else' as they thought they were. Immediately Tetsu began to antagonize the group and they changed their baring to proceed to the two. As intoxicated as she was, Aeris was itching for a fight and her bracelet lit up in reaction to her channelling the energy through it. Her arsenal was luckily on hand and just a moment away if she needed it.

"You Excal-s have no courage." Aeris taunted, stepping up beside Tetsu and folding her arms lazily over her chest, "Always in a group. You too afraid to fight a fair fight?"

From the corner of her eye, Aeris noticed an orange eyed man that seemed oblivious to the world around him. A Nekros frame user if she was not mistaken. She looked from the man to the excaliburs in front of her and smiled.

"Sat...Saturn?.." She called out, trying to recall the Nekros' name, "Saturiku! Come here." And to the others, she explained, "I feel like an impromptu sparring match. What about you Tetsu?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Whoami All things atmospheric...

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Samsara returned her gaze on the woman with the scarred mouth. But her memory had failed her, she didn't know who this woman was. "If you're going to speak, sister, make it quick please. I have things that I need to do, and not a whole lot of time to do them."

Her focus on the woman broke as she overheard some other tenno talking among each other. She looked at them and watched as the group of Excaliburs headed toward the bar. She heard mention of Tetsu and Aeris, what about, she wasn't sure. But she needed to speak to them, and had a hunch that Kuro's minions would lead her to them. She looked back to Eclipse, "Find me another time, sister. I can't talk right now."

With that, she stepped past the trinity and followed the group of tenno. Much to her surprise (a big one at that), she had followed them to the dojo's bar. She shook her head, thinking that Tetsu wouldn't be in there, he rarely removed his armor, she never understood how he drank to begin with. But that thought was shrugged off as the question rose, why were Kuro's honor guard talking about them? Had Tetsu and Aeris done something? She wanted to find out, and when she stepped in, she got her answer. Right at the perfect moment.

"One day, I'm gunna to get you out of that armor." Samsara heard Aeris say.

Samsara blinked and shrugged, none of her business there. She stepped to the corner of the bar, darkened because of the broken, and poorly maintained, light above it. They were drunk, so that caught her off guard even more. She usually saw the non-tenno, the acolytes, at the bar. She simply crossed her arms and watched as Tetsu roused one of Kuro's honor guard. Say what you will about the clan's Excaliburs, they weren't picked to be honor guard simply because they shared the same warframe class as Kuro. They were very capable of handling themselves.

Then when Satsuriku stepped into the bar, she raised a brow. What drew so many respectable tenno to the bar tonight? Had she forgotten about some sort of annual celebration? Oh well, less work to track down the tenno she needed to speak with. Suddenly the head of the group, Kuro's right hand man and declared successor, stepped up and looked both Tetsu and Aeris over. "We wouldn't want to interrupt your date. But since you both seem so desperate to be around us..." the rest of the honor guard stood and called upon their warframes.

Samsara watched enough. She may have entered the bar like an unheard whisper, but she definitely didn't go unheard when she interrupted their conflict. Her warframe was equipped, her glaive was in her hand. "Mako." she said loudly to announce her presence, stepping in between the honor guard and the two drunk tenno.

Mako, the successor, stopped and looked at Samsara. He called off his honor guard. "Lady Samsara." he said with fake enthusiasm.

Samsara hated Mako, the tenno of Clan Prowler that were around during the Orokin era knew that she was rightfully next in line to be master after Kuro. Mako knew this as well, and he knew how furious Samsara was when Kuro announced it to her, that he was Kuro's successor. He took Samsara's punch when she returned, even though he wore his warframe when she hit him, that punch still hurt like hell. He knew he walked a very fine line between earning Samsara's respect or her wrath. The Ash gripped her glaive tightly, "What would Kuro say if he found out his honor guard were drinking at the bar and not patrolling the council chamber? How dishonored would you be if an assassin killed every councilor and the clan master because you deserted your posts?"

Mako stepped back, the rest of the honor guard did too. "My lady, I apologize. We will return to the council chamber without incident."

Samsara grinned, "Good. I'm glad to see that Kuro's lap dog doesn't disrespect his senior brothers and sisters like he does." her warframe retreated back into her bracelet and watched as the honor guard left. She turned to face Tetsu, Aeris and Satsuriku, "Drinking?" she said to the former two in a serious tone, "Well, if you've done your meditations today, then carry on." Samsara eased off and smiled to them.

She stepped up to the bar and looked at the bartender, ordering herself a drink as well. "I can't believe how split this clan has become during my absence..." she sighed and took a long sip. "Hopefully not for much longer. I have a proposal for you three, feel free to decline. The council has declared that I am to take part in a conclave with Clan Tempest, I need champions to fight alongside me during the challenge. Kuro demanded that it will be a fight to the death. I know and trust you three, so I'm asking you first and foremost with confidence that you'll be my allies in the conclave."
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