Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nib
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Purple = Republic World
Orange = Rebellion World
Light Green = World in Conflict Between Republic and Rebellion
Light Grey = Neutral World
Blue = Jedi World
Red = Sith World
Yellow = World in Conflict Between Jedi and Sith

When Commander Shepard destroyed the Mass Relays in order to defeat the Reaper threat on the Milky Way Galaxy each Relay caused a rip in the space around it, which in turn caused a wormhole where each Mass Relay used to be. Of course after each Mass Relay was destroyed, intergalactic travel was made impossible, so everyone was left to their own corner of the galaxy, and so each corner of the galaxy began investigating the wormholes. Luckily cross-galactic communication was still possible, and so the Council launched teams from each corner of the galaxy to explore the wormholes. These teams were sucked into the wormholes and never heard from again. This was not reassuring to the Council, and so they chose to ignore the wormholes instead of troubling themselves with these phenomenon. The Quarians, having lost their planet once more and joined forces with the Geth, decided to take their fleet and explore the wormholes themselves. By this point many ships and many individuals of various species had been lost to the wormhole. Unknown to anyone, The Illusive Man survived and sent a small fleet of Cerberus ships and troopers to explore the wormholes, going along himself.

In a galaxy far, far away….

Those who explored the wormholes caused by the destruction of the Mass Relays ended up in a strange galaxy with strange beings. The new explorers were welcomed as well as they could be and were soon inducted into the Galactic Republic and given seats on the Senate to give their species proper representation. The newcomers were taught the history of this new galaxy where the wormhole spit them out at. The current events of the galaxy is one of peace with the Republic in the seat of power, and the Jedi once more in their temples, having accepted the Asari Justicars into their ranks as well as any other newcomer who showed signs of being Force-sensitive or having biotic abilities. The term Justicar actually became a rank amongst the Jedi; it was given to the Jedi who chose to follow a more active path in the peace of the galaxy and carry a blaster and a lightsaber into battle. The Sith continue their plotting in the shadows as they always have and will continue to do.

It took time, but the newcomers adjusted and began their lives anew in this new galaxy and shared their technology with those of their new home, and all was well until a blight followed them: The Illusive Man. He managed to snake his way into the rank of the senate and approached the Chancellor with plans for super soldiers. He had studied the cloners of Kamino and the workings of biotics from his own galaxy and combined the two, seeking to make clones with biotic abilities and endless ranks. His proposal was denied at first, seeing as it was a time of peace in the galaxy, so the Illusive Man staged a rebellion in secret so his plan would be reconsidered and eventually accepted, making the surgical implantation of biotics a military practice only now. He searched for healthy human specimens for the perfect template for his biotic clone army. He ended up choosing a Mandolorian just like the clones from The Clone Wars were cloned from. Having got what he wanted, the Illusive Man intended to steamroll over the rebellion he started, but when word of his super soldiers was leaked, it only fueled the fire and strengthened the rebellion’s resolve. Of course, the rebels had very limited supplies and weaponry. Their weaponry consisted mostly of the heat round-firing guns brought from the Milky Way and older ships as opposed to the Republic’s laser weaponry and more advanced ships. When these biotic super soldiers were created, the Republic felt they no longer needed the Jedi Order and drove them out, forcing them to the edge of the galaxy; they made their new home on the world of Ilum. With the Jedi exiled and looked upon with hatred and fear once more, the Sith reemerged, having formed a tribunal of Sith Lords with each Darth having an apprentice of their own and a legion of Dark Force Users under them as an army.

It has been twenty years since the newcomers from the Milky Way arrived in the galaxy and fifteen years since the Rebellion first started. Each faction has had time to gain their own footholds in the galaxy. The Jedi and Sith only have a planet each to their Orders' names to train Force Users they seek out in secret to train, as the Republic attempts to stop all Force Users from becoming Jedi or Sith. The Jedi control the planet Ilum, and the Sith control the planet Lehon, which is also referred to as Rakata Prime.

Republic Soldier Classes

Republic Ships
(Purple trim instead of the red and orange.)

(Purple stripes instead of green ones.)

(Grey with Purple trim.)

The Colossus (Republic Flagship)

The Retribution (Rebellion Flagship)

Temples of the Force
(The two ice pillars flanking the doors have been carved in the likenesses of Jedi.)

(The temple is actually surrounded by dense jungle, not rock.)
Races from both Star Wars and Mass Effect are present in this RP.
Star Wars Species
Mass Effect Races
1. Be polite and courteous to the other players.

2. No God Modding or Power Playing.

3. I am the GM. I have final say and will end any arguments.

4. I don’t mind graphic scenes and cursing, but keep it tasteful and don’t go overboard with it.

5. Follow the RPG rules already in place.
This RP is mid- to high-casual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nib
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nib
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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Leos Klien A gun to kill the past.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Is this idea still going?
I fancy doing it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leos Klien
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Leos Klien A gun to kill the past.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Is this idea still going?
I fancy doing it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nib
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

It is. Head on over to the OOC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nib
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nib
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nib
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