Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 4 days ago

There you go, posted! It wasn't quite as good as I hoped it would be. But hopefully you liked :)

Your intro was great by the way, she seems like she is clearly the alpha type lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I enjoyed your introduction! I shall go work on my reply now. :) how was your evening with your parents?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 4 days ago

It was actually really good, and everyone actually got a long despite the fact my dad was hurting. Now I'm getting ready to dishes. How has your day been?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Awe, well I hope you dad heals and feels better soon! My day was pretty good. School was closed, thanks to the weather, so I have just been chilling all day watching tv.

I am really enjoying this rp so far, I am diffidently hooked on the story line!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 4 days ago

I hope so to, it's likely just the cold really. Hmm is that a good thing or bad thing for you? Either way I'm glad you had a good day :)

I'm enjoying this rp as far too, I'm loving the story line already! Not to mention the fact she has already just scared off his meal that he worked so hard......the drunk woman he pulled from the bar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was a good thing, it meant that I did not have to go into school. Instead I got to lay around and be lazy all day. :)

Yeah, it seemed like he had to work really hard on catching that girl! haha. It seems like he has caught Avina's attention, though. Could be interesting to see the two of them bump heads.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 4 days ago

Sorry for the wait dear I'm working on my reply now.

Yeah, Avina has caught his attention too, not that she really had to try hard. He likely isn't used to someone making him lose his prey. That could be interesting, was you thinking of them arguing a bit, or a full out fight?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

It's okay! We have lives and I don't expect you to be in front of you computer all the time. :)

I do not think either of them tried very hard, that is what is awesome! Its gonna get interesting then! I wonder how he is going to repay her for making him lose his prey. I think it could come to either, we will have to see what happens. They could either just argue or turn it into a full fight, it just depends...

I am looking forward to your replay!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 4 days ago

Okay posted, I wasn't sure if I wanted him to try intimating her yet, though but eh I'm sure she can take it being alpha. It will be funny to see how he reacts to not being able to.

By the way I'm not protective of my characters if you want to attack Devin at any point (not kill him) go ahead I'm fine with it :) I haven't decided on he is going to repay her for making him lose his prey yet. I'm between him repaying the favor the next time she hunts....or something more dramatic. Though he is cocky, he will likely think of it as a game if he returns the favor. And waiting to see how it goes sounds like a plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Posted. :)

I really enjoy playing Avina. She is almost bubbly, but not quite. Very interesting to see how it works together. I also enjoy seeing the two interact. It almost seems as if they are trying to push each others buttons. lol

That's good to know! I'm not protective of mine either, if you want to attack her. She will probably attack back, and if she feels like she cannot handle it she will call for back up.It could be interesting if this turns into a game for them, it could be a way of getting them to interact and maybe start talking. However, I am with you, let's see how it goes!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 4 days ago

Posted :)

I like the way you play her too. She is the complete opposite of Devin, he is cocky and almost to guarded with the way he really is. I know he is enjoying pushing her buttons and I'm not gonna lie, I'm enjoying him trying to push them.

That's good to know to. Though as she is a woman, the first time they fight she will likely have to attack first. He was born in the older days after all and he was raised that way. So after the first time he will feel free to attack first. Kiel on the other hand.....I have a feeling he won't like him, and will happily fight him XD He has a way to call for backup to though, he just doesn't like doing it. That's true, well in that case I'll have him turn it into a game and return the favor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Posted :)

I do not think he is doing very well with pushing her buttons. But she is defiantly hooked! I am sure they will fight eventually, but from the way they interacted I do not think it is going to happen tonight. I really like watching them interact! It is so fun!!

I have to say, I highly enjoy the fact that you are pushing my writing. :) I have noticed that you add a paragraph each time, which is fun. I haven't had someone push me in a long time! Please keep it up :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 4 days ago

Awesome gonna start my reply in a second.

Hmm well I guess in that case he'll just have to try a bit harder when he pays her back the next night huh :D It is interesting how they react to each other, I was surprised that she actually let him feel her heart beat in her chest. She is a brave one isn't she!!

Oh I'm glad your enjoying me pushing your writing :) I honestly have just been getting into the story really, I hadn't really noticed until you said something lol. But don't worry I'm enjoying it so I'll be sure to keep it up :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alrighty. :) No rush!

I think these nightly visits are gonna get very interesting! Trying to push each other's buttons, steal each other's food, and in the process get to know each other. I thought about not doing it, but that would be out of character. Because she is a werewolf, Avina doesn't have a personal bubble. Between shifting forms and spending over 400 years in a male prominite species she has grown to being use to no personal bubbles. Packs cuddle in both human and wolf states when they sleep, and tend to walk around nude just because it is easier then finding clothes all the time. So in that sense, him putting his hand on her chest didn't give her a second thought. (Also why I didn't include it in her mental dialog. It didn't even cross her mind.) :D

I am finding that I really get into the Roleplay as well when I stop thinking about the length and just go for it. Most of the time I end up moving my paragraphs around though. Like this last reply, I wrote the last paragraph first, only to realize it didn't belong in the beginning. I just got caught up in writing that I forget about order too. Lol. I'm really liking this rp, if you can't tell! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 4 days ago

Posted :) I shall sleep now lol

I think so too though the vampires in Devin's clan will notice that he comes back every night smelling like Avina sooner or later. Really never thought of it in that way, though that would be the opposite for Devin. He is used to being by himself in bed even though he shares a home. Not to mention he is in a lower rank than Avina. And well his elder is a royal (don't know how you feel about cussing). You'll see soon.But the whole idea of being near a living person and not wanting to drain them is new for him. Though she is fine with no personal bubble in might be harder for him.

I do the same thing myself. Though sometimes I'll be writing and all the sudden I'm like. Wait no that would sound so much better if I added this,no take this away, move this and that, and then reword this. Next thing you know I have a paragraph that may or not sound like just a bunch of rambles. Lol I'm enjoying it too, and I saw that you added a paragraph youself this time :)

I loved your post by the way I forgot say that. And sorry for all the edits the P key on my board doesn't work sometimes. Anyway can't wait to see your reply..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm gonna start my reply here soon! :D

I think it is so interesting that they are almost polar opposites!! But it makes their interactions so much more fun! By the way, I'm about to throw in a plot twist, just a heads up. :)

I also wanted to ask. Since they are both going their own way, do you want me to skip to another night? Or would you want me to just finish out the night and let you do the time skip?

Thank you! :D I really liked your post as well. Even though you rearrange your paragraphs, they always seem coherent to me. :) I usually read your posts in the morning on my phone, that way I can think about how to reply as I get ready to go to class. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 4 days ago

Alrighty take your time :)

Yeah and not just the way their species work but their personalities are almost polar opposites as well. Which is funny because I haven't charged the way I pictured him being at all. So it's great, the fact that is seems we actually planed on them being opposites, without even realizing it. Oh plot twist! Looking forward to your reply even more now.

Hmm you can do the time skip to the next night if you want, I can just finish up my night and then skip to were you are. Seeing now light is not his friend lol, I'll probably just have him go to bed once his goes inside. Though you do have me wondering what the howl was about. If one of the wolves bite a human or was attacked or something along those lines.

Oh well thank you dear. Yeah I always try to read over them at least three times to make sure they fit. That's why it takes so long to reply some times. Same goes for you though, that even though you move your paragraphs around they always seem like they haven't been moving, they work so well in their order it's like you planed it that way. I always look forward to reading your posts, they always seem to catch my attention. I really like your writing style :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Posted :)

Sorry about the length. I kinda got carried away...

By the way, if you want to take my plot bunny and run with it, that would be great!! It had already accomplished what I wanted it to. It made her mad and cautious of vampires. I can still carry it out, I am just offering it to you if you want to help since it has to do with Vampires. :D

I do enjoy how we just came up with polar opposite characters, with out planning to, and yet they still fit together like puzzle pieces. I haven't changed Avina in anyway. She is exactly like I pictured her! I guess it goes back to us being do in tuned. lol

I'm glad I have caught your attention! You certainly have mine!! And I like your writing style as well. ^.^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 4 days ago

Holy hack chicka lol, no but really don't be sorry about the length! It was an awesome post I loved it! And I tried my hardest to come close to match it, in my post.

Oh I totally did! Alright named to person in his clan and everything. Though I figure this meeting will be more tense than the last *add in evil grin right here* I also hinted at a future plot twist of my own that I'm working through. And you got to see the reason he hates Cadence so much. Yup I'm proud of that post a wee bit. Of course that might be because I'm tired and everything XD

Lol I guess it does go back to us being so much a like. Yet another reason it is amusing. I can so see her being the dominate one when they get to liking each other more. He is used to taking orders from women after all lol!

Oh well thank you I'm glad I can catch your attention :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I keep meaning to tell you, cussing doesn't bother me as long as it is tactful. So long as it's not every other word, I'm fine. :)

Your post was pretty long too, you should totally be proud of it! I know I got carried away with my last, but I was trying to set up the twist. Oh, and I think I have a feeling I know what twist you're setting up, and I like it! :D I think this meeting will be much more intense. Though I'm not sure yet how Avina will respond. I see two different ways for her to approach him, I just have to figure out which one is more like her. :) it will be fun though!!

She probably will be dominate in the relationship. Lol. It's how she is used to functioning. Though I can see her showing him her soft side when they get closer, a side no one has seen in 400 years. :)

I think going in with no solid plot has made this rp so interesting! Never knowing where it is really headed, not even a tunnel vision of what's to come. It makes it so unpredictable and fun. :)

By the way, I'll start working on a reply after me class. :D
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