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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


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Abaddon's mouth opened slightly in surprise at the angel's comment. Not so pure, after all, then. He moved a little closer to her, partly prompted by the bodies surrounding, partly of his own accord. "Well, angel. That was almost flirtatious. Perhaps there's hope for you yet! I was wondering when you were going to warm up. Though, from the anger radiating off of you, I suppose warmth isn't a problem."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

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Camael gritted her teeth as, once again, she was pushed forward by a drunken mess. She stumbled, losing her footing, and found herself near the demon. "You'd be all too familiar with warmth, wouldn't you?" she muttered, silently cursing whatever haze had taken over her moments prior. She once again attempted an escape, but soft music and meshed bodies stopped her. Realizing her defeat, she sighed. "This is your domain," she gestured blindly around her. "One dance, then clear me a path out of here." That seemed like a good enough compromise, and she just hoped Abaddon would agree so she could leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Abaddon smiled and it was almost benevolent. "That sounds fair. And just. You Godly folk are all about being fair and just, am I right?" He held out his hand to her. "Take my hand, angel. It's only one dance." The music played louder and the surrounding bodies moved to the beat. It was an orgy of activity and sin; Abaddon felt it almost seeemed like his home in Hell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

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She took his offered hand. "You say that as if it's a bad thing," she commented. She noticed the music grow louder and the humans become more frenzied, as if recognizing the change in the atmosphere. The dimly lit pit reminded her of what Hell looked like, and there she was amongst them, moving to the rhythm as if she belonged. But she didn't. She was a Seraph, and she would not fall for temptation, not in a place like this and definitely not in the presence of someone like Abaddon. Still, she considered, she could join them for one dance. "Make it worth it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


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Abaddon gripped her hand lightly and pulled her marginally closer, not wanting to upset her when she just seemed to be becoming more relaxed with him. Not that he thought she should be relaxed around him; quite the opposite, in fact. Given the chance, he would be her downfall. Placing his other hand on her hip, the others seemed to take this as a signal to make room for them. A constantly moving circle was formed around the two opposites as Abaddon slowly waltzed with Camael. He almost laughed at the thought of how it must look and the reactions that would be provoked on either of their sides. Angels with angels, demons with demons. That was how it was meant to be.

He was never much one for rules.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She was dancing - a waltz, to be exact - with a demon. When had she begun to stoop so low? Still, Camael couldn't deny how smoothly they were moving, as if they'd done this dance all their life. Well, angels and demons have been doing a dance from before the start of time, but never a dance like this. Never in the midst of humans, their peaceful meadow amidst the forbidden forest. Their dance had always been against the other, not with each other. Now, she moved her feet in time with his, moving where he moved. And they were good. The awed looks of their audience was testament to that.

The song was slowing, coming to an end, and Camael breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as she could, she separated herself from the demon and made a small bow. Re-establish the rules, that was what she needed to do. "Thank you for the dance. Now if you'll excuse me." She straightened herself and turned her back on Abaddon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


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The music slowed and came to an end, the woman soon separating from Abaddon. The corner of his mouth twitched as if he wanted to say something witty and snide but, for once in his eternity, he held his tongue and simply returned the bow with one of his own. "It was my pleasure, Camael." He murmured, for once using her name. Although he was a fan of trickery, he remained true to his word and gestured to the surrounding people. They moved apart and created a pathway to the door for the angel, blank faced and uncharacteristically still.

"I think that I will be seeing you again, very soon." Abaddon stated. It verged on a threat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

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In all honesty, Camael was surprised that Abaddon kept his word and allowed her an escape. She'd been expecting for him to turn on her, much like all the fallen angels had done to the Creator. She watched as the crowd parted, movements stiff like unthinking zombies. She walked by them, her footsteps echoing in the suddenly silent establishment, feeling all their sins as she did so. At the door, one step away from freedom, she looked over her shoulders and declared, "We shall, and we will come to terms." She nodded, one last look at the hell on earth, before turning her back from the darkness that dwelled within.

She slid into the very same alley she'd entered before and shook her shoulders. Bright lights engulfed her as her wings appeared, shielding her from mortal eyes. The darkness that seemed to swallow the Rave shrunk back, and Camael released a rare smile. She gave thanks to the Creator for His guidance, and rose to the air to find her charge. She'd make sure Kristiel did her duty, and then she'd find solitude to further free herself from the sin she'd taken part in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


Member Seen 1 mo ago

The music resumed and the bodies started to move again, seemingly coming back to their senses. Abaddon stood quietly for a moment, in thought. None of the bodies dared to go near him, only moving around him. With a straightening of his tie and jacket, he walked easily through the crowd and out of the door, grimacing slightly at the sudden shift of light.

Abaddon looked up into the sky and breathed deeply, getting only a faint hint as to where the angel had gone. Outside, in the open air where pure souls mixed with sinners, it was more difficult to track. However, he prided himself on his skills and soon walked down the street, in thr direction he felt Camael had gone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

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Kristiel had done her job well, and Camael blessed the spirit of the aged man. She saw them off as they headed for Heaven, to be by the Creator's side for the rest of time. Camael herself longed to return there, to return to the peace and monotony of work, but there was a war to be waged, and even one slip could cause disastrous events. She was needed on the land of mortals, on the land of the Creator's most magnificent work. Camael settled on the edge of the rooftop, watching as people milled about doing their afternoon activities. The air turned cold, a clear indication of the upcoming winter. It lit all her senses up, and Camael decided that it was time for prayer. She closed her eyes and opened her heart.

When her eyes snapped open, she felt considerably lighter. The night had claimed the city, and it brought with it an increase of sin. The darkness crept towards her, but quickly slithered away at the light that emanated from her soul. Such was the power of angels. She shook her shoulders, summoning her wings to prepare for a patrol over the city. Despite the rules set down, some demons still took humans as prey. She was prepared to jump over the edge, but a stray breeze brought with it a familiar scent. "Abaddon," she muttered, shaking her head slightly. The rooftop was secluded, and there was a very little chance for any human to venture there. She called her wings back and settled down in, awaiting the arrival of the demon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


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Abaddon slipped into the back streets, away from the prying eyes of humans. He breathed deeply before taking off his jacket and closing his eyes, willing his twisted wings to emerge. He knew that the angel was up above, on one of the rooftops surrounding. He gritted his teeth as the sounds cracking bones and popping joints filled the silent air. Twisted and blackened monstrosities emerged from his back, things that were once beautifully feathered wings.

He gave only a slight growl at the pain, not wanting to appear weak before his ruler, who was always watching. Sighing as the wings spread fully, he rose slowly into the air and flew through the night in search of the angel, following what brief scents were brought to him on the air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Camael stood and moved to a more tactical position. She could already feel Abaddon nearing, and a tug in her stomach informed her that no, this second meeting wouldn't be good. She closed her eyes and sent a prayer to the Creator, asking for strength and guidance. When she opened them, her wings were present, all six of them cradling her. In front of her was a flaming sword, it's light as bright as the burning sun itself. It was the very same sword that shunned Adam and Eve from Eden, and as such, it held ancient powers that only skilled angels could properly wield. She grabbed it, feeling the power run in her veins, and prepared for battle. Abaddon was a powerful demon, and Camael wasn't going to take any chances.

Her lips were pressed in a thin line as she felt Abaddon's arrival grow near. "Welcome," she greeted, knowing that Abaddon would have no trouble hearing it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Abaddon landed silently before the angel, a few meters from her. His wings cracked and seemed to hiss in protest as he lowered them. Seeing that she was in full defense mode, he raised his hands in a show of peace - a rare gesture for him. "Relax, angel. I'm not here to fight," He gave her a slight smile. "I'm simply here for the company."

Turning away from her with an air of confidence that showed he cared not if she moved to attack, he closed his eyes and concentrated on bringing his wings back in. It was quite a task. The knawed wings, adorned with talons and scarring, slowly retreating into his back. Abaddon bit his lip so hard that a thin stream of black blood trickled down his chin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

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Camael arched a brow in question, but didn't lower her sword or changed her stance. The demon gave a sign of peace, but Camael didn't trust it. Who could trust a demon, especially someone like Abaddon. "The company?" She scoffed, a haughty air once again surrounding her. "Well I don't enjoy yours, so run along now."

When Abaddon turned his back and drew in his wings, Camael almost felt his pain. The breeze brought the coppery smell of blood, and the angel dropped her stance. The tip of her sword met the cement as she attempted a step forward, but stopped herself before she did so. "Are you okay?" That was all she would allow. Angels were natural creatures of sympathy, and she couldn't deny the concern over Abaddon's state. Still, there was a thin line that couldn't be crossed, so that small bit of concern should be enough, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Abaddon raised a slightly shaking hand to his chin and wiped away the blood before turning back to Camael with a thin smile. "I'm perfectly fine. I'm surprised that you care," He put on his jacket, which had been hanging over his shoulder, and straightened his tie. "So, even demons are worthy of compassion, hmm? That's quite admirable, given the circumstances."

He stepped closer to her in a respectively short manner, his arms remaining by his side in a show of peace. "As I was saying, Camael, I simply enjoy your company. I think it would be quite something to watch the world burn with you," Abaddon's smile grew. "And, I think you're not entirely opposed to my company, either, despite your vehement display."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

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"Well, you're mistaken," Camael answered vehemently. Despite it, she lowered her weapon and allowed it to vanish into thin air. If Abaddon made a wrong move, Camael would just have to subdue him without her weapons. The demon was remaining peaceful, but Camael didn't trust him. Not one bit. Still, she allowed herself to move closer towards Abaddon while she kept a healthy distance between them. "The world will not burn," she announced, nodding her head as if to further solidify her point. "The Creator will not stand for it."

She shook her head at everything. "We're in the middle of a war, Abaddon. A war that you demons have started." Camael tilted her head slightly, attempting to catch the demon's eyes. "Tell me, why? Why do you seek chaos?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Abaddon heaved a sigh as he slowly crossed his arms, furthering the image of peace. "Why do I seek chaos? Because it's fun. That's all; it's fun. It makes demons feel something in their rotted chests," He allowed her to catch his gaze and smiled. "I'm sorry if you were looking for something more profound. But really, everything needn't be so complex. Not everything has a deeper meaning."

He shifted his gaze and looked out into the sky, the smile never wavering. "Do you really think that humans don't do things for the simple exhibition, the fun? Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer. They weren't mentally disturbed. Their brains weren't wired wrong by your Creator," Abaddon's smile stretched into a grin as he looked back at the angel. "They simply knew how to have a good time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Camael shook her head in a clear indication of her disagreement. "No, they weren't mentally ill. They simply fell for your kind's temptation." She gestured widely with her hands, pertaining to the tainted city before them. "To feel something, you must destroy something as beautiful as life. Are you satisfied with that, demon?" she spat out as if the word was poison and she couldn't wait for it to leave her mouth. She thought back to the angels who weeped above for the destruction that befell those made in their image. She thought of the humans who cried out in pain at all the chaos and sin that covered the world. And she thought of the Creator. To have something He'd given his unconditional love for turn their back on Him because the demons needed to 'feel something in their rotted chests'? Despicable. "Utterly despicable," Camael muttered, her hands clenching into fists at her sides.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AllOurPrettySongs


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Abaddon's smile fell as he suddenly un-crossed his arms and stalked over to Camael, coming within inches of the angel, caring not for the consequences of his actions. It was his turn to radiate anger.

He knew that angels were self righteous but something about her tone angered him. Demons were arrogant? Had no one met an angel?

"You know nothing of the destruction of beauty," He growled in a low voice, eyes dark. "Nothing. Do you truly believe, that I was always like this? Do you?"

Abaddon's hands twitched by his sides, wishing for nothing more than to rip the angel's throat. He was constrained - barely. "You know nothing." He repeated, in an even quieter tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bittersweetsymphonia
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bittersweetsymphonia awesomesauce

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Slightly taken aback by Abaddon's actions, Camael was speechless for a while. She simply observed the demon in front of her who looked like he was one word away from killing her. While she'd be fine with a fight, happy even, she couldn't allow herself to further anger him, demon or not. It simply wasn't right, especially if he was... How could Camael describe Abaddon right then? Hurting seemed the most appropriate.

Still, Camael held her stand and schooled her features. "Then tell me, demon. What were you before?"
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