Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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This time it will be different. You won’t let anyone else in…You’ll keep to yourself, listen for the darkness and then follow it to those who need your…help…need your hand….to save them.

She sat against the trunk of the giant oak tree out front of her community college. Ear-buds in place to try and help drown the endless sea of voices out of her head. Queens of the Stone Age played into her ears and she focused on the words of the song, sung by one of her own. This was a brief moment of comfort as she remained against that mighty oak, black-clad in leather, seemingly oblivious to those around her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rowen


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Victor saw her across the expanse of grass, back against a tree. He figured she had the headphones in again. "Must be another doozy of a headache," he muttered to himself as he headed for her. He stood over her for several moments, wondering how to get her attention with out spooking her to badly. Finally, crouching at her extended feet, he tapped her the toe of her shoe. His plain jeans stretch taut over his muscular legs and the superhero t-shirt looked as comical as ever over his broad chest and shoulders. His black hair was disheveled as always with him running a hand through it for no apparent reason at all. His one saving grace, at least in his mind was his smile that he was told always lit up his hazel eyes.

"Hello in there," he called to her, hoping she heard him over the music. "I thought we were meeting for lunch an hour ago."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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His words just about scared her to death, she jumped and hit her head on the tree behind her before she gazed at him. "I'm sorry..I just can't keep them out of my head.." She motioned to those people forming a sea around them. She hated feeling this way, vulnerable and useless. She looked up and forced a smile. "I hope you can forgive me..." His smile always warmed her. "Still hungry?" She asked with the hint of a smile on her lips, hoping for him to say yes to both of her questions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rowen


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He cringed when she hit her head. Seemed like he was always spooking her that way. He knew, at least in part about her hearing things. She didn't often elaborate and he didn't push, didn't have to, her face was usually easy for him to read. "Of course I forgive you, it's just lunch and you know my last class ended at eleven today. My only plans are the gym and home for more study." He stood and offered his hand to help her up. "I'll never understand why it is I can do that to you and no one else seems to surprise you at all." He grinned at her and leaned in as if confiding a secret. "Now I feel all guilty about startling you, you have to let me take you to that new place across campus," he winked, then chuckled. "I have been dying to go since I heard about it. I love Greek food."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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Lamb. She gave a quick nod. Food was something she could talk about for hours, cheese in particular. "That sounds great!" Things got quiet for a moment or two. The air around her held still and she enjoyed those moments brought by his energy.

If only he could know it all. All the things I've done. The details.

It was like he was never a threat to anyone, never a single moment. That's how his energy was able to sneak right up on her. Undetectable to someone scanning only for the bad. She wondered if that would change when his intentions changed for her, and she got to her feet. "Don't feel bad, it is pretty rare to be able to sneak up on me." Her crystal-blue eyes seemed to shine as she spoke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rowen


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He offered his arm to her with a dramatic gesture. "Shall we?" His grin broadened at the sparkle in her eyes. He couldn't help it, all she had to do was smile and it made his day every time. They had known one another for long enough that the new should have worn off his initial crush on her, but it hadn't. Friends, she had made that clear through actions if not with words. It wasn't anything he could complain about, no harsh treatment, he just felt he understood what she wanted from him. He didn't let himself dream about it, or hope for something that probably wasn't meant to be, just being around her was enough, just to be there for her.

UnlikelyDisguise said "Don't feel bad, it is pretty rare to be able to sneak up on me." Her crystal-blue eyes seemed to shine as she spoke.

"So, I should take it as a complement?" he joked as they walked along. "Like I've told you before, Slick," he continued, using his nickname for her, "I don't like it because I always spook the hell out of you. One of these days your going to stab me or hit me or something cause I spooked you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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His words brought a laugh. It was easy. He made her feel normal.

"Naw, I'll always know it is you, since you are the only one who can do it.." The walk across campus was an easy one, the Greek place had a great theme, Mt. Olympus of course. They were quickly seated and looking over the menu. Her eyes drifted to his face a few times before she even looked over the food. What was this? What is she doing with him? As they grow closer, she'd be a fool not to feel something...but he can't be a part of her life. She has no interest in dragging someone down with her again. No matter how well they fit together. It pained her but she hid it well. The thought of saying good-bye to him hurt more than her heart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rowen


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He took his seat and immediately started looking over the menu. He hadn't realized how hungry he was until he had smelled that heavenly aroma coming from the kitchen. He knew what he wanted quickly enough and glanced up to ask a question. His eyes found hers already looking at him. He had seen that look before, but had never figured out what it meant. He didn't know what worried him more, when she looked at him like that or when she gazed off into space with that look. There had been times she would just suddenly shut down, the conversation would wane, she would become distracted. The worst it had gotten was when she excused herself suddenly. That had only happened a few times, but it left him wondering if it had been something he had done. What had she gone through before they met? Who had hurt her so badly that she seemed to be unable to handle even their casual relationship. Another reason he never pursued his feelings. Emotionally, he always handled her with kid gloves.

"You're doing it again," he said calmly. This course had worked in the past. Be kind, don't be judgmental, play it off as nothing. "If you like I can order for you. I'm nearly an expert on Greek cuisine, you know." He smiled, but made his eyes stay on the menu. If she was going to bolt she would do it now, if not, she might reply. 'Please, let her talk to me this time,' he thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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You'll just hurt him. Ruin his life. Just like Magnus. He'll resent you, because once they know the truth they can never go back.

"Please do then. I trust you'll order me something delicious." She smiled a very real and genuine happiness smile. The kind that perks up and touches the corners of her eyes. What kind of cruel world creates a person like him and throws him into her life if she is not to care? Not to know him? It is sobering, the feel of someone so close to her yet so far away, so unobtainable. "And remember I like cheese!" She chuckled. Her eyes fluttered around but always landed on him again.

Just enough to make you remember.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rowen


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He did his best to show his relief at the fact that she wasn't going to bolt again. He returned her smile and perused the menu once more. Once he had decided he flagged down the waitress and ordered them both what was listed a village salad, knowing the amount of cheese it contained, asking that they add some gyro meat to it. The woman also took their drink order and left them to place their order.

Once they were alone again, he folded his hands on the table before him and beamed at her. "I have some good news I've been waiting to share with you." He said it mysteriously and with a grin that showed his pride in what ever it was. "I was accepted to inter for the forensic division." He knew she wasn't as interested in the field as he was, but for some reason he wanted so much for her to be excited for him. Everything was going great. His classes were coming close to an end and all he needed was this internship to complete his training to become a forensic investigator. The thrill of the 'hunt', the idea of using facts and evidence to prove what had happened from a scene that most others could not read, it was something he had dreamed of for a long time. He still had the beaten, battered old paper backs of Sherlock Holmes stories his father had given him as a pre-teen and he still loved to read them, cover to cover when he wasn't chasing his dream or hanging with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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And there it was, just like the elephant in the room and between them. So much alike, in so many ways. Only because of her "gifts" she will continue her education and further her training until she is a criminal medical examiner. It was so much more than an education, it is the continuing of her life purpose. The way she was born and what she had chosen for herself, she could make sure her hands were always justified this way. In a way...if she could just tell him...couldn't he help her too? This brought the smile back. The fantasy came to life in her mind, he could help her find those who possess the darkness and stop them, possibly before they even harm an innocent.

"I'm glad for you! It's about time we all got into the last legs of our journey's, you know? It's great to see so many people bloom." She stopped short of what she was sure would have been an embarrassing statement to leave her lips next. She cringed inwardly. How would he feel if he knew some of the crime scenes he might investigate could have been made by her? "When do you start? How long of an internship is it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rowen


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UnlikelyDisguise said "When do you start? How long of an internship is it?"

Victor shrugged, "Don't know yet. I have to be at the offices on Monday. Eight AM sharp!" He paused when the waitress brought their drinks and took a long swallow of his iced tea. "The lady said I was to be introduced to my instructor and given a full schedule and what-not then. I'm sure I'll be stuck in a lab or an office.... At least at first." He took another drink and sat back, crossing his legs. "The only draw back is I'm going to be really busy until classes end. We're going to be doing a lot of phone hanging out, you and I. Don't want my best girl forgetting me," he finished with a wink.

It was only Thursday, so he had three days of waiting and only one class on Friday to keep him occupied. Uncrossing his legs, he leaned forward and assumed a conspiratorial tone. "I had an idea. Sort of a celebration, waste time type thing. How 'bout, we drive out to that old cabin in the woods. Granddad doesn't use it this time of year and we can just hang out, hike, watch the stars, maybe even have a swim in the lake or fish. I'd offer hunting, but the season isn't open yet." He beamed at her across the table, hoping for a yes, but not really expecting one. "We can leave after I get out of class tomorrow. Or I could ditch class and we could go tonight?" The last sounded more like a question and he hoped he didn't sound desperate. He knew her time was valuable to her, a good portion of the time his offers were rescheduled or refused completely. He tried to understand, but sometimes it kind of hurt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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Her mind is in over drive, she watched him drink the tea. Her smile came back when he called her his best girl. That meant something to her, it meant more than she wanted it to because she didn’t want him to get hurt. It meant that she might tell him the truth. Or she might try…

“I don’t want you to skip class, so we can go tomorrow after you get out of class. I have class early in the morning tomorrow so I’ll be ready to go when you get off...”

She thought about the next couple of days. Alone with Victor. They could walk away from it closer, or done with each other. The chances of him walking away from her are slim, she knows. But the chances of him thinking she’s nuts are far greater. And after everything with Magnus….

“I’m looking forward to this time, just alone with you, Victor...”

Even saying his name was addicting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rowen


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UnlikelyDisguise said “I’m looking forward to this time, just alone with you, Victor...”

If he had been eating he would have choked. 'Hide it, hide it , you idiot,' he told himself. Not only did she agree, she said she was looking forward to it. He couldn't believe his ears and almost asked her to say it again. Then he thought about it and grinned. "Oh, oh heavens!" he started dramatically, putting a hand to his chest. "She said yes! I can't believe it! Praise all those above!" While he didn't yell or any such thing, he did act overly surprised and then just chuckled. He loved to joke with her and knew if he hadn't done just what he did or something similar she would have given him that, 'what's wrong with you?' look.

He had always felt like a bit of a goof around girls/women. With her, it was different. He had dated, sure, but he either grossed them out with his 'shop' talk or they had wanted him to be more serious, about the relationship, conversation.... Life. That wasn't him. Yes, he was fascinated by those things involved with forensics. He was prone to read books about murder, serial killers, death and such. One girl had a serious issue with his number one love, Sherlock Holmes novels. While she was reading her romance novels and wanted him to listen (and emulate) the torrid stories she loved, he would be chest deep in one of his books that she would bash because he wasn't listening to her.

Now, romance had it's place, but he was not into the traditional idea of it. He needed a woman who was smart, someone he could talk to about what fascinated him and he had found that in this creature before him. Beauty and brains, he had to smile at the thought. Were others had looked shocked or disgust, she had responded with witty remarks and in depth ideas. She was mysterious, as well and he welcomed that.... At least to a degree. He wanted more and was willing to let her make up her mind. After all, he had no idea of what might be causing her to be so aloof. He thought, maybe she had been hurt, or her heart had been broken. He only hoped that she had never had to endure what some seemingly 'broken' women he had met went through at some point in their lives. She would share, he believed, in her own time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UnlikelyDisguise


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She laughed at his dramatics. Thankful that the didn't feel the need to over do it, she was able to just enjoy his company. Enjoy being a woman around him, which in some regard appealed to the feminist in her. Her mother rebelled against the rules of her kind very roughly, it caused a war. Many people died. But in the end the result was correct, and even though her mother was seen as a practitioner of the dark arts, she still fought for light's cause. For life. For love. Lascariat is like her mother, a free spirit. A loving and kind being, once removed by such tragedy that the outside can appear cold. Yet Victor never saw that, or if he did he never shied away from it. Even when she continued to break plans with him because of her hunting...at least if she told him and he freaked out, he'd be so busy with school and the internship he wouldn't have time to ruin her life before she could transfer somewhere; effectively escaping.

"I will bring my bathing suit, and some beer! Perhaps even a joint or two." She grinned. "We'll both be busy this next semester, so we need to celebrate before and if we make it through, again after..." The light in her eyes now hopeful, that at the least they can make something of their attraction for the weekend, if not prolonging the connection. Because there is one there. Victor just doesn't know how far down it runs yet.
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