Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxx
Avatar of Maxx

Maxx Jamming

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Yeah, I can think of a few nice place." Ivan said as Baron examined the car. Ivan walked over out of the umbrella and over to the car, leaving Dr.Wright behind. It sure was a pretty vehicle, though Ivan never had that big an interest in cars. He stood next to Baron and suddenly remembered that he had a cigar in his pocket. He pulled out the cigar, a light-colored Acid Blondie that he bought from a suggestion of a friend and cut the tip before rifling through his coat pockets to find his lighter. No dice.

"Baron, mind if I borrow your lighter?" he asked, unaware of May's presence.

Skeleton and Damian

Damian nearly busted out laughing when he saw Tony walk up to the group and whimper his response. The kid obviously had no spine to speak of. Damian took a few steps away now that the healer was there and looked over at the car, where a beautiful girl was emerging from the driver's side. Damian's eyes widened and his mouth hung agape for a few moments as he watched her. He shook it off when he remembered he was a gang leader and began to stroll over rather pompously. Skeleton, meanwhile gestured for Antonio to come over to where Reiko was injured.

"Our friend Reiko has been injured. Fix her." he said, half-growling at the kid. Damian, meanwhile approached Mercedes car and leaned on the hood with his left elbow.

"Hello there." he said "Do I know you from somewhere? You look..." There was a roar of motorcycles nearby and some headlights from down the street. Was that...gunfire?

"Familiar." he finished, looking up at the approaching bikes.

Whisper and Emilio

Upon reaching the bottom floor of the Archimedes Building, Whisper and Emilio walked into the fenced-in sculpture garden that surrounded the building. It was a gift from the Museum of Art when the building opened and still contained some pieces in good condition. Emilio leaned against a bronze statue of a globe and smoked a cigarette while they planned their next move.

"So where to now?" Emilio asked Whisper. Whisper shrugged and fanned the cigarette smoke away from her face. She hated cigarettes.

"What's still open?" she asked. Emilio shrugged back and pulled out his phone to find the answer.

"Sure there's a few different bars and shit still around." he said "Theater on 18th Street's still open. Any good movies out."

"Not that I've heard of." She sat down on a bench and looked over at an odd-looking stone statue of a group of men in Victorian-style suits with what appeared to be snowman bottoms for legs. She blinked as if that would make her see it better, but nothing changed. Art always kind of annoyed her. She heard more sirens from not far away. They had to get out of here soon so as to avoid a run-in with the police. Leaving dead cops in the street was generally bad for business.

"Let's just head to my place and figure our next move out from there." Whisper said. Emilio nodded and the two left the sculpture garden. They began walking towards the other side of the street, where Emilio's old Chevy s10 pickup was parked when Whisper caught sight of Nick leaving the building. She nudged Emilio with her elbow.

"What?" he said.

"There's that mechanic kid, Nick. Should we invite him?" Emilio was about to respond when he saw that pretty blonde girl from the bar approaching Nick. Emilio rose his eyes brows at the sight and turned back towards Whisper.

"Nah. I think he's got his hands full." he replied. Whisper smirked.

"For a mechanic he's sure doing well for himself."

"I know, right? Where do I get a French model from?" Whisper smirked as she thought of something dirty.

"Five bucks he can't get hard for her." she whispered. Emilio laughed as they walked across the street.

"You're on." They bumped fists and he walked across to the driver's side of the car.


Upon leaving the bar, Taylor identified the only familiar face she saw around; Nick. He seemed pretty laid back for what appeared to be a gang member, and in spite of herself she found him to be rather cute. She walked over to him, being sure to click her heels sensuously across the ground as she walked. She took out a compact and studied her face in its mirror before addressing him; perfection.

"So that was fun." she said, approaching him from the left "Do you beat up musclebound goons often?"

She was being followed. Tara looked at her rear view mirror and saw the man pursuing her. He looked oddly familiar, like someone who she used to know...

Oh my God it's Desperado she thought to herself. Desperado was a former Skull, a loose cannon who could turn his tattoos into physical objects. But Skeleton, Damian, and Grease killed him years ago! She gritted her teeth as she cut off an SUV and swerved into an alley at breakneck speeds. The man on the bike behind her followed. She saw that he now was holding something out from his body. She ducked as a bullet bounced off of the back alley wall and slid to the left just in time to avoid a dumpster. He followed, and her right rear view mirror exploded as the bullet tore it to pieces. She swerved back onto the main road and sped off. She looked in the remaining mirror and saw that he was gone. She breathed a sigh of relief and turned down a smaller street heading towards the Jolly Roger, where she knew the Skulls were meeting. She eyed the skies as she drove, trying to see if the Vanguard guy was still following her. As she turned down another street, now going a more-or-less normal speed, she was cut off by a black chopper and a bullet just missed her head. She slammed on the bike's gas pedal, avoiding another gunshot as her pursuer returned to chasing her, now with what looked like a submachine gun. Quickly she synthesized a pike of shining tire spikes and threw them behind her. He swerved out of the way and dodged a speeding box truck. He drove up on the empty sidewalk and attempted to cut her off at the crosswalk. Tara threw up a wall of light and he drove around it with ease. She was about half a mile from the Jolly Roger. She turned down Haber Street and could almost see the lights at the end. She drove in a sloppy serpentine pattern to avoid the bullets as Desperado grabbed his submachine gun and emptied the clip.

Tara gasped as a sharp pain shot up her leg. He shot her in the right calf. They were about 500 feet from the bar. Tara's serpentine pattern began to break down, and she was driving very sloppily. She jerked forward as another bullet hit her front tire. Tara flew through the air and skidded across the ground, a collection of yellow particles absorbing some of the fall. She got up and turned towards Desperado. The wisps of yellow light formed more tire spikes, and a sword materialized in her hand. Desperado aimed the submachine gun, and fired. The clip was empty. He cursed and the gun vanished. His right hand was moving towards his right thigh when he heard a loud "WOOSH!" come from nearby. Just as he leveled the gun at Tara, a red hot discus cut the gun barrel in two and embedded itself in a brick wall. Damian was standing not a hundred feet away, his left hand across Mercedes' body as if protecting her and his right hand extended from the monster of a throw. He met eyes with the man on the bike, and he drove off.

"That's what I though." he muttered. He ran over towards Tara.

"Damian..." she weakly muttered before collapsing. He caught her under the arms and carried her onto the sidewalk. Her calf was leaking blood. He cursed and looked over where Antonio was.

"Do we have any other healers?" he bellowed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rinnee


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Now this was quite the sight. Mercedes watched her brother scamper off from the car, hurrying to the group of skulls as they called for him. Rolling her eyes and shaking her head, she parked her little yellow bug only a few spaces away from the crowd. ‘If only he listened to me like that.' She thought, her eyes sitting on her brother as she watched him interact with his masked leader, “Our friend Reiko has been injured. Fix her.” With a curt nod and a firm, “Yes, sir!” She watched her brother kneel over the injured woman and begin to care for her. It was at that command that she received an all too familiar look, he needed her power. Rolling her eyes again and breathing out an exasperated sigh she took a final puff from her cigarette and kicking her door open. Snuffing out the butt with the bottom of her sneakers along the pavement, she stepped out of the car and motioned her brother over with flick of her wrist.

Mercedes only reason for driving her brother here was to find food on the way home, so it wasn't in her best interest to stop and hang out at one of her many jobs. Especially since she was probably going to have to open in the morning. Technically it was her day off from the bar—which she had ironically spent working—And while it wasn’t her first option for a nice place to eat at, it would have to do for now seeing as her assistance was needed here. It wasn’t like East Rail had many diners anyway, and with it being the closet place besides a McDonalds to home, Mercedes quickly settled on the idea of a beer and a burger for dinner.

Stuffing her keys into her back pocket, she caught sight of another gawking at her within the group of skulls. With a quiet breath of laughter she turned her eyes down making sure the other didn’t catch her glance. As he began to stride towards her, Mercedes came to a halt beside the front of car watching him walk proudly towards her. The Skulls made up a majority of her business, at the Jolly Roger and the India Club, and the tall, handsome blond before her was no stranger. Damian was his name, and even if she hadn’t met him at the bar or the club, Tony never stopped talking about him. She had lived in this city all her life, and even though they had never had proper conversations, she had seen him around the area for years. Either way, it didn’t surprise her that he didn’t recognize her. Make-up, and skimpy clothing did do wonders after all.

The left side of her lips curved into a smirk as she stared him down, eyeing him and sizing him up as he began to speak. “Hello there.” He said while leaning against the hood of her car, “Do I know you from somewhere? You look…" The amused smirk never left face as she watched the Skull, but before he could finish his sentence the sound of gunfire came from down the street. Both alert to this, Mercedes looked to her brother, their glances meeting just as two motorcycles came speeding down the street.

Mercedes tensed up, crouching slightly beside her car and covering her head instinctively. Shooting a worried look towards her brothers direction as she saw Damian step before her out of the corner of her eye, “Antonio!” Her brothers safety was top priority, but as she saw him uninjured and hovering above another woman to shelter her from the gunfire she felt her tension settle.

The chaotic scene before the bar only seemed to intensify as another woman came flying off from one of the motorcycles, her bike crashing and her body tumbling on a blanket of yellow particles. Covering her mouth and gasping in fear for the other woman, she hesitated to move forward once she heard the other call out for the Skull, “Damian...” Her gaze then fell along the blond, watching him carefully as he went to the other woman’s aid and helped her from the ground. “Do we have any other healers?

Without a second thought Mercedes came to Damian's side, her voice calm and confident as she placed a soothing hand along the other woman shoulder. “Right here, I'll take care of her—Tony!" She called out to her brother catching his attention almost immediately, "Get her inside and out of the rain!” Motioning to the older woman laying before him, her brother hesitated to move once his sister started shouting out commands.

Now, Tony!”

At her snarl the boy fell into action, turning his gaze to others Skulls, “Help me get Reiko inside. Carefully!” Returning her attention to the two beside her, Mercedes motioned for them to follow as she headed towards the bars entrance, “Come on, lets get inside."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxx
Avatar of Maxx

Maxx Jamming

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Tara laid on the ground and the situation decayed into chaos, Damien looked up and saw a bright orange light up in the sky, almost like a sun in the midnight sky. He immediately went for the second discus and, tossing it in his left hand a few times, studied the hovering flare closely. It moved as if it were alive, and in the new light he could make out a silhouette. Skeleton ran over to the scene and followed Damien's eyes.

"Is that what I think it is?" Damien asked.

"Let's not take any chances." Skeleton said "Shoot to kill." Damien nodded, rocked back fluidly, and let the discus rip. It tore through the air at impossible speed, glowing red hot as it flew, and collided with the flaming silhouette in the sky. Samson cried out as the discus embedded itself in his stomach. He fell from the sky like a shot bird and crashed into the Mississippi River.

"We'll have to fish his ass out later." Damien said. Tara was speaking now, and Damien rushed over as Skeleton trailed behind.

"Murder in West Mendel." she said "Jack is dead. The Vanguard did it."


'The time for war has not yet come, but it will come, and that soon; and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard. -General Stonewall Jackson "

November 14, 2014

5:30 AM

Whisper awoke to the smell of something burning. Immediately she darted from her bed, dressed in grey flannel pajamas, and, grabbing a gun from out of her nightstand, vanished into a cloud of smoke. She went tearing down the hallway and entered the living room of her penthouse apartment. It was a massive, rectangular room, with a set of three steps separating the room in half. One half contained the entrances to the apartment's two primary hallways as well as the kitchen, while the other was a black-carpeted living room with black leather furniture and a window for walls, allowing Whisper to overlook the city. Mamba was already up, he had slept over in the guest bedroom, and was standing by the window, watching as a massive fire blazed down on the street. He was dressed in the same clothing as the previous night, but everything was wrinkled, as he'd slept in it. The apartment building across the street was a blazing inferno. All of the floor-to-ceiling windows were shattered and the building was surrounded by over a dozen fire trucks. Accompanying them were police officers holding assault weapons; this was a terror attack.

"Did you see the park yet?" Mamba asked, handing Whisper a pair of binoculars as she materialized next to him. She looked over towards the park with the binoculars and her jaw dropped. Another half-dozen police cars were standing around a square of caution tape. In the center of the square, Samson Jeross' head rested impaled on a segment of wrought-iron fence. Burned into the concrete sidewalk was a black skull. Whisper sat there transfixed as her eyes rested upon the burned-out sockets of Samson's skull. Mamba and Whisper exchanged glances as they realized that this gang rivalry had just gotten real.

"Call the others." Whisper said dramatically.
6:00 AM

Nick woke up in his bed, per the usual. Next to his nightstand, where a beer normally would be, there was a bra hanging on his lamp. His eyes narrowed for a moment. Why the fuck was tha-



The memories of the night before came flooding back. He turned his head to see the still sleeping Taylor, who was laying on his arm and against his side essentially putting it to sleep. He remembered saying something about living a comfortable, fairly simple life after putting himself through engineering school and how he met Keith. Somehow, one thing led to another, and it had just...happened. He didn't know if that was a way to shut him up or not, but whatever it was, it worked and... he still could not feel his arm. He attempted to pull it out as slowly as he could. He didn't have the heart to wake her. When he was successfully out, he dawned his magneto underwear and then walked off into the kitchen section of his home. He worked from home. Literally. He built himself a huge ass garage where he worked most of the day. His house was right behind the store itself.

He didn't drink coffee, but he was fairly certain that Taylor did. Being himself, green tea was more of his thing. As he walked around scrounging up the materials to make coffee (since he had them around despite not using them often, for guests) he wondered what would happen from here. Not many one night stands were interested in staying long after and he briefly wondered if she would run off and forget that she left her purse in his car. A better question would be how HE remembered that. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He drank some of his tea and sat down on one the bar stools in his kitchen, silently waiting for Taylor to awaken and get up to see what kind of coffee she wanted and if he even had the stuff to make it. Probably not since he lived pretty simply overall.

Taylor awoke a few moments later laying in a bed she didn't know in a room that wasn't her's. She yawned as her eyes scanned the room and stretched her arms out wide, taking in the scene. After the disorientation of sleep wore off, she remembered. She wasn't sure whether to smile or frown; sure, he was attractive, but she wasn't quite sure why (he has the IQ of a potato salad). After a few moments of thinking, she got out of bed and put on a pair of seafoam green undewear and Nick's white shirt, which was laying by the bed. Judging by the strewn-about nature of the slothing on the floor, they either had a lot of fun or Nick was very untidy.

When Taylor entered the kitchen, Nick was hovering a coin around his hand to keep his attention on something since games and TV didn't really appeal and there was bound to be the daily shitstorm on the news full of negativity he didn't really need in his day. The air smelled of coffee and awkwardness from the night before. Nick turned as he saw movement through the doorway as Taylor walked in wearing nothing but panties. Nice. He paid no mind to it, and began scrounging the materials to make coffee a bit faster.

"How do you like your coffee?" he said, an attempt at a friendly smile on his face. He was either nonchalant about the night's past events or didn't realized that it was supposed to be awkward. "Cream, black, extra sugar? Or do you have something special?" he questioned. He knew with Taylor it would probably be the latter because rich girls had special drinks.

"Um, do you have any tea?" she asked, her voice shaky.

Nick raised a brow. "That's what I'm drinkin' right now." he said, making a move to put away some of the stuff as it was. "What kind, m'lady?"

Their attention turned to the buzzing television off to the side. Displayed was a frantic young female reporter, with the words "breaking news" scrolling over her forehead. At least a dozen fire trucks were behind her, and armed police officers stood behind them. "...mayhem runs amok through the city as the citizens of Mendel attempt to escape the burning building--" the reporter said.

"Oh dear." Taylor said "That's near my home. It's a good thing I was here." She met Nick's eyes, and they smiled.

"Yeah," Nick said, his smile fading as a phone wrang. His eyes hardened for a moment, and he quickly moved over, grabbing the phone and answering the call. He knew it was Whisper before Emilio began to speak.

"You happen to be watching the news?" Emilio asked.

"Yeah," he said simply. "Fire, about a dozen dead." he said simply. "What's the deal?"

"I am currently staring at Samson Jeross' head stuck onto a spike in the park by Whisper's house." he replied bluntly

"Oh Jesus." Nick said, pulling the phone away from his ear for a moment, he made an almost gagging sound and the color left his face. He hesitantly returned the phone to his ear. "What the fuck man..." He said for a moment. He locked eyes with Taylor for a split second before he sat down on the couch. "Anything else in the area? Markings, tags? Anything?"

"It's the fucking Skulls!" Mamba hissed "They left their insignia on the concrete. Somehow we pissed them off. Just get your ass over here quick."

"Al... Alright. I'll be there soon." he said, hitting the end call button and tossing the phone on the couch to his left. He looked over at Taylor for a moment. "You probably are gonna wanna stay here." He said. "There's been a lot of shit going on. Whisper's a friend of mine, and her first mate lost to me in a drinking contest once. He just called and said there's a head on a pike outside her door." He said. "They need me there. You can come if you want, but I dont want you gettin' hurt."

"Well that sounds...excessive." Taylor replied, cringing as he said the words "head on a pike".

"Yeah... yeah it is." He replied back, standing and walking into his room, coming out about a minute later with some worn blue jeans and his standard white shirt, with a black leather jacket. A red symbol, the symbol of the Vanguard, shown proudly across the back of his shoulders. Contrasting nicely with his black jacket and white shirt. He had his work boots on, in case Whisper needed him to repair anything. He muttered as he walked out, something about him just being an Enginneer and a mechanic who joined thinking he was doing something good with his power.

"I guess I'll just stay here then." Taylor said, sitting down on a bar stool.

"By the way." she said as he walked towards the door. Nick stopped and turned halfway to face her.

"Yeah, whatsup?" He said.

"I had fun last night." she flashed a white smile that seemed to curve at the ends with naughtiness. Despite the terrible situation, a small smile tugged at the corners of Nick's mouth as well. "Yeah, I did too. Stay safe. Call me if you need anything." He finished.

"Okay." she said, still smiling
It didn't take long after the call was sent for Nick to show up. He pulled up on his white Camaro, parking just outside of Whisper's house. He could smell the smoke in the air from earlier events. It was a terrible smell. He locked his car, and walked up the steps of the hideout. He grabbed the door handle and twisted it, but didn't open yet. He knew they were inside, and with his mind help everything made of metal exactly where is was, so that when he entered he wouldn't be shot at. He opened the door slightly and peeked his head in. "It's Nick." he stated. "I'm going to un-jam your guns now. Dont shoot." he said, as he pushed the door open a little wider and stepped inside.

"You called. Here I am."
It is currently 6:30 AM in Mendel, Louisiana. It is fifty degrees with cloudy skies, but the rain has subsided since last night. There is a strong wind blowing through the city, carrying on it the smell of smoke and ashes. In West Mendel, the fire in the apartment building still burns. Part of it has collapsed and now lies in the road by some cars crushed with debris. The police have blocked off the entire street, and the head on a pike has been begrudginly taken down by police wearing riot gear. Caution tape surrounds the Skull symbol on the street. Afraid of being blamed for the attacks, Whisper and Emilio have fled out of the back door of the condo and are now ten away in one of the Vanguard's meeting-places, the penthouse of an abandoned hotel in a shabbier part of town. They sent the location to every Vanguard member, all of whom are on their way to the hotel now.

The Skulls, meanwhile, are outside of the Haber Street base. Motorcycles and cars fill the streets and Skeleton stands at the head of them, standing at a crossroads with a circle of bikes surrounding him. With him in the circle are Damien and Caden, and they appear to be huddling as if having a meeting. Grease and Matt are making their way through the crowd to the circle now (slight metagame. Sorry). There is an air of hysteria in the air, like what preceeds a stampede on the african savana. Whatever is about to happen, it's not going to be pretty.

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