Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Mitch sang on, raising an eyebrow and eyeing Karaiyah slyly at her whispered comment. As if his ego needed any more swelling. Her blush was cute, again not something he was used to, and he saw the look in her eye; it made him sing a little stronger. When she joined, however, he looked over, surprised, wondering why she kept so quiet. Deciding that a soft alto harmony to a tenor melody simply would not do, he began shifting his key lower, forcing her to take the melody if she wanted the song to remain as beautiful as it was. Anyone with an ear would naturally change to try and stay in tune, and he figured that a Siren would be more likely than most.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


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marisol got back into the kitchen. This roast is going to take a few hours to cook. She had to get it into the oven, and then get going to the grocery store and a few other errands to be home before its done. That roast would be used as lunch/dinner meat for the next week if she hurried it up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Karaiyah looked over as she realized what Mitch was doing, frowning and squinting at him as she begrudgingly took the melody. She thought his voice was more suited to the melody than hers, but he sounded fantastic singing the harmony too. Damn him. She felt extremely at ease singing with him, and hoped this could happen more often. Her voice took the lead and she smiled widely while she sang, eyes bright when she looked over at him as they finished. She continued to stare at him even after the song was over, gears turning in her head a mile a minute. "You sing fantastically." She murmured, corners of her lips upturned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Mitch grinned with sick pride as Karaiyah begrudgingly took the melody. A small sacrifice, in his mind; her voice was too lovely to take the background. As the song continued, Mitch remarked on how nice their voices sounded together. Her alto went with his tenor in an interesting way, whereas altos normally complimented baritones, and sopranos to tenors. A unique mix that he decided he enjoyed, not to mention a beautiful song to top it off. It may have seemed an odd request, but he was a big fan of Disney songs, and film scores in general; they always tended to be so honest and unique, something you wouldn't hear in the din on the radio. The song regrettably drew to a close, and he felt Karaiyah's eyes on him, lingering longer than expected. He was past feeling embarrassed-in his old line of work, staring was unremarkably common-but of course, this wasn't the same. He didn't feel like a piece of meat under her eyes, an object to be examined for quality before it's paid for. She wasn't looking in appraisal, but admiration. It didn't make him feel dirty, as any other eyes trolling up and down had before. With this in his mind, he felt his face grow hot, and immediately looked away. Her compliment made him look back, remembering himself and his regular demeanour. Slipping into a more comfortable, sarcastically sultry expression, he took a sweeping bow. "Why thank you, milady," he quipped, "I *live* to entertain."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Her eyebrows raised at his face tinting red, as she hadn't missed it. She smiled to herself when he turned away, and giggled at his remark. "Well, you aren't doing a half bad job." She looked down at her tail in the water, frowing. She was getting a little stiff just sitting there like that, so she made Mitch turn his head before taking off her sweatshirt and regaining her human legs. She pulled her clothes (hidden on a rock under the dock) back on, now laying back on the dock as she watched the sun set slowly. "Lay down, snakeboy." She patted the spot next to her again, smiling. "I want to get to know you better and what situation could possibly be cheesier than this?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Mitch nodded in response to her follow up comment, and turned away when bid to. He had almost forgotten that Karaiyah had been sitting there with a mermaid's tail for the past, well, he had kind of lost track of time. Turning away and covering his eyes, he whistled the tune they'd been singing until he was told it was safe. *"Lay down, snakeboy,"* she invited, patting the spot next to her, *"I want to get to know you better and what situation could possibly be cheesier than this?"* "I'm glad to see your priorities in order," Mitch laughed, lowering himself down next to Karaiyah. The sun wasn't very warm now, unfortunately, but it still cast golden rays near-sideways across the dock. Folding his arms behind his head, he exhaled loudly and asked, "Alright, what would you like to know about the extraordinary life and times of Mitchell Shae Garmen?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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> Sorcha struggled to regain her footing when she was pulled in by Fallon. It was sudden and it caught her off guard. Once she did, she read the rules as well. Giving a nod in agreement. She followed Fallon around the house. Being in a house was new to her. But to actually live in one as well? Her nomadic nature before she got arrested was just about all she knew. She had an idea of how to live in a house from her time in prison. But in prison, everything was regimented. She looked up at Fallon "W-Which room do you want?" Fallon looked around and glanced into an empty room, the walls a pale green. For some reason she felt safe there, maybe the forest dweller instinct inside her liked it so she walked in. "This one looks good" She spun around in the room, amazed she hadn't fallen over. She set down her small plastic bag on the bed, she had nothing but the cloths the prison supplied her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Karaiyah grinned, letting her hand fall over the side of the dock and skim the water. "Hmm. Well, I suppose I should say something first, to make it even." She paused, thinking of something to say before continuing. "So, when my mom met my dad, he was a sailor and her a siren. Trick was, she was in her human form when they met so he didn't KNOW she was a siren, just that she was exceedingly beautiful. They fell in love, and then ended up conceiving me. Who knew sirens could get pregnant? My mom didn't. So she ended up telling my dad that she was a siren, and it turned out he was extremely mythphobic. He left her weeks before she was due to have me. I grew up with her semi-normally, and it was happy. Then she passed, and it was a lot less happy. I've gotten by, though! Up until the jail time of course. My life was without large incidents until then. Umm." She took a deep breath, preparing to list off odd and random facts. "I really like animals, especially aquatic ones as you can imagine. My hair is naturally black, but teal is my favourite color and matches my tail so I dye it often. My first and last one night stand tried to run me through with a knife when he realized I was a Myth, so I've tried to avoid flings because of that. I'm a hopeless romantic and flowers and chocolate will be a guaranteed way to my heart. Along with a good personality, of course. My favourite smell is a tie between the forest and coconuts. I'm a Pisces, ironically enough." She took another breath, laughing. "I'm sorry. That was a lot. Your turn. Tell me about your favourite memories and favourite people."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Mitch was overwhelmed by the rush of information Karaiyah spat out. Had she been waiting for this chance? Because it sounded like she had all of her information lined up and ready to go. Wide-eyed, he nodded slowly, looking up at the sky. Clearing his throat when she was done, he croaked, "Well, that was... Informative, to say the least." He chuckled. "I'm not exactly used to the whole, 'let's get to know each other better' thing, I gotta say." He took a deep breath, tapping his fingers on his opposite arm for a second as he thought. "Okay," he breathed, "Let's see: I'm a Gemini, twenty-three years old, grew up in Quebec for most of my life. I do speak French, but both French and English were spoken at home, so I wouldn't say it's a first *or* second language. "My parents owned a computer store, where I worked until I moved out at seventeen. I don't know how they met, or much at all about them. They're both Encantado, and they were always too busy living the life of people without children to bother with their employee-I mean, son." He rubbed his arms behind his head. "Um, my favourite drink is a Texas Tea with two shots of whiskey, I love the sound of a full orchestra, I can only drink pop if it has ice in it, and I don't like the cold. Makes me lethargic. But I do love snow, and rain. I actually prefer dreary days to sunny ones." In response to her one-night-stand story, he mentioned, "My myth-ness never really got me in much trouble in that way. Sure there were some people who didn't want a myth, but for several clients it was... *Exotic.*" his face fell a bit. Turning over and propping himself up on his elbow, he looked down at Karaiyah. "There. Now it's my turn. What kind of jobs have you had? Do you have any hobbies? I used to play piano in hotel lobbies, then I was a bartender for a while, loved that job. I'd like to try and be a bartender again." He smiled. "Of course, then I fell in with the wrong crowd and things sort of went down on the legality scale from there. I used to build computers in my spare time, too." He looked fondly back at the memory.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Sorcha nodded. "I'll take that one" mentioning the one next to Fallon's and set her small burlap bag, that had just a few changes of clothing, in it. She then walked back to Fallon's room, and stood patiently, waiting to see what she would be doing next. This was only the second time she had made a friend, and hoped it wouldn't end as badly as her first friendship.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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Fallon jumped up onto her bed, sitting on it as she looked around again, it was really comfy, well anything was compared to hay and some concrete hell they call a bed, it was squishy and she loved it. She looked to Scorcha and smiled "This place is awesome! SO what do ya wanna do first?" She jumped up off the bed and immediately fell face first on the ground "I'm fine!" she called out into the ground
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"I don't kno-" she was cut off by Fallon falling face first into the floor. She ran over despite her calling out she was fine, and proceeded to help her up. Sorcha didn't want to see a friend getting hurt, she actually didn't like seeing anyone getting hurt in general. Even if they did proclaim they were fine, she still didn't like seeing it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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With Scorcha's help Fallon got up on her knees and giggled "Thanks!, I hate these human legs, they feel so weird, 2 years and still can't get used to them" She stood up slowly, wobbly but then fine "Thanks again" She would of hugged the girl but was kinda scared she would fall through so she just pet her back "Ok ummm how about we.... I need some grass!, wanna come with to find some?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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It felt weird being petted, weird but good. Sorcha nodded when Fallon asked if she wanted to come along, but was curious. "Why grass?" she asked, head tilted slightly. She meant to disrespect of course, just wanted to know why her new found friend wanted grass, and what she was going to do once she got grass.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SaekoGami
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"I'm Starving!" She grabbed Scorcha's hand and pulled her along as she walked outside, glancing around and seeing a patch of lovely grass. She ran/stumbled over and sat down next to it and pulled out a handful, munching on it, then glanced up, outstretching her hand "Want to try some?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


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Marisol got the roast in the oven, then took off her apron and went to grab her purse. She then called out "Rey! I am going food shopping! You are the senior-most member of this house so you are in charge while I run my errands!" She made sure she could be heard, and waited for a response
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Karaiyah propped herself up on her arms, staring at the sky. "Jobs and hobbies?" She murmured, seeming thoughtful. "Well, when I was younger and my mom died, I took a job as a freelance hair and makeup stylist. I also played violin at those fancy shmancy restaurants for awhile, because my mother for some reason thought it would be practical to teach me violin. A gorgeous instrument, but I haven't touched one in years. Singing is my ultimate passion, above all." She mused, smiling to herself with a dopey expression on her face. "Ever since I could talk, I sang. It's one of the few things that really puts me at ease, y'know? I dabbled in Mixology for a short while, but alcohol's never really been my thing. I have nothing against it, I just don't like that it always makes me dizzy and that I have a headache afterwards." She chuckled sheepishly. "Could be because I'm a lightweight and when I do drink I get shitfaced. Anyyyyways. Do you think we should go back soon? Or just let Marisol know we'll be late?" She seemed hesitant to leave, but noticed the day winding down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Mitch had to laugh at Karaiyah. "Oh no no no, this will not do!" he exclaimed, pointing at himself. "I am going to teach you how to drink like a *champ*, no 'if's, 'and's or 'but's about it." He grinned widely, selling himself back down on his back. "But seriously though, that's an interesting career background," he continued, "Ours are weirdly similar, up to a point." He laughed. "Anyway, I don't know. I don't really care either I suppose. You know Marisol more than I do, you make the call."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by timaeusTestified
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Karaiyah laughed, raising an eyebrow at him as she leaned on her elbow to look at him. "Oh really? You honestly think you can make me less of a lightweight? I suppose you can **try**." She sighed and decided to text Marisol saying they'd be home late, getting up and pulling him up by the hand. "Cmon then, if you're so confident you can make me drink like a champ, there's a seaside bar right over there." She pointed to a building with glowing windows and a generally welcoming aura, grinning. "Let's have some fun."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remus
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He heard Marisol call to him and responded, "Alright. I'll make sure the house doesn't burn down." Turning around, he went down toward the stairs and descended. His tail dragging behind him on the stairs as he took into account two new voices echoing in the house. The smell of roast made his stomach grumble in hunger. _"Being human sucks. You can't eat your fill and when you do, all these human standards say you're fat. What shit."_ Cold-blooded as he was, Rey found a warm spot to sit in under the sunlight.
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