Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nylic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Egh...I think I swallowed a fish!" "Well consider yourself lucky. Food was just suddenly given to you, while I haven't eaten anything yet," she scoffed indignantly, looking very unimpressed. "By the way, the wet look does suit you a bit," she commented approvingly, nodding. ----- She grins at the Confession Cam mischievously. "The wet look so does not suit blondie over there, but hey, stroking his ego seems smart for the time being." ----- Veronica smiled, but her eyes are competitive. "Maybe, but I'm winning this competition," she says as she follows him. Adrian clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Figures," he muttered irritably. But after a few seconds he madr a decision. "Whatever. I'm not leaving by myself." ----- Adrian was rolling his eyes, fixing his pink hair and sighing dramatically. "Well, isn't she so reassuring?!" He said loudly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise head the commotion. And rolled her eyes. She sighed and trudged over to where she had heard it, and was unable to help herself from giggling at the "food was suddenly given to you". She had pulled back her hair, tying it back with a ribbon she had in her pocket. She crouchdd when she reached Then, having another mouthful of water. "Raw fish won't kill you. But you really shouldnt eat everything that finds its way into your mouth." she said softly to Ned, rising. ------------------------------------------------------ She looked into the camera, and gave a heavy sigh, "most of these people seem like total idiots. Which could be an act" ------------------------------------------------------ She rose, and said "I wouldn't recommend eating the berries over there. I don't Recognise them, and who wants to be poisoned?" She gave a shrug, still carrying the tree branch
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nylic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Veronica glanced as another one decided to join their group-Heloise, if she remembers correctly-, and gave an impressive whistle at Ned. She clapped her hands, amazed. "Wow, Ned, the girls couldn't just get enough of you, huh?" She joked good-naturedly. ----- "Huh, I guess if you're smart enough to be successful and have a lot of money, everyone would want to be with you, right?" With that, she waggled her eyebrows meaningfully at the Confession Cam.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Thank you for the compliments, but I have excellent news. I see buildings over here! Come on, shake a leg people!" He yelled, as he made a dash for the campground. Once he was there, he was certain he'd win immunity for whatever team he was placed on. He was already far ahead of his followers, who hadn't moved from the spot at the creek by the devil bush. __________________________________ "Everything is going just how I planned for it to. I'd imagine I might actually get some respect around here. When we have challenges to win and many were concerned more about survival, and one of the ladies following me came tumbling through the woods, I think I'll establish myself as a player my team needs." __________________________________ Vi sighed exasperatedly. "Anyone else want to take charge? I think my plan was a failure." __________________________________ "I'll always admit my shortcomings before someone else points them out. That way, you still get to keep some credibility."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise rolled her eyes, let Ned get a little bit ahead, before running, soon having caught up with Ned, and surpassing him. Her long legs ate the ground quickly, and her, Heloise knew she could succeed. She had always been excellent at running, and in fact had run everyday of her life since she was 12,except when her mother got sick. ------ Again, a shrug for the camera as if it were nothing. "Anyone can run. Not that hard" she never quite looked the camera in the eye, or lens really. --------- She was still careful of any diversion or trap, but focused on the buildings Ned had seen. While she was concerned about the others, she would always be trying to win this. When she reached the camp grounds, she went to where she was supposed to. She slowed and stopped and then said "well, that was fun. I'm going to go find the others now before they get themselves killed or lost" She walked out of the camp grounds once more, going the way she had gone first up. "Anyone? We've found the camp grounds!" -------- "Just because we are in contest doesn't mean I want people to get hurt" she said softly, briefly, fleetingly looking at the lens. "And I might actually be on a team with some of these guys...so better to be nice." ---------- She called out for them, got any of the others that hadn't been following Ned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Chris quickly shushed the contestant yelling for all the others. "Woah woah woah. Stop taking all the fun out of it, would you? Sheesh. Thanks to Ned, you lot arrived first. Helloise, you come stand to my left. Ned, to my right. Seeing Veronica coming, he told her as well. "Veronica, you're next to Helloise."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sam was following behind Adrian, Oliver, and Vi, at least he thought that was their names, having only paid a slight bit of attention earlier. "Anyone else want to take charge? I think my plan was a failure." When Vi said that Sam just shrugged, making decisions wasn’t his strong point, but then he stopped, cocking his head. Frowning, he listened; faintly hearing a noise. “Ummm…… I think that way?” Sam pointed off in the direction of the sound, wincing as he said it: why was he speaking out? Why? ¬¬¬¬ Sam blinked, looking blankly at the camera, “Uhhh…… do I care? Ummm…… Why am I doing this? I dunno.” ¬¬¬¬ Eil nodded at the girl, but couldn’t remember her name, “Yeah, I’ll come with you, sure.” Springing to her feet, she bounced over to the girl, “Hey what was your name? I’m Eil, and really bad at remembering names.” ¬¬¬¬ Eilif stared at the camera, they had been told they had to use it, not HOW they had to, so Eil was content to just stare.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise found she didn't like being told to shush. And she placed her hands on her hips, watching Chris, making no move to stand beside him. He considered this fun? Heloise didn't want anyone to get hurt, and she wanted everyone to arrive safely. No sense in having a compertition if someone goes and breaks their ankle. With a sigh, she stepped to where she was told to go. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This time, she looked towards the camera, and said "What, is chris too much of a coward to do all this himself, that he has to get his jollies out of watching others?" She scoffed _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ She crossed her arms over her chest, and didn't say anything, but hoped that her yelling before she was shushed was enough to draw the others towards this area.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nylic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Veronica smiled contentedly, as she reaches the campgrounds. She didn't waste any time and went walking towards beside Heloise. It was fun, Chris was right, but she couldn't help but wonder, "Where are the others? Lost already?" ----- Veronica shrugged indifferently, "Whatever, I reached the camp, right? Less competition for me," she said. "And Ned IS as smart as he's annoying, so I'll put up with him for now." Adrian huffed irritably as Vi just suddenly gave up. "Well that was helpful a lot," he snapped. "Um...I think that way?" Adrian glanced at the guy he wasn't aware of, but just threw his hands up as if he's 500% done. "Okay, you're the new leader. Lead the way." ----- Adrian pinched his nose in exasperation. "I followed idiots, damn it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Lost? Of course they all are! You should take a look and see for yourself." Chris said with a laugh, in response to Helloise. The television that was oddly placed in the middle of the campgrounds showed everything happening as if it were a TV show, with the best camera angles thanks to well hidden cameras around the island. "Of course, this isn't even the main challenge for today. So let's hurry things up, shall we?" Chris chuckled, then pressed a button on a remote he had. The TV monitor showed dangerous fauna being released all over the island. Bears, bobcats, and even... "Is that Bigfoot?" Ned gasped. The large, roughly ten foot tall primate exited its cage on camera, then shrugged and slowly walked off into the woods. "Close, Ned. Close. Returning native from season one, Sasquatcanakwa! He's only dangerous if provoked. But trust me, you'll have plenty of chances to do that, hahaha." __________________________________ "Chris? Yeah, he's insane. But I knew that coming into this thing. My second cousin was a serial killer, and I used to hang out with him almost every day. There's no way Chris is as bad as him." __________________________________ Chris smirked. "And of course, some of the creatures may have rabies. It's too bad our shipment of shots hasn't come in... Guess you guys will have to make extra sure not to get bitten. __________________________________ Ned looked wide eyed at the camera. "Nevermind." He said quickly in a slightly discomforted tone. On the screen, it showed Adrian and co. Making there way along, but the camera showed one of the bears approaching at an angle in which that group could not see it, but close enough to definitely hear it. It flickered over to the third group, who were seemingly just about to get swarmed by locusts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nylic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Adrian stomped off angrily, still not over the fact that they're lost. He doesn't mind losing this challenge, but this people just kept being annoying after all, and frowning can cause wrinkles, dammit! While muttering darkly, he heard a creak behind and promptly turned around...to see a huge bear closing in. His eyes widen in alarm. "What the-" he sputtered, then tried to warn the others. "Okay, perfect time to panic and RUN, EVERYONE!" He yelled the last part as he ran, ushering the others to do the same. ----- Adrian was exploding in front of the Confession Cam. "What the hell is that?!" He demanded, pissed. A long string of curse words soon came out of his mouth. Veronica's jaw dropped in shock. "Well, isn't that...extreme," was all she could comment. She stared in silence first before saying, "...okay, no one's dying, right?" She asked doubtfully. ------ "Okay, maybe I SHOULD stick with Ned, and make sure not to get on Chris's bad side," she shuddered. "Man, back in the streets, dying is almost a common tragedy, but hell, it's not a public execution most of the time!" She ranted in an incredulous tone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A reverberating crash rolled throughout the forest, followed by Adrian’s yell. Flinching at the sudden loud noises, Sam bolted, running like a rabbit, streaking ahead towards where he had heard the sound earlier, blurring past Adrian on the way. It wasn’t the bear he was scared of, not that he had seen it, so much as the loud noises, made worse with the pounding of his feet seeming to reverberate, beating in time with his heart. Crashing through the trees, he tucked his head trying not to get hit in the face by branches, and so missed the looming root. Tripping over it he tumbled forward, rolling down an incline and coming to a stop at the edge of what appeared to be the camp. Staggering to his feet, he just kept running, fleeing towards human shapes, pelting flat out until, realizing he was going to crash straight into them, he slammed on the breaks, skidding a few feet before tumbling forwards again and coming to a sliding halt at someone’s feet. ¬¬¬¬ “Well I’m sorry I decided stopping was better than slamming into them. Arrrghhh…… why is life so hard?” He groused. ¬¬¬¬ Bugs, bugs, bugs everywhere. They had come in a sudden cloud and swarmed, oh the way they swarmed, Eil shivered, bugs didn’t totally faze her, at least not when there were only a few, but a swarm of bugs? No, no, no way. Her gut instinct really, really wanted her to run screaming, or curl up in a ball, but she was stubborn and completely refused to look like a complete idiot on the very first day. Later maybe. But not now. Flicking her hood up over her head she pulled her tee shirt up so it covered her mouth, keeping insects out and screams in. Ducking her head she headed towards what she hoped was the edge of the swarm, shuddering, and whimpering, the whole time. ¬¬¬¬ She still stared at the camera, bug’s were horrible, but most people knew that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Adrian's panic soon made sense to Violet. She turned only to see an approaching bear. "I-it's okay, guys. Bears are not hostile if you leave them al-" just before she finished her sentence, the bear roared directly at her. She squealed, turned, and followed Adrian to wherever it was he was running. Sam, who she could see ahead of Adrian, had suddenly fallen down some sort of incline. The only thing she could think of was going to see if Sam was okay, so she tried her best to catch up to Adrian. Chris chuckled at Sam's clumsiness. "Welcome to camp, Sam! You're with Ned over here on my right. He then shouted at the two he knew were approaching. "Adrian, you'll be on my left, and Violet on my right!" Then, in a much softer tone, he answered Veronica with, "No one is going to die... Yet. If someone got fatally injured on the first episode, that would be bad for ratings." With this, Ned just simply shrugged, as he expected this from the insane host.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nylic


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

When Adrian heard Chris's shout, he tried his best to run faster as he realized that they're close to camp. He'll have to give some credit to Sam later. He was finally inside camp, and skidded to a halt before Sam, and could've tripped by the body in front of them. He dragged himself to the position Chris instructed. "Gosh, never ran that fast for life..." He breathed out tiredly. ----- "Never thought I'd be happy to see Chris, to be honest," Adrian deadpanned in front of the Confession Cam. "Well, if he keeps the show interesting, I have no complaints." Veronica seems contented with this and nodded. She doesn't want any dying around here anyway. But if it will happen, well, that's the show's problem. She giggled when Sam fell just in front of them, she knelt down and said, "Fell in love, already?" She playfully joked. ----- Veronica sassed, "No way in hell am I dying here. I almost did in the streets, but not here. I'm winning this thing."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Heloise sighed. Just because this was a competition didn't mean you had to be an complete arse. She offered her hand to Sam, to help him up. She didn't like the antics of this competition, didn't like the blantent disregard for people's lifes. Yes, this had to be entertaining. But she didn't think that people had to die for the viewers to get their jollies. She offered Sam an almost shy smile. "Don't worry. You'll grow out of the clumsiness sooner or later. You just have to...not be so scared" she said softly, "at least you stopped though. I probably would have ended up crashing into someone" her smile grew, just slightly. ---- Heloise squirmed in the confession cam. "I dnot like people feeling bad. And allies are important, right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SilverWolfAngel
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SilverWolfAngel The closer you look / The less you see

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sam smiled and thanked Heloise as he grabbed her hand, hoisting himself off the ground and too his feet. As for Veronica’s jab, he completely ignore that, he couldn’t be bothered finding the energy to reply, not that he’d be able to think up something good even if he did. Going over to stand where Chris indicated, Sam hoped the others made it out. Chris had said no one was going to die yet. Sam didn’t like the way he had emphasized the yet part. ¬¬¬¬ “Heloise. She’s nice, but don’t tell her I said that. Yeah?” ¬¬¬¬ Fighting her way out of the storm of bugs, Eilif reached the edge of the swarm, spat a small one out of her mouth, shuddering, and took off in a run, down the path that the girl had pointed out, leaving the bugs far behind. The path twisted and turned, carrying her deeper and deeper into what was no longer woods so much as a thickly overgrown jungle. When she thought she was far enough away from the bugs, Eil stopped and looked round, It was dark here, but not amazingly dark, there was enough light that she wasn’t scared, however the path disappeared, dissolving into nothing just ahead. On either side the trees loomed tall, spreading canopies that dangled with vines. Every thing felt too close, too cramped, trapped, trapped, trapped. The panic was building rapidly, boiling up inside her, forcing its way out. This wasn’t like the bugs, she could deal with bugs; sure they disgusted her, and possibly frightened her a little, they grossed her out certainly, when they swarmed, but this, this was a more primal fear. Spinning in a circle to face back the way she came, Eil sang softly; “And I don’t want the world to see me, ‘cause I don’t think that they’d understand, when everything’s made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am.” It was the first song that came into her head and while it might not be as amazing as proper pro performers, it was in it’s own terrified way kind of beautiful. But most importantly it helped to quell her fears, for now. She hadn’t quite been panicking, not like she could, but if she didn’t get out of here she would be. It was just as she was thinking this that something big blocked off the path ahead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"We're just waiting on ooonnneee contestant before we get started. You lot should head down to the mess hall and grab lunch while we wait." "Awesome!" Ned said, before turning and heading towards the building with the big "MESS HALL" sign above the door. "And I'm going to need you to sit with the people you've been standing with. It'll make it less confusing!" Chris shouted as they all left. Violet said nothing as she calmly made her way over to the building, so slowly and nonchalantly that she probably got there last.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"I'd rather sit with who I want" heloise sighed into the confession cam, before walking out. --- Heloise rolled her eyes, and started off to the mess hall. She didn't approach anyone, perfering for now to continue to watch the others. And she didn't wish to interact any more just yet. It was better for her, to watch and observe and make opinions of the others, before figuring out who would be best to ally with
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