Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Luka Appearance: Age: 15 years old Species: Land Shark Personality: Luka is quite quick on the nibbles as he is always hungry and will eat almost anything he can get his hands on. He seems to have a bottomless stomach and pretty much anything can fit in his mouth. Other than that, he is almost always constantly happy and optimistic. Likes: -Food -Friends -Friendly people -Bright things -Soft things Dislikes: -Bad food -Accidentally eating rocks -Mean people -People who looked friendly but actually weren't -Spiky things History: When Luca was born, he was quite a normal land shark. However, when he was about 10 years old, an old prophet came to his community and for some reason he didn't understand, he was exiled from his land shark brethren and sentenced to wander. He is currently roaming in search of other people like himself, and also for the prophet that visited his community to ask why he was exiled. Other: He has a variety of elemental and buffing nibble attacks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gandalf
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Gandalf who else?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name:Peter S. Age:110? Type:Human(cursed skeleton/undead) Personality:bitter,depressed,often reminiscing of his life before he was cursed Likes:dry land,cityscapes,alcohol,really bad puns, Dislikes:coral,the ocean,sirens,and any creature that tries to inhabit his body or diving suit or grow on it. For example: a anemone,or barnacles. History:Peter was a diver for an early oceanic research team during the early 1900's. He was diving in an untouched coral reef, when he accidentally broke a ceremonial conch shell, subsequently enraging its owners. The sirens who owned it cursed him to forever wander the ocean. Peter now searches for another ceremonial conch shell so that he may be able to finally rest in peace. Other:Before working as a diver, Peter was part of a town militia near the end of the Civil War. He is semi-skilled with flintlock weapons, and medium size knives or small daggers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Todd Howard

Todd Howard States facts, makes fiction

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"My family is out there, somewhere. And so is that stupid Stork!" Name: Heena Age: 17 Species: Alpaca Personality: Brave and adventurous, Heena tends to be the first to step forward in any situation, no matter how bleak or hopeless it might seem. Charging ahead with the mindset that she can succeed when confronted with any challenge. She is generally accepting of others, able to show a smile and some happiness when around anyone she likes. Though she has some inner conflicts considering who she is, she doesn't often speak of them to others, as she doesn't like to appear weak in any regard as she thinks it clashes with her current self. Likes: - Flowers - Romantic Stories - Spitting - Anything Sour - Exploration - Companionship Dislikes: - Whining/Complaining - Hunger Pains - Puns - Heights - Perverts - Small, Enclosed Spaces - People Who Suggest For Her To Shave - Squirrels - Nicknames History: Raised by a family of Llama's due to being delivered to the incorrect location by a shoddy Stork, Heena lived most of her life wrapped in a lie. As she grew up, she found herself with much more hair than anyone else in her family; She was shorter in every regard, and found herself spitting all over the place awkwardly during dinner. It didn't add up, at least to her. It wasn't until the age of sixteen that she confronted her parents about it and was given the horrible truth; They confirmed her thoughts, telling her she was, in fact, not a Llama. It was only a few days after that she felt the urge to leave. Knowing that she had a family out there that she never got to know was shocking, and she knew she had to find them in order to clear up who she really was. Though it worried her somewhat; What would this family think of her once she found them? It was, honestly, a little scary. But that certainly wouldn't stop her from finding them, no matter what the cost. Other: - Heena can spit farther than almost any other creature. - Heena can spit out acidic stomach substances, which are not only disgusting, but also can burn depending on what she last ate. - Heena's hindlegs are fairly strong, and it will hurt if she kicks you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Humhum Age: 20 Appearance: Species: A male Harpy Personality: He is a carrying bird, at times feeling awkward around sad or crying people, Not sure how to comfort others.In general really social and curios asking question about anything there is to be asked question about. He likes to hum at times when he listen to others, that how he got named to. Helpful if asked to help, if not he would just sit and curiously watch how things unfold in front of him. If someone hurts him or the people he consider his folk he can get quite aggressive and using his sharp claws trying to gorge out the offenders eyes. Likes: -Fish -Flying -Shiny things -Wearing shiny things -Humming -Looking pretty Dislikes: -Water -Getting wet -Feeling lonely -Not being able to fly -Losing his shiny things History: He was born in a colony of Harpies living on a cliff facing a the sea. He didnt meet much of anyone outside his colony as he was growing up. Years passed his brothers and sister found their mates but he didnt. He was a bit different he didnt want to just be with one bird lady forever. Especially not if he didnt feel any love to her. And so he reached his 19 summer and was asked to leave the colony. It was the colony law of how things were done. He did as asked starting his search for a mate of his own somewhere in the world. Wondering if he could understand love and find that one soul with who he could sing together. Other:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chapatrap
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Chapatrap Arr-Pee

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Artemis Age: He lost count years ago but apparently, immortal. Appearance:
While out of water, Artemis develops the swelled, sad look that we all know and love (the picture above describes it quite well). A flabby, useless body is rather shit in combat and in the dating game, as are the small, beady eyes and large nose. In water, his gelatinous body compresses and his body becomes much more fish-like. Deep-sea water is his element and he can handle extreme pressure well because of this (but not psychological pressure because that shits stressful, yo). When speaking, his voice can sound rather lisp-y, due to his fat lips but he has a rather refined accent (not all that different from Walter Melon from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, since they have the same voice actor, the talented Chris Kadden). Species: Blobfish Personality: If the dictionary was a pop-up picture book, the definition of "pessimism" would have Artemis' ugly face on the slapped onto it. After hundreds (it could be thousands by now...) of years, Artemis has long given up looking on the bright side of life and has developed a sarcastic and 'the glass is half-empty' tone with those he hangs around with or calls a "friend". He is by no-means selfish or mean but he has little time for shit and small talk. You'd think a guy who's lived as long as this would be a bit more open and understanding... Likes: -Being a blobfish under water. -Mangos -Lady blobfish. Dislikes: -Being a blobfish on land. -The idiots he's stuck with. -Being alive for thousands of years. Neutral Opinion: -Being a blobfish. History: Artemis came from the deep-sea Pacific, off the coast of a mysterious island called "Straylia". He doesn't remember much from those early years as a simple blobfish, prowling the bottom of a deep-sea trench for scraps, as he didn't gain sentience until he was much older. Upon realising his own existence, Artemis was overcome with sadness as he realised he hadn't gotten laid yet. In his desperation, he began trying for mates all over the deep-sea trench but to no avail. He was simply too sentient and too clever for the female blobfish. So, he left the trench for warmer waters. He traveled for years, still not dying or getting laid or finding a purpose. In his 57th year, he was unluckily caught in a fishing line and pulled to the surface by a sea-faring wizard. The wizard recognised his sentience almost immediately and revealed to Artemis that he was most likely immortal, judging by the deteriorated state of his genitals and his body wrinkles. Distraught, he threw himself into the ocean only to remember he's immortal and from the ocean. He kept going from ocean to ocean as the years went passed, slowly losing count of his own age and place in life. After years of moping about the ocean floor, Artemis flopped onto the surface of the beach a different blob fish. His entire body swelled up and he became even uglier. The immortal blob fish has dragged itself across land for years and has seen the world slowly become stranger and stranger. What he is searching for, he doesn't know. A purpose would be nice but so would some blobfish poontang.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 26 days ago

Name: Jō'deci
  • (Jō is a formal Lapine title, Deci is the rabbit's preferred and birth name, literally meaning 'Old Thousand Twice' in Lapine)
Age: 3 + 2/4 yr (Lapine years) Appearance: Deci is a small bunny. Her brown fur has a golden gleam to it, her antlers are literally golden and her feathers have a bronze shine. Her body is covered in sweet Lapine tribal tattoos. Her reddish brown eyes hold the expression and anger of over-four (this means infinite in Lapine) bunnies. Species: Winged Jackalope, Lapine Personality: The teachers at Bunny School would always ask the kits what they wanted to do with their lives. Whenever they got around to Deci, the runtiest of them all, she would always squeak her answer by quoting some song, typically saying something along the lines of "I just want to get my dick sucked and multiply them zeros!" Teachers would then ask her if she knew what that meant, and she'd usually respond that it had to be something about sugar cubes. The older Lapines would then assume the days old bunny must know what she's talking about and move on. That is the kind of bunny Deci is. Deci is outspoken, confident, and cocky, to the point that her hip-hop inspired braggadocios might be seen as megalomania. Her deep appreciation for the intricacies of Lapine culture also influence each action and thought she has, and she has a tendency to slip into speaking Lapine mid sentence. She see's herself and her species as superior to those around her and this may bleed over through clear superiority issues with filthy non-rabbits. Her appreciation for music may also lead to her speaking in iambic pentameter composed entirely of song lyrics. Or just plain freestyle. You should check her mixtape on Myspace, it drops pretty soon. Likes:
  • Lapine pride/mythology
  • Lapine virgins
  • Flying
  • Urban poetry
  • Spitting straight bars of fire
  • Music
  • Grass (both kinds)
  • Lettuce (both kinds)
  • Sugar
  • Green veggies
  • The 80's and 90's
  • Fat $tack$
  • Getting high and doing gangster shit with her homies
Neutral Opinion:
  • Orange veggies
  • Red veggies
  • Blue veggies
  • White veggies
  • Purple veggies
  • Neutral Milk Hotel
  • Being a Lapine deity
  • Having antlers
  • Wolves
  • Snakes
  • Parasitic or poisonous insects or arachnids
  • Animals that do not fall under the category 'Lapine'
  • Talk radio
  • Tasks that require patience
  • Haters
  • The loss of said fat $tack$
History: Apparently, at some point in her quest for lettuce (both the monetary kind and the vegetable kind) she somehow managed to become embroiled in the middle of a battle between the trickster deity El-ahrairah, his foil Prince Rainbow, and the personification of death itself, the Black Rabbit of Inlé. After entire weeks of cleverly navigating quests and trials both epic and terrifying, and facing the gods and these challenges with courage and aplomb, the bright Lapine god, Frith, the one above all, granted Deci with seat in the Lapine pantheon, as Jō'deci, the 'Golden Two Stacks.' Maybe? In all honesty, Deci wasn't paying much attention as it all happened. She just knows she doesn't fit in with her tribe at the warren ever since she became a golden winged jackalope. All in all it hasn't been a very Gucci experience. Would not recommend. Other: n/a
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Setheran Age: Over a thousand years old, through alchemy. Species: Used to be human. Now is just some magically-created mutant thing Personality: To be roleplayed- I've got an idea but I really just wanna go with it first, and see how it is. Bitter, but friendly enough to those who show him kindness. Likes: Right now? Nothing! Not entirely true. He enjoys complexity and creativity, or someone going out of the norm- such as to try to talk to a monstrous deadly-looking creature. Dislikes: Everything! It's all normal! I'm not! History: He was an alchemist, once. The oldest that ever lived, always hunting for the special ingredient to the immortality potion, and kept himself alive for hundreds of years, over a thousand, actually. But then he screwed it up- he was forced to buy an ingredient, which turned out to be faked. The faked ingredient made the potion entirely different, and turned him into what he is now. Other: Anything else we should know? I don't know
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