Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

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Janet held on to him tighter. "Don't you see, the rest of the group needs you more then they need me. You're our leader, and the reason we got this far. I'm not saying I want to die, not at all. I just want my only sister back." She stopped to try and take a deep breath and it managed to calm her some. "As much as I hate the idea of you going with me I know I can't talk you out of it not matter how hard I try. Just, be careful at least for me and everyone else." Janet took another deep breath this time it getting her in a calmer place. She moved her head to look up at Rick resting her forehead on his shoulder. "I just wish the group could catch a break, that you and I could. I just have to keep fighting for the group and for me." "When I get out I'm going to tear into this place until I find him. He told me what he wanted to do to Janet.. Raping her, making her beg for death until she's broken? I can't let a man like that live. He won't just leave her alone, or us. I also can't forgive what you've done, but I can at least show you some compassion because of Daryl." Sam coughed up a bit more blood and spit it out away from them. The pain was starting to numb a bit, but still wasn't pleasant. "Umm so what seems to be on your mind Andrea?" Milton honestly didn't want to have her help because he knew this ether way would not turn on well. The Governor has lost in since Rick came thru Woodberry, and he had a feeling something bad was going on behind his back. As much as he didn't want to know he still felt maybe he could bring the Governor back to sanity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rick couldn't help but smile a little. He wouldn't have to twist her arm anymore to convince her that he wanted to go. "I promise." He said as if it would be nuts to not be careful. Probably because it was. None of ours are dying any time soon, so don't you worry." He gave her back another rub. Daryl. Daryl. Daryl. This had nothing to do with Daryl, yet the name struck Merle. "Look. I don't care what you do, but you leave him out of it, you understand? If he gets hurt, I will kill every fucking one of you." He growled and left. He knew he had been harsh, but sometimes he felt like he had to be. "I hate walkers." Was all she said. She really did hate them. They made her hate the Governor more. His sick game. His sick attitude. His sick mind. She was tired of it, but she wasn't about to pour her heart out to Milton. She knew he would likely tell the Governor everything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 3 days ago

Janet smiled and broke the hug a slight blush on her face. "We better get going Rick. I'm itching to get back and get ready for this." She closed the door to her side of the car and waited for Rick to get in. She was still upset, but was able to think clearly. She was thinking of all the ways she could kill the Governor, and get Sam out safe, each one was more brutal then the last. "Thank you Rick, for everything. I feel like I don't say it enough." Sam sighed knowing he didn't understand what she meant but she couldn't let that get to her right now. The Governor might be back for her soon and she had to work fast to get free. "I'm not going to let that creep get to me or Janet." Sam was able to loosen one of the straps, but it still wasn't enough. "Look, don't treat me like him please.. I'm honestly worried about you and what Phillip is doing. I know that man I knew before all of this is still in there, I just.. I just want to bring him back. I don't care if I have to help you to do it, but I can't let you kill him." Milton hope that his honestly might help Andrea talk to him. "Just please, what has he done now?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Good idea." He started the car and put it into drive, the machine rolling forward, slowly at first. Lara turned into the space that Tyreese and Carol had left open for them. They slid the gate shut behind the truck. Carol came running up to the cab, tapping eagerly on Daryl's window. "Where are Rick and the others?" The worry was evident in her voice. "They're okay, right?" She almost sounded frantic. Tyreese came to stand behind her. He put a hand on her shoulder. The prison gate came into view as Rick pulled out of the trees. He had a serious look on his face as he mentally prepared himself to break the news. He knew everyone would know as soon as they saw that Sam was not among those returning and he would have to tell them what had happened. "Carol, look!" Tyreese said when the sedan came into view. He pointed at it with a grin on his face. "They're fine. Nothin' to worry about." Andrea snapped her full attention to Milton. "Kill him? You think I'm planning to kill him?" She got nervous. How had he known? Was it that obvious?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Should I be the one to break the news or should it be you? Ether way we're going to have some pissed off people to deal with and we can't be wasting too much time trying to calm folks down." Janet had her eyes set forward not really wanting to look at anyone at the moment. She knew Glenn would try to come just to get another shot at the Governor because of Maggie, but that wasn't the best idea. hell, having her go was just as bad honestly. Carl ran to hug his father then looked up but stepped back when he saw his face. "Dad.. what's wrong?" He knew by now what that face meant. Looking to Janet he could tell it wasn't something good. Michonne watched not to far way and knew by the look on Rick and Janet's face that something had happened. She walked up to meet Rick and the others to see what was going on. The atmosphere around Rick and Janet was heavy and when she didn't see Sam she could see why. "What happened out there and where is Sam?" Janet just sighed and looked to her feet. "Sam has been taken, and we're pretty damn sure by who. Daryl was knock out so they could grab her. Rick and I are going to get her back with a small team.' Maggie was up with Glenn in the watch tower and saw Rick come back. She pulled on Glenn's sleeve. "Glenn, Sam didn't come back with Rick. Oh my god... We better go see what's going on." "Andrea, you can't hide when you're angry with someone very well, and it's clear to me how much the prison group means to you. Now what's going on?" Milton may not be the most socially normal person out there but he could still tell how Andrea was feeling a little bit. "I'm tired of this as well."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"That team includes Michonne and Lara. Daryl's in charge." Rick motioned at Michonne and climbed back into the car, but not without looking Carl in the eyes first. "You make sure no one leaves while we're gone. Got it?" Lara jumped back into the truck, starting it up again. She waved Michonne over and patted the seat next to her. Glenn followed Maggie down to ground level. Something was definitely wrong. Rick was organizing groups. It looked like a search and he wanted in. "Just because he's a sick bastard doesn't mean I want to kill him." Andrea shook her head. Milton was clever, but it had only been a guess.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 3 days ago

Maggie ran over with a worried look on her face. "Rick, what's going on and why are you leaving again? Where's Sam?" Maggie could tell by the look on Janet's face that something had happened. Janet and Sam were dear to her just like anyone else in the group. At first she thought Lara did something but if that was the case then things would be way different right now. Janet just took a seat in the back bringing Sam's rifle with her. She didn't want to say it again, especially to Maggie and Glenn. She couldn't take ti right now. She just wanted to get on the road and get to Woodberry. She knew Rick could explain it just as well as she could. Michonne took the seat that was offered next to Lara. "My god will he ever stop?" She looked back at Janet thru the rear view mirror to check on her. So far she was calm, but she figured she wasn't doing as well an hour ago. "I'll do more then take an eye this time." Carl looked to Janet then back to his father. "Bring her back dad, I know you can. I'll keep watch here." Carl wasn't fully sure why they didn't just burn Woodberry to the ground at that point, but he didn't have any say in the matter. Daryl patting Rick on the shoulder. "Don't worry about things here brother, I'll take care of it. Just bring her back safe for both everyone's sake." He started to head back to the cell block to rest his head knowing Rick was going to take care of things as best he could. Milton wasn't buying it, but it seemed she wasn't going to say more. "Can you at least do me the favor of not lying to me anymore Andrea please. I know something is bothering you." Milton honestly did want to help Andrea, but wasn't willing to kill a man for her, not yet anyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"We lost her. We're going out to find her right now." Rick looked Maggie in the eye, determined to keep the Governor out of the conversation in hopes of keeping her in the prison. "Just lost her, is all." The last thing he wanted was for Maggie or Glenn coming in and letting their rage get in the way of what was really important. Rick turned to Carl, giving him one of his rare, gentle smiles. "We'll get her back." He hugged his son, planting a quick kiss on the boy's forehead. "You take care." He then looked at Daryl as he walked away. He knew the prison was safe with the quiet man in charge. Then he went to the car and slid in, glancing at Jan to make sure she was ready. Lara chuckled a little. "I think Janet staked a claim on his head. I think Rick's gonna let her have it too." She turned the car on, ready to leave as soon as possible. "I don't blame either one of them." "Phillip said something that hurt. That's all." She said, half telling the truth. "Nothing to be concerned about. He's just insensitive sometimes."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 3 days ago

Janet didn't say anything when Rick got in next to her she was too focused on what was going to happen. "I'll do more then take his head. He doesn't really understand who he's fucking with." Janet clenched her fists tightly as they rested in her lap to the point to where her knuckles where turning white. Her sadness was quickly replaced with rage. She was more then willing to burn down Woodberry, but Rick wasn't going to let her do it. As insane as she knew it was she didn't care. "Let's just get going please." Michonne sighed seeing Janet think, and she knew that it couldn't be good. Janet wasn't the kind of woman to just leave things be. Michonne knew that Janet was going to bulldoze her way to her sister no matter what happened on the way. "The faster we get there the better." Milton just let the topic drop. It was clear she wasn't going to tell him anything. He's just have to find out another way. "Right, so umm, I think I see a biter up ahead we can us."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I'm going, I'm going." Rick gave her a lopsided smile, trying to lighten the mood. He wasn't sure if it would work, but it was an attempt nonetheless. He put the car in drive and backed out of the gate, signaling to Lara and Michonne that it was time to go. Lara nodded, though she knew Rick couldn't see her from where he was. The action had also been partially in acknowledgement to Michonne's comment. "Yeah. I think we all want to see him dead." Andrea looked hard at the place Milton had indicated and, sure enough, a walker was stumbling around. It was missing an arm and had a knife sticking out of its shoulder. "Yup. You got the pole?" She held a hand out to take the looped pole from him, determined to get the thing and go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 3 days ago

Janet was so focused she didn't noticed the Rick was sitting next to her and driving; she was far to absorbed in Sam's gun such as making sure the scoop was properly lined up and it was ready to take a shot when needed. This was the gun Janet gave her when she turned 21. It was after her and their father taught her how to use a rifle. The truth was, while Janet may have been part of Sam's learning she was still better then Janet. The girl could catch on to things quickly on many things. Each sister had a different skill set and personality, but they would fight to the death for the other. Janet sighted running her hand over the engraving of her sister's name on the gun thinking back to how Sam on her first lesson thought she would be terrible with a rifle and guns in general; a few years later, and she was an amazing shot. Michonne nodded. "I just wish Andrea wasn't blind to who he was. Well, when the fire fight starts we'll see what happens." Michonne was still not happy that her friend had picked Woodberry over her when it was pretty clear things were not as they seemed. Maybe many of the residence didn't know what was going on ether and they seemed more willing to believe his lies for the sake of comfort then risk losing it. This was the whole reason she didn't like staying with too many other people, but Rick's group seemed to be different then the others she's run into. They were honest, and cared for each other. "Oh uh yea here's the pole Andrea. Just.. be careful ok?" Milton handed over the pole to her and stood back somewhat nervously watching Andrea's movements as well as the walkers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lara nodded knowingly. She too was unhappy with the pretty blonde's choice to stay. She was blinded by love so much that she would even leave her friends behind for it. It had hurt Lara too. "Let's just make an agreement to not kill her unless we have to." Andrea took the pole from Milton, directing her attention to the walker. It stumbled around, completely unaware of their presence. She got its attention. It charged at her in the traditional zombie chase stance with its arms stretched out in front of it and its mouth hanging open. She held the pole out in front of her so that the walker would inevitably hook itself in. Within a few minutes, it did and she began dragging it back to town. "C'mon, Doc. We got your walker." She walked past him without looking at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 3 days ago

Janet was abnormally quite as they drove of to Woodberry. She was still focusing on the gun, but took time here and there to look up only to check and see if there were there yet. She was honestly ready to start shooting someone. One she finished obsessing over the gun she started on her own side arm. It was old and a bit worn, but still worked like it was new, but that was manly due to how well she took care of the gun. It was cleaned after each use and inspected daily. She couldn't afford to have it lock up on her when she needed it the most. "We should be there soon." The eery calm in her voice was far from normal and her eyes had turned a darker shade. She has sunk into her dark place; a place not too far from Rick's when Lori died, but she still have her sanity for the time being. She had shed her humanity for the time being in order to do whatever she needed to do to get Sam back. The group had only seen it one other time and it's when a man attacked her and Sam while they were out in the woods for the winter. Needless to say by the end of it there was nothing left to clean up once she was done with him. Dark Janet is what everyone called it. Milton stammered for a bit then followed Andrea. "Oh um thank you for your help Andrea. We'll need to take it to my lab so I can start to get to work. Well, so we can start to get to work." Michonne saw that they weren't far from Woodberry and waved to Rick. "It might be a good idea to pull over here. I'm sure they're expecting us at this point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rick drove in silence, not wanting to intereupt whatever Jan was doing to cope with the situation. He knew what it felt like to lose someone important to him and he figured Jan was responding in a way similar to the way he had. Every once in a while, he shot a glance at her to make sure she wasn't crying. "Yeah. I'd give it five more minutes." He said when she spoke. He turned off of the road, planning on a quiet entrance. He didn't want the people of Woodbury blowing them to bits before they even got inside. That would be pointless. He hoped Lara and Michonne understood. He trusted that they would. They were smart people. Lara saw Rick turn off into the trees. She thought it was kind of funny, knowing the little sedan was probably not intended for such a setting. The truck that she drove, however, would handle it with no issue. She followed behind with a good fifty foot space between the two vehicles. It would be harder to overtake them if they were spread out. "You're probably right. Though, he seems to want to go a little further with the cars. Maybe looking for a place to park?" She wouldn't question Rick, but she sometimes wondered what he was thinking. "Yeah." Andrea said, not even trying to hide her frustration. Then she stopped walking mid-stride. She maintained a tight grip on the pole and blocked out the sound of the hungry walker as she listened to the distant sound of tires in the woods. After a minute, she drew a gun and turned on Milton. "You led me out here to die!" She shouted. "This was a plan to get me executed! And to think I fell for it. Wow!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 3 days ago

Janet sighed, and sat back. She knew he was right, but was already feeling cramped in the car. She just wanted to head out to Woodberry already to get her sister back. "So what do we do after this? Just pretend that everything is fine again? Like we're not in a world filled with the undead? Maybe we'll have a party and start an orgy." Janet's stress was showing. Truth be told she was starting to feel the weight of the world she once knew falling apart. She missed her job, and she missed her life, but that was long gone. With the kidnapping of Sam it was hitting her harder then ever before. Milton was shocked and held his hands up. "Ummm no, I wouldn't want to hurt you Andrea. What are you talking about? If the Governor wanted you dead he wouldn't do it like this you know that." Milton was nervous about what she was doing. He didn't know what he could do to prove what he was saying was true so just decied to stay put for the time being.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rick clenched his jaw, telling himself he should listen to her talk for now instead of try to answer right away. She had a point to some extent. Though the threats of walkers and even other people were very evident, he had lead his people to hang on by pushing the scenario out of their minds. He was very guilty of it as well, doing everything he could to pretend he wasn't dying on the inside. He shook his head. "I don't know, Jan." That was all he could really think to say. Andrea kept a close eye on Milton. He seemed to be telling the truth, but she knew the Governor. He probably hadn't even told the skittish man. She knew he wouldn't execute her in town. She would look too much like a martyr. It was easier to cover up a shooting in the woods. Just blame it on Rick or the walkers. Simple. Just like everyone else he had killed. She kept he gun aimed at Milton, but focused her hearing on the sounds of moving tires. They seemed to be moving away now. Like the vehicles that were making the noise were driving past them and not stopping to meet them. This was interesting and she slackened her posture a little, still maintaining her aim. "How can I be sure you're not lying?" "He ain't lyin'" Merle stepped out. He held his hands up when Andrea's gun focused itself on him. "Why the hell would I ever believe you?" She hissed. "I don't like him either. But I'm better at hiding it." He shot a serious glance at Milton. "Don't report that. You're watching Blondy, not me. Got it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 3 days ago

Janet sighed. "I'm sorry. I haven't stopped being stressed since this started, the whole end of the world bullshit. The sooner we get Sam back the better for me. I don't like being like this even if I'm willing to kill anyone when I am." Janet mulled over what she had just said and remembered that it was not just a group effort that got them to survive but Rick's leadership that pulled them thru it. "You've done a fine job of learning us past the shit that is this world. Dad... would of liked you and he didn't like many people. Hence why we lived in the woods our whole lives." Janet laughed some trying to kill the tension in the air and it seemed to work a bit. After what felt like hours of struggling Sam was able to free herself from the chair but she still had to get out of her cell and out of Woodberry. She knew Rick and the others would come soon, but also the Governor might use her as a shield when the fighting started. She grabbed the scissors from between her legs and hid them in the palm of her right hand when she heard someone coming. Siting back in the chair like she was before making it look like she was still strapped in just in case that was someone paying her a visit. Just as she finished up the Governor walked in with a shit eating grin on his face. "I've been told that a group from the Prison has been spotted leaving the prison just after they got back. Not surprising is the fact that your sister and Michonne is part of the group. Now, I'm going to give you one chance to get out of this without any more harm done to you. Lead your sister and Michonne to me and I'll let you and the rest of the group go free. If you're not willing to do this then you might get a bigger taste of what I have planned for them." The Governor was lying but was able to hide it well. He had no intention of letting any one go today; his targets just happened to be coming his way. It was only a matter of time before he'd have to deal with Rick and his crew. Might as well weaken them before doing so. Sam just laughed the shook her head. "You're fucking mad to think I would do that. How about this deal. You let me go and go fuck yourself." Just as Sam finished she screamed out in pain as the Governor stabbed her in the shoulder. "Wrong answer little girl." He hissed menacingly. He raised the knife to stab her again but she pulled out the scissors and stabbed him in the leg since she couldn't reach anything else. She bolted out of the chair but fumbled to open the door for a moment due to the blood on her hands but was able to get it open and ran as fast as she could out of there. She ran into Martinez and gasped feeling dizzy from the blood lose and knew she couldn't take him in a fight so she opted to run instead but tripped over a pool of her blood. Milton just stammered more almost ready to run himself. "Ummmm ah I wasn't going to say anything Merle. I don't know what's going on honestly. Did.. her grab someone else?" Milton felt mortified at that idea knowing full well what was going to happen. "Andrea, I wouldn't betray you. I think you might be able to bring Phillip back to his scenes. Please you can trust me." Michonne sat forward in her seat seeing something in the woods. "Stop, I see something. It looks like... Andrea. Lara we have to stop now." Michonne didn't know what she was doing out here, but didn't like what she saw. While she may have been angry at what Andrea did she still cared about her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rick nodded and smiled weakly as he slowed the car to a stop. It was time to take the rest of the trip on foot. He looked at Jan to make sure she was ready before he did anything else. Martinez looked confused for a moment as Rick's girl ran into him, staining his shirt with blood. He watched as she ran and then snapped back into reality. He lunged for her but also slipped on the blood, collapsing into the wall. He twisted his ankle and crashed to floor with an angry grunt of pain. "Little bitch!" He hissed as he tried to stand up. He fell back down almost immediately. Merle kept his hands held up to prove to the others that he was posing no threat. "Look. Andrea. Martinez and I just saw a truck and a sedan leave the prison lookin like they was comin here." He shot another warning glance at Milton, knowing that, if the doctor ratted him out, he'd surely lose his head. "They must be comin for the girl. I tried to help her out by giving her a weapon. Now, I think, between the six of yas, you can at least get outta here safely." Andrea lowered her gun a little, holding it in a way that it would be readily available if needed. "You're telling me to help Rick break that girl out?" She gave him a suspicious look. "Sounds like treason. I always knew you were crooked." Merle's anger flared a little and he dropped his hands. "Hey! You want out or not?!" He growled, lunging forward a step. Andrea's gun sprang up again. He stepped back. "I'm tryin to help you out here." Lara slammed on the brakes, rather surprised by the ferocity in Michonne's voice. "Wha.....?" She followed Michonne's line of sight to see the blonde beyond the trees. She looked like she was in trouble. Not too much trouble, but some nonetheless. She had Merle at gunpoint and Milton.... well Milton was by no means a threat unless he was ratting someone out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 3 days ago

Janet looked back not seeing the truck. "Shit we need to go back for them." Janet got out of the car in a rush the rifle ready to go if needed. She ran a head finding that the truck had stopped not far from them. It seemed like everything was fine so she looked back for Rick who was surely following her. "What happened? Is something wrong?" She asked Michonne when she was getting out of the car but Michonne just looked at her and ran off into the trees he sword drawn. "Shit. Lara, what's going on?" Michonne hide behind the trees as she got closed to Andrea trying to listen to what was going on. It seemed as if Merle was helping Andrea with something, but she still couldn't be sure of that. Milton was confused for a moment. "Wait, you want to help the girl escape? Umm I have a feeling I'm lost here. Wait, who did her grab? He didn't grab Machonne did he?" Milton knew at that moment hell was going to rain down on Woodberry. "Does he know how risky that is? The Prison.. they'll be here.. my god." Sam was able to get herself up and get a good enough footing to wear she could run away from Martinez. She held her hand over her injured arm trying to stop the bleeding but she could still feel blood flowing. "Shit, umm where to go. I better hurry dammit." She looked around panicked trying to find a way out. God, it was stupid for her to leave her only weapon behind. Stupid stupid stupid! The Governor followed the blood and found Martinez trying to get up. "What the hell are you doing? Get your ass up and go after her!" He was fuming at that point not only did she get free but someone had to of given her a weapon.. and there's only one person that came to mind... Merle. "God dammit." He pulled Martinez up with force as they both started running after her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zmerr
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Zmerr The Android's Conundrum

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rick followed closely behind Jan with his hand on the hilt of his gun. He was following Michonne's trail with his eyes until they met quite an interesting scene. Andrea, Merle and a man he didn't know. Lara motioned for Janet and Rick to be quiet and pointed at the scene beyond the trees. Rick was already looking and had a pensive look on his face. She came to a tree next to Michonne's and looked on with equal secrecy. "Why would you possibly want to help me?" Andrea kept her gun sturdily aimed at the older man. "It's not like you have any good reason to." Merle shook his head. "Can't a man be kind every once in a while?" He shrugged and gave her a cheesy grin. "You've never been kind." Andrea said matter-of-factly. "You've always been a downright asshole. Not a kind cell in your body." Merle's grin faded. "Well, I mean it. And this dumb fuck could never lead you out here to get killed. He ain't even got enough balls to catch his own biters." He motioned to the walker that hadn't seemed to get the hint that there was no chance of getting to Andrea. "Too much of a pussy." He shook his head. "And that's why you think he's telling the truth." It was more of a statement of disbelief than a question. "I'm calling bullshit." Martinez hobbled after the Governor. His ankle was definitely swollen, uncomfortably rubbing up against the inside of his hiking boots. He wanted to swear at the Governor, but he knew it would get him nowhere but into trouble. It was definitely not worth it.
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