Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Obadiah’s canes made one hell of a noise as they repeatedly banged against Trainer’s gauntlets to little effect. Even in the hands of a master, wood is of little use against steel. He allowed himself to grind to a halt, which caused his eight-directional sight to wobble as dizziness set in, but he was sufficiently used to doing this that he held his footing. It did, however, give Trainer the opportunity to wrap his stubby little arms around his thighs to try holding him in place.

Obadiah considered the grip for a moment, but figured the magic-robot-thing wasn’t in much of a position to attack from here, so getting him off was potayto potahto. Instead, he stretched out one of his arms, over Trainer’s head, aimed his cane down at a 90 degree angle and made several rapid but well-aimed downward thrusts to where Randy was seeking cover. The thrusts were aimed to prod his hands and get him to drop the gun.

Additionally, more spiders had crawled from his sleeve and were clinging to his cane, so with every poke, a bunch of them hopped off to try jump onto Randy. The spiders by themselves weren’t dangerous to humans… but Randy didn’t know that. “Better beware that spider venom, boy!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aura Lodestone

Aura Lodestone

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Hero and the Witch
As the witch asked the hero what he wanted with her, he sighed before asking her a simple question. "What is your name?". He stood there simply waiting since unless something seriously bad happens his barrier was more then good enough to keep them safe and secure in the Light.

A Mage Battle

The elf watched on as she kept her focus as the mist was rather thick, the mage removed the cloak as she revealed to be rather flat chested and she had a fluffy tail as well as some fox ears. The mage fox answered that not only was she not human or stupid, but that she was not a girl as the elf nearly laughed as a small giggle came out. She was not too shocked as elves have a tendency to look girly even amongst the manliest of elves.

He revealed his true power as the flames were intense as some of the mist became steam rising up above him. She watched as he created a large fireball in both his palms and launched them towards her as they homed in on her location before hitting into her body as it turned into a burst of steam as the fire ignited the earlier whirlwind causing a massive explosion sending fire and boiling water with steam in a large area around them.
The elf girl sighed as the steam started clearing as a small crumbled and cracked wall of ice had melted and dropped down as water. "If thats the power of a simple fireball, you might end up killing everyone here if you used a serious fire spell. As for the Kitsu-clan, those tricksters always shapeshift so you could still be a girl for all i know. Also if you think you the only one with secrets then lets see who is the better mage. Please try not to get confused though, you will not stand a chance until you escape my technique"
As the mist gathers around them again, there was something odd in the air as the mist did not obscure their vision at all. However this was a mist, so there was a secret to all this and a reason why she had used the mist to begin with. Most noteworthy was that she did not even have her staff with her anymore, what had happened to it and why was she so confident even though he showed intense power.

The Demon Lord

An arrow was shot towards the Demon Beast only to stop just before him as the beast sighed. "An arrow like that will not hurt me master". As the Demon Lord sighed before smacking the Demon Beast on the head as the Demon Beast fell facefirst into the ground coughing up some blood.

"Stop moving around, you suppose to be my bed today", as the demon lord did not seem even slightly worried as it seemed his magic not only altered strength but also altered motion itself. Just what was this boy who is called master by the strong and powerful Demon Beast. Only time would tell as a massive explosion blew passed from the battle with the mages as the boy simply raised his hand to block it. He was annoyed and the demon beast laughed a bit as he coughed up more blood. The Demon beast waited as he knew getting up now would be risky to his life as the Demon Lord was far stronger than when he actually needed them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

The Spider and the Fly:

If Jessibelle actually had hair on the back of her neck, she would have felt the sharp tingling sensation of surprise when the word web left his mouth. Fortunately, it seemed as though he had only said it in the sense of 'She's a spider, let's make web puns.' So Jessibelle's plot hadn't been laid bare quite yet. But, when the anchor was sent sailing in her direction, Jessibelle was not delighted to have to spring her trap on an inanimate object.

The Empress reared back like a horse and raised her second set of legs upwards, pushing down on the ground with her two back pairs. This pushed her off of the ground momentarily, and then she leaned her weight forwards. Slamming her second pair of legs downwards to the sides of the anchor. The web snagged onto the wide blade and pushed it downwards with 2,410 lbs of weight, the force behind her downward acceleration being higher, obviously. The anchor clanged to the ground with a mighty gong.

The water blades would be problematic, but this was only a temporary solution to a more extensive problem. The Empress's weight would be more than enough to hold it down, but the true genius is that she isn't actually touching the anchor. The webbing between her legs is what is holding it down, so her legs aren't the closest target.

The blades of water were close to her legs, but they weren't going to hurt her any time soon. Unless this isn't their full length, then Jessibelle's plan might have to change quite rapidly.

The Scientist and The Assassin:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The magic energy flowed around him as he traversed the planes. He was suddenly drawn to one out o the infinite and the planeswalker seemingly just stepped out of nothing into reality. It would simply appear as one minute he wasn't there the other he was.

"Where the hell...." Nalyd trailed off as he took in the sight before him. A boy with a pistol and an armored foe were attacking an arachnid type creature. Nalyd normally would not have interfered, but the magics brought him here for a reason and he could only assume it was to save this plane from these perpetrators. Stepping forward in a steady gait Nalyd drew the hilt of his sword and approached from behind the boy charging his mana.

Upon reaching three feet of the child Nalyd would speak from behind him "Better watch out" his voice said. His sword had already begun its slash towards the boy. He had aimed to cut the boy from his left shoulderblade to his right hip. Nalyd's sword was a glowing white blade of mana that seemed to blind those that stared to intensely into it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Re'Chrid was forced on the defensive by the newcomer, darting around to avoid his attacks and loosing ground the longer the fight went on. Wearing this armor was only making her tire out from this exertion more quickly so she released the straps holding it in place with her bottom two hands, sending the armor scattering around the immediate area as she jumped out of it. Now that she was lighter she could dodge even easier although this still wasn't a walk in the park by any means. She'd need to end this battle soon or else would loose. As the next scythe strike came in she jumped higher than normal to try and land on the shaft and then jump again to slash at his neck. Getting this close could end badly for her if he manage to counterattack because she had to commit to the strike once in the air. Hopefully she could kill him in a single blow.


Trainer let go with his right gauntlet and sent his blue energy fog out from his energy core to begin coalescing into a sword, which would be ready in only 3 seconds, after which he'd use it to try and slash the spider's head off while keeping a hand on his legs to keep him relatively close and immobile. This should certainly get his attention away from Randy.

Randy screamed as the spiders managed to swarm all over his body. He dropped his pistol and flung off his jacket, although this didn't seem to get too many off as he could feel them crawling across his skin, even in greater numbers than before as more joined the fray. He stumbled backwards, doing his best to swipe them off but to no avail. Although this distracted him greatly he luckily noticed the newcomer charging towards him and drawing his sword. As distressing as the spiders were he had to let them just do what they were going to do for the time being because it likely wasn't as instant of a concern as getting cut in half.

He ducked down below the strike just in time and began to magically increase his weight to put more of an oomph into his blows, which would be needed if he were to win. He delivered a punch towards the man's right kidney with his right hand.


Her name? This was an easy interrogation so far.

"Mywt," she answered honestly, having no reason to lie as far as she could tell. "Mywt Windwellows." She fidgeted in place, hoping the next thing he would want her to do wouldn't escalate quickly.


"Personally I wouldn't care too much if I kill everyone here, but in the long run that's not in my best interest," he explained. He had no comment on the shape shifting suggestion. He personally wasn't that good at it, able to conceal his fox traits if desired but that's about it. Well, maybe his hair color if he really focused, although he never bothered to try. There were other half fox tribes out there who were better at those sorts of things.

"Of course I'm more powerful," he continued matter of fact-ly, "we both know that, so you resort to this odd trickery. You really think you can kill me with this?"

He raised both hands in front of him, this time together, and began to charge a much more powerful orb of fire in front of him. He wouldn't fire it just yet, wanting to wait to make sure it was powerful enough to get past all of her defensive spells and disintegrate her.

The dark haired fairy queen figured this to be the most interesting battle so decided to watch, fluttering down to the elf.

"Need my help? She seems like she could win at this rate," the fairy questioned. "You must have some plan to do with the mist? Don't worry, I put a spell on us so she can't listen in. At...at least I think she's a she," the fairy continued, looking Yurzia up and down. "I'd bet a pint of fairy dust! Maybe."

Yurzia scowled, not sure what they were talking about but knew it was probably annoying.


Was worried now that he arrow had been blocked. She couldn't turn tail and run; her pride wouldn't allow it. So what could she do? Hmm...

"I challenge you, the little boy!" She called out to the demon lord. He didn't appear as well defended, so if she managed to kill him then perhaps taking down the beast would then be made that much easier. She got her mace out in her right hand and pointed it at him. "We each strike out at each other in a single blow with everything we have!"


Wrath was surprised when she managed to trap and pin down his anchor so easily. The holes were also clogged up because his water wasn't able to exit through them! He knew the spider lady was cunning by the way she talked, but this move exceeded his expectations of her abilities. Unlike his normal battles on the open sea, this had been his only source of water down here. He had no choice but to break the water through the web covering the holes, but couldn't achieve a cutting motion that way so had to try and poke at them until they gave way, which would take a bit longer.


The giant puffer fish was surprised when his attack had so little of an effect that it hadn't even seemed to register. While he was distracted a random goon shot an arrow that struck him between the eyes and killed him instantly. He shot around the room just like a balloon loosing all it's air out the bottom until he shriveled up all the way and slammed into a wall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

If only he had lips, Obadiah would’ve smiled a cocky little smile when Randy freaked out over the spiders swarming him. But he wasn’t out of the woods yet. He already knew there was little he could do against this little robot thing. Thankfully, he was about to get help from a mysterious stranger. “Well good day, stranger.” he said casually, as if neither of them were currently in a lethal battle, all the while keeping an eye on the very obvious sword in Trainer’s hand.

Due to having to form the sword first, Trainer’s attack was choreographed from a mile away, so when he swiped, Obadiah bent backwards as if dancing the Limbo, thus dodging the attack and letting it sail right past his face. He let out a groan as he pulled back into standing position. “I’m getting too old for these acrobatics,” he observed to himself as he stretched out his two empty hands towards the foggy spots that represented Trainer’s eyes. On cue, a bunch of spiders burst out of both his sleeves and onto the robot’s face, scurrying to bunch up on and around his eyes. Now he only hoped that the eyes weren’t just for decoration and that that the robot could in fact be blinded.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Riku had swung his scythe downwards causing it to pierce the ground a little, but also the grasshopper warrior seemed to have used it to her advantage by jumping up dodging the strike and landing on the shaft. Riku took quick notice that the warrior was getting ready to jump again in his direction. "Check." he said when the grass hopper warrior jumped at him. Riku created a circle with some symbols on it, and it seemed to be made out of purple fire. It blocked his opponent's attack and allowing him to grip his scythe and swing it backwards in attempt to crush the grass hopper warrior into the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aura Lodestone

Aura Lodestone

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Hero and the Witch

He began laughing as he heard her name, he just spat out as he said it, "Mywt WindBellows, what the hell is that do your parents use fart magic or something. Wow, it sucks to be you." He coughed a few times after that before getting serious as he looked to nearly be glaring at her as he began his intro while still keeping his guard up just in case she found out about the loop hole in his technique. He then began his drawn out intro out of boredom.

"I am the Hero, who has fought over one thousand demons. I am the Champion of Trillsend and the first to learn the truth. The world is rotten and cursed not by Demons, but by the forgotten evil of Humans. In order to save the world we must destroy it, under the might of the all powerful Demonlord we shall once again be guided within the darkness of truth. Bow down for I am the Legendary Traitor and Saviour Alexandier!!!" as he struck a hero pose with his sword held up into the air.

He then looked outside as his eyes began to look cold. "Damn, that elf should learn to hold back is she planning to kill that girl before I get a chance to ask her out. Too bad she does not know how Shi-anne's powers work. She may be an elf but she more like a Witch when you get to know her", as he smiled as his attitude now seemed light hearted. He had for the most part lost who it was that he truly was since he had been too much in awe of the Demon Lord to remember the truth.

Mage Wars

She heard him mention that he did not really care about the others here, but as long as he was in this mist he did not have much of a chance. He did not make many meaningful comments as he said he was clearly more powerful then her. That might not be a lie, but her strength was not in how powerful she was, but the skill with which she used the power she had. As he thinks she is trying to kill him, she was actually bored and while she did need to kill him which she was still finding hard to believe, she figured if she killed him right now she will not have any one to play with for a while since they seemed to be trapped in this maze.

She watched as he then raised both hands in front of him, as he seemed to be charging a lot of fire as the mists began shifting and moving rotating around him.

A Dark Fairy made her way towards the elf as she glared at the intruder who would feel heavy mist resting on her wings. The guy would have felt the weight of the mist too if his fire magic did not keep that part of her technique at bay. The fairy offered her help as she sighed. "You here to ruin my fun" as she said that for a moment it looked as if her eyes had reflected something. It was hard to tell in this mist though as it began to get thicker as the woman began walking towards the mage. As the fairy said it looks like the mage could win.

"I do not need help with a mage who relies only on power to win battles, unless you that kid over there", as she pointed towards the demon lord. "No matter what magic I use he can stop it, no matter how powerful I am he can defeat me. His powers are an insult to mages and besides our hero over there none of us really has a chance anymore. Oh and just to let you know I do not simply use one kind of magic, it just takes me a while to use other magic but since these three spells are already cast I can work on my next spell."

The Elf stopped roughly ten meters from the mage, seemingly not even slightly scared of his fire magic. What was this mage forgetting and why could he not understand the true depth of fire magic and not just its power. The fairy could follow her if she felt brave enough to take the fire magic head on, but it was clear that the time wasted preparing a large blast of fire magic was actually ending up to be a waste of time.

Demon Lords Power

"I challenge you, the little boy!" He looked at her a bit confused, she was not a hero yet she was challenging him. He already found her to be rather weak so he was considering giving her back to Riktor, but as he looked back at Riktor still coughing up blood her realised he hit him way to hard. He looked back at her and she mentioned that they should end it in a single blow. She was holding a mace as he looked at her before drawing his sword. He then gave her a smile and said like some little boy who knows nothing.

"Is it okay if I get to cast a few spells first?" as he was a bit nervous, he normally kills people in one blow anyways but he felt like making it look cool so he wanted to know if he would have time to stack and chain a few spells together before they have their final attack. The true strength of the Demon Lord's power was not the power of his magic, but the ability for him to enhance and empower all other magic and powers he knew
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 5 days ago

The Spider and the Fly:

The plan had gone off without a hitch, which means that phase two would be even easier. Normally part one goes horribly awry, and she has to think of an entirely new plan. But for once it actually worked! The spider sneered and tightened up her back legs for a moment. "Now you die!" Still unaware of her foe's ability to control water, Jessibelle released the webbing from the ends of her legs and lunged forward. With her right hand she reached down and to the left, grabbing the blade from its sheath and slinging it outwards. With one lunge the Empress intended to end Wrath's life before he could land a single blow. Jessibelle's blade was swung with deathly speed and precision, carrying the spider's colossal weight behind it as well. If her aim remained true and Wrath didn't avoid this strike, he would be decapitated on the spot.

The Scientist and the Assassin:
LeeRoy didn't actually expect the shield to hold, and so the follow up charge was quite a surprise. So much so that he was knocked backwards to the ground, bullets sailing over him harmlessly. The Scientist scrambled to push himself upwards onto his hands, an awkward backpedal followed where he crawled on all fours backwards. "Now you hold on, what just happened?"

You got cocky, again.

"Shut up, I didn't ask you." The immortal retorted bitterly, his pride a bit damaged by being taken by surprise so easily. LeeRoy hadn't yet noticed that his blade had been knocked out of his hand and off to the side, an unfortunate happening. Oddly enough, his thoughts were more on Shin rather than himself, wondering how his fight was going.

To Shin, his opponent's dodge was little more than a nuisance. Shin adjusted his wrist once again, the black staff extending towards its target once again with a wide flat edge forming on it. Like an axe, but with no blade to tip it. Shin tightened his grip on his personalized tool, increasing its weight to about 460 lbs, increasing the force of the swing to about half that of a car crash. The assassin didn't care to fight this kind of opponent because their mind was not dedicated wholly on him, it left them open for attacks. They nearly hit LeeRoy, which might have killed him, yes. But Shin was left with an enormous window of opportunity to strike again. The strike wouldn't kill Liev, no, but it would likely break most of their ribs. (To clarify, it is aimed somewhere to the center of their torso. Below their armpit, but above their waist.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Check? Check what?" the grasshopper thought to herself, unfamiliar with the phrase. As her attack was blocked, she had just enough time to look behind her and see the scythe swooping in. Everything went black as the attack connected and sent her crashing to the ground, killed instantly.


Trainer had no comment in regard to his opponent's unusual antics, and even if he did he couldn't speak his mind very well anyways. Luckily he wouldn't be distracted by this or any fear of spiders, but even so his opponent did a clever move and blinded him with spiders on his seeing orbs, thus distracting him not based on emotions but based on physical inhibitions. He could no longer see at all and swinging blindly could just as easily wound an ally as it would his enemy, especially with Randy squirming around like crazy at the moment. He had no choice but to cease his offensive action and activate defense mode, causing his energy to begin coating his armor, a process that would complete itself in 5 seconds. This removed his sword. During this time of blindness he would have to hope his defenses would hold up while he dug at the spiders with his gauntlets, if not scooping them out successfully then they'd still likely be getting killed and falling out much easier on his next attempt.


"It's Windwellows!" she corrected with a humph and her hands on her hips. She was in no mood for his childish antics even with her being a child. "Now just let me go, or are you trying to bore me to death!" Just like how his personality shifted, so did hers. She'd try something new to try and get herself out of this situation.


The fairy was skilled in negating magical attacks but being within the range of two individuals of such power was not a good idea. She likely could block everything out but that would be a gross waste of power when she could easily flutter out of range and simply observe. Especially after not getting a warm welcome for her offer. She did exactly that, fluttering up so that the mist barely had an effect on her any more.

Yurzia had charged up his fire well enough so let it loose in a huge, concentrated blast of fire her way. He didn't want to use all of his energy in this attack but he did enough to kill her if it hit.


"Heh. Hide behind all the spells you want, little one. Then come!" She replied, pounding her weapon against her gloved hand.


Although faster then expected for something so large, he too was light on his feet, rolling backwards and getting into a crouched position as he dodged her swing. Focusing his power on the water, they at last burrowed out of the webbed up hole and flew into the air in tendrils of water. More webbing could likely clog up the hole again, but he at least had a quarter of his water out already, plenty enough to form a sword or whatever else he'd desire. At the moment he just had it keep it's tendril form, about the circumference of a finger, and had it whip forward like a snake to burrow into the back of her neck. This would hopefully either kill her or distract her in order to allow him to get some distance and have a second tendril of water fly over to him so that he could more readily use it for defense. It flew over her left shoulder about 3 feet away as it curved towards him.


Liev groaned as the strike hit it's mark, internally roughing him up and doing minor cracks on his armor. It wasn't devastating but it was the worst wound he had suffered this battle and would inhibit his movements even more.

"His weapon!" Liev shouted to Vyrdia, eyeing the weapon that had clattered to the floor. That was a useful weapon to have, probably able to do a ton of damage had it not hit Liev's shield. Vyrdia didn't need to be told twice, making a sliding dash under the swinging weapon to make an effort to scoop up the one lying on the ground before LeeRoy got it back into his clutches.
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