Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
Avatar of Rusalka

Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

I'M BACK MOTHA-FUCKAS!!!!!!! \m/>o<\m/


Luca Fidelio Addington


-Lucy (Seriously, don't call him this)
-Luca Fellatio (Again, no...)
-Lucky Luciano




Just for the record, he's twenty-six


Yes please! Male


Art Teacher


The Ancient Tongue
Being born with dragon blood, Luca has the ability to learn and to speak the ancient and powerful language of dragons, giving him access to unimaginable feats such as the typical fire and ice breathing, but also temporary invisibility, second sight, telekinesis, and other powers. However, due to the weakness of his human body, he is limited to how much he can exert per use, as the dragon voice could possibly rip him to pieces with over-use.

Dragon Form
If Luca wished, he could tap further into his dragon lineage and take upon his natural form, a fearsome crimson beast with eyes that could strike terror into the hearts of many a brave soul. However, Luca is only limited to one transformation per day, so he must use it wisely. Plus he would need pain-killers after every transformation because those wings popping out of his back are murder...


Luca is allergic to cats, and if he is ever in the vicinity of one, he will automatically go into a sneezing fit, something he is not allowed to do. Any sort of cough or sneeze will inadvertently activate one of Luca's many draconic powers, which could lead to some...interesting results... That goes double for pepper or any other irritants.


The creator of this character would rather develop Luca's personality over time than just chisel something in stone, but for the most part, Luca is...well...he's a pervert and tends to have a thing for women slightly older than him. He also tends to be straight-forward in his pursuits and will not hesitate once to act upon his lecherous desires, which leads to him getting slapped alot and sometimes sprayed with mace. He is also known to be quite lazy and at times narcoleptic, meaning he will fall asleep just about anywhere.


"Eh...would that be skills in the classroom or the be-" *duct-tape over mouth* O///O

Aside from being an art teacher, Luca does have some literary and poetic background, which leads to him being a considerable orator, using wit and charm to woo the ladies....or get him brutalized by a purse to the face. Luca is also a great cook despite his abhorrence of pepper, and he is also a classically trained painter and pianist and loves the acoustic guitar as well. His skills as an artist are acceptable at best, though Luca doesn't pride himself as the next Renaissance Master or whatever...


-Playing guitar and piano
-Taking long naps during the day
-Watching movies or whatever's on TV
-Being an all-round pervert


"Okay okay, first off, no, I did not get arrested in 2013 for indecent exposure and lewd behavior in public. I do not have a lifetime subscription to a hentai manga publication, and I do not think of women as merely objects for eh...sensual satisfaction. I am a respectable gentleman who's just looking for a job, and here I found it at Orean Cause...and might I say you people have some lovely dames here...that uh....that I will approach in a courteous and professional manner..." *nervously sweating*

.....Yeaaahhh....you can just go ahead and fire him now. <.< The only reason he took art in college was to oggle at the nude models all day. <.<

"LIES!" \>///</


-Painting & Drawing
-Playing guitar & piano
-Listening to music (whatever sounds good)
-Women in provocative attire
-His pet iguana Lanius
-Going on Sunday drives
-Chilling at the beach
-Women in sexy bikinis
-Sleeping during the day
-Dreaming of beautiful women


-Squirrels (Don't ask)
-People who think they're better than him
-Having hangovers
-His landlord
-Scooters (again...don't ask)
-Getting hit in the face
-When his coffee's cold in the morning
-The Principal
-Getting his clothes dirty
-People who drive slow
-Having to pay for cable
-Shitty books getting so much popularity

~Theme song~



President of the Orean Cause Art Club, but he lets the students do most of the work so he can sleep...or spy on the female teachers.


"Yeah uh....do you mean my ambitions for the future or that one dream I have about that smoking hot teacher in sexy red lingerie pouring honey all over her bre-" *beaten severely* X///X
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
Avatar of Destinyfailhorror17

Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'M BACK MOTHA-FUCKAS!!!!!!! \m/>o<\m/


Luca Fidelio Addington


-Lucy (Seriously, don't call him this)
-Luca Fellatio (Again, no...)
-Lucky Luciano




Just for the record, he's twenty-six


Yes please! Male


Art Teacher


The Ancient Tongue
Being born with dragon blood, Luca has the ability to learn and to speak the ancient and powerful language of dragons, giving him access to unimaginable feats such as the typical fire and ice breathing, but also temporary invisibility, second sight, telekinesis, and other powers. However, due to the weakness of his human body, he is limited to how much he can exert per use, as the dragon voice could possibly rip him to pieces with over-use.

Dragon Form
If Luca wished, he could tap further into his dragon lineage and take upon his natural form, a fearsome crimson beast with eyes that could strike terror into the hearts of many a brave soul. However, Luca is only limited to one transformation per day, so he must use it wisely. Plus he would need pain-killers after every transformation because those wings popping out of his back are murder...


Luca is allergic to cats, and if he is ever in the vicinity of one, he will automatically go into a sneezing fit, something he is not allowed to do. Any sort of cough or sneeze will inadvertently activate one of Luca's many draconic powers, which could lead to some...interesting results... That goes double for pepper or any other irritants.


The creator of this character would rather develop Luca's personality over time than just chisel something in stone, but for the most part, Luca is...well...he's a pervert and tends to have a thing for women slightly older than him. He also tends to be straight-forward in his pursuits and will not hesitate once to act upon his lecherous desires, which leads to him getting slapped alot and sometimes sprayed with mace. He is also known to be quite lazy and at times narcoleptic, meaning he will fall asleep just about anywhere.


"Eh...would that be skills in the classroom or the be-" *duct-tape over mouth* O///O

Aside from being an art teacher, Luca does have some literary and poetic background, which leads to him being a considerable orator, using wit and charm to woo the ladies....or get him brutalized by a purse to the face. Luca is also a great cook despite his abhorrence of pepper, and he is also a classically trained painter and pianist and loves the acoustic guitar as well. His skills as an artist are acceptable at best, though Luca doesn't pride himself as the next Renaissance Master or whatever...


-Playing guitar and piano
-Taking long naps during the day
-Watching movies or whatever's on TV
-Being an all-round pervert


"Okay okay, first off, no, I did not get arrested in 2013 for indecent exposure and lewd behavior in public. I do not have a lifetime subscription to a hentai manga publication, and I do not think of women as merely objects for eh...sensual satisfaction. I am a respectable gentleman who's just looking for a job, and here I found it at Orean Cause...and might I say you people have some lovely dames here...that uh....that I will approach in a courteous and professional manner..." *nervously sweating*

.....Yeaaahhh....you can just go ahead and fire him now. <.< The only reason he took art in college was to oggle at the nude models all day. <.<

"LIES!" \>///</


-Painting & Drawing
-Playing guitar & piano
-Listening to music (whatever sounds good)
-Women in provocative attire
-His pet iguana Lanius
-Going on Sunday drives
-Chilling at the beach
-Women in sexy bikinis
-Sleeping during the day
-Dreaming of beautiful women


-Squirrels (Don't ask)
-People who think they're better than him
-Having hangovers
-His landlord
-Scooters (again...don't ask)
-Getting hit in the face
-When his coffee's cold in the morning
-The Principal
-Getting his clothes dirty
-People who drive slow
-Having to pay for cable
-Shitty books getting so much popularity

~Theme song~



President of the Orean Cause Art Club, but he lets the students do most of the work so he can sleep...or spy on the female teachers.


"Yeah uh....do you mean my ambitions for the future or that one dream I have about that smoking hot teacher in sexy red lingerie pouring honey all over her bre-" *beaten severely* X///X

Rusa!! Where were you!?!? O^O
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
Avatar of Rusalka

Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

I apologize for my absence, but I took some time off from the RP in order to woo my lovely kitty, and I have been busy traversing the Mojave desert and getting ripped apart by deathclaws.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
Avatar of Destinyfailhorror17

Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You didn't inform anything..... SO many many people disappeared with no words said!! O^O

But glad you are back, its been a while.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
Avatar of Rusalka

Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Yes, it is good to be back, and I am very happy that my lovely kitty-waifu is Co-GM and that you did not have me crucified and disemboweled by Tasmanian devils! x3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
Avatar of Destinyfailhorror17

Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Good, we lost alot but gain new so ya.

....well you do have to have a punishment for breaking the original rules.... -thinks- GO stand on that corner for an hour! Alos, why not go to the new thread? Its already up, you can meet the new peeps there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
Avatar of Rusalka

Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Will do! XD *stands on head in corner*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
Avatar of Destinyfailhorror17

Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Good, now I will be in the new thread with the peeps, poke your head there if you want to.

Will do! XD *stands on head in corner*

We are going to start soon so be sure to pop by.
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