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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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Gwynbleidd Summon The Bitches

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

The Black

A quiet chat with Thomas became a loud party so suddenly. First with the woman, and then the tall man with the gun storming into the room. From his accent he sounded Russian. The Black assessed him as the number one threat within the room, a hunter most definitely. A skilled one at that. Thomas had to be decent himself to get Deon so close to death. The Black himself had no intentions of getting touched by silver. Not today. Not on this night. He'd prefer never, but wounds in battle can be inevitable. He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a photo. Raising his arms into the air. A pistol outlined under his shirt. Tucked underneath the backside of his pants. "I'll be leaving soon enough. I simply had a question." The Black lifted the cig back to his lips and inhaled, while showing the photo to Thomas.

"Her name is Fayth." In the picture she looked quite different, but Fayth Morrow had a distinct look in her eyes that could be matched anywhere. She might be able to pull off the look of a sorority blonde, but her eyes told a different story. Matching the look of the brunette Fayth of the photo who seemed to be pondering and full of thought. "Just someone I'm looking for. Went missing a while back. Six months. Maybe even a year now. The trail has lead me here. All I want his help. Yes or no is all I need." He looked at Yvette and then the Russian. "The name is Jake if you really want to know."

"I don't want any trouble. Want to be finding this woman and be on my way."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AllIsOne
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Oh, for God's sake, you don't have to pretend. I know you hunters aren't as strong. She thought while observing him struggle with opening that bottle. While he was searching for the cups, Mori listened to the sounds coming from the bar, trying to distinguish what was going on in there. Since there was no sound of screaming, yelling or breaking things, she concluded that everything was alright.

With hidden disgust she took the cup Anthar had given her, and clenched her fingers around it, wondering how could she get herself out of drinking alcohol. She followed Anthar's example, and raised her cup high in the air, only to then lower it again, far from her lips. His particular facial expression was enough proof to her, that she made a right decision not taking a sip. If Jet Fuel did that to him, God knows what would have done to Mori. But since she couldn't just stand there with a full cup in her hands, she had to act quickly. After his question, she took a few steps forward, and landed her hand gently on his chest. She licked her lips while observing his, and then raise her gaze up to his eyes. ''Me? Oh, I just come here to lure good looking men into this room, and then tricking them into drinking that awefully strong shit of a vodka,'' she smiled temptingly, sliding her hands to the sides of his waist as she was slowly to hug him.

Anthar noticed she didn't drink from her cup. He was going to ask about it, but before he got a chance to she put a hand on his chest and said seductively, ''Me? Oh, I just come here to lure good looking men into this room, and then tricking them into drinking that awefully strong shit of a vodka.''

Is she just making fun, or was there actually something in that vodka? Anthar wondered. But then he looked into her stunning eyes and she gazed back, putting her arms around his waist. At this point Anthar couldn't think about anything really, other than Mori. He didn't know what he felt, if it was love or nothing more than momentary passion, but he didn't really care. The only thing he could concentrate on were her eyes. And then, as if out of instinct, he leaned in, cupped her face in his hands, and kissed her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Being intensely focused on this new stranger, he almost hadn't noticed his two friends, Dimitri and Yvette enter the room, both really calm for an odd reason. Though their presence really gave Thomas relief. In the flurry of mixed talking and threats being thrown around, he only heard about Fay which made him wince involuntarily and reply, "We have no reason to tell you anything of the like." Thomas replied with calm but forceful tone while slowly inching for his Silver knife.

"Leave now, and there will be no trouble." he replies to him while also motioning Dimitri to lower his weapon, "I really don't wanna do anything here in a Hospital, so just leave right now." he said all the while now gripping his knife all the more tightly, "Three versus One, you think you can handle it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


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Carlson was done. I mean, really done. He was tired, he was annoyed, he was just done with tonight. He was headed home, and no one was going to convince him to stay. Looking over at his co-alpha, he just shrugged toward the door when they made eye contact, and he left. He knew that the remaining weres were in capable hands. He had things to do back home anyway. Like toll out punishment


Her shift was nearing an and, and boy would she be happy to kick a few of these rebel-rousers out. She started cleaning up her work station, making last call and giving out the last of the drinks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tip
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Anton was breathing hard, and she cracked her knuckles. Fay's words lingered in her ears, "Take it, and you won't get another one..." That one free shot could be all Anton got for the night.. She was so far in the whisky..

Suddenly Anton's fists were acting of their own accord. Using her unnatural strength, Anton's knuckles aimed a blow at Fay's jaw. Anton was too far in, she would barely remember this in the morning. She could see the anger etching onto Fay's features, and got ready to run. She doubted she would get far, but she began to run anyway, not even using her speed. She was practically looking pain in the eye. Fay was bound to get her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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Gwynbleidd Summon The Bitches

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Fayth Morrow

A quick rush of fury and anger always seemed to get the better of Fayth. Storms of burning rage stirred inside her like a hurricane she couldn't escape from no matter how hard she tried. That part of her. That past didn't go away. Especially now when challenging Anton to punch her was not the wisest of words. But more unwise was Anton jabbing Fayth's jaw with a powerful punch. Anton was a werewolf, a former omega who earned the position for fighting prowess but lost it due to unpredictability. Fayth was the unknown who had only been in one fight between Jesse and another wolf who she battled off with ease. Anton had power. And despite being drunk, that fist still stung. The locked - now uncaged - heart of darkness shrouded Fayth's face with pure rage. Almost hate. Her eyes had changed from their cool sapphire blue to the unnatural violet gaze. The wolf was loose.

Fay took off after Anton. Quick on her feet, a burst of speed as though she were spring-loaded on the release. Anton was drunk and out of practice, Fay knew it. Tracking her and even seeing her was too easy. This chase wouldn't last long. The night lit up to a bright yellow, neon green. The wolf night vision turned on. Smell of booze and the scent of Anton leading Fay right to her and she caught up easily. She naturally loved to run and ran all the time. But it was almost a thing she hated under her father. Long forgotten scars that faded on her feet from being trained to run so hard her feet bled and she still couldn't stop. Also equipped with the tutelage of her father in both boxing and kick boxing. Knowing how to use her legs and hands to her disposal. An omega fit to be a perfect killing machine with the storied wolf pack of Alaska. And she was right on top of Anton now.

She leaped into the air and tackled Anton to the ground. Rolling right on top of her. Fay was quick to use her abilities and pin Anton to the ground and at last she clenched her fists. As her gaze met Anton's, Anton would be able to see Fay's soft gentle violet eyes looking down on her but with the look of a killer. Then something strange happened as the bloodlust inside of Fay was being unleashed. Incapable of holding it in much longer. Her eyes turned golden. "You miserable bitch!" Fay snarled. Her words still human but slowly shifting as the first fist reigned down and smashed Anton in the jaw. Then the left. One-two, one-two. Brutal punches. Her knuckles crashed against Anton's face like wrecking balls. The bones cracked against each other. And there was definitely blood. A lot of blood and when Fay inhaled the scent, Anton came face to face with the demon inside. Fay's eyes were blood red. Crimson flames of hatred, but not for Anton, something incomprehensible to those who did not know Fayth.

Fay let out a primal scream into the air. No feminine noise at all. That was a roar of a monster. Her voice no longer recognizable. "You think you're life is so fucking hard, huh?! You think you know me?" Her fist cracked against Anton's face again. "Did you think I'd be afraid of you?" Another punch. "You don't know what FEAR is!" And in that moment, the daughter resembled the father. Fear incarnate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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Gwynbleidd Summon The Bitches

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

The Black

Around The Black, any facial reaction was a mistake. Kane caught onto Thomas. Investigative gaze, a stare that cut through a man like sharpened steel peeling the layers of skin. Carving an apple. His mere presence seeping under the skin as though the person looking at him had spiders crawling on the inside of their body. "So. She is here. I suppose I'll have to be quick before she disappears. Fayth is good at that. Good at hiding herself. I suppose you know that already. And now you know what she is, but do you really? Of all the things I've ever seen or done. I've never seen a heart so dark…" Inhale. Exhale. Orange glow. Smoke in the air. The Black put his cigarette out on the nightside table by the hospital bed.

The Black's nostrils flared. Taking in the scent around him. Well aware of Thomas's silver knife. "Funny thing about smoke. When you smell it, you know a fire is coming. Will you be prepared? It won't matter if the flame is too vast. Too wild. Everything touched turns to ash inevitably." He stood up from his seat. "I'm taking my leave. I have no desire to fight three on one even if I think I'd come out alive. The only mistake is thinking that I'm the one who's outnumbered." The Black strolled to the exit of the room. "Have a goodnight, hunters." As he left, he whistled an audible tune. The beat unmistakable. A folk lore song made by hunters and wolves alike about the bloodiest legend of Alaska. The words whispered so dark, so quiet in the mind…

Once in the icy tundra the wolf pelts stacked so high,
No man had to fear as the beasts were forced to fly
But one night the blood moon rose, and so returned the pack
Cocky men packed their guns, never to be coming back
And the snowy fields turned crimson red from the night's attack
Hunter becomes hunted, and all fears The Black…
The Black… The Black… The Black...

And so soon, once he was gone from the room. The Black and his scouts disappeared into the night like ghosts.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After some time, Kalib thought it would be a good idea to head back to the apartments. Things were starting to wind down and it didn't look like there was any important omega things to do. He left money paying for his drinks and an extra tip for the commotion they had caused at the pub. "There goes the rest of my salary this week." He mumbled, a little pouty that he didn't spend it on other things.

Rolling down his sweater sleeves as he stepped outside, he noticed the intermingling scents of his fellow pack members heading somewhere. "Is that towards. . .Nah, they can't be there." As much as the night was dull, Kalib wasn't sure if he wanted to head in the direction of quarrelsome girls and get himself involved in whatever violent thing they were likely doing. Yet the thought still lingered in his mind. Should he go investigate even if it meant getting into or having to break up a fight?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tip
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@Dark Wind

'Oh God, forgive me,' Anton thought as she felt Fay pull her to the ground; she struggled. Her auburn eyes met Fay's violet eyes making Anton feel like crying. Maybe she even wet herself. Then them scary eyes turned golden. What the fuck...? "You miserable bitch!" The words came out of the monster's mouth so quick Anton barely heard them at all. Her fist cracked into Anton's jaw. And again. Again. Her glasses slipped off the heavily bleeding face that was being used as a punch bag. Anton could no longer move her jaw, and her vision was blurred by red. Her silvery-grey hair was beginning to come out in clumps. Crimson blood. All over Anton's face. Fay could smell the scent, and so could Anton, strong and miserable as ever. Then... HOLY SHIT! Fay's eyes were red. Blood red. A picture of hate... for her? Then she screamed. Not like Fay - not like anyone ever. Male, and boy it was scary. "You think your life is so fucking hard, huh?! You think you know me?" Fay's voice had changed, and Anton thought she must be going insane. "Did you think I'd be afraid of you?" Another punch. "You don't know what FEAR is!" And in that moment where Fay went insane, Anton fell deep into the land of unconsciousness. Whether from fear, blood loss or both, it didn't really matter. She lay with her mouth slightly open and her eyes rolled up, seriously looking dead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

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Against his better judgement, he followed after the scent of the three girls. It wasn't long until he got close to the dump. "Good thing I jog every morning." With piles and piles of trash everywhere, Kalib worried he might have a hard time looking for them. But then he heard the most gut-wrenching scream ever that made him screech to a halt in surprise and a bit of fear. "Holy Je- ! What in the world was that?!" Running to the junkyard's entrance, the omega cautiously walked through the trash maze in search of his pactmates. As he peeked around a corner, he saw his fellow omega hunched over Anton's body. Shock overcame him, it was like he didn't recognize Fay or that she wasn't Fay. But she was and that was the scary part. The stink of blood was everywhere and Kalib could see the red life coming out from Anton's head. He couldn't see Jesse anywhere but hoped she was alright.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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Gwynbleidd Summon The Bitches

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Fayth Morrow

Fayth's fists rained down. A torrential burst of bloody knuckles smashing Anton's face in. Spatters of blood flew across Fay's face. Her crimson red eyes, glaring with fury. Inside, the true voice of Fay was trying to reach out. Stop the monster within that was created long ago and through no fault of her own. A darkness within her that was designed for survival of the fittest. If she continued to hammer Anton like this, it was likely murder would be on Fayth's hands. Then she heard footsteps come through to where she was. The mere scent of another person was able to slow her down. But she threw one more punch for good measure. Spots of blood on her face, hands drenched in it. Fay turned her gaze to Kalib and for one moment, it looked as though she was going to use him as her next target. But the color of her eyes began to shift back to normal. Rather than her human blue, the unnatural violet of both sides came through. She looked stunned when she stared at her hands. In horror. Realizing what she had done. "Oh god… Oh god! No no no!"

"Kalib, help me… Please!" Her voice was a beg. So different from what she just was. Fay furiously scrubbed her hands together. "So much blood, so much blood!" Her hands ran up to her hair and Fayth couldn't stop dragging her fingers through her hair. Shaking her head. Looking at the point of sobbing. With all the will power inside of her, Fay dragged herself away and ended up curling up with her back against the other wall. "Make it stop, make it stop… Make it stop!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Physically shaken up, Kalib took his first nervous step forward. The pit of his stomach felt cold with fear as he made his slow way to where Anton lay. From where he stood he couldn't tell if Anton was breathing. But with her head mashed as it was . . . Well, he wouldn't know how to explain it to the alphas. "Anton?" He called, hoping to get a response but didn't receive one. His blood ran cold with the thought of his packmate dying by the hands of another werewolf. Blood reeked in the air, it was hard to smell anything else. Kalib couldn't help but stare in blind astonishment at Anton's body, his trance breaking with Fay's voice.

"Fay," He stiffly turned toward the only sounds he could heard beside his own heart beating like a jackhammer. "what happened here. . ." Blue eyes set upon the other omega and didn't move away. "What happened."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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There it was! The new town she would start to live in from on today, it had been a while now since She had seen a town and she liked the little lights and the feeling of a new chance to start over. She sighed and looked at the sky, her family might have been killed by a hunter, she but that didn't mean that she had to stay in control of the sadness that hung around the memory. She would find a pack, build a new live, and maybe in a few years become the Beta she used to be again. She would take her time and so she took the bag she had dropped on the ground, hang it on her shoulder and walked the last few meters to the town.

Entering the town, she looked around. She was hungry, didn't have much money left and didn't know anyone here. First things first, she thought to herself. A place to stay and a meal to fill her stomach. And so Vanessa went on a search for a place where she could get a bed and maybe a small meal for a little payment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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Gwynbleidd Summon The Bitches

Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Fayth Morrow

Fay, what happened? What happened here?… What happened, what happened, what happened? The question sounded out inside of her mind and echoed back. Again, and again. Nonstop. A deafening vibration of accusation stormed inside of her mind. Fay couldn't hear herself breathe. A faint buzz of guilt clouded her head. Becoming louder. Louder. Like a television set on an obscure video setting with static blaring. She couldn't even think about Kalib. With her hands raised to her face, all Fay could see was blood. Every inch of her palms stained with the crimson life of Anton. Bloody streaks trailed from the body to Fay. A paved road constructed through brutality pointing to the direction of the monster. All she could see was red. Grim, mocking laughter roaring from her past memories.

You're a killer.


You're a killer and you always will be.

I'm not!

Deny it all you want, but I've seen it. The darkness that lurks inside of you. Red eyes and pearly white fangs shining in the blackness. I made you. A perfect killing machine. It will always be a part of you, that monster. Because I made it. I made you and therefore I am part of you. Always with you. Lurking. Whenever you're happy or believe you've found quiet serenity, I will be there to burn all of it to the ground. Rip your friends to shreds and light it all on fire. I will dance on the ashes of your friends with joy…

Shut up.

Is that all you can say?

Shut up…

Poor Fayth. Always the victim. What's wrong? Afraid you'll lose control? Too late…

"SHUT UP!" Fay pressed her hands to her skull, rubbing her hands through her hair like she was trying to rub something away. The mess in front of her became more clear. Chaos swarming her mind began to dull. Soon all there was was silence and Kalib's question left unanswered. Metal trash bins dented and scattered across the ground. Garbage littered over the hard concrete and Anton's limp, bloodied body.


Fay staggered up to her feet. Shaky legs. "I-I lost control, Kalib."

"You need to help me, to help Anton."

She went over to Anton and grabbed her by her clothes. Lifting her up into her arms, with her superhuman strength it was easy. But looking at the blood terrified her.

"Take her from me… NOW! Take her from me and clean her up, you have to get her away from me as soon as you can. I don't want to lose control again. I don't want to, I can't!"

Fear engulfed Fay. Every part of her. The darkness hovered around her, a palpable aura that touched everyone and everything around her. A lurking shadow. Ghosts of the past haunting her every step and reflecting themselves in her violet gaze.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

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With trained eyes he watched Fay move about, picking up Anton and telling him to take her. He did. His bloody, unconscious packmate in his arms, he gulped down a breath of air. Another person's life was literally in his hands; he needed to take her somewhere safe. "The hospital." The answer rang through his mind as he partially registered Fay's words. He saw the fear on her face, so prevalent and chilling it almost made him want to panic too. No, he had to keep a cool head. Especially now.

"Alright." He said, his voice sounding flat as cardboard as it came form his mouth. It took him a second to move his legs again as they became paralyzed with trepidation. Making pace, Kalib started back to the junkyard entrance as fast as he could with Anton in his arms. He had wanted to tell Fay to come with him but. . . . But. . . She looked so scared. He hadn't seen anyone look so scared in his life. "Is she going to be ok"

His hand worked to hold up Anton and reach for his cellphone, independent from him as Kalib focused on making sure he was going the right way to the hospital. "Hello, Carlson?" Even to himself his voice sounded distant and dazed. "Anton's been beaten up. I'm taking her to the hospital."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


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Carlson answered the phone, and paused his keurig coffee making to hear what Kalib had said "What...?" He furrowed his brow "Who caused it? Was it a scuffle with a different clan?" He asked, turning off his coffee maker - he was only making decaf. and getting up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

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Vanessa walked out of the a little coffee house with a hot coco to go in her hand as she smelled blood and she knew it wasn't a humans blood. She closed her eyes and dropped her hot coco in a trashcan then started to run, following the sent of blood that clearly hang in the air. She saw someone pass her by with a very beaten up body in his hands and did take a step back.

Seeing this brought her back to the day her sister and she had been captured by some very scary hunter, normally she never would say hunters where scary but this one was. He was the kind that liked to torture his 'precious wolves' before killing them. Her sister had taken a lot from that before she died and before he would turn to the next wolf, Vanessa herself.

She shook her head and looked around, where was the one that did this? She hadn't smelled silver on the body so she looked around and saw a junkyard. Maybe there? She became careful now and entered the yard looking up and around. ''Hello?'' she said and then repeated saying Hello, she didn't speak very loud but loud enough to be heard by human and werewolf.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remus
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Remus the PKMN Breeder

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"No," It took his a minute to compose himself. "I'll tell you later, Carlson. I'll be at the hospital real soon; meet me there." He closed his phone and stowed it away quickly, speeding up quickly. It was weird, like some sort of horrible dream. Fay wasn't acting like she usually was. "It wasn't Fay, it couldn't have been. She wouldn't do this." He tried to convince himself.

As he got to the hospital, he called out for help, for the emergency people because he didn't know what to do. A nurse came rushing with a gurney and Kalib set Anton down as carefully as possible. Another nurse, form behind the main counter, called on the hospital phone for a doctor to come in from another floor. Kalib wasn't sure what to do yet at the same time he felt responsible for Anton. He walked alongside the gurney as the nurses began to wheel her away to another room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NanixErka


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Carlson sighed, putting his phone in his pocket, and getting to the elevator. he contemplated what might have happened in the time he had gotten home, checked on the pups, and settled in. Then again, his pack could get rowdy. He hoped that it wasn't as bad as Kalib had made it sound
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tip
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Anton was only semi-conscious, just enough to realise she was in Kalib's arms. She breathed in the familiar scent of lemon (?) which she hadn't smelt for so long. The brushes of his hair tickled her neck, and she fell back into unconsciousness.

Anton groaned and tried to sit up, but was sat down by an unfamiliar hand pushing on her chest. Her eyes began to focus, and she made out shapes walking around her. She was on a gurney... a gurney? Um... what? She saw Kalib, familiar, strong, walking next to the gurney as it was wheeled along. Glad to see a face she didn't confuse with others, Anton reached out and grabbed onto his hand.
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