Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

"MADRE DE DIOS!" Rickie exclaimed, before squinting at the nightmarish situation. Things were squirming. A giant dragon-monster-chicken thing erupted. And then something that could easily qualify as ancient fridge leftovers were crawling around. And incoming into Rickie, who was still levitating and flailing. He squinted slightly, at the creatures.

"None of you are Kirrian." He said, as an affirmation. But the remaining question was, what to do? Flee. No, Rickie wasn't the kind who fled. Gathering all his willpower he thought. Arcane words came into his head. He did only know some basic spells, namely levitation, fireball and a few others.

Levitation He snapped his fingers. Maybe I can use it with others? He said, as he began the chant, raising one of the undead, who then collided with another...sending them spinning together in a ball...

"hold on." Rickie grinned, as he then pushed momentum on the bundle...who then collided with other skeletons. "Oh it's like...bowling!" He grinned, he knew what to do next. He set his feet on top of the ball, and started flailing once more.

"KATAMARI. WEEEEE!" The fat mage exclaimed, not sure what he was trying to do anymore. But It was fun. And Awesome.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Ah, thanks." How nice. The person actually offered her a jacket. And it was just her size too.

She tried to put a hand through the sleeves, found out she can't, looked quizzically at it, and tried again. Ah, that's right, her size now was more akin to a professional wrestler. At least the cold never bothered her anyways.

"Sorry, I'm afraid these don't quite fit me."

And then the chanting started. It was simply one word, repeated again and again like some sort of mantra.

Judging from everyone looked they could hear it too. The ground shuddered beneath them, as a large draconic monster burst out of the forest. If they had stayed there any longer instead of walking to the village, they would have been caught in the destruction the thing caused just by exiting the ground.

The ground beneath her suddenly cracked, before moving.

"Stas! Get them to safety!" She managed to shout, bare moments before the earth split them apart.

Was this what they needed help with? she thought, looking in awe at the huge flying creature.

It wasn't really the time to gawk at giant flying lizard though, as there seemed to be a myriad of things gathering around her, most of them wouldn't look out of place in a necromancer's army. One of the more fleshy ones, dripping with puss and maggots tried to swing a rusty sword at her. Instinctively she threw out a punch at it, though it was more of a surprised reflex.

The sword shattered as her fist came into contact with it, then slamming into the thing's head, which crumpled with a sickening crunchy squishy sound. Thoroughly disgusted by the putrid mixture of goop and maggots on her hand, she shook it off and stared grimly at the other creatures that started emerging. From the sound of it, it seemed they were slaughtering anything that wasn't them, no animal escaping their deathly grasp.

She could probably handle a few of them considering her current form, but she had no way of knowing which one would have enough strength to swing a weapon that can cut into her skin.

Grimly Juno held her ground, as several of those things came rushing towards her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lotta Pumpkins
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Lotta Pumpkins I'm not a rapper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dusty froze up, as the voice penetrated the back of his mind. He slowly reached down, his thumb cocking the hammer of his pistol. He made no attempt to mask the noise this time. A drop of water ran down his forehead, as the forest stood still. He turned to see the giant thing rising into the sky and saw the trees wilting. He turned to look down and saw the ground splitting beneath his feet, and hopped to the side that the group he had been trailing had chosen. He was closer to the group, but not close enough.

He turned to see a hand come out of the ground, followed by a head. He pulled the trigger, a light fizz being heard before the very distinct sound of a gunshot cut the air through out the forest. Dusty's target burst like a melon, and he smiled for a second, before another body started to emerge. In a quick and fluid motion, he slung his musket over his shoulder and drew his pistol. Dusty pointed the weapon and fired, destroying a second head.

Dusty quickly assessed the situation, he had time to reload. He rammed a round down the barrel, as he walked towards a third rising target. He started to stomp on it's head, as he poured the gunpowder into the chamber. He turned to see multiple bodies climbing out of the ground. Dusty looked down at his pistol, and back to the undead...things climbing out of the ground. Dusty drew the sword from his belt, and took quick strides towards them. They were easy to handle when they were trying to get out of the ground. Once they outnumbered him, he wasn't going to do very well anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Ah, thanks." She tried to put it on, after a few tries, she stopped, "Sorry, I'm afraid these don't quite fit me."
"Drape it over your shoulders, we can't afford to have you..." He trailed off as he heard the quiet chanting, as it were distant, "Be sick." He finished, narrowing his eyes and scanning the area around them, the trees were dying at an unnatural rate. He looked at Juno, who looked at him, and the two looked at Edwin and his flying friend. It seemed like it was not an isolated thing, everyone heard it. With a thunderous noise, which caused Stas to crouch into a battle ready position, a massive multi-winged dragon creature emerged from the ashes of the forest behind them. The ground shuddered at its awakening and laughter.

"Stas! Get them to safety!" Juno ordered, Stas, lightning fast turned to Edwin and Linnea and dashed towards them. But he wasn't fast enough, the ground cracked and split apart, frighteningly quickly the section of ground he was running on sunk into the ground. He skidded to a halt and cursed, "I'm trapped!" He yelled, hoping someone would hear him above. The oval section of ground, roughly 20 meters wide and 25 meters long was too deep into the ground for him to climb up. He looked up at the sky and saw darkened skies instead of the blue skies that were there mere minutes ago. He thought of a way to get back up when he heard the sound of feet scraping against the ground. Out of the dirt walls the surrounded him came nightmarish creatures. Stas readied his spear, hearing an unholy whispering clawing at his mind. Unlike the chanting before, which had merely been present, this whispering seemed to pry into his very thoughts, attempting to drive him insane.
Stas dropped his spear and fell onto his knees, clutching his head. He couldn't make out what the whispering was saying, he could only hear three words. Grant us eyes. He looked at the creatures that were slowly approaching, mangled messes of flesh and bone. The blood that dripped from their open wounds sizzled the ground. They were slouched over, some with claws where the hands would be, some were crawling on all fours. None had eyes.

Stas closed his eyes again and tried to assemble his thoughts, but they were disrupted by the whispering. Stas opened his eyes again, looking up at what would be his murderers. Instead, a ghostly image appeared. A knight, wearing leather and plate armor, he wielded a familiar spear, and stood strong against the whispering. Stas recognized the man. And his spear, the one he had been carrying all this time. How could he have missed it? The Knight spoke, and the voice cut through the unholy whispers like a blade.
If it's hostile, you kill it.
And the Knight tossed him his spear. Stas followed it, and watched the transparent spear land right where he dropped his own. This spear was Cazavar, the Spear of The Frozen Peaks. Forged by the master smiths of the Frostvein Ridges. Stas remembered, his thoughts clear as ice. The shaft, cornel wood, the strongest wood in the land. Wrapped with the black leather of The Obsidian Bear, which had stalked the mountains for decades, slaying all who opposed it. The spear tip and sauroter spike made of the finest steel in all the mountains, masterfully emblazoned with runes of the ancients. The whispering was gone now, and Stas had one thing on his mind. The spear, in one fluid motion he picked it up and lunged forwards, thrusting the spear right into the eyeless head of the abomination who was closest. He slashed it to the right, nearly slicing it's head in two. The spear found itself slashing another creature across the chest. The black blood sizzled on the blade of Cazavar, but it did not damage it. Stas dodged the attack of one creature to his left, they were beginning to move faster, recognizing that Stas was now resisting. Stas rotated clockwise and planted the spike of his spear into the neck of the attacking creature. Stas remembered all of these movements, despite having never performed the techniques. Stas stabbed another in the chest, as it fell he caught a glimpse of a way out. A large hole in the wall, a tunnel entrance. He smacked an undead who had gotten too close with the shaft of his spear, throwing it aside, giving him an opening. Stas dashed for the tunnel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tricheus
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Linnea was distraught. Everything was already strange and confusing, but with the sudden onset of chanting, the humongous dragon, and the earth breaking apart, reality became chaos. Linnea tried to hold onto Edwin, but between the earth rising and falling she was having a very hard time keeping steady. With the appearance of approaching monsters, Linnea instinctively let go and fled to a higher elevation shaking with fear and adrenaline. It was almost a strange sort of excitement.

Linnea just floated there, staring at the chaos and destruction When she heard "Stas! Get them to safety!" This woke Linnea up from her stupor and gave her a small glimmer of hope, until Stas' cried out "I'm trapped!"
Realizing that everyone was fighting their own battle, Linnea knew she had to help, but didn't know what to do. Frantically looking around she noticed a good sized rock that she could hold with both hands. She dove down, picked it up and flew back up again. Looking around, she chose one of the many monsters making it's way towards Edwin, raised the rock over her head and swung it down. She meant to hit it's head but instead hit it's left shoulder and knocking it over. It was still writhing on the ground but at least it was not going anywhere for the time being.
Linnea could work with this. She flew back down and started picking up all sorts of rocks and small boulders. Anything she could throw one or two handed, she dropped into her duffle bag. Always looking out for approaching monsters, she would relocate to another place if any got to close to get more projectiles until her bag was full. Maybe even too full. The bag was much too heavy for her to be able to move around normally, but she didn't notice or think about it.

Flying back up to a higher elevation this time, Linnea started throwing, one after the other, trying to incapacitate or hinder creatures that were getting close to Edwin, Stas and Juno.
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