Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Nov. 1, 1828

The Multiverse


What is it? In theory, the multiverse is a set of finite and infinite alternate universes which exist parallel to one another, and together, define the entirety of everything in existence. That is to say, the multiverse is everything that science has only just scratched the surface of; space, time, matter, energy...

The first universe was the base of all others, though we know not when the first was created. Each alternate universe thereafter is theorized to have come about from a successful occurrence in it's history, an occurrence which split it from its base (or the product of the base) and gave rise to a new universe. By the extension of that logic, we could say that a universe is created for every choice an individual makes.

It's nonsense, of course. There are too many individuals in the world for each one's actions to have such a huge impact that it would spawn the birth of a new universe. Therefore, we have limited the theory of creation to large scale events.

For the past five years, my colleagues and I have argued heartily for the acceptance of the theory of many-worlds, but with no solid proof, we set out to make some. The slow evolution of technology has hindered our progress exponentially, but finally, we believe we've found something.

A radar, quite revolutionary, developed by yours truly, has keenly alerted us to the presence of something beyond the thin black veil of space.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning.

About three years earlier, we produced our first on earth wormhole. A swirling, gravitation-less mass, black in colouration, with a thin middle and two gaping mouths on the ends. We tossed in a friend's toaster, and waited. The mouth which swallowed it did so slowly, and we found that we had to encourage the floating toaster to be on its way. It never came out the other side.

I believe it is important to mention that there seems to be no gravity within the immediate are of the wormhole, nor a powerful sucking force. I even dared to march right up to the wormhole, only to find it was as though nothing but thin, coloured, air floated in front of me.

Whatever goes in the wormhole requires some sort of propulsion to make its way through. There, the toaster, which was quite inanimate, would have never made it to the other side (per say it could have). Rather, it would have needed limbs, such as our own, to swim through the dense, water like nothingness of the hole, or jets to push it through.

Understanding our predicament, we created a small but powerful satellite, DIVINITY, to maneuver its way through the wormhole. Paired with its own very powerful radio system, we hoped to maintain contact with it as it was absorbed into the black mass, which was somehow both airy and watery thick.

What a success! DIVINITY, that small piece of scrap metal, seemed to have found a totally other world. Blurry pictures detailed lush but dark forests and a dulled sky, with a barely visible sun. We spotted shadows of life, indiscernible creatures in DIVINITY's iffy focus, but surely creatures.

We're going to present this proof to the Board tomorrow. Before, where on luck was on our side, now stands reality and truth!

Nov. 10, 1828

We've been given the thumbs up to continue our research by the Board! And quite a bit of funding too!

Jan. 21, 1829

I am pleased to announce (or rather, record) that FIVE more wormholes have been created, each yielding similar results to the first. Life is copious on at least three of the five new universes we've discovered. The outlook for future communication is looking positive.

March 8, 1829

Something is not right.

March 10, 1829

I'm scribbling this down rather quickly, as there is no time to be detailed. *Strawberry's note: Always so says the character who yet continues to include detail. I hope the lack of paragraphs in this entry will convince of his haste.* This morning, some black gelatinous mass seeped out of our first wormhole. It was rather shapeless when it emerged, and its thickness would have been comparable to that of the physical feel of a wormhole. Immediately, its wormhole began to degenerate, slowly fading away, and leaving us with a creature quite out of our capabilities. We observed for a while, and then finally, it spurred into action. It must have taken note of us; while it maintained its black detail-less colouration, it formed into a shape eerily similar to that of a human. And then it attacked, almost swallowing two of our researchers whole, and going after a good deal of equipment. Finally, it seemed to collapse inward on itself, and disappeared. From what I gathered, there seems to be only one conclusion.


Notably, there was a toaster sticking out of it when it emerged.

March 11, 1829

The lab is in RUINS. That beast sucked up everything it could, but more than anything, we know it was trying to take a bite out of us. What's more, one of our satellites has observed its doings in (very luckily) a universe of one of our other wormholes.

The creature attacks and conquers and gains. It seems to be building intelligence whilst attempting to dominate those worlds in which it visits. What's more, once done, it leaves a wormhole behind. The thing can create wormhole!

We're not quite sure what, or how many, other worlds it has moved on to, as we only got lucky...

This our fault. If we hadn't been so rearing to discover new worlds...

March 20, 1829

Ok, well its taken us a small while, but we've come up with a solution. We didn't really come up with it, not on our own at least.

The wormholes are going haywire, spitting creatures of all manner into the lab, some sentient, others more beastly. We, with the help of the government that we've inevitably had to involve, have captured a few of these creatures and held them prisoner. We will hold them till we can stabilize the wormholes and return them to their native universes.

Our interests lie with the sentient creatures. We'll gather "heroes," call upon sentient beings from other universes. Surely if the entire world is threatened, good or bad, these people/kind-of-people, will help us.



So this is where our characters come in. I have yet to create profiles for our mysterious groups of scientists, but they will basically be guiding our characters on the way to destroy our gelatinous friend, who is, as of yet, unnamed, but consistently evolving. This creature is going to change and learn with each new world, and become increasingly insurmountable. And become quite the escapist too...I don't want to give away too much about him/her, but I have its "powers" fleshed out to the point that it will hopefully pull the rp along quite well.

Our character have been spit out from unstable wormholes and captured by the scientists and government of the world where all this drama started. Our scientists, being very crafty, have devised a plan to use the most sentient creatures to tail and hopefully subdue or defeat Mr. Toaster Monster. Our characters will be first called to the lab of the scientists who created the wormhole, where they will be informed and recruited. Then they will sent off, with communicators and another more advanced satellite to guide them through the universes as they attempt the search for the angry jelly.


The basics really:
  • No godmoding, powerplaying, the like.

  • Be respectful to your fellow rpers.

  • Idk, I've never been good with rules.

  • Especially since I just threw this together.

  • Like 2 seconds ago.

  • And I'm tired.

  • You know what, I'll work on rules tom tom. Let's move on.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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@Impaqt Over here ya goon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

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Well our characters have one similarity with wings, though they function differently.

However, I have to say, there is a lot going on with this character, and discernible weaknesses pale in comparison to everything else. Which might work fine, I guess, in Arena where you're trying to cover every single base, and its the goal of those involved to usurp the other character through some sort of tactical plan, but here, I feel like its a bit too much. If you can expand on her weaknesses, I'd feel a lot easier accepting this character. There's so much going on, I'm having a hard time just picking out one to focus on.

-Upper Body:
Потеря Небес (Poterya Nebes) - Heaven's Loss. The upper half of a set of daemon possessed medical armour, Poterya Nebes is Nataliya's main source of protection. The pain daemon within the armour absorbs most damage sustained and converts it into healing and shielding. The absorbed damage can also be kept as is and then distilled into syringes that are created by the armour for use in the syringe gun on the left bracer. These pain syringes contain a single dose of pure pain, and when injected into a subject, cause five seconds of intolerable agony

So is she mostly invincible when she wears this armor? Is it penetrable? I can accept her regeneration, but, while she certainly won't be killed, the overwhelming amount of protection she has just sets her up as a seemingly insurmountable character, including her regeneration and her biology. I don't assume that everyone's characters will get along from the get go, and if there are in-group skirmishes where characters end up fighting, I don't want one to vastly outweigh the other in terms of sheer power. Its not fair to the other RP'er. By that extension, I don't want our characters to be successful from the get go. They should encounter hardship and character developing situations within the universes that challenge their knowledge as well their physical capabilities, adding on to what great (or lack of great) experiences they've dealt with in their own worlds.

The homing missiles I can deal with, so long as you accept the balance that not every homing missile properly aimed or not will hit, whether from a misfire, or a retaliating shot. However this:
Also, he is able to directly affect the visuals of any fired projectile by simply making them vanish, or appear to have been fired from another direction, complete with the requisite sounds and sights. This power of misdirection serves to confuse and distract Nataliya's opponents, and is part of his skillset as a whole.

So, can she use these powers all simultaneously, with small intervals of rest between each power? Are they limited to what she is or is not focused on? Or do these daemons functions independently of her?

Plague Carrier - And of course, since she's made of disease, it means she is also very dangerous up close. A single touch from a finger infects a target with so many deadly toxins and pathogens that death is often confirmed, if not instantaneous.

So does this rule also apply to friends as well? Just anyone? Its very ultimate. Also, why is it only magic that works against her? Another things that's quite insurmountable to those who don't include some sort of high fantasy character.

To underline it, there is just a lot going on here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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@Strawberry425 Answering all your questions.

Yes the armour is penetrable by any high powered projectile. Any anti armour rounds, super strength thrown objects or punches, magic powered physical attacks yada yada basically anything above an assault rifle bullet can and will penetrate her armour.

And it doesn't completely block hits either. It absorbs a part of damage sustained, not all of it. Meaning to say she will still hurt when she gets shot, but her armour absorbs some of the pain for use as energy.

Her daemons act independently of her, yes, but they respond to her commands more than they do their own thing. If she asks, they do the thing.

Yes it is only focused on a single target. Forgot to add that in, whoops.

Any sufficiently powered attacks will hurt. Doesn't have to be magic. Basically anything above a standard attack will hurt her past her disease body.

That rule applies to whoever she chooses. Allies, enemies, it can be anyone if she chooses so.

A lot of this is up to my own discretion, so I'll put a limiter on whatever you see as too overpowered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

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Ok, well, so long as you assure me you'll keep the daemons and armor at an acceptable balance, she's fine to be added to the Character tab. So long as she isn't dodging every attack thrown at her, I'm happy. More than anything, these powers and they're use will depend on you as the writer to write how they are utilized, so while I may occasionally intervene if ever I see something too out of place or powerful, from what I know of you as an RP'er, I think they should be fine. The only thing I'd really prefer you exclude is the "touch her you die instantly" part. That ones a little too...well, instant. It makes me think of too many sad scenarios where characters accidentally touch and BAM some good guy's dead.

I would also hope anyone would reprimand me if my owns posts seem to out of line. GM does not escape the rules. You know the grand total of two rules I included.


Just gimme a heads up when your char is complete and I shall go and check her out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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Oh, she should be good to go now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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They're not world enders, don't worry. I specifically designed them to be used on a personal basis, not to take down whole planets and stuff.

I'll keep them balanced no worries .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Oh, and her homing shots do not have 100% homing capabilities, more like 40%. They'll curve around corners if she can see them round it, but to do full 90, 180 degree spins isn't possible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Impaqt
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I have a very specific character I'll bring into this. One I've been planning on introducing to the Arena, but haven't yet. I feel like this would be a good place to start him at. That way I can start him off less combat orientated, and let him grow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Do share, man. This is my character's first foray into RP as well. I haven't even introduced her into the arena yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Summer is accepted! Feel free to chuck in her CS tab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWizardLizard
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W00t. Let the adventure begin!

Suppose we should maybe notify the peeps who showed interest, make sure they know the thread's up?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Strawberry425
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Strawberry425 Proud Parront

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm off to bump the old Int Chk thread. I don't want to force people if they're not interested.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Impaqt
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@Strawberry425 I'm working steadily at my character!
2x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Impaqt
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The Wild Kitsune

Name: Hadyn Cole
Alias: Koan Inori
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Caucasian Human, Kitsune
Power Level: Powered - High Powered (May Vary as storyline progresses)

  • Normal Appearance:
    Hadyn's physical appearance doesn't seem like much, outside of his obvious physical appeal. Like most Kitsune he is tall and skinny, standing about 6 feet tall and weighing about 145 pounds. He is extremely lithe but suffers from a somewhat feeble body, because of this. Even in full attire, they stay light-weighted due to hallow but strong bone structure. His skin is a dark complected, smooth and supple, with narrow shoulders and lanky arms, with a dark black hair color and bright green eyes.

    Hadyn's left arm is adorned in various Tattoo-like body art, a dragon in particular. This is called a Kitsune's Okori. Some races translate this as 'Origins'. (More to be explained below) However, it acts as more as an impression on the body and not like traditional Tattooing, and can change as the Kitsune does.

    His clothing is more meek and conventional. Hadyn's clothing are light and billowy, held together by various straps and buckles. Adorning his clothes are various metal trinkets, bracelets and necklaces. Though decorative the clothing as a whole is conventional and allows for physical labor and work, while at the same time providing formal attire.
  • Avatar Appearance:
    As Hadyn begins to take on the Power of his Fox Spirit (In battle situations), Koan, the spirit begins to infuse itself into Hadyn's physical appearance in a variety of ways. Hadyn's natural hair becomes slightly longer and more coarse. His left eye displays a noticeable change in becoming a bright red. Though the rest of his face becomes covered in a strange white fox-like mask, with red markings. These markings become noticeably similar to his Okori, which expands across the rest of his body, changing into a ruby red color. His skin becomes slightly noticeably more thicker, while his finger nails, teeth, and other body extremities become noticeably longer and sharper.

    Those that can see spiritual things, will notice a wolf like shape covering Hadyn's body, which acts much like an armor. In certain situations, this can even manifest more physically, to be noticeable by all.

  • Hadyn:
    In true Kitsune fashion, Hadyn has an innate love for Trickery and art, in which he grew up with. Hadyn is much more timid than most, but easily amused. He generally follows his own ethical code, but will usually adapt to the morals of those around him, mostly for the sake of being accepted than anything else. As a Kitsune though, he has strong primal senses and reactions toward certain behaviors. Offending what a kitsune believes is 'correct' can make them evil, malicious, and disruptive. Behaving according to what they think is right, however, is rewarded with politeness, kindness, and helpfulness. Hadyn delights in finding a weakness in someone, and aggravating said weakness until others notice it. Immoral people find their weakness exploited so as to become more immoral, heading down the path of destruction. Moral ones may still be tricked or teased, in order to show them humility. Hadyn always keeps his promises. If he does end up breaking one, he can become self-destructive in behavior, and if someone breaks their promise to a him, they become deadly enemies. Hadyn can be very emotional, and his emotions can be a way to their undoing. Sorrow or guilt can distract or harm them, or even kill them outright. Hadyn won't accept help from those who are unwilling. If one wishes to aid him, they must do it of their own free will. He doesn't like asking for help to begin with, so the offerer usually must initiate. Aside from being emotional, he can also be very vengeful. He can lose his tempers in a snap. Once someone has the hatred of a kitsune, the spirit will begin enacting a revenge that can get quite extreme. Those who have earned the kitsune's trust, however, will have a friendship that can last many trials. Freedom is very important to kitsune. They don't like being bound or trapped, and will not accept being forced into something that they don't wish. Trapping the kitsune weakens it.
  • Koan:
    Koan acts very similar to Hadyn in most senses, though it tends to act more morally 'good', than normal Kitsune Spirits. For this fact, many who notice Hadyn's Spirit might assume that it is a Myobu. A fox spirit loyal to the Goddess, Inari. A rarity, specially amongst Hadyn's clan of Kitsune who Worship 'The Lady'. Although Koan and Hadyn are one, they don't communicate as much as other Kitsune of his clan speak with their spirits. One could assume there is some level of distrust between the two, though they work in harmony when facing a foe.


Deep in the country side of Avelyn, human villages were paved across the land. Hadyn was born in the Village of Minit, amongst his fellow Kitsune Kin. Though, they remained hidden from the humans that lived around them. The Kitsune were not shy creatures at all. They mingled with the Humans on almost every basis. However, Kin related things stayed within the walls of their own homes. The Humans of Avelyn were never fond of magic, and specially not those of creatures outside of themselves. If a Kitsune were discovered, it would mean the death of them and their families.

Luckily, as great illusionist as many of them were, hiding themselves was relatively easy. When the humans began to show signs of aging, where the kitsune did not as much, they'd travel to another village and blend in once again.

Hadyn was born with 3 identical brothers; Pau, Kuzu, and Jing. His clan was known for it's many male Kitsune, which would be extremely rare in other clans. Pau was a very kind-hearted child. Kuzu and Jing were mischievous and often in trouble for going too far. Hadyn was somewhere in between. He loved good practical jokes, as was common for Kitsune, however, he knew the extent at which it should go, to not be caught by Humans.

Because Pau was the Kind-hearted one, he would often be a target of his two mischievous brothers. Elders of the Kin learned in quick time, that Pau had not developed the Spirit of the Fox, and thus was marked as Human. Regardless, Hadyn had a deep love for his brother and spent much time with him were others would not. Humans born of Kitsune were often overlooked.

Kitsune were taught at a young age to begin developing their abilities. The three primary abilities were Communicating with their spirits, Minor Illusions, and Fox Fire. Hadyn developed the last two excellently, however, he found it difficult to speak with his Fox spirit. Being one of the easiest abilities to master, his elders found it quite concerning, though they could never figure out the reasoning. The only obvious answer was that his Fox spirit did not want to speak to him for some reason.

Over time, Hadyn developed an unbreakable connection with Pau. While Hadyn learned to use his abilities, Pau often watched, and as soon as he was excused, the two would wonder off into the village. Partially to enjoy the scenery of the village in the evening, but also to escape the torments of his brothers.

It was during one of these times that disaster struck. Kuzu and Jing had managed to find Pau alone, and began messing with him, playing with his mind through illusions. Pau found himself frightened and scared, attempting to flee, impaled himself on a broken fence line. Moments later, Hadyn found him and his two now frightened brothers surrounded by a group of strangers who were confused and appalled at what they had just seen.

Feeling himself overwhelmed with anger, Hadyn lashed out at his brothers, tossing punches. Several grown humans attempted to step in as Hadyn found himself immediately tossed back, no match for both of them. However, this only angered him further, causing a sudden surge of power in himself. Suddenly, and without warning, the skies above the village were full of fire. His Kin found the kids mere moments later, knocking each of them unconscious.

However, the damage had been done. The surge of energy caused every illusion and protection the Kitsune had in place to suddenly fall. It didn't take long for the Humans to realize what had happen and begin to retaliate. In one swoop, hundreds of Kitsune and even many humans would succumb to the raw power of fear from the humans. They were wiped out.

Hadyn woke days later just beyond the village. There was an unmistakable smell of burnt flesh. As he attempted to run and find out what had happened, a man reached out his hand to stop the boy. The man sorrowfully grabbed Hadyn's shoulder and in an instant, his entire life changed. Hadyn mourned for years after the fact, but his spirit somehow survived.

The man that had saved Hadyn, he'd only know as "Arsto". Hadyn would stay with the man for years, but he never learned much about the man personally. He just knew he was trustworthy. He knew that Arsto was a scientist of sorts, though the things he studied were often very strange. He had only ended up saving Hadyn's life by mere coincidence that Hadyn's Kitsune clan was one of few that produced boys. That was, alone, enough for Arsto to want to study them. Arsto immediately recognized Hadyn's abilities when he discovered the bloody boys in the streets of Minit. It was he who would then knock the boys out swiftly in attempts to quell the situation and save the rare Kitsune Clan. However, even he did not expect what would happen. He managed to sneak Hadyn out of the village before the slaughter began.

Suddenly, Hadyn found himself in the city known as Judicah. An ancient city built an maintained by an assortment of races, many of which Hadyn had never seen or even heard of. The technology was so advanced compared to the small world he had come from, he was unsure of how to take it all in. He wasn't sure how Arsto did it, but he was in a whole new world.

Hadyn would work for many years underneath the scientist, helping with his studies and learning quite a bit about the world in which he now lived, and others that he was able to explore. Hadyn's cleverness became quite an asset for the scientist. Though, the studies he found most interesting were ones of ancient empires that once ruled. The intricateness of their magic was fascinating to him. The most notable to him, was an Empire that ruled under the command of 'The Red Sage'. Hadyn found it's magic to be extremely notable among others, and spent much of his time studying them.

However, even the studies couldn't keep a Kitsune for long. Hadyn developed a sense of adventure, and outside of his new found work, he'd spend much of his day with many friends doing nearly insane things. Though, what he would seek more than any of that would be to find out more about his own species and what exactly happened.

Arsto was much help in training Hadyn in as much Kitsune culture as he knew. Hadyn found that not only was Arsto very intelligent, but quite combatant. He never knew how Arsto knew all the things he did, but he didn't ask either. The man was very secretive about his past, and preferred it that way.

After many years though, there wasn't anything Arsto could do for Hadyn anymore. His Kitsune abilities were developing in strange ways that neither could explain. He began having strange dreams. Dreams of other worlds. Dreams of strange creatures. Dreams of a masked man with strange music. Dreams of The Red Sage. He needed to follow them. Follow the Signs.

Roleplay Threads Character is in:

  • Clothing
    • Hadyn wears the absolute minimum he thinks he can get away with during normal situations. He has a hard time letting himself be confined to clothing, but he does. His clothes are usually dark material, light and open enough for him to not feel confined too much, but also not too loose that he could easily get caught on something. He enjoys wearing belts and various bits of jewelry that he develops an attachment for. His favorite piece of jewelry however, is a small white orb earing, he keeps in his left ear. He isn't sure where it came from, but he has an unnatural fascination for it.

  • Keibi
    • A 36" double sided Katana. Keibi was originally created as an Elfish blade, made to be light and swift, while packing a defensive punch against large ogres, that would swing hard. The blade uses a mixture of bizarre properties and magic that lightens blows used against it or hits with extra pulse, making it a very viable weapon as well as shield, typically for spell-swords that would use their other hand to cast magics. The blade was given to him by a group of elderly elven merchants who were very thankful that he had showed up in time to fend off a group of bandits in Neveina.
  • ...
    • ...

  • Velvet Pouch
    • Hadyn carries around a velvet pouch, magically amplified to fit more things in it's small space. Objects include:
      Various types of Multidimensial funds.
      Several journals noting ancient cultures.

Natural Skills
  • Foxhood:
    • Hadyn's natural body is much faster, more nimble, strong, and more durable than the average person, due to his Kitsune nature. He excels specifically in speed and nimbleness.

Educated Skills
  • Archeology/Anthropology
    • Due to his time with Artso, Hadyn had become very fluent and knowledgeable when it comes to ancient cultures and civilizations, as well as many current ones. He also studies heavily into the Nature of various creatures and humanoids.
  • Elven Swordsmanship
    • Being light and nimble in nature, himself, like many elves, his training with Arsto included many traditional and ancient elven styles of swordsmanship, specifically spellsword styles.
  • Fox Pugilist
    • Arsto's training of Hadyn also includes various Kitsune fighting styles as well as martial arts techniques in order to train using his fist and claws, which become extremely sharp and durable upon transition into his Avatar (Kitsune) State.

  • Avatar State
    • Also known as the Kitsune State. This is the state in which Koan physically manifest in the appearance of Hadyn's own body. This state is automatically taken if Koan feels threatened. Hadyn's natural abilities are increased dramatically, including; Strength, Speed, Defense, Agility, and Endurance. His natural senses are heightened substantially. While Hadyn's natural scent is very good, his Kitsune state can allow him to smell things several miles away. He also receives a spike in what he is able to do with his Kitsune's magic, where it is traditionally limited otherwise. The Avatar state also creates a physical yet invisible armor around him, that can only be seen in the spiritual, or in very select instances. It takes a fox-like humanoid shape.
  • Eyes of the Fox
    • Hadyn's eyes are able to pierce the thickest veils. Darkness presents no obstacles. His eyes are able to see through illusions and any magical or physical thing that tries to temporary create blindness. He is also able to see beyond the physical realm into others. Naturally speaking, he can see 5x greater than the average Human.
  • Surge of the Fox Spirit
    • Koan provides various defensive capabilities for Hadyn. The spirit prevents curses, hexes, and the like from directly affecting Hadyn. Those that reside in a specific area, or other defenses, natural or magical receive a spiritual surge from the spirit, that attempts to shut them down or over-power them. The Surge also acts in the same way towards toxins and diseases attempting to take it's course in Hadyn's body. The only defenses the Fox Spirit can't overwhelm in the same manner, is those magical, protecting against spiritual entities. Non-traditional weaponry and technology is especially weak to the surge.

  • Fox Fire Lv. 2
    • Hadyn is able to create and manipulate Fox Fire. A simple and yet deadly force of Flames manifested from Kitsune, even able to cut through water and ice. It continues to burn for as long as the user has the ability to control it. It does not act like natural or magical flame, so does not adhere to their traditional rules. Flame resistant items are still likely to burn over a small course of time with Fox Fire.
  • Illusions of the Kitsune Lv2
    • Hadyn is able to create small illusions, roughly no larger than the average person. He can make himself appear differently, or even create an illusion of himself.
  • Okari
    • The Tattoos on his skin, specially in Avatar state are magical in nature. Hadyn has yet to unlock their uses.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Impaqt
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Updated my previous post with the finalized version of Hadyn's initial Character Sheet. I plan on it changing and adapting over the course of the RP, based on events that happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Impaqt
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It's been a week, with 0 activity, outside of myself. I'll be backing out of this, as I don't see it going anywhere, sadly. Thanks anyways.
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