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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Alexander somewhat tiredly, that was certainly... different from what he expected. Although since he wasn't sure what to expect he supposed it could've been anything and it would be different from what he expected. Carefully getting to his feet he looked behind him to see his new familiar puking up the chicken it had consumed. A side effect of the ritual no doubt,

Wynn finished his meal and have a sigh of content. It was very delicious, spaghetti always was his favorite. Now it was time for dessert, he looked at the candies he had, something called a creeper. Curious he unwrapped it, immediately and much to his surprise, the small candy jumped away leaving the store. "Hey come back." he stammered somewhat belatedly and began chasing it. He had no idea where it was going but it was a fast little bugger, he could barely keep it in sight. As it rounded a corner he finally caught triumphantly saying, "Got ya!" standing up he saw a remarkably pretty girl with long smooth brown hair who looked slightly older than him. "Uh, hi there. I was just catching my candy." he said gesturing at the still wriggling candy as he brushed the dirt off it with surprising ease. "I guess it was following you or something, magic candy I guess." He said shrugging and popping it into his mouth satisfied with the taste. "So what're you doing, if you're still shopping you should finish up we have to go soon I think."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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testing autolinking: example.com
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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I was visited by the mighty one, truly an honor.

Testing Self edit mention, @eklispe
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Yash frowned as the Gator suddenly switched into rampage mode, its mouth lunged forward aiming to consume him. "Vanish!" he shouted quickly disappearing from view briefly as the attack passed through where he was before reappearing. Then he heard a loud crack and saw Aegis go flying through the air. A quick look at the party section and he saw Aegis's HP drop down to a mere 25% HP. Holy... if that gator could could 75% of Aegis's HP and Aegis was building full tank and was six levels higher than him . Basically if the gator got one hit on him he would die. Of course there was no way he would let it hit him. That in mind he un-equppied his shield as clearly it wouldn't matter if he got hit and it would only slow him down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Yasha'tatsu
Race: Bloodelf
Class: Paladin
Weapons: Sword and Shield

Divine Intervention: If an ally is under attack Yash can transform into a bolt of holy light and cover the distance nigh instantly, taking the attack for them

Holy Shield: Yash's shield glows with divine brilliance, blinding enemies and rejuvenating nearby allies, causing minor wounds to fade away the restoring their energy.

Guardian: Yash can enter an state of increased awareness. Time slows down and Yash can see his opponents moves before they make them. He becomes an unbreachable wall of defense moving with inhuman speed and power. However if he takes an offensive action this state immediately leaves him

You Would Approach Me?: Yash sanctifies the ground around him strengthening allies within it and weakening enemies.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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"Uh i was just retrieving my run-away candy." he was interrupted as the girl ran away and the lights began to turn off. "Hey wait for me." he called out following her. It seemed they had run out of time and since Wynn didn't have a light source and the girl had a flashlight his options were very simple
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Hadaron Brave

Personality: Hadaron is confident and its clear in the way he acts. He trusts himself and his Pokemon more than anyone else. Though this belief in himself can lead to him being overconfident and thus careless, generally it ensures that he pulls through any situation. Other than this Hadaron is a rather simple person. He enjoys both battling, and watching others battle. He is friendly and trusting, perhaps overly so. His primary focus is training.

History: Hadaron was an un naturally solemn child, rarely showing much emotion. That is until he met a Ralts on one of his trips into the woods that he so often took. Slowly he began becoming more active, talking more, being more friendly. His parents encouraged him to go to trainer school to better learn how to take care of Ralts but he refused. Everything he needed to learn he would learn on his own.

Of course he wanted to train Ralts to become stronger but he didn't think it was fair to ask Ralts to train by itself. So he devised a training regimen for both of them and together every day they would head into the woods and train. His parents didn't like the notion very much but they couldn't deny the positive effects that Ralts had on him. Soon Hadaron decided that they had enough training by themselves and were ready to go on a Pokemon journey and train against Gym Leaders and other Pokemon trainers.

Wanted Starter: Ralts

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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"Oh really?" Krysthane asked embarrassed, she probably should have asked if there was anything else before going. Looking at the automatic score board she saw that there was a second slot for this round that was blank. Well that should've been obvious. "Alright then." she said and retrieved her ball carefully looking at the lane again. She just had to make sure it stayed in the middle, one practice roll. Krysthane thought about her roll a bit more, you know if she threw it and it hit the pins before it hit the ground... Naw, it would probably be really loud and she might get in trouble.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Oddish and Liepard
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hadaron made it to town without any further incident though he nearly ran over a rat-like pokemon sprinting across the road. While battling wild pokemon was no doubt good for training Hadaron didn't think he had the heart for it. He would simply stick to gym and trainer battles for any training that Ralts needed. A
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Vargus got out of his car angrily. What in the nine was this? Dissolutions never spawned in these numbers and certainly not on the roads. His flesh golem hurled itself at the front lines the angry ball of meat biting and slashing anything nearby. He threw a hellbolt at one of their anchoring it to the ground and another he struck down with mage blast. The cursed things were everywhere. Dieing wasn't good for getting points and he lost waaay to much exp from it. As one of them leaped at him he summoned his fleshling back to him blocking the blow and bashing it in the face with his staff. His golem was eventually devoured by the endless hordes and it turned into armor protecting him. His guildmates fell around him as he attempted to blast his way out with magic and bash them out of his way with his staff. But there were too many and as his spells went on CD and the monsters overwhelmed him he was forced to wait the last of HPs leave. Oh the irony of the Ivory Masks being overrun by Dissolutions. Whatever he would just earn his exp back as soon as he got back on. At least thats what he angrily thought to himself as his body was pixilated and he was given the death screen. He sat back on his bed for a moment to clear his head, before going back in
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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[hider= New Disks: Double Darkness Duel]

Suddenly, the area turned pitch black. The duelscape felt different, like something was wrong. The men's eyes flashed a light orange. Their Duel Disks ejected a single card each, they both yelled "Draw!" and fanned their card to reveal it was actually 5 cards.

[b][u]Turn One[/b][/u]
Mysterious Men - 4000 LP - 10 cards
Cécile and Moros - 4000 LP - 10 cards

Cécile looked around curiously at her surroundings. This was definitely not normal for duels. On top of that the guys that stood in front of herself and Moros had glowing eyes. Who the heck had glowing eyes? "Fine, I'll go first." Cécile said as she drew her hand and spread it while staring at the two mystery men.

Finally Cécile looked at her hand and smiled as she placed two cards face down and grabbed a third card. "First I'll place these two cards face down, and then I'll summon this," She placed a card somewhat dramatically on her duel disk. "My 'Blizzard Dragon' in attack mode." As she spoke the white dragon appeared in a gust of frosted wind. "And that's it for me." Cécile said while smirking.

The first man smirked. "Draw!" he shouted, pulling a card from his Duel Disk. "I play Black Whirlwind! Now I'll summon Blackwing-Bora The Spear in attack position! Then I'll activate Black Whirlwind to add Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow to my hand!" The tall bird-like creature materialized just infront of the man. "Now its your turn." the man looked at Moros.

Moros was also perplexed by his surrondings. This was certainly unusual, maybe these guys were like part of a TV show for street duels and they added cool special effects. And those eye glowies made it even more obvious. They were totally on TV right now, this was super cool, right after they got their fancy disks and everything. "Alright, I'll just Set a monster, two cards, and end my turn." Moros said professionally, sounding super serious for the cameras.

The second man looked down at his hand, "Well, we seem to be in quite the pickle, dont we?" He looked over at his comrade. "To start, I'll Summon Harpie Channeler. Then I'll use her effect to discard one Harpie card to Special Summon one Harpie monster from my Deck. Ill summon my Harpie Dancer! Then I use Dancers effect to return Harpie Channeler to my hand and special summon Harpie Lady 3. Now I use my 2 Wind Winged-Beast monsters, along with my partner's to XYZ summon Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon!"

Harpies Pet Phantasmal Dragon
Atk 2000
Def 2500
3 Level 4 WIND monsters
This card's effects can only be applied/resolved while it has Xyz Material. This card can attack your opponent directly. Your opponent cannot target any "Harpie" monsters with effects or for attacks. During each of your End Phases: Detach 1 Xyz Material from this card.

"Now Ill Detach one XYZ material from Phantasmal Dragon and end!" He glanced at Cecile.

"First I draw." Cécile started as she drew her card and looked at it out of the corner of her eye. "Next I'll summon my Black Stone of Legend. Sadly it won't be here for long as I'll activate it's effect to sacrifice it and special summon one 'Red-Eyes' monster from my deck, and I'll choose Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning!" Cécile smirked as her monster appeared in all of it's dramatic glory and then shoved a card into her duel disk. "Next I'll play this handy card, Card of Red Jewel. What I do is send this card," Cécile revealed her 'Red-Eyes Black Dragon' from hand and put it in the grave. "and now I draw two cards." She said as she did exactly as she said. "Now by doing this I activate one of my traps, Return of Red-Eyes. Since I have a 'Red-Eyes' monster on my field I can special summon my Red-Eyes Black Dragon to the field!" The great Black Dragon rose in all its glory and roared at the two mystery men. "Next I'll play Swords of Revealing Light! Which means you won't be able to attack us for three turns...and lastly I'll place one last card face down and end my turn..." Cécile smirked at the two men with confidence.

The first man drew again.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Alexander spoke up somewhat annoyed by the guard. "Yes, we're training under Joshua." he said hoping the distinctive name would catch the guard's attention

Kosdar sighed, his brothers were so petty at times. "So presumptious the both of you." He lazily got up and made his way to the closest desk. "Never bothered, though I suppose you'll try to teach me." Kosdar asked knowing the answer. Neither of them had a choice in the matter, now Kosdar didn't know much about teaching but these circumstances seemed rather... ineffective for learning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Kosdar examined the girl with half-shut eyes. This human, she seemed... dangerous. She seemed like one of those female demons that wandered, tempting all they found, and in the end they gained complete control over their victims. A fun game of wits, but it seemed Zarios was already ensnared by her and Zarios almost hated it as much as Ruomahl did when he had things taken away from him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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First of my deck, so far this deck has both been in and won more matches than anyone else. It relies on sending monsters to the grave to pump out its KOSS with overwhelming attack points and using cards such as Lady in Wight or Royal decree for protection. It's weakness lies in banished cards and monster effects. It is rather consistent and if no protection is need KOSS can be given powerful equip card to end the duel quickly

Red-eyes deck, this deck relies on using set-up cards such as Black Stone of legend to summon big monsters from the deck or discards to get Red-eyes in the grave for several methods of special summing. The rate at which these monsters can appear may be overwhleming in addition to the fact that they wield several powerful burn effects, notably Flare Metal Dragon
This 2800 ATK beatstick can summon more Red-eyes and can't be destroyed by card effects for the most part in addition to a hefty sum of 500LP every time an opponents effect is activated. This deck can be used for formidable high level synchro and XYZ summoning

Ryu's deck, not enough information acquired for accurate analysis. This deck seems to rely on banishing a large amount of cards then drawing cards from the banished zone. It also uses mana counters, XYZ, and Phase shift summoning.

Scar's deck(Alexander).This deck is focused on getting spell counters onto the field spell Magical citidal, then summoing Arcanite Magician switching to assault mode to avoid destruction, in order to destroy the opponents field. To do this often a level 5 is special summoned, via effect like The Tricky, and Instant fusion, and synched with Arcane Apprentice to optain a copy of Assault mode ACtivate

Scar's deck(Megumi) This deck is a destiny hero deck that seems to focus on getting out Destiny Hero- Plasma to negate monsters effects, Horus lvl 8 to negate spells , and most likely a royal decree to negate traps making the opponent powerless.

First my deck, powerful counter cards include banishing or otherwise removing card from my grave. Monster of note, Nanobreaker, possibly the easiest to use counter

Eklispe: Second Red-eyes, There are several powerful anti dragon cards such as. Dragon Capture Jar. and Galaxy Dragon. While buster blader can be used keep in mind the two tribues which can be troublesome

Ryu's deck. While information is limited keep in mind Spell counter cards, anti spell cards, and last day of the witch to beat this deck Also Imperial Iron Wall may be effective here

Scar's Deck(Alexander). As this deck relies on Arcanite Magician an effective, if temporary stop is Discord. Last Day of the witch is also effective. Skill Drain can be helpful if you have over 2400 atk, or 2900 if in assault mode. Anti spell fragance can slow this deck down as well. Idealy Spell Canceler can be summoned and then protected in a variety of ways, Alternitively Horus lvl 8 can serve this function as well.

Scar's deck(Megumi). This is a complete lock down deck. Stopping any of the compents is welcome. Given current knowledge Megumi can't stop effects that trigger in the grave, therefor fire and ice hand can be helpful for clearing the field. Other than that the full set up is very hard to beat, disrupting it with anti summon cards and quick decks work well. I have very little for suggestions when fighting this deck except for speed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Nephene
Race: Beorc
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Class: Myrmidon
Proficient In: Swords

Features: Quality over Quanity

Strength - C
Agility - A
Constitution - E
Mentality - E
Skill - A

Inventory: Iron Halberd, Vulenary

Personality: Nephene

Biography: (What had led your character up to this point. You can be as simple or complex as you like; you can always develop over the course of the RP.)

Additional Info: (Anything else we should know about your character?)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Name: Hadaron

Age: 15


Personality: Hadaron is a cheery, friendly, typical kid, always eager to make a friend, and sometimes a rival. He's very hard to offend and likes a good joke as much as anyone.

Preferred Starter: Ralts


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Yash cursed as he felt the orc slam into his side, slowing him long enough for the other orcs to tackle him and cause him to crash to the ground. He had been overconfident, how unusual of him. "Infidels!" he shouted out and his shield shone with a blinding amount of light preventing the orc from landing his attack and stunning the two on top of him with the sheer amount of power. He surged to his feet horizontally bisecting his would be attacker and slamming his heavy shield onto one of the downed orc's throat crushing it.
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