Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor didn't know how Jack knew that they needed help, But he was thankful for it, He held onto his friend and made sure Donna was too. He coughed a bit and smiled "Ok never mind just glad to see you, I wasn't sure how we were going to get away fast enough," He didn't like that Vortex Manipulator, It never felt good to travel by either, he just knew that it was there only way out right now.

"Ready?" Jack asked them, He pressed something on his vortex maniuplator after he had made sure both Donna and The Doctor were hanging onto him. He was worried about how ill the Doctor looked. He then transported them to the TARDIS.

The Doctor groaned when they arrived and had a hand on his stomach. Travelling by that device when he felt sick, hadn't really helped, "I hate that thing, But for once I am glad of it, otherwise we would have been stuck." He though looked serious and he narrowed his eyes "I thought I disabled that after our last trip." He sighed and shook his head.

Jack was grinning still , he looked sheepish "I fixed it, I promise I don't use it much. There was this time I was at risk of getting stuck and needed it. But never mind that, Lets get you to the med bay," He helped Donna get the Doctor into the TARDIS. Seeing the sick look on the Doctor's face, he knew that the bathroom or a bucket might be needed before much else was done.
He could see the Doctor's back was bleeding and that he was very ill. "If your this ill, why were you even doing exploring planets." He didn't seem to worry about them visiting
him and was more worried about the Doctor's health.

Once inside he sets the Doctor on the bed in the med bay and grabbed a bucket, He was lucky he had as the Doctor was immediately throwing up soon as he was passed the bucket, He looked at Donna and smiled "Good to see you again Donna."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TenthDoctorFan


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Donna placed her hand on the gadget of Jack's wrist. Within seconds, she was stood in the TARDIS.

"Wow..." Donna said, her head going fuzzy. "Are...are we in the TARDIS?"

But there was no time to ask questions. Once Jack and the Doctor had finished their momentary chat, the Doctor seemed to quickly go downhill. Jack and Donna dragged him to the med-bay, giving him a bucket, to which he instantly began to empty his stomach contents into.

"If your this ill, why were you even doing exploring planets?" Jack asked.

"Because he's a stupid bloke, just like any other man." Donna commented, trying to keep a light mood above the Doctor's bad condition. When Jack told Donna he was happy to see her again, she rushed forward and gave him a hug.

"I'm more than happy to see you Jack, I had no idea how I was meant to get out of that place with the Doctor. If you hadn't shown up, we probably wouldn't have made it out." Donna admitted to the Time-Agent. "Do you know how to help him?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was coughing as he continued to throw up a bit. He was shivering and he muttered. Once he was done, Jack made him lay down so he could see his back after he managed to help the Doctor get his coat off and the shirt part of his suit. The Doctor winced and lay there, He seemed to be in a lot of pain and looked dizzy.

Jack swore seeing how bad it was and looked for various things to clean it. He wasn't as medically skilled as the Doctor, but he was sure he knew enough to help him, he began cleaning the wound and apologized when the Doctor cried from pain. "I'm sorry Doc, But you don't want an infection, you'll get even sicker." He was smiling a bit and went to find some bandages.

"Hope my suit and coat not too damaged." The Doctor muttered "Oh and ribs are broken I think." He gasped laying there. He let Jack tend to his wounds and he sighed, he had a nasty fever.

Jack nodded and checked his ribs before bandaging his middle tight and finding some pain killers. He was sure that the Doctor was so tired and worn down lately that it had caused him to get sick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TenthDoctorFan


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Donna watched as Jack tended to the Time Lords wounds, taking off his jacket and fixing the horrible gash that was up his back as well as tending to hos broken ribs.

"Wow, without your clothes on you can really see how skinny you are, Spaceman." Donna commented light heartedly, standing by the Doctor's head as Jack continued to treat him. She stroked his hair softly, something she had become quite fond of recently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was laying there, he felt so sick, when JAck was done he sat up and lay against Donna. He was looking extremely pale and lost.Jack goes and gets a wash cloth and some medicine.

"I feel terrible." The Doctor replied. He was shaking and miserable. He was coughing a bit. He lets Jack try to cool his fever down. He then takes the medicine. He is coughing as he does.

JAck was looking at him "Yeah, I know, I hope you are able to get better too, Do you want to lay in your own bed or stay in med bay?" he knew it would be more warmer and comfortable in the Doctors room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TenthDoctorFan


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Donna held the Doctor as he pretty much rested all his weight onto her, continuing to stroke his head. She makes sure he takes the medicine okay, resisting patting his back as he coughs due to the wound and his ribs.

"I think it would be better if he's in his own bed Jack, let him rest up comfortably." Donna suggested, looking at the Time Agent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was shivering and he curled up a bit. "Yeah... Think I would prefer my own bed yeah." he coughed more. He waited for Jack to help him up, his skin was so pale and he looked very ill.

JAck helped the Doctor to his bedroom. He saw the Doctor was wobbly. He tried to support the Doctor so he didn't fall over. He was worried, He makes sure the Doctor is laying down and then he lays the cloth across his forehead. " You ok there Doc?" He asked softly. He was worried about his friend. He leaves the bucket by the bed and looked at Donna.

"Hopefully that should help him," Jack told Donna. He wondered if they should get the Doctor some soup or something. "Think you can eat anything Doctor?" He asked him. He got up again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TenthDoctorFan


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Donna helped Jack get the Doctor to his bedroom, making sure he was comfortable and giving him a fresh set of plushy pillows to rest his tired head. Jack put a cloth over the Doctor's forehead and Donna made sure he wasn't too warm.

"Just relax, Spaceman, we're here for you." She told him warmly. When Jack asked about the soup, Donna shrugged lightly. "I could go and make him some soup, Jack?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was laying there, He was curled up in the blankets. He seemed to breath heavily, He was in pain and struggling to stay comfortable because of his wounds, He knew he was more comfortable then he was in the cell. His eyes closed for a few moments as he waited for the pain to ease down.

"Thats a good idea Donna, I think he does need food in his stomach." Jack knew the Doctor needed to get his strength up to help him get better. He sits in the chair and looked at his friends.

"I've never seen him this ill," JAck said. "Hopefully he can recover faster with the medicine in his system," He wonders how long the Doctor has been ill for and checks if both the Doctor's hearts are beating. He always worries about that and knows the situation may have put stress on his hearts. He was looking at Donna again "I'll stay with him while you make some soup." He hoped the Doctor could keep it down, He was worried the Doctor was too sick.

"Thank you so much.. both of you." The Doctor said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TenthDoctorFan


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"Rightyo, I'll go and make him some." Donna said, smiling at The Doctor. When Jack commented on how ill the Doctor was, Donna shook her head lightly.

"Stupid git didn't even tell me he was ill!" She told Jack with a humorous tone. "But, I'll go and make that soup."

And with that, Donna left his room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was laying there looking rather pale. He knew that Jack and Donna were worried. He hadn't wanted to worry his friends which was why he had hid his sickness. He curled up in his blankets and he moaned a bit, His body was shaking and he looked at Jack and Donna.

"Didn't want anybody to worry." The Doctor whispered faintly. He coughed a bit. He was glad he was being looked after, as he knew he didn't like being alone when he was sick.
He was sneezing a bit as well.

Jack goes and gets the Doctor some tissues "Here and of course we would worry." He replied. He looked at Donna "Guess thats him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TenthDoctorFan


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Donna chuckled before she left the room, shaking her head light heartedly. She loved her Spaceman. He was just a big softie underneath the hard Time Lord shell. She knew Jack saw that as well. Them two obviously went rather far back, she could tell through their mannerisms around each other. Deep down, Donna knew that The Doctor was in safe hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor used the tissues, he just looked miserably ill and lay back after. He knew his friends would make sure that he was ok. He sniffed a bit. He was rubbing his head a bit, he flopped back onto the pillows.
He coughed more and he curled up in the blankets.

"It will be ok Doctor," JAck replied. He knew the Doctor needed rest. He made sure to keep his fever down. He tried to push The Doctor back onto the bed, "Hey no getting up." He said. He knew the Doctor was trying to get up.

The Doctor was looking at him "But the TARDIS." He whispered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TenthDoctorFan


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Donna arrived about 5 minutes later carrying a tray with a steaming bowl of soup sat on top of it. She walked into the Doctors room and noticed Jack was trying to get the Time Lord to lie down.

"What's wrong with him, Jack?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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"Ah hes trying to get out of bed and check on the TARDIS and do his usaul, Don't think he should get up," JAck confirmed when Donna walked in. He knew the Doctor was too badly injured as well.

The Doctor was breathing heavily. "Ughh I can't stand laying around." He winced holding his ribs. He noticed Donna had walked in with some soup. He smiled knowing that Donna was looking after him.
"Thanks Donna." He sits up slowly and eats his bowl of soup. He was coughing a bit as he ate. He hoped that he was going to be able to keep food down. He was worried that he couldn't and he knew that would be a problem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TenthDoctorFan


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"Spaceman, you're meant to be in the bed, not trying to get out of it." Donna said as she placed the tray with the soup on the Doctor's knees. The Doctor began gulping it down, a little too quickly. "Be careful Doctor, you don't want to make yourself sick!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was sitting there and he groaned a bit. "I hate laying around." He was feeling rather miserable. He was eating his food. He looked at Donna when she told him to slow down. He hadn't realized he was eating so fast. He still felt sick too. He just knew he needed the food in his body. He felt weak and dizzy and ended up closing his eyes for the moment.

"I'll be fine." He assured her. He was looking around. He continues to eat. He gets half way and groans as he is unable to eat anymore than that. He looked rather pale. He wished it wasn't going to be such a mission to get more food in his body.

"I Feel so sick, I wish there was a quicker way to cure this." He complained. He coughed weakly and held his head. He knew that his friends were going to look after him. He coughed weakly.

JAck was looking at his friend "I know Doctor and there isn't? Don't you have any alien medicine that would cure this right away?" He asked. He was surprised the Doctor didn't seem to have mentioned any,

"They work faster than human medicine but not that fast, I wish though." He sounded drained.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TenthDoctorFan


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Donna could sense Jacks concern towards the Time Lord as she watched the Doctor squirm around uncomfortable under the bed sheets.

"There's bound to be something we can do to help, Spaceman?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was coughing, he curled up in his blankets and seemed miserable. He knew his friends wished they could help him more. He gasped weakly and groaned holding his stomach, It seemed he was finding it hard to relax.

"Ohh why can't I relax," He coughed more, He was sweating a bit, He looked a mess. He looked at Jack and smiled weakly "I'll be fine Jack, stop looking like things are hopeless."
He knew there was always hope. He hoped that Jack hadn't lost it. "There is always hope Jack, I quite like hope you know that," He was very pale and curled up more and groaned.

Jack was looking at him, he didn't know what else to do, He goes and looks for some sprite or ginger ale knowing that might help settle the Doctor's stomach "I just wish I could do more is all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TenthDoctorFan


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"You can't relax because you're ill, Doctor, it's just normal." Donna commented, standing wearily beside Jack. "You'll get better, Doctor."

Jack went and got the Time Lord some ginger ale, hoping that it would settle his stomach. Donna was beginning to wonder if the Doctor's illness was all that is seemed. He didn't seem to be getting any better. But he really needed rest.

"Jack, so you fancy a cup of tea, just me and you while the Doctor has a little bit of a sleep?"
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